Episode 192 Show Notes for Dr. Horace Allen Interview
Christians who are determined to maintain biblical standards of morality are put on the defensive – and labeled as being “intolerant.”
Understanding the true nature of the world God created – and this world’s system – will help us to make the right choices to live God’s way. Amen!
There is a clear line between what is godly and what is ungodly. Likewise, there should be a difference between the standards of believers and those of nonbelievers. In His book, “The World to Love and Not to Love” Dr. Allen is able to give readers clarity about the dividing line – between the secular and spiritual worlds.
Dr. Horace Allen is licensed in New York State as a professional marriage and family therapist with a B.S. degree in psychology from New York Institute of Technology; M.S. degree in counseling from St. John’s University of Queens, and a D. Min from Andersonville Baptist Seminary.
He served as senior pastor at the East End Baptist Church, Brooklyn, New York for thirty-four years. AMEN! Glory to God! Dr. Allen is now semi-retired and living in Florida, where he conducts seminars, speaks at conferences and maintains his therapy practice through video and telephone sessions. He and his wife of fifty- two years have two children and two grandchildren.
Folks, help me welcome to the program, Dr. Horace Allen…amen!
I have to ask you, Dr. Allen…how long did it take you to write this book?
How did you decide on the topic of the Two World System?
Now, explain to our listeners how you explained “God created man in His image and likeness.” The way you explain this opens up so much understanding…at least in my mind and spirit…
You explain in you book, how Satan and his angels were cast down to earth…and you go on to explain that they are HERE, with us, and operating in this world’s system of government. I believe we can see the effects of their influence all around us as well. Explain to our listeners about the “Two Systems Under Which ALL People Live.”
One section in your book really caught my attention. Can you explain to our listeners what you mean by “Man is comfortable living in Spiritual Darkness?”
Jesus taught that He did not come to condemn the world because it was condemned already…when did the world become condemned?
Can you explain how, in your words, the “world sets its own standards of righteousness?”
On TV almost every night now, we see so called protestors, actually they are just rioters, tearing down statues, getting in the face of the police and anyone that disagrees with anything they have to say…This goes hand in hand with the section in your book that says, “”The world estranged from God seeks to silence anyone who disagrees with them.”
Now, that statement, I take it, that you wrote this section of the book prior to any of the recent events on television…correct? So, how do Christians counter the effects of these attempts to silence us?
I love the way you covered Capital Punishment in your book…can you explain why you referenced as a way to uphold man’s nobility?
What drives the arguments for and against Capital Punishment?
Can you give us some examples of Christian Living and Worldly Living?
How can Christians today turn the tide that has swept this nation for the last few generations, turning this once Godly nation into a nation of lawlessness and immorality?
Dr. Allen, I want to thank you again for taking the time to come on or program…is your book available on Amazon?
“The World to Love and Not to Love” on Amazon:
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