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Public Speaking for Coaches Part 2: Uplevel Your Life Coach Marketing with Speaking
Episode 2116th September 2024 • The Abundant Coach • Lauren Brollier Newton
00:00:00 00:26:13

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In this episode of The Abundant Coach, host Lauren Brollier Newton explores how life coaches can use public speaking to enhance their life coach marketing strategies. With insights into developing trust, establishing credibility, and leveraging speaking engagements to generate clients, Lauren shares her personal experiences and proven methods to help coaches monetize speaking opportunities and grow their businesses faster and easier than ever before.

If you haven’t already, be sure to catch Part 1 of the Public Speaking for Coaches series!


00;00;03;25 - 00;00;27;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

Welcome to the abundant coach. I'm your host Lauren brilliant Newton. This is a weekly podcast about creating full spectrum success with a thriving coaching business while making a profound difference in the world. Each week you'll discover insights, strategies and inspiration to help you attract your ideal clients, facilitate real transformation in their lives, and grow your coaching business while living your purpose.

00;00;27;13 - 00;00;31;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

The true freedom and fulfillment.

00;00;31;26 - 00;00;51;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

Well, welcome back to the Abundant Coach. I was going to say, Well, hi, there's a great oh my gosh, there's a great Instagram like viral reel of this cat walking into the kitchen and literally saying to its owner, Well, hi. So, you know, for you cat people like me, I have four indoor cats. I always say I would have 20 cats if it wasn't weird.

00;00;51;27 - 00;01;11;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

But then I've been informed that because I have four indoor cats, it's already weird. So neither here nor there. What are we talking about today on the podcast? This is public speaking for coaches Part two. So part one we talked about how do you overcome the fear of public speaking and is it even worth it? And I think today we're going to get even deeper into is this even worth it?

00;01;11;26 - 00;01;35;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

So this is public speaking for coaches. Part two How to Use Public Speaking to Actually Grow Your Business, to attract clients, to do the things that you would love to do, to have income and the impact that you want to have. So we're going to talk about how this opportunity can really quickly grow your coaching business. Before we do that, though, I realized in part one I didn't share quote like I share a quote at the beginning of every podcast episode.

00;01;35;13 - 00;01;52;06

Lauren Brollier Newton

What was I doing? I don't know. So I have two calls for you today. First of all, if you didn't listen to part one for sure, listen to it, but to hoping that you took some action for part one. Today, we're going to talk about public speaking, speaking opportunities for coaches, how to get coaching clients. Let's dive into this quote here.

00;01;52;09 - 00;02;20;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

I love Ralph Waldo Emerson, my favorite poet, my favorite spiritual teacher. Just like I feel so connected to the higher part of me, to spirit, to God when I read Ralph Waldo Emerson. So both the quotes today come from Ralph Waldo Emerson, a great speaker, probably a even better writer. But he said Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.

00;02;20;11 - 00;02;41;04

Lauren Brollier Newton

I love that speech is power. I mean, look, we're on a podcast right now. Many of you are not watching a video. You're just listening to the sound of my voice. Speech is power. Any any television show, any radio show, any, like anything, is really about the ability to communicate great relationships, like speech is power. I love that speech is to persuade.

00;02;41;06 - 00;03;11;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

If you don't like that word, persuade, because if your sales to you or whatever, I know some of us heart, some coaches get weird about that kind of stuff. You're enlightening someone and the persuasion isn't like, Oh, I'm convincing someone of my view. The persuasion is helping them. I feel like for us coaches find more of themselves, see more of themselves than they ever imagined possible, and then to convert that speech will convert that person in the case of a coach to a client.

00;03;11;07 - 00;03;37;08

Lauren Brollier Newton

Second quote I wanted to share from Ralph Waldo Emerson. He said all the great speakers were bad speakers at first. You know, there's some people in your life that you will notice are just really good speakers and you think to yourself, it must come naturally to them. But ultimately, when you were a baby, you weren't giving a 20 minute speech like everybody had to learn the behavior.

