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S4 Ep 3: What a Good Conversation about Money Looks Like
Episode 317th May 2023 • 'Where Your Treasure Is...': The Podcast where Faith and Finance Meet • Simon Glazier and Bex Elder
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Simon and Bex identify and discuss various factors that can help us to have good conversations about money.

Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

  • Simon identifies four factors that can contribute significantly to the success of conversations about money: identifying purpose; recognising approaches that can be constructive; being clear about actions that need to be taken; reviewing the conversation. [01:12]
  • When discussing possible purposes for having conversations about money, Simon suggests that these tend to fall into four main categories: to develop an understanding of money matters; to support attempts to achieve a future goal; to discuss ways of tackling a financial issue that has arisen; to find, as a matter of urgency, a way of dealing with a situation affecting personal finances that could become a major crisis for an individual. [01:56]
  • It is then suggested that the key characteristics of a good conversation about money are as follows: they are based on godly, biblical principles [06:36]; they take emotional responses into account and are open and honest about them [08:33]; they are realistic [11:31]; they are conducted in a thoughtful and considerate manner. [14:12]
  • Factors that can increase the chances of a money conversation being constructive and successful include the following: choose an appropriate time and place [18:01]; take advantage of natural opportunities to have free ranging conversations [19:13]; make sure that everyone has the ‘knowledge’ they need to participate meaningfully. [19:51]
  • The following tips were mentioned in connection with the challenge of concluding money conversations well: reflect back what has been said so that there is a shared understanding of what has been discussed and (where appropriate) agreed, regarding actions to be taken [23:16]; revisit conversations as and when it is appropriate to do so. [23:58]
  • It is acknowledged that money is an emotive subject and that most people struggle to talk about it. However, having those conversations can be a huge help, so Simon encourages listeners to ‘start small’ but to commit to opening up money as a subject for ongoing conversations. It is also very important, though, to deal with a situation immediately if crisis point has already been reached and, in such cases, the advice is to get immediate professional input and help from the likes of Christians Against Poverty and Citizens Advice. [25:52]

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