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Lexie Maitland - Lifestyle and Competition Prep Coach
Episode 1510th August 2022 • Empowering Entrepreneurs • Glenn Harper
00:00:00 00:47:28

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She's a driving force for promoting and helping individuals identify and achieve their physical fitness, nutrition and bodybuilding goals. Her social media platforms have been growing and influencing countless followers. We welcome Lexie Maitland as our guest.

You're a fitness fanatic, which is kind of exciting. How did you get involved with that?

I've always been athletic. Growing up, it's kind of been like my identity. Everybody has always known me to be a very active, sports-driven individual. So I was a competitive gymnast starting when I was seven. And then throughout high school I was I joined the cheer team. But on top of that, I also started running with my mom and we did a couple of half marathons together. My dad basically one day was like, Lexi, you need to try something else out. So he got me a personal trainer at the local gym, and so I started with that. He started teaching me the proper way to actually weight lift, I just grew to really love it and started doing my own research and kind of went towards that route where I was doing more weight lifting rather than just cardio and it was just really something I enjoyed.

When you're coaching these girls or, you know, people from all walks of life, how do you get these people to get out of their own way? Because essentially you are coaching them to get out of their own way. How do you help change their mindset and help shift some of those mental blocks that people have in regards to that?

All of my coaching is done virtually. How do I make it personable? So I always send video responses back to my clients so they kind of see me on their computer screen talking to them. So they get that personal aspect. I also think like as a coach. I have to make sure I'm extremely upfront and direct right off the bat before somebody wants to sign up with me. Not only what my expectations are as a coach, but also telling them what to expect.

Is there anybody else, or were your parents the driving force that kind of gave you the confidence to say, I can do this?

I joined an entrepreneurial group in high school and they held pitch competitions a couple of times per year, and I, on a whim, just decided to enter one. And so when I did the pitch competitions, it really pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I had to like publicly speak in front of all of these like high-level entrepreneurs in St Louis. And that really gave me the confidence to actually like fulfill public speaking.

As Glenn notes, what is really key for our entrepreneurs is you have to get uncomfortable to then get comfortable to achieve anything. If you sit in your safe space, it's just never going to happen. You have to get uncomfortable.

Lexie Maitland


@lexiemait on Instagram

Lexie's Website

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Copyright 2024 Glenn Harper


Glenn Harper:


Hi welcome everybody. Another edition of The Empowering

Glenn Harper:


Entrepreneurs The Harper and Company Way.

Glenn Harper:


This is Glenn Harper.

Julie Smith:


Julie Smith.

Glenn Harper:


And we are welcoming our guest today.

Glenn Harper:


Lexie Maitland.

Glenn Harper:


Another fellow and entrepreneur is basically starting off

Glenn Harper:


her entrepreneurial journey as a big we'll call her a

Glenn Harper:


millennial at the very end of beginning of it, which is

Glenn Harper:


always exciting to see all these kind of people think.

Glenn Harper:


And she's a driving force for promoting and helping

Glenn Harper:


individuals identify and achieve their physical fitness,

Glenn Harper:


nutrition and bodybuilding goals.

Glenn Harper:


Her social media platforms have been growing and

Glenn Harper:


influencing countless followers.

Glenn Harper:


Thanks, Lexi, for being part of our show.

Lexie Maitland:


No, thank you guys for having me on.

Lexie Maitland:


I'm super excited.

Glenn Harper:


That's great. I understand you're originally from St Louis.

Glenn Harper:


I pronounce the city Missouri, and currently live in Tampa,

Glenn Harper:


Florida. Is that true?

Lexie Maitland:


Yes, that is true.

Lexie Maitland:


So I moved to Tampa in the fall of 2017 for school, where I

Lexie Maitland:


went to the University of Tampa.

Lexie Maitland:


So that's what brought me down here.

Lexie Maitland:


And then I graduated last May and definitely decided I

Lexie Maitland:


wanted to stay down here. I did not want to go home to to

Lexie Maitland:


the cold.

Glenn Harper:


So you definitely don't prefer the Midwest and freezing wind

Glenn Harper:



Lexie Maitland:


I don't.

Lexie Maitland:


Not only for the weather, but for me.

Lexie Maitland:


A big deciding factor in staying here in Tampa was just the

Lexie Maitland:


opportunity for me.

Lexie Maitland:


You know, even though what I do is essentially virtual like

Lexie Maitland:


work, I can do it anywhere.

Lexie Maitland:


I feel like I'm the individual that thrives off of like, an

Lexie Maitland:


environment. And I just I love it down here.

Lexie Maitland:


I feel very motivated.

Lexie Maitland:


I like being around all the people.

Lexie Maitland:


And so, yeah, I love it.

Glenn Harper:


Did you forsake the Chiefs and pick up adopt the Buccaneers

Glenn Harper:


then, or how did you do that?

Lexie Maitland:


I'm probably the worst Tampa person there is because I know

Lexie Maitland:


we are such like a sports city now, but I am so glad I

Lexie Maitland:


don't really follow any of it.

Lexie Maitland:


I am going to like I've been to a game before.

Lexie Maitland:


I just, I don't know, I'll go for fun, but I'm not a big

Lexie Maitland:


wig fan on at all.

Lexie Maitland:


And in the funny thing is, is I live like a mile away from

Lexie Maitland:


our hockey arena as well.

Lexie Maitland:


Never been to a game even even though they're like really

Lexie Maitland:



Glenn Harper:


So only matter of time to you get sucked in.

Lexie Maitland:


I know. I know.

Glenn Harper:


Well, we share an affinity for fitness.

Glenn Harper:


I'm fitness this steak in my tummy.

Glenn Harper:


Then I got to punish myself with a four mile jog to get

Glenn Harper:


back to neutral. But I think you're more of a fitness

Glenn Harper:


fanatic, which is kind of exciting.

Glenn Harper:


How did you get involved with that?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, so I would say ever like growing up, ever since I

Lexie Maitland:


can't even remember, I've always been athletic.

Lexie Maitland:


Growing up, it's kind of been like my identity.

Lexie Maitland:


Everybody has always known me to be the very active, sports

Lexie Maitland:


driven individual. So I was a competitive gymnast starting

Lexie Maitland:


when I was seven. I did that until I was about 14 or 15.

Lexie Maitland:


And then throughout high school I was I joined the cheer

Lexie Maitland:


team. But on top of that, I also started running with my

Lexie Maitland:


mom and we did a couple of half marathons together.

Lexie Maitland:


And then, you know, I was really into running.

Lexie Maitland:


And, you know, anybody out there who has taken up running

Lexie Maitland:


with long distance running can know it gets a little

Lexie Maitland:


sometimes obsessive like you like I feel like in a good

Lexie Maitland:


way. But my dad basically one day was like, Lexi, you need

Lexie Maitland:


to try something else out.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, you can't just run the rest of your life.

Lexie Maitland:


So he got me a personal trainer at the local gym, and so I

Lexie Maitland:


started with that.

Lexie Maitland:


And I mean, that was probably my junior year of high

Lexie Maitland:


school. And when I got a personal trainer and he started

Lexie Maitland:


teaching me like the proper way to actually weight lift, I

Lexie Maitland:


just grew to really love it and started doing my own

Lexie Maitland:


research and kind of went towards that route where I would

Lexie Maitland:


I was doing more weight lifting rather than just cardio and

Lexie Maitland:


it was just really something I enjoyed.

Lexie Maitland:


So I started it like my late years of high school and then

Lexie Maitland:


ended up kind of making a last minute decision to change my

Lexie Maitland:


major to exercise physiology rather than entrepreneurship

Lexie Maitland:


going into college, just because I felt like it was just

Lexie Maitland:


such a big part of my life at that point, like fitness and

Lexie Maitland:


nutrition, that I wanted to go to school for that.

Glenn Harper:


So. So you're saying that there's a proper way to lift

Glenn Harper:


weights and exercise?

Glenn Harper:


I think you just show up to gym cold and put on heavy

Glenn Harper:


weights and then, you know.

Julie Smith:


So in all fairness, Glenn just goes to the gym.

Julie Smith:


He doesn't actually use anything, but he gets there.

Julie Smith:


It's it's a win win for him.

Lexie Maitland:


So he goes, are you one of the people that goes there for

Lexie Maitland:


like social hour and likes to mingle?

Glenn Harper:


No, I don't like to talk to anybody.

Glenn Harper:


I just like to look at the cool machines.

Julie Smith:


Probably sits in the locker room, like changes his clothes

Julie Smith:


and he's ready to go.

Julie Smith:


And then, you know, half hour later, he's ready to leave.

Glenn Harper:


I'm more of an executive guy.

Glenn Harper:


I like to sit in a steam room and then, you know, ponder

Glenn Harper:


things and think about things.

Glenn Harper:


You know, I don't actually want to break a sweat cardio.

Glenn Harper:


But no, I do love joining and exercising.

Glenn Harper:


And it is an amazing thing when you when you finally

Glenn Harper:


realize when you think you know how to do it, but then you

Glenn Harper:


really don't. And then when somebody actually tells you the

Glenn Harper:


right way and then you see the results, it's an amazing

Glenn Harper:


transformation, right?

Lexie Maitland:


Absolutely. Absolutely.

Lexie Maitland:


I know when I first started working with my personal

Lexie Maitland:


trainer, you know, he was very blunt with me.

Lexie Maitland:


He was like Lexi, you know, like so here's here was the

Lexie Maitland:


thing. Like, I felt like I was in such incredible shape

Lexie Maitland:


when I was a long distance runner and all of that.

Lexie Maitland:


But I never really felt like I looked the part, like nobody

Lexie Maitland:


would look at me and really think, Oh, she's an incredible

Lexie Maitland:


shape. I mean, I just kind of looked average.

Lexie Maitland:


But it really wasn't until I started dabbling with weight

Lexie Maitland:


training and learning the proper like mechanics there that

Lexie Maitland:


I actually started to see a change in my physical

Lexie Maitland:


appearance. And I actually had muscle and I actually looked

Lexie Maitland:


like I was somebody who lifted weights.

Glenn Harper:


How cool is that? I noticed you got your Alexi on your

Glenn Harper:


shirt. I'm. I'm intrigued.

Glenn Harper:


I want to get my name right.

Glenn Harper:


That is totally cool.

Glenn Harper:


I've got a little initial, but I got to get something like

Glenn Harper:


that. Julie, is that appropriate?

Glenn Harper:



Julie Smith:


All right, so you'll.

Julie Smith:


You'll like this. He has g money on his sleeve, you know,

Julie Smith:


to represent how he thinks of numbers.

Glenn Harper:


Well, no, people call me that, so I got to roll with it.

Glenn Harper:


So let me ask you let me ask you this.

Glenn Harper:


So one of the cool things about, you know, being an

Glenn Harper:


entrepreneur, so again, you work at a training place, but

Glenn Harper:


you also on the side have your own brand.

Glenn Harper:


You're out there training other people and doing your

Glenn Harper:


thing. And the question that I was curious on is, is it

Glenn Harper:


harder to go in the gym, as with a trainer teaching you how

Glenn Harper:


to get in shape to do when you're competitions?

Glenn Harper:


Is that harder or is it harder to actually take somebody

Glenn Harper:


who wants to be in shape and transform them and keep them

Glenn Harper:


motivated to do such a thing?

Lexie Maitland:


That's a really good question.

Lexie Maitland:


I you know, I want to say I'm very like I'm kind of robotic

Lexie Maitland:


and like routine. Like so when somebody tells me to do

Lexie Maitland:


something like when I'm training for my competitions, I

Lexie Maitland:


don't feel like I really struggle with going to the gym

Lexie Maitland:


and, you know, my diet and all of that.

Lexie Maitland:


But I think the hardest thing for me when I'm personally

Lexie Maitland:


prepping for a bodybuilding show is just the days where you

Lexie Maitland:


have lower energy and we all have those days.

Lexie Maitland:


But I think when it comes to working with clients, yeah, I

Lexie Maitland:


think that it depends on the client, but it can be hard

Lexie Maitland:


sometimes to relate to the client.

Lexie Maitland:


Like just keep going.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, I promise you, you're going to feel better.

Lexie Maitland:


We're going to get where you need to go.

Lexie Maitland:


It's sometimes hard to relay that information over to

Lexie Maitland:


somebody and to really gain that trust in them.

Lexie Maitland:


But I have really grown to love coaching and and not only

Lexie Maitland:


coaching, you know, people from all walks of life with all

Lexie Maitland:


different goals, but I really have grown to love coaching

Lexie Maitland:


girls with the same ambition, like where I started, where

Lexie Maitland:


they want to compete in their first bodybuilding show.

Lexie Maitland:


So that's a hard question.

Lexie Maitland:


I feel like they both have their pros and their cons, so I

Lexie Maitland:


feel like they're kind of both equal.

Julie Smith:


So I have a question for you how you know, when you're

Julie Smith:


coaching these these girls or, you know, people from all

Julie Smith:


walks of life, how do you get these people to get out of

Julie Smith:


their own way? Because essentially you are coaching them to

Julie Smith:


get out of their own way.

Julie Smith:


How do you help change their mindset and help shift some of

Julie Smith:


those mental blocks that people have in regards to that?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, absolutely.

Lexie Maitland:


So I all of my coaching is done virtually.

Lexie Maitland:


So it's all online which can you know, sometimes people are

