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Podcast# 232 Oregon Matters: Salemites About to be Once Again Financially Sodomized by Eager City Council.
Episode 2325th July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:35:23

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Hello everyone, it's Earnest here, discussing the Salem City Council's financial decisions. Today's topic is the budget crisis in Salem and the new tax proposal that's causing a stir among residents. The City Council, influenced by Governor Kotex, is proposing a new payroll tax to cover their overspending, particularly with regards to the police department. However, the likelihood of this new tax proposal being put to a public vote is slim to none.

A few years ago, the Salem Police Department went over budget by 11 million dollars on their new headquarters. Yet, there's no talk of them paying back this money. Instead, the City Council is proposing a new tax, ignoring the impact on the residents.

In my opinion, a better solution would be to deduct the overspent amount from the salaries of everyone working at the Salem Police Department. This could potentially reduce the amount needed from the proposed payroll tax, or even eliminate the need for it altogether.

But the City Council doesn't seem interested in this solution. Instead, they're focused on increasing the number of police officers, despite the dire need for road repairs in Salem. It seems like their priorities are skewed towards protecting their own interests, rather than serving the public.

In conclusion, the Salem City Council's financial decisions are causing more harm than good. They need to start listening to the public and making decisions that benefit everyone, not just themselves. Remember, there are no bad words, just bad actions. Until next time, this is Earnest, signing off.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is our Wednesday program which of course means Oregon matters and this is episode number 232. sail mites about to be once again financially sodomized by eager City Council something that I can only imagine when people tune in to my show and they do and even from different parts of the world I would think that any group of thinking people would be just just besides themselves with laughter that's all I can


you can't make this shit up here we go again with the Oregon Salem City Council who um simply financially can't keep it in their pants now every time there's a budget crisis and they have uh they they know what they already have a protocol of how to deal with a crisis quote unquote and you can thank them um for uh yeah they take their marching orders from Governor Kotex comrade Kotex as I refer to the governor and so it's like yeah your people you're the ones that make the rules I just sign them nudge nudge wink wink


here we go again so one might save for instance that we are called salamites and it's so closely sounds like sodomites because that's what's been happening for a long time this is so bad so there's not enough money so here we come crying again they want the money they always want the money and then you give them the money and guess what it's not enough and it's not enough you know why because it's never fucking enough but but they refuse to stay within their budget and I might add this isn't when you look at this and if


you don't live here I gotta tell you this I mean if you've ever watched the old old uh silent movies if it rings a bell of the Keystone Cops if you ever watched any of the old Black and Whites uh they were very famous at the turn of the 20th century ish and everyone knew them and they were just a comedy thing and made fun of cops but that was the show the Keystone Cops well this is so ridiculous it makes the Keystone Cops look like serious drama kidding you God damn yeah um so they don't have the problems this


but it's one of those deals where it's a problem wrapped within another problem wrapped within an enigma wrapped within you you you get it it's just never ending and it's designed to be that way so of course allow me to be a bit more uh specific here are two broad things going on so the city council In Cahoots with comrade Kotex um they say they're wanting we went many okay are we gonna get it so they propose they want to put you guessed it ready for this to try to guess drum roll please a new tax hey I got that how could have


how could you have guessed right right and so uh yeah they're asked basically the people are being asked to questions which yeah oh God I'm sorry it's just hard to it's hard to keep a straight face but basically it comes down to asking them if they support a new payroll tax to add police fire and other city services in general well I'm gonna get to that in the moment but part of that is just [ __ ] stupid here's the one are you ready okay and then secondly they're going to ask you if it should


should the the Salem salemites uh the residents get to vote on the new payroll tax now that is beyond stupid because let me tell you the reality of this it is it is I I just can't think of an unequivalent suffice to say this the likelihood of this being a public vote as far as the payroll tax this new tax that they want to add the probability of that being um you know for a public vote is about as likely as me having unforced unintended sexual relations with Governor Kotex and believe me


that ain't happening so um they're going to propose taking that issue up for a vote on this coming Monday and let's see according if I could bring it up here according to my uh calendar that should be um July the 10th Monday and they're going to uh him and Hall with that horseshit and I can already tell you that it is not going to be available uh for a public vote so the the question is just absolutely Beyond ridiculous to begin with it ain't happening they don't give a [ __ ] about the public you're just


an annoyance the Mafia the mafioso under you know the control of comrade Kotex uh is it really interested really in what the public wants more interested in what they want okay okay so so we already know the direction that is going to go and as far as the first question is concerned um and and this is just very broad there'll be more more things added uh later I'm sure because that's the way these things go they always go this way but the biggies are of course you know police fire and then it says other


services so that's pretty broad like I said so in other words let's see if I got this right me as a voter you want me to vote on some incredibly un unclear purposely an opaque um you know payroll tax scheme which is what it is [Music] and so I don't even know exactly what amounts it's going to wear for this oh oh wait a minute wait wait wait a minute that's right I screwed up I stand corrected I don't even get a chance to [ __ ] vote oh so that means you people um yes all alone in a locked room


