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TAP 151 Meet Ben Brady America's #1 Real Estate Auctioneer
Episode 15126th June 2019 • Top Agents Playbook • Ray Wood
00:00:00 00:49:47

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I think you'd be looking far and wide to find anyone with more passion energy, drive and enthusiasm than America's #1 real estate auctioneer Ben Brady.

But there's a bit more to the story...

A little over 5 years ago, Ben and his team spear-headed the Harcourts attack into the US, setting up in Los Angeles California.

In that time, Ben has become the #1 Auctioneer in the US selling more than $4 Billion worth of property under the hammer.

I don't want to dwell on this but do you have any idea how massive that is?

It's the real estate equivalent of getting a bunch of football supporters to start following another team.

It requires something way beyond normal selling skills, but as you'll hear in a moment, Ben is well beyond normal with the ability to overcome seriously huge setbacks and challenges that would probably make you and I head for the bar.

As I'm thinking through this intro, I'm looking to highlight takeaways that you can apply to your business and as you're about to find out, they're everywhere.

The challenges required to pull something like this off are nothing short of phenomenal starting with Ben's ability to surround himself with an impressive real estate auction and marketing team plus creating a series of engaging campaigns to win over Californian home sellers with a totally foreign and untested method of sale.  Not to mention designing a compelling counter-attack to combat the ingrained US agent and consumer belief that selling by auction is reserved for distressed sales like bank foreclosures.

This interview gives deep insight into the will, determination and focus required to take on any big challenge. So if you're looking for some next-level inspiration to take your personal brand and results to the next level, I think you're going to love this session with Ben.

If you listened to my recent interview with Melbourne's Glen Coutinho who moved to LA this year to run Harcourt's #1 office in Beverly Hills, you might remember their stats Glen shared for the last year:

They auctioned 1200 homes with a clearance rate around 92% and days-on-market at 35 compared to an area average of 120.  If that isn't delivering a better way to buy and sell real estate, I don't know what is.

Harcourts awesome marketing campaign invites real estate consumers and agents to RETHINK REAL ESTATE.

And in the last year, Harcourts' Auction wings have spread to record auction results in Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada and the Canadian province of Brittish Columbia.

If that's not enough, Ben and his dynamic young team have their sights set on even greater challenges which you're about to discover...




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