00;03;37;10 - 00;03;58;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

Do I believe that there are certain things that we're naturally disposed to at a soul level? Sure. But speaking is something that can be learned. It is not like, oh, it's just a natural gift in talent. I took singing lessons for years and years of years. I sang in a rock and roll band, too. For about ten years, I sang with all the women of rock Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, all that kind of stuff.

00;03;58;05 - 00;04;19;13

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I took voice lessons from the time I was 12 years old onward. I was shocked to know that anybody can also become a good singer. Are again, are some people just naturally disposed to it and they just open their mouth and, you know, music comes out? Sure. And it is something that you can learn as you're pondering part one where we talked about getting over the fear.

00;04;19;15 - 00;04;40;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

Maybe part of the fear is being a bad speaker. Everybody was a bad speaker at first. My ability to speak is so much greater now than it was ten years ago or five years ago or two years ago. I will tell you here at the Brief Thinking Institute, our faculty, me and several other talented, amazing coaches, speakers, teachers, we are all great speakers.

00;04;40;07 - 00;05;03;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

I would say that Mary Morrissey is a great speaker. Matt Boggs is a great speaker. Our offer specialist often says that when she is working with us, it's like working with Olympians. And here's the thing about Olympians. We didn't become great speakers by accident. All of us on the faculty are constantly revising, revising, revising, testing, revising and we all give each other feedback.

00;05;03;02 - 00;05;22;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

So when I'm sitting at the feet, so to speak, of Mary Morrissey, I'm listening to the moves that she makes. I'm asking her for her feedback. I'm tweaking things in my own work. Every once in a while I'll tell a story. And Matt Boggs, who's the co-founder of the Coach Certification division, he'll say to me, Hey, I got a little tweak.

00;05;22;19 - 00;05;41;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

That would be cool. And then he gives me this tweak and it is so brilliant that the next time I tell the story, it just hits even harder. And it's like, that's what great speakers do. They speak, they keep tweaking it. We're not Olympians at speaking because we just woke up one day and we're super at speaking. It's because we're constantly evolving it.

00;05;41;14 - 00;06;01;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

So I just want to kind of add that on from part one. I know it's more of a part one thing, but really you're going to get better and better and better as you do this. So now let's talk about how we actually use public speaking as coaches to grow our coaching business, the power of public speaking. And when I say public speaking, you could be a podcast.

00;06;01;17 - 00;06;29;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

Guess you could be speaking at a BMI networking meeting, you could be asked to speak on someone else's stage, you could be on a virtual summit speaking, you could be in a small meeting, and you're the chosen speaker and there's four other people in the room. It's any time that you're speaking, as Emerson said, to compel to convert, to persuade, any time that you go out and do that, what happens for the people listening is they develop with you.

00;06;30;02 - 00;06;52;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

The thing that's actually required for them to buy. People buy from places they know they like and they trust. So first of all, they have to know you exist. How are they going to know you're exist? Just having a website is not enough. First of all, the likelihood that your website will be found by the person who's looking for a coach is small.

00;06;52;23 - 00;07;15;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

You'd have to have really, really stellar SEO for that to happen. You could put yourself on Google of reviews, which I would recommend. If you're a community coach, meaning you coach within a certain mile radius. But again, how many people have to be searching for that specific thing? And out of the list of coaches call you, right? So like, how do people get to know that you exist?

00;07;15;05 - 00;07;37;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

That's the first part of the no like and trust factor. If you are willing to speak, you're on every podcast, you're at every networking meeting in town, you're speaking on other people's stages, you're doing summits, you're doing whatever. So many more people. So I could speak in front of 100 people now, 100 people know me. 100 people are Googling life coach Cody, Wyoming in a day, I can guarantee you that.

00;07;37;21 - 00;08;11;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

So it just gives me so much exposure that people know I exist now. The no factor, the like factor. I want to be very clear about this. It doesn't mean that everybody's going to like you and you're not trying to get everybody to like you to like factor is that they get to see you enough. You tell a joke at the beginning of your speech or you are connecting with them or something that goes, Oh, I like this person that comes from, yes, being a good speaker, but from transparency and authenticity, even expertise can create the like.