amongst yourselves uh get to the side uh how much rape money is going to come from the suckers otherwise known as salamites uh how much they're going to uh sodomize I mean appropriate in this new payroll tax and and they'll no pun intended they'll Ram rot it through you better believe that oh God I I told you having fun with this one so yeah so get ready and get ready to bend over grab your ankles and they won't they won't even have the decency to hand you a tube of Ky on this one nope ain't gonna happen now there's


go back to Let's even say uh:


okay okay so you know we're looking at uh you know six years ago at this point and the uh the cops were were screaming and crying bloody blue murder and just and just [ __ ] crying the blue we got it you please Gotham Gotham isn't Peril and the Joker's going to take over everything run for your lives so once again the citizens bent over once again and took it in the ass for the to get the cops to stop them from crying for a new headquarters however are you ready it wasn't on budget it wasn't


on budget it was way over budget it was like 11 million dollars over budget okay so yeah they got their nice shiny new police headquarters um the new ones on Commercial and Division and uh for the time being the the babies are being pacified with uh new toys and and new ways to um completely subjugate every [ __ ] person that lives in the city but hey there at least they were temporarily happy until someone wanted to tap them on the shoulder and say um oh yeah so this you do owe us you realize 11 billion dollars


so going back to this original um proposal from the city council guess what there is no one there to even peep to even begin to remind them of this in other words how about here would be a good step in the right direction listen to this how about a payroll deduction from everyone regardless of rank or position every single person that lives and that lives and works um worker at the Salem Police Department in other words you know start paying back that 11 million [ __ ] dollars that you owe us because you want over


budget but it's not even mentioned that is not even mentioned again sound of crickets they look at each other uh yeah that was that was very interesting uh thank you for your your comment um citizen um nobody okay so how do we get back to the original conversation and they carry on with their uh you know their orders and means and Ways and Means of stealing more of your money so what I'm saying is that this is this is something being reported on of course and I will say that you know people from various you know


more or less what you consider to be in the um what I would used to be referred to as Indie however ineffectual it may be the quote-unquote reporting oh God I'm gonna hear about that one yes again and a funny reporting a story here in the Salem reporter and the title reporters call them what I learned from taking talking to salamites about a proposed tax on their paychecks and this is July 3rd and if you if you look at just look at the picture folks look at the smiling face look at these look at this just look


this looks like something out of you know a 12 year old's [ __ ] summer camp you know there are things to be pissed off and angry about and one of them should be about your money and it is being discussed if you want to call call it that always with a grin always with a laugh isn't this cute isn't this adorable damn damn God damn no one would believe this Toto Toto I want to go back to Kansas I would have No One's Gonna believe this I I just I said that you're making it but I'm not [Music]


once again and and you know what rest assured I can tell you this as I predicted it will all come to pass okay you see if you owe money okay now get this you see if you owe money and you refuse to pay that money and then you thumb your nose at the people you stoled it from that is called being a criminal does does that logic circuit click with you does that [ __ ] connect anyway that's what it means by definition when you steal when you are a thief and I'm not I'm not talking about there's a pretty broad definition of


course often people Envision someone stealing or carjacking a car or sticking up a I don't know a convenience store but there's a million ways um of stealing money that are actually much bigger ticket things and items and amounts so you know if someone in a corporate criminal organization you know they they don't seal they don't steal two thousand dollars they steal 200 million you see they don't go for the [ __ ] Girl Scout money they go for the real money so but it is still criminal that is my


point so are you ready for this what do you do when the very organization that you have that you hire that is supposed to stop thieves are the thieves they're the thing they are they are by definition did they come over and say Club a certain person over ahead and take their money no did they or take their property you know did they break in their house no that no they didn't have to do it but they don't have to they have a what's called a tax printing press from the city council I'm talking none


other than they bucking 11 million dollars of our money that was appropriated by the Salem Police Department so before they want to make a new rape scenarios from our tax money payrolls why don't they put a uh rather Hefty payroll uh from uh withdrawal from everyone at the police department while they're at it in addition to that all the people who were associated with the oversight should also have said deductions taken from them and I'm saying all this because apparently no one else will and no one will talk about it and I'm saying


this in addition to this that by the time you um started doing things like this you know probably or very close either you um would have a very very reduced request amount from the payroll tax being proposed or potentially not even at all not even needing anything additional at all but you see that is not the prevailing attitude of the city council with comrade Kotex and in charge um and so it's a really you know another thing to consider here is that our governor um it has to do with you know where do


they really reside Where do they functionate is a lot of it for instance are they kicking up dust and you know they're stomping grounds through Portland I have a feeling I could be wrong I don't have I don't believe that they're hanging around the stomping grounds you know of um the more derelict sides of Portland especially I don't know northeast southeast no I don't think so so these things that they create for you and I and but they're not they're not part of having to deal they're they're insulated


so they don't have to deal with the [ __ ] they don't have to deal with the Fallout so for instance at the time and this was not discussed when the new multi-million dollars it was like yes supposed to be around you know 51 million even that it's like oh my God and uh but that wasn't good enough even that runs over and it's just silenced and it's just like well you know well it's for the police you know you you you just can't have enough Authority authoritarian presence you know you can't have enough people


