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Episode 29: Single Image | A Falling Leaf
Episode 291st November 2023 • The Meditation Well • Jess Haessly
00:00:00 00:05:14

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Meditation Script:

Feel free to position your body in a way that invites restful awareness. Fill up the belly, feeling an expanse through front and back ribs as you breathe fully in. Exhaling, feel the ribs soften to center as the belly pulls gently in.

Bring to mind the image of a single leaf falling slowly from a high tree. See the bright, fiery red-orange, a hint of fine lines running along the leaf like seams in clothing. Imagine a breeze keeping the leaf hovering in the air, the bright blue sky a welcome contrast against the fire-red leaf. Imagine the feel of the cool breeze on your skin, a hint of chill in air gives rise to goosebumps. As you still your focus on the single leaf hovering and slowly floating toward the earth, you see the shutter of other leaves still clinging to branches, some remaining attached, others loosening to detach and fall, too. The leaf continues to fall, sometimes lifted by a gust, then let go and surrendering to gravity. Softly it falls as you breathe in the scents of fall, the cool of the air, the smell of smoke from a wood burning fireplace in the distance, the scent of dampened grass and dirt from a recent fall rain. Finally, the leaf settles to earth, resting beside and on top of previously fallen leaves. Notice how you feel. Observe your physical, mental, and emotional space. Breathe in, breathe out.

Letting go this image, return your mind to the space you’re in. Observe the softness or firmness of the support beneath your body. Bring attention to the sounds and smells and feel of the air in the space you’re in. Then gently opening your eyes, see the space, the objects, the shapes, the colors, the textures. Finding one more deep breath in, deep breath out, move with a sense of surrender and ease into your day. Thank you for meditating with me. Peace.


Written & Performed by Jessica Haessly




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