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How to Flex Your Gratitude Muscles with Beth Hewitt
Episode 2130th December 2020 • This Shit Works • Julie Brown
00:00:00 00:28:32

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2020 is almost over. What a dumpster fire of a year AMIRIGHT? This is usually the time of the year when we gather our year end lists, think about all the things we have done, seen, heard and accomplished in the past 12 months. But right now the only thing I can think of is that I'm so glad it's almost over.

Is it just me or are you also struggling to find things to be grateful for? I don't generally think of myself as an ungrateful bitch. But then I started getting nervous; what if I am and I don't even know it!? This question called for research, to see if some people are just more grateful than others, and if so why! Is there a gratitude gene? And what do you do if you don't have it?

The research suggests that genetics may actually help explain why some people find it easier to feel and express gratitude than others. There have been studies that have explored what specific genes may help determine a person's grateful or less grateful disposition. Two promising candidates for this are the genes CD38 and COMT. While CD38 is involved in the secretion of the neuropeptide oxytocin, COMT acts in the recycling of the neurotransmitter dopamine. You remember our friends oxytocin from episode 20, and dopamine from episode 17 right.

As I was pondering the research, I came across an email from a wonderful lady from my network who was starting a 28 day Gratitude journey on Facebook! Before my less grateful COMT gene could take over, I signed up for the journey, deciding to give my gratitude genes a workout. Each day within the Facebook community Beth prompted us to write down three things we were grateful for. And guess what? It totally helped me find the littlest things to be grateful for every day!

We’re joined in the episode today by the incredibly positive Beth Hewitt, who’s a business and career strategist specializing in creative visualization, positivity and resilience. She's also the host of the Visualise You podcast. ( P.S. You're absolutely gonna fall in love with her accent!) Listen in as we discuss all about the 28-day Gratitude journey, why and how she decided to start it and how it’s impacted the participants and their outlook on life. Also, how it legit helped me flex my gratitude muscles!

There’s absolutely no wrong entries for your Gratitude list, neither is there a specific time to practice it. Go at your pace and it becomes a habit!

Drink of the Week

Riverbench Blanc du Noir Sparkling Wine.

Most people think of wine, especially in France, as a man's world. But look into the history of the three ladies mentioned in the episode to see how they revolutionized the champagne industry.

I thank you again for being here for taking time out of your day to tune in and listen. Goodbye 2020!

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Relevant Links:

Beth Hewitt: ​

Visualise You Podcast: ​ ​(Website) ​(Instagram)​ (LinkedIn)​ (Youtube)​ (Facebook) 




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