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7 tips ways to upskill your first-time managers
24th May 2024 • Learnerbly Bites • Learnerbly
00:00:00 00:05:28

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In this episode, we explore the critical role of supporting first-time managers and the significant challenges they face as they transition from individual contributors to team leaders. We dive into the common issues such as imposter syndrome, communication breakdowns, and burnout, and offer actionable strategies for people teams to help new managers succeed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the Challenges: Discover the common hurdles first-time managers encounter, including imposter syndrome, difficulty in giving effective feedback, and managing their own tasks alongside team responsibilities.
  • Importance of Soft Skills: Learn why developing soft skills like delegation, prioritization, and communication is essential for new managers.
  • Remote Work Considerations: Understand the additional complexities remote and hybrid work environments introduce for first-time managers.
  • Seven Essential Support Strategies:
  1. Identifying potential managers early and providing pre-promotion support.
  2. Implementing effective mentoring and coaching programs.
  3. Setting up virtual peer groups for shared learning and support.
  4. Providing opportunities to develop crucial soft skills.
  5. Creating clear policies to guide managers in their roles.
  6. Establishing a structured performance management framework.
  7. Communicating clear business goals and aligning team efforts with organizational objectives.



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