Artwork for podcast Travel Agent Chatter | Friday 15
Booking small suppliers w/ host. Finding host's preferred supplier list. Info on TA sales.
Episode 879th December 2022 • Travel Agent Chatter | Friday 15 • Host Agency Reviews
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Welcome to Friday 15! In episode 87 Steph chats about if hosts work with small suppliers, how do you find a host's preferred suppliers if not listed on HAR, and how do you find out information on advisor's average sales and commission.


00:00 | Welcome to Friday15!

02:30 | Can you book small suppliers with a host?

05:18 | How to find a host's preferred suppliers

09:19 | How do find data on income, sales, and commissions for specific niches


A list of helpful resources for today’s episode:

(Our annual report on hosted advisors is out!)

(What is a preferred supplier?)

(How to research and qualify suppliers.)

(Have questions to ask your travel peers on social? Read this first.)

Survey Report https: (We like our report so much we're linking to it TWICE!)

Past surveys: (Look at some of the past surveys to compare data)

Just a note we'll be off Dec. 23rd and 30th for the holidays but will be back in January 2023!





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