Artwork for podcast Making a Monster
Wizmos from "D&D in Space" by Mage Hand Press
Episode 315th February 2021 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
00:00:00 00:18:59

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"They're capricious little scrap robots, and I love them." The Wizmos from Dark Matter (a sci-fi D&D conversion by Mage Hand Press) are just doing the best they can, and it isn't very good.

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Dark Matter by Mage Hand Press:

Music: Starmachine2000 by Wintergatan,

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Mike Holik:

When you reached down to your holster to pull out , your standard

Mike Holik:

repeater, you instead pull out a banana.

Mike Holik:

You're not quite sure how it got there, but you hear this chittering

Mike Holik:

robotic laughter come from somewhere behind you and you turn

Mike Holik:

around and there's nothing there.

Mike Holik:

Investigating a little bit closely.

Mike Holik:

You come up to a cabinet and open it up and about a dozen inch tall little

Mike Holik:

robots that look like they're made out of scrap and other random material

Mike Holik:

fall out making this chittering noise.

Mike Holik:

And they're carrying your your repeater blaster and they run into the other room.

Mike Holik:

Following and char following in hot pursuit you, you get smacked

Mike Holik:

in the head with a pail of water.

Mike Holik:

That's been hung on a string and knocked to the floor.

Mike Holik:

And by the time your vision is cleared and you, and you open your eyes, the

Mike Holik:

little scrap robots are standing, atop your chest, chittering and laughing

Mike Holik:

and plotting their next prank.

Mike Holik:

have the monsters on your, on the podcast leaned toward the funny

Mike Holik:

end or more toward the serious end.


by percentage, mostly serious.

Mike Holik:

then I'll do the funny one.

Mike Holik:

I wanted to just talk about that one more anyway.

Mike Holik:

I've got the wisdom is in the book right here.

Mike Holik:



Oh, is this what we're doing?



Mike Holik:

little scrap robots and I love them.

Mike Holik:

Love him to death.

Mike Holik:

I'm Mike holic.

Mike Holik:

I'm the editor in chief of major hand press.

Mike Holik:

We also run a blog called middle finger of Vecna.

Mike Holik:

I've been making five E stuff for DMD for going on five years now.

Mike Holik:

Basically as long as you can be doing that professionally we've run two Kickstarters

Mike Holik:

for a really cool Saifai expansion to D and D five E called dark matter.

Mike Holik:

It's D and D in space.

Mike Holik:

We didn't build a new system.

Mike Holik:

We just built on top of five E so if you want to play a normal barbarian

Mike Holik:

or a normal wizard or a normal rogue, You can, this just sits on top of

Mike Holik:

the core rules and expands it out.

Mike Holik:

So, you know, magic is very much a real thing.

Mike Holik:

It kind of skews toward sigh fantasy, right?

Mike Holik:

So we built this, this kind of compact little universe.

Mike Holik:

Only one new base class, three new skills.

Mike Holik:

So very, very small additions to the overall palette, lots

Mike Holik:

of new subclasses, lots of new monsters, blasters, ship combat.

Mike Holik:

So now it's this, you know, solid, robust little book.

Mike Holik:

And we just did now in the year of our Lord 2020, another Kickstarter with

Mike Holik:

a starter kit, very much like the D D essentials kit that gives you a starter

Mike Holik:

adventure and You know, a DM screen and all of the other kinds of essentials.

Mike Holik:

So we want to, we want to support this longterm and if we think

Mike Holik:

people need that option in D and D, because a, it can be really boring

Mike Holik:

playing fantasy over and over again.

Mike Holik:

energetic and capricious whiz Mo's are little constructs manufactured

Mike Holik:

by a failed Lord to spread disorder.

Mike Holik:

And winsy throughout the mortal realm.

Mike Holik:

Each wisdom is utterly unique, but all the whiz most loves to get into

Mike Holik:

trouble conduct, elaborate pranks, annoyed, polite company, and it

Mike Holik:

caused a minor property damage.

Mike Holik:

Moreover, they do all of these things best when assembled into a little mob.

Mike Holik:

So they are our fun, loving little minions

Mike Holik:

The tallest wizman is a little low, about half of a can of soda high.

Mike Holik:

And the rest of them were about half that size.

Mike Holik:

So we're talking an inch, maybe an inch and a half, and they all

Mike Holik:

have different constructions.

Mike Holik:

Some of them have wheels.

Mike Holik:

Some of them have, some of them have feet.

Mike Holik:

Some of them have one eye, two eyes, little robotic spider legs.

