Welcome to another episode of the I3 podcast, where once again we go Beyond the Webinar to hear the discussions that followed two sessions recently shared with the I3 community.
First up you will hear the panel's thoughts after the session called Quality Inside - discussing quality measures that are evident in IVF clinics across the globe and best practise- highlighting new technologies to help embryologists to obtain a robust quality control (QC) system for lab equipment and environment. Speakers included: Dr. Jean Popwell, Cassie Miller, Dr Mina Alikani, Dr Thomas B. (Rusty) Pool, Dr Gerardo Mendizaba Ruiz, Dr Michael Skumial and Dr. Alison Campbell and Ineabelle Collazo
Then you will hear the comments following the session titled ‘Mind the [generation] gap’ which focussed on showcasing the new demographic entering the ART workforce, the digital native, Gen Z and looked at how with an ageing workforce what will attract new talent to the profession and how best do labs work with different generations having different knowledge in terms of systems and process.
Quality Control in the Cloud
Watch the full session here
What was discussed:
- Cyber Security issues
- The impact that has in the lab & How labs can overcome the risks - guy around 7 min
- Security within labs can be restrictive - separate platforms have to be used for software that is being implemented.
- How you have to think about every way software is implemented - Hacking can happen through Ultrasound machines
- What could happen if QC data is connected to patient success - how Dr Google could act against the lab with a patient seeing data and thinking something wasn’t done correctly?
- You can anonymise systems
- Should data from an embryoscope be part of the medical record? Extra info that is discoverable could be misinterpreted. How sometimes too much information can be detrimental.
- Considerations about choosing a product that is customizable, so not everything goes to the EMR.
Now we’re going to hear the panelists from the Mind the ‘Generation’ Gap which was hosted by Veteran senior embryologist, lab manager and mentor, Dr Kimball Pomeroy and former embryologist and current educator Huey Huynh, Panelists Savannah Palmer, Toyin Ojo and Angela Regan and Presenters: Fran Farlie Radhika Kakula-vara-pu and Chloe He
Watch the full session here
- Discussion about obstacles affecting the LGBTQ+ community
- Questions were raised about climate emissions from IVF and the importance of labs being sustainable.
- Explanation of ‘Population Matters’ - Lobby group who are targeting students at Universities to think about their decision to have a family.
- Discussions about population size issues - the world population is 8bn people, double since 1974. The rate we’re expanding is significant.
- Discussion of how AI can help with more insight into Embryos
- The difference in software usage amongst generations - gaps in knowledge
- Importance of efficient databases/systems to ensure ‘user experience’ works for everyone, cross-generation.
- Issues around finding new embryologists around the world - retractions on people practicing in different countries.
- Better funding for pipeline of talent in the UK
- Importance of awareness raising of what Embryology actually is - to attract more talent
- Lack of societal perceptions
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