00;08;11;21 - 00;08;33;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

So they like you, they know you, they like you. And part of the like just comes from delivering what you promise. Being authentic in your presenting skills. And then the trust comes from what you're speaking about and showing that you have a level of expertise on the topic. You don't have to be the greatest expert in the world, but do you know a little bit more than what the audience knows about this topic?

00;08;33;24 - 00;08;47;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

And if you're a life coach, the answer is yes. If you're a health coach, the answer is yes. If you're a real estate coach, the answer's yes. If you're business coach, you're going to know more than your audience. And that's where the trust factor comes in is, Oh, this person can help me with the things that they know that I don't know.

00;08;47;14 - 00;09;14;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

So if you're upspeak, think about giving a 30 minute workshop. They've had 30 minutes to learn to like you and trust you. I'm having a baby. And so I've been purchasing my husband and I, and we've got a million guests. We have like the most wonderful friends and community we have for baby showers. So generous and when I was selecting things for my baby registry, I was selecting names I knew.

00;09;14;13 - 00;09;34;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

So if I had the choice between Fisher Price and a new brand, I was finding myself gravitating toward Fisher Price or the highchair I bought was a Graco Graco, that brand highchair. And I was thinking to myself, This is so interesting. I don't know that that brand is better than the newer brands that I don't recognize the name of.

00;09;34;12 - 00;10;04;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

I'm gravitating toward it because I know it and I know it because I had Fisher Price when I was a kid and it's been put in front of me and it's a recognizable name. So if you think about this trend transitions to your coaching business, You give a presentation, someone comes to watch, let's say at your local BNI meeting or some local chapter of a women's group, or you go on a podcast or something like that and someone listens to you for an hour, they know you better than than the unknown brand.

00;10;04;00 - 00;10;21;00

Lauren Brollier Newton

Now, in other words, if they're looking for a coach and they just heard you, the likelihood that they pick you rather than going to some cold Google ad is going to be way higher because they've got to know you. They've and over that time they've got to like you and maybe even trust you in the time you had with them.

00;10;21;02 - 00;10;45;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that's number one. Why does this work to grow your coaching business? Because it's a fast, fast way to develop know, like and trust factor. The other reason that this does really well with the coaching business is because during your speaking you can invite people with a call to action to take a next step with you. So I want to just give you an example of how a speaking engagement might work for a coach.

00;10;45;20 - 00;11;16;20

Lauren Brollier Newton

aching, it was probably early:

00;11;16;20 - 00;11;36;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

So if you have a real estate office or you have a such and such, you know, I would love to come speak to your group and just motivate them to reach their goals and reach their dreams. So at the end of that meeting, one of the gals who's since become a wonderful client and friend, but one of the gals in my networking group said I have a little mastermind group that meets.

00;11;36;09 - 00;11;52;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

I don't know if she said once a week or every other week or whatever it was. I have a mastermind group that meets once a week. There's about five or six of us. Would you like to come and give this workshop to my group? I said, Absolutely. And we plan on giving a 30 minute presentation just about helping them reach their goals.

00;11;52;10 - 00;12;16;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

Okay, great. So that day, I think there were four, maybe five people in the mastermind group, Max. So if you've been sitting here listening to me say words like speaking engagements and public speaking and thinking, it has to be a stadium full of people or thousands of people, that is not so. So this was a small group. I like I said, at the max, there would have been five people.

00;12;16;28 - 00;12;49;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

I actually think there were four people there. And I give this 30 minute presentation at the end of the presentation. This is so important. At the end of the presentation, I say, or toward the end, if you're listening to this and you're thinking that you would love some additional visioning support, because I always teach people to write a vision and know what actions to take in to personalize everything we did today to you, I am going to give you a free session with me to just ground everything we did today.

