This is the nuts and bolts of what you need to begin your Divorce Mediation process. Yes, the paperwork. Here it is in a nutshell:
- Taxes
- Pay stubs
- Retirement Plan Statements
- Health and Dental coverage information
- Stock information and values
- Property deeds
- Life Insurance Paperwork
- Bank Account information
- Debts
- Budgets
If you begin pulling all of this information together you are off to a good start. Budgets are difficult; they are so important. It gives you a leg up to know how much you need to survive and thrive after the divorce. It will also better prepare you in your negotiations.
And don't forget to outline what your values are. Mediation is a bit of a compromise so if you know what you are willing to bend on (and what you are not)- before you actually sit down to mediate - you are better able to leverage your true needs.
If you need Divorce Support, or know someone who does, please contact me. I am here and I want to help.