Mike Holik:

They're cobbled together from kind of whatever.

Mike Holik:

And they all have their own little personalities.

Mike Holik:

And you can always tell they're nearby.

Mike Holik:

Cause they're making this chittering racket.

Mike Holik:

They kind of have a hive mind that just kind of comes from them, shouting

Mike Holik:

back and forth at one another.

Mike Holik:

the wisdom is brings something to dark matter that I think is really important

Mike Holik:

for D and D in general too often.

Mike Holik:

I think we want to make fantasy and D and D this self serious grim dark thing.

Mike Holik:

And that utterly ignores the fact that you play it around a table with your

Mike Holik:

friends, people you like to have fun with and laugh with and have a good time with.

Mike Holik:

So it's important that your, your fantasy and your science fiction

Mike Holik:

doesn't have too much of an edge.

Mike Holik:

You want to have fun with the game.

Mike Holik:

And the wisdoms are just us trying to distill some fun into a package

Mike Holik:

so that you can just disrupt whatever the players were doing.

Mike Holik:

So the, the.

Mike Holik:

The wisdom has come with two statistics, a regular wisdom and a wisdom mob, a regular

Mike Holik:

wisdom has the trait scram, which allows it to get out of opportunity attacks and

Mike Holik:

hi-jinks, which allows us to pull a prank.

Mike Holik:

The mob also is a swarm.

Mike Holik:

But we don't call it a swarm because it also gets the ability to become a super

Mike Holik:

wisdom which is where they all stand on their shoulders and make a little, a

Mike Holik:

little small size instead of a tiny one.

Mike Holik:

So now you have this little robot constructed of robots holding onto

Mike Holik:

each other's shoulders and ankles.

Mike Holik:

It, because they're a cartoon and they're fantastic.

Mike Holik:

Oh, they can also just swipe something from you.

Mike Holik:

They can just steal stuff off you because they're You know, just nonsense,

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

one wisdom is like an inch tall like micro bot and then a mob is like

Mike Holik:

challenge for, because there's a swarm and they can, they can, you know,

Mike Holik:

especially if they make a super wisdom, they can kind of actually pack a punch.


It's almost like three robots in a trench coat.

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

Well, actually let me talk about another aspect of the Wismec.

Mike Holik:

That's extremely, extremely fun.

Mike Holik:

The whiz Moe's.

Mike Holik:

Imprint on somebody.

Mike Holik:

So they go that guy's my master and they just follow somebody

Mike Holik:

around and cause havoc around them.

Mike Holik:

So you're not supposed to just throw these into the game as a one-off encounter.

Mike Holik:

You're really supposed to weave these into either someone's story

Mike Holik:

or make them a companion that does not follow any of their rules.

Mike Holik:

When I've played, tested them in the past I have this big dumb

Mike Holik:

D 100 ball and I give them that and say, this is your whimsy dye.

Mike Holik:

When, when you roll high enough, good things happen when you roll

Mike Holik:

low enough, bad things happen.

Mike Holik:

And I never had any hard and fast rules on this.

Mike Holik:

But the character was followed around by a wisdom mob.

Mike Holik:

So just things occur and IDM around that.

Mike Holik:

And it's extremely, extremely fun.

Mike Holik:

It expands the character in that sort of way.

Mike Holik:

And I go out of my way to have like, you know, specific.

Mike Holik:

You know, it's like, Oh, maybe it's so that they can persistently annoy

Mike Holik:

one person or maybe it's because they were made by a failed Lord

Mike Holik:

and they have this connection.

Mike Holik:

None of that matters it's because it's fun.

Mike Holik:

And it allows me to like throw them into, into the setting in a more concrete way.

Mike Holik:

And it's important that your monsters aren't just throw away a

Mike Holik:

one-off dungeon encounters, right.

Mike Holik:

That you can really weave them into stories.

Mike Holik:

When I introduce the whiz Mose, it is usually a sort of standard

Mike Holik:

plot hook thing that makes the players think that something else

Mike Holik:

is happening because normally the gizmos are just causing havoc.

Mike Holik:

So you think your ship is going down because something is wrong with the

Mike Holik:

dark matter engine where reality, it's just, all the plugs have been rearranged

Mike Holik:

and later they realized that this is all just a series of elaborate pranks.

Mike Holik:

And then the wisdom is, will latch on to one player.

Mike Holik:

Normally I try to make it the, the wackiest player around, so that we

Mike Holik:

can kind of expand that out and make \ them more of an element of the game.

Mike Holik:

An element of that one players personality maybe they attach to the

Mike Holik:

most serious player at the table.