00;12;49;24 - 00;13;09;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then if you want additional support moving forward, we can always talk about this. But mainly I want you to have something on your calendar where I can support you in reaching your goals. So I give that offer to four people. All four of those people take me up on the free session. So notice I didn't charge a speaker's fee for this.

00;13;09;12 - 00;13;28;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

I wasn't getting paid to speak because ultimately, yeah, could I? So it's 500 bucks for me to come in and give a what, 30 minute workshop or 250 bucks in those days. You know, I was a cheap date in those days. I could have done that. Yeah, but wait till you hear the result that comes from this model which I'm sharing about, about how to monetize a speaking engagement.

00;13;28;25 - 00;13;46;03

Lauren Brollier Newton

So four people take the session. One of the guys that was there asked me later, and I don't think he said it at that moment, but he asked me later. He said, You know, I've been thinking a lot about your presentation. I think it's awesome. I would like my wife to experience this. Is there any way that you could give her a free session?

00;13;46;06 - 00;14;04;14

Lauren Brollier Newton

And I said I absolutely would be willing to give her a free session. However, she has to want it in other words, you can't be wanting it for her if she's interested in it. I'd love to give her free session, but we don't want to drag anybody into life coaching. If that's not something that feels good to them, He said, No, she's totally in.

00;14;04;16 - 00;14;28;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

So of those five sessions that I had only one in that instance, in that moment became a client and that was his wife. And when I talked to her on the phone and I could see what she was struggling with, I knew I could help her. That client became a wonderful friend, a wonderful client, a wonderful referral partner.

00;14;28;28 - 00;14;45;17

Lauren Brollier Newton

Another gal that was there, she didn't become a client right away. She had a session. She said no. But then she came back. So two ladies out of five enrolled in my coaching programs. Okay, so let me get out my calculator and see what percentage of people in the room is that? I don't know how to divide it by five.

00;14;45;17 - 00;15;18;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

was probably charging around:

00;15;18;22 - 00;15;47;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then on that session, offering those clients to take the next step. And like I said, two said yes, three said no. Great. But here's the next powerful thing about this. So I enrolled these two clients, one right away and one It took a little while, but she came back. I worked with both of these ladies as their coach until I left my company to come here to break Thinking Institute five years, I had the privilege and honor of working with them, and they have re-enrolled every year, oftentimes at my highest levels.

00;15;48;00 - 00;16;14;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

The other amazing thing about that, speaking engagement is that because I've formed such deep relationships with those two ladies who became my friends, who were my clients, they referred me to dozens of people. And when I calculated just their enrollments plus their referrals and other people they knew and referrals that they gave me over time, I generated $300,000 worth of revenue from that speaking engagement.

00;16;14;18 - 00;16;38;18

Lauren Brollier Newton

Those two plus the people they referred to me and then the people those people referred to me generated more than $300,000. I think that shows you the power of speaking. And I have dozens, dozens of examples now. Does every single speaking engagement generate that? No, I've had speaking engagements where there's crickets. Like literally I give the best speech of my life.

00;16;38;18 - 00;16;58;10

Lauren Brollier Newton

I feel like or the best workshop or presentation and nothing happens. And I'm like, What the heck? And there's way more people in the room, you know? But I've had dozens of ones just like this go and give a presentation, hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue because you just found a match with people who fell in love with you that day.

00;16;58;17 - 00;17;24;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

And because they knew you could help them, they knew you were real. It's so powerful. I generated about $4 million in my company in the five ish years that I was owning my own company. Of that, 95% of everything came from speaking, giving workshops that I hosted and then speaking on other people's stages, like at this mastermind group.

00;17;24;24 - 00;17;49;23

Lauren Brollier Newton

So that's how you monetize it. It's not about the speaker's fee. In fact, the late great Jim Rome, one of one of the pioneers of personal development, he trained Tony Robbins, he trained Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn, one of his people close to him, said that he realized when he was older that he could have monetized his speaking so much better because he would take the speaker's fee.

