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This Is US: Forgiveness
Episode 606th July 2021 • Speaking of Grace • WholeLife Productions
00:00:00 00:36:39

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SERIES:  THIS IS US:  ForgivenessKen Wetmore

Defining forgiveness is not as simple as Googling the definition. Truly understanding and practicing forgiveness is layered, complex, multi-faceted, and often counterintuitive. It is anything but easy. In spite of this, in multiple places in the Gospel Jesus sets forgiveness of our fellow human beings as a condition for receiving the forgiveness of God. The Lord’s Prayer holds the key to this seemingly impossible mandate from Jesus.


This week our #WholeLifeTakeAways were: 

  • Think about a person you forgave. What emotions did you experience when you forgave them? What helped you forgive them?
  • Is there anyone you need to forgive? Where are you on your journey to forgiveness?
  • Is there anyone you need to ask to forgive you? Could you ask them what reparations you could make to them for what you did?
  • How much have you been forgiven for in your life? How does that impact your ability to forgive?


Which #TakeAway gave you a reason to pause, reflect, or share your thoughts?  Let us know by reaching out and sharing with us using one of the following:

SUBSCRIBE NOW to our companion podcast; This Is WholeLife where we dive deeper into the message and topic at hand with Pastors Ken and Jeff along with host Randy Magray.  It’s the perfect midweek commute podcast to stay in touch with what’s being talked about at WholeLife Church and we encourage your questions, comments, and feedback which we will share on the next episode!  Listen anywhere you find podcasts!


Thank you for listening!  Our show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and anywhere you listen to podcasts!  If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media at the following links and while you’re there, say ‘hello’! 


 NEXT WEEK:  This is US – ‘Grace’.   This will be the 5th in our 8 part series that will examine in detail our values as a faith community at WholeLife Church.

The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own, Phillip Burks -

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