with hair trigger minds and hair Triggers on their guns especially you want that if you're a business owner so this is the irony of this situation and you know I've had some of you give me your peace of mind give me some hell and I know I'm going to catch hell for this because the truth isn't popular it never has been you know that's wake up hello never has been that has been the truth ever since I guess Humanity so you know I I don't I don't know but that's what I enjoy and you know I if I could have


not talking a reporter of the:


the ancient Chinese they come with an edict they read the edict or in England where the king would read the proclamation in other words that is the law it has nothing to do with you if you still are going around and if you're I don't know if you're in a daze if you're that much that think this is that your actual participation matters because if that were the case this new payroll tax would not it wouldn't even be on the drawing board it wouldn't be in consideration can you imagine try to imagine this is


just try try it it's fun it really is you could try it it's okay you imagine if you had your city council but they were actually in tune with their citizens because you know they have had the the citizens at different times that burned down their homes or you know caused them or threaten them with physical harm can you imagine the conversations they would have about even proposing any kind of thievery or tax more Taxation and can you imagine those conversations I don't I don't know Governor I mean I I I think


the natives are really sick of being caused constantly financially raped 24 7. I I'm really worried I mean the natives are they're restless and I I think they're tired of being raped the nonsense send forth another Proclamation I will create yet another tax but really really hey I I think that they they may be rashed they may do something to the Capitol Building silence I am the all-knowing governator who that which I command thee they are nothing but working slaves they will do as I command and they will do as you


command oh okay you know why in the [ __ ] do you think they want more police why is it for instance if you look at this this very slippery and very ambiguous statement here the new payroll tax to add police fire or another okay well the fire service of course I could tell you something here's a suggestion for something for them to [ __ ] add you don't see this the streets and Roads you know are starting to look like something straight out of [ __ ] Calcutta on the Northern the southern side of Calcutta okay now I don't know if you've


ever been there but it's roads are pretty here well pretty bad okay you know stuff to do the infrastructure that people need so that their their brand new tires are not ruined or their suspensions aren't blown out of their [ __ ] cars because you go down parts of Lancaster and certain other you know places off of Ricky and areas like that and they have potholes it's just something that you know would look like on the surface of [ __ ] Mars or something like that and they won't touch them nope don't need


that because they don't drive their Mercedes and lexuses down Lancaster very much no not over and it doesn't affect them they don't it's not part of their nope not part of their deal uh yeah getting their their protectors in place now that is part of their deal so they're wrapping this thing up again to get more cops because the deal is and I'm not going to go on very much longer God I've already I know I'm I'm sure I pissed off a lot of people there but uh I don't know maybe you'll have


the the courage to make a comment or something on my website you know and it really it is free it's it's free I mean you're not no no trackers or any of that [ __ ] but everyone remains chicken [ __ ] and Afraid so uh yeah but they wrap that thing in their packages more cops he always knows you wonder why things are going the direction or going with violence they always need more cops and those cops never get laid off never get cut back when's the last time any place could actually wanted to well


you know I think we've had enough cops and you know no it only goes up and those people aren't going to quit their jobs and it's never [ __ ] enough year year in and year out the authoritarian State increases because when this [ __ ] hits the fan who do you think is going to protect their property it's not your property because for the vast majority of you you don't have any [ __ ] property to be protected but they do so they're going to be a lot of cops busting a lot of heads when the natives


you know uh finally get fed up and get tired of being raped all the time so I was just mentioning this rape and um yeah they're a tie into the place and if you could for instance if even if you wanted to begin to pick this apart um should the city residents uh yes I'd make it mandatory not something the foxes who control the hen house get the [ __ ] vote on it is automatic every it comes to a vote of the people automatically so yes that that question is so loaded and so idiotic is just throw that right [ __ ] out here so yes


automatically it would be a public vote and in addition to that not being incredibly vague and wrapping things a bunch of legal [ __ ] jargon how much money is to be appropriated as a proposal to each one of these different areas for instance to police fire you know infrastructure you name it and you as a citizen would get to put in the percentage that you want not what they want because they always want more especially for the cops um you get to pick how much for the cops and how much for the roads you know then the and the results of


this um might actually surprise you and if we had a functioning local government which we don't but it you know who knows in three or six months Christ you might actually see some new roads being put down and you know other things that generally make life more pleasant Yes actually taking care um of the homeless and mental you know Health Services things of that nature which are important unlike some of the people who claim who stated here that even if even if it was a uh you know a tax and even if they could you know choose themselves how to


break down the payments well I wouldn't get I don't want to give anything to the homeless they'd say fine don't give a nickel for any projects for the homeless but on the other hand these are the same people who will complain when the [ __ ] homeless people are all over the streets sidewalks and every [ __ ] where else and because there's nowhere to put them and but you didn't want to give a [ __ ] nickel so but but lots of but make sure yeah lots of cops lots of cops with lots of Clubs


lots of guns so what else I guess you can't you can't make this [ __ ] up oh God so anyway thank you for listening and drop me a line good bad ugly whatever it may be till next time it's Earnest take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out


go on over to the leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music]



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