00;17;49;25 - 00;18;06;29

Lauren Brollier Newton

So let's say he goes and speaks at a big convention. Let's say they pay him $5,000 if he would have taken the speaker's fee, but also said, hey, to your audience, can I offer free sessions or can I offer a freebie? And then he could convert those people to clients. He would have made it ten times, maybe 100 times what he made.

00;18;07;02 - 00;18;30;11

Lauren Brollier Newton

So again, it's not about the speaker's fee here. It is not about the speaker's fee. It is about the conversion to client from the speaking engagement. You might be wondering, how do you find these speaking engagements? Well, it doesn't necessarily depend on what your client attraction pathway is, but it's sort of done. So let me let me briefly go over that.

00;18;30;14 - 00;18;55;24

Lauren Brollier Newton

I always say there's two client attraction pathways you can take as a coach. You can take the community pathway, which is becoming a coach for your greater radius of where you live. So for example, when I started coaching, I lived in Half Moon Bay, California. It's a small beach town outside of San Francisco, and I worked Half Moon Bay and that whole coastline and the surrounding area, let's say 20 mile radius.

00;18;55;26 - 00;19;15;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so I was known as the like if someone was like, Hey, you know, life coach. I was pretty well known in that area because I networked all over that area. I did speak engagements, all of that area. I put myself out there in that area. I hosted my own workshops. So I was the coach of that area in the San Francisco Bay area.

00;19;15;10 - 00;19;46;19

Lauren Brollier Newton

The alternate client attraction pathway is an online pathway where you primarily use technology, social media paid ad traffic to generate interested people that you can then convert to clients On both these pathways you can absolutely use speaking to grow your business and the community pathway you're looking for in-person and speaking engagements or things in your area. If they are online speaking engagements like podcasts and things like that, you might be looking more in your own area and that's the community attraction pathway.

00;19;46;21 - 00;20;18;05

Lauren Brollier Newton

If you're building online, yours is all about going live on social media, posting videos and doing online speaking engagements like podcasts, summits, things of that nature. How do you find these stages, whether they're virtual or rather they're these in-person community stages? All you have to do is Google, Google Women's Group, San Francisco business group, Half Moon Bay networking group, Half Moon Bay.

00;20;18;07 - 00;20;42;28

Lauren Brollier Newton

And you'll start to see all these people who meet that are already have audiences. You could even Google like Summit, like a leadership summit or, you know, some kind of a summit in that area. If you're more of an online coach, just start Googling summits, podcasts, virtual stages, Just start Googling every possible thing, conferences, online conferences. So you start Googling it.

00;20;43;01 - 00;21;04;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

You will find thousands of places where people are gathering, whether it's on virtual stages, whether it's in-person, any of those things, you will find just so many and then you start reaching out to them. Hi, I would love to serve your audience just like I did when I got up at that BMI meeting where I got that mastermind speaking gig.

00;21;04;24 - 00;21;30;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

Here's what I do. I help people reach their goals. I help motivate teams. I help people achieve their dreams. I'm happy to come in and give a presentation. If you believe that would serve your group view. Now just know this. You might have to call ten to get one. So I don't want you to feel discouraged if you if you invite yourself to one place and they say, No, we're not going to get distracted by that, you're probably going to have to call ten to get one or reach out to ten to get one.

00;21;30;19 - 00;21;48;25

Lauren Brollier Newton

And so you just start reaching out. I wouldn't care in the beginning if I were you, I would not care if it's a small stage. Look at how a group of four people meeting in a mastermind generated me over $300,000 in revenue over the course of time. So I would not get concerned about the size of the audience when you're first beginning.

00;21;48;27 - 00;22;13;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

But what you do want to be very cognizant of is when you are a speaker, whether it's in person, online, summit conference, whatever it is, you're going to want to know what you're offering. If you're going to give the free session, you're going to want to be prepared to say that toward the end of your talk, whether you're online or in person, and you're going to want to be prepared of how do they take you up on that free session that gets them to take it today?

