Tune in to hear Maria’s very informative and educational journey to salon ownership and what her brand is all about!
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-- Maria's career started out in a high school program; she got her license and started a 1-year apprenticeship. After getting on the floor, she moved to DC from Michigan to work at a salon. Four years later, she opened a salon with a partner.
-- The partner wanted out after a year of being open, and Maria bought her partner out.
-- Maintaining relationships for as long as possible is key to long-term success.
-- WANT TO OPEN A SALON? Be open and honest with your employer; they may become your mentor!
-- Get classes BEFORE you open a business on branding, marketing, and basic business.
-- Check out SCORE for mentorship!
-- Salon deZEN is a salon with an “inclusivity” mindset. They want everyone to feel welcome and supported!
-- INTERESTED IN JOINING Salon deZEN? Apply online and fill out the form to help Maria get to know you. After an interview, Maria will tailor your growth opportunities and journey to you based on your confidence and abilities.
-- Follow Salon deZen on Instagram
-- Follow Maria on Instagram
-- Check out Salon deZEN's website
-- Check out SCORE for free business advice from experienced Mentors
-- Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program
The Hairdresser Strong Show is all about Salon Owners, Rising Stylists, and Seasoned Stylists sharing their experiences, successes, failures, and advice to inform, educate, and empower their Fellow Hairdresser. We won’t stop until we are all: Hairdresser Strong.
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The views and opinions of our guests are theirs and important to hear. Each guest's views and opinions are their own and we aim to bring you diverse perspectives, career paths and thoughts about the craft and industry so you can become Hairdresser Strong! They do not necessarily reflect the positions of HairdresserStrong.com.