Mike Holik:

And it, it kind of acts as.

Mike Holik:

F familiar or a minyan, but one that's more under my control or more

Mike Holik:

under the control of total randomness which, which really really, really

Mike Holik:

take what's the right way to say this.

Mike Holik:

Like it's really under the control of randomness.

Mike Holik:

So it takes a little bit out of everyone's control and just

Mike Holik:

hands it to the whims of it.

Mike Holik:

Hands, the reins of the story.

Mike Holik:

To procedural generation, I guess like it's, it's hard to describe, like it's

Mike Holik:

the reason we roll the dice, right?

Mike Holik:

Like it, it makes the story much crazier in that way.



Mike Holik:

making it random.


What do think about the Wiz Mo's in particular?


It makes them effective at filling that role.

Mike Holik:

I, I like to be entertaining when I DM as much as I possibly can.

Mike Holik:

I don't just want to tell a serious straight face store and you can probably

Mike Holik:

get that from, you know, My entire thing.

Mike Holik:

I put a canned trip in this book called finger guns.

Mike Holik:

If that gives you a sense of what wavelength them on.

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

It's pretty good.

Mike Holik:

So I, I like having the ability to inject a levity whenever right.

Mike Holik:

Want, and also to pull small swerves on the players.

Mike Holik:

I'm not like pulling away their entire.

Mike Holik:

Their entire deal to, to, you know, railroad them down a particular track.

Mike Holik:

But sometimes I like to be able to say yeah, you don't have a firearm because

Mike Holik:

of the wisdoms replaced it with a banana.

Mike Holik:

That can be fun or the bad guy is coming after you.

Mike Holik:

And the reason he doesn't catch you is because you know he slips on an

Mike Holik:

entire hallway that has been covered in oil because of wisdom wisdom.

Mike Holik:

The, my discord likes to joke that if something in the universe

Mike Holik:

doesn't make sense, it's probably because the gizmos, I guess,

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

you a really good you know, it gives you a lot of fuzzy room as a DM to

Mike Holik:

play with stuff and to just have fun with that and to not have everything

Mike Holik:

be, you know, deep lore and factions and serious NPCs with motivations.




Why do you think why do you think players enjoy that in the game?

Mike Holik:

It goes back to why we play D and D right.

Mike Holik:

We want to hang out and have fun.

Mike Holik:

And if you've got somebody at the table who is you know, going

Mike Holik:

to be constantly cracking jokes, they're like that sort of person.

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

It makes sense to bring elements into the game, then magnify that if you've

Mike Holik:

got a character that is, you know very serious and very plotting, like they

Mike Holik:

play their character like a strategist.

Mike Holik:

It makes sense to give them you know, allies, cohorts that they

Mike Holik:

can, they can command around.

Mike Holik:

Games are good at magnifying.

Mike Holik:

What we bring to them.

Mike Holik:

Role-playing games have a real magic for that.

Mike Holik:

So, so this is an element that we've put in the game to magnify levity and you

Mike Holik:

know, every element we put into the game players monsters, whatever they all,

Mike Holik:

they all work together for this tapestry that kind of multiplies what we put in.

Mike Holik:

I think that's the fun of role-playing games and the fun of board games as well.

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

You're putting in work to make fun.

Mike Holik:

And it's what you put in that.

Mike Holik:

That comes out.

Mike Holik:

So, so some of these elements are just like, Oh, this does one specific thing,

Mike Holik:

but it does it really, really well.

Mike Holik:

And that's, that's important.

Mike Holik:

It's important to recognize that you need all of those elements.

Mike Holik:

You can't just have an entire setting.

Mike Holik:

That's boring.

Mike Holik:

You can't have an entire setting.

Mike Holik:

That's comedic.

Mike Holik:

You need all of the elements to make something that's really special.


We've talked about them being a sort of embodiment


of chaos, a tool for levity.




There's no malice there.


But they're not necessarily helpful.


What does that tell us about the world we live in?

Mike Holik:

The wisdoms are most definitely a reflection of Things

Mike Holik:

just being chaotic sometimes I think in the year 2020, I

Mike Holik:

don't have to elaborate on that.

Mike Holik:

Not to date your show too much.

Mike Holik:

But yeah, when things aren't under your control you know, people have created

Mike Holik:

fake creatures and, and boogeymen, and, and, you know, actual folklore

Mike Holik:

to explain when things are just wild and they, they don't correspond to

Mike Holik:

the way things go usually day to day.

Mike Holik:

So the wisdom, those are really, really this tacit endorsement that

Mike Holik:

things just happen in the background.

Mike Holik:

And you don't have control over.

Mike Holik:

Specific elements of your world.

Mike Holik:

Like certain things might just act up and always be chaotic.

Mike Holik:

You might always have to tend to them, or they'll just sweep in every

Mike Holik:

couple of days and do something.

Mike Holik:

And you know, whether that is a storm or one person you work with that,

Mike Holik:

that isn't, isn't predictable at all.

Mike Holik:

Or, or, you know you know, a Wolf coming in and stealing a sheep I guess.

Mike Holik:

The wisdoms are an endorsement.

Mike Holik:

That chaos is like a fundamental part of dealing with life.

Mike Holik:

I guess they're also, they're also an, a way of integrating that in a

Mike Holik:

way that is palatable, because if you just go, this is a chaos based

Mike Holik:

and then it causes bad things.

Mike Holik:

Then, you know, I think to be defeated, it's something to be conquered, but

Mike Holik:

it's not something to live with.

Mike Holik:

And you don't conquer chaos.

Mike Holik:

You don't conquer unpredictability, you live with it and you try to find

Mike Holik:

comedy and levity in it because it's just part of the human condition.

Mike Holik:

So there's a reason we find you know impish pranksters in our histories

Mike Holik:

and in our legends it's it's because we try to find those things funny

Mike Holik:

rather than fundamentally harmful Loki in, you know, Norse mythology is a

Mike Holik:

prankster and a villain in most cases.

Mike Holik:

But we find something charming about that.

Mike Holik:

We find something fun about that.

Mike Holik:

We don't look at him and go, he is the arch enemy of all the Norse gods, because

Mike Holik:

like he is in the Lord, he's actively working against them almost all the time.

Mike Holik:

He's a prankster.

Mike Holik:

We think that's funny.

Mike Holik:

We take that.

Mike Holik:

If there's something there's some part of humanity that wants to go.

Mike Holik:


Mike Holik:

We can live with chaos.

Mike Holik:

It's kind of funny, but joke about it.

Mike Holik:

We're getting deep into philosophy.

Mike Holik:

I don't know how much this will take.


I think that's about the bottom.


But that's, that's why I'm doing this show is because each monster gives


us a handle to put on all of that baggage in a way to carry it around.


I've discovered since I started that there's a whole field of literary


analysis based on monster studies which by the way, it makes me feel incredibly


under qualified to be doing this.

Mike Holik:

Oh, D specifically has hijacked that entire field.

Mike Holik:

It has taken so many monsters that have ingrained histories,

Mike Holik:

like the, the cobalt, a monster of Germanic a Sprite of Germanic.

Mike Holik:

Folklore is now a dog dragon, because Gygax said so.

Mike Holik:

And now it's changed forever.

Mike Holik:

That's like the dominant understanding of what a cobalt is.

Mike Holik:

And you'll never regain that in the world, but it's a way of, I

Mike Holik:

mean, it's the way things are.

Mike Holik:

And humans like to take these things and adapt them and

Mike Holik:

change them throughout time.

Mike Holik:

I, this is going to be a really great podcast.

Mike Holik:

I can't wait to listen through all.




Yeah, it's a microcosm of oral history that we're, that we're getting to


actively participate in and see develop at this lightening speed.

Mike Holik:

You can get dark matter.

Mike Holik:

And the wisdom is inside that book at major hand

Mike Holik:

And we just finished our Kickstarter, but you should be able to find a link to

Mike Holik:

a pledge late, or just download the PDF.

Mike Holik:

The book is out there and you can play it right now, right away.

Mike Holik:

I have a one-page RPG called wisdom havoc, because we love the wisdom is so much,

Mike Holik:

we made a random one-page RPG, which I haven't actually played tested yet.

Mike Holik:

but it's like, you know, these have such a clear mechanical thrust that

Mike Holik:

we went and made a one-page RPG about rolling as many dice as you possibly can.

Mike Holik:

You're all playing a wisdom and you're trying to work together to

Mike Holik:

create enough shenanigans to save the ship from a threat real or imagined.

Talon Dunning:


Talon Dunning:

Go for It


It says diva T appear Elvin due to their slight build,


but the resemblance ends there.


They have snow white skin thick black hair that is rather difficult


to cut and solid blue eyes that seem to lack irises or pupils.


Their noses are almost nonexistent.


Having only a pair of small slid nostrils that protrude slightly from the face


they're shapely and graceful hands have been three fingers and the thumb.

Talon Dunning:


Mike Holik:

It's pretty wild.



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