00;22;14;00 - 00;22;35;21

Lauren Brollier Newton

It's not like, oh, someday I go to my counseling and there's always 500 spots on there. It's like, no, how do they take advantage of this offer today? What gets them to act today? That's what you're going to want to be working with. The other thing that you can do, if you want to get even more specific about the speaking engagement, what audience is you're going to choose to talk to.

00;22;35;23 - 00;23;03;02

Lauren Brollier Newton

I didn't have a niche other than I was the coach for that part of the San Francisco coastline and peninsula that I was working. That was my niche. If you're a community coach, the great thing is you don't even need a niche. The community becomes your niche. But I started to see over time that the people who were most attracted to my work were female professionals, so they could be entrepreneurs or realtors, insurance agents, sales people.

00;23;03;02 - 00;23;21;27

Lauren Brollier Newton

But I even had lawyers and professionals, accountants, therapists, things like that. So professional women really became my niche. And if I, if I really looked at my clientele, they're pretty much professional women over 40, although I didn't say like I'm the coach for people over 40, I don't believe we have to niche that much. But working women, professional women.

00;23;21;29 - 00;23;43;26

Lauren Brollier Newton

I started to get more discerning about what I was looking for in terms of speaking engagements. So when I saw that I mostly worked with professional women, I started to look for speaking engagements that were an audience of professional women. So I would look at women's conferences. I was look, I would look at real estate conferences, I would look at real estate offices, I would look at accounting conferences.

00;23;43;26 - 00;24;06;12

Lauren Brollier Newton

I would look at leadership conferences for women. Where were professional women gathering podcasts for professional women? And then I would start reaching out to them. And I had some great success with that. Like I worked with a real estate, a very wonderful luxury real estate company in Northern California, and met a lot. I didn't meet all female clients, but that was my goal in reaching out to them.

00;24;06;12 - 00;24;31;07

Lauren Brollier Newton

And then I met wonderful, wonderful, full clients who I worked with for years. I got to go to the University of Florida and speak at their Inspiring Women Leaders conference because I was looking for places that my clients gathered. So that's how you been speaking engagements. And that's the opportunity to convert to clients that you can generate thousands of dollars from one speaking engagement.

00;24;31;09 - 00;24;57;09

Lauren Brollier Newton

And like I said, it would take months for that many Google searches of people reaching out to you or whatever it is, it would take thousand and thousands of visitors to your website to convert to that number of clients with one speaking engagement. That is what I would like for you to focus on now. Now that you've taken Part one and gotten over the fear, now let's start reaching out to some places that have your specific coaching niche.

00;24;57;09 - 00;25;19;15

Lauren Brollier Newton

I don't think we need to get that niche down, but you can just start reaching out to places If you haven't yet become a coach and you're thinking to yourself, I want to know what to speak about and how to do this and how to build. And I need to get certified in something. If you're the coach who's still getting your feet wet in this industry, please visit us.

00;25;19;15 - 00;25;42;22

Lauren Brollier Newton

You can go to BTR Icon slash Masterclass. I teach seven steps to building a successful coaching business and that's a great deeper way to get started. So definitely reach out to me us here at Brief Thinking Institute because we'd be happy to help you get started. So you've got an action to take. What step are you going to take toward monetizing your business in a way that is tried and true that we know works?

00;25;42;24 - 00;26;09;16

Lauren Brollier Newton

All right. I love you all very much and I will see you on the next episode. Thanks for joining me this week on The Abundant Coach. Visit our Web site at Brave Thinking Institute dot com slash coach Dash certification and where you can dive even deeper with additional resources and exciting opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcast so you'll never miss an episode.

00;26;09;18 - 00;26;28;01

Lauren Brollier Newton

And while you're at it, if you loved the show, please rate and review to find out how to jump start your abundant coaching career and more about my journey to seven Figure coach. Check out our Free Meant to Be a Life Coach quiz available at Beat Icon slash Coach Quiz. I'll see you in the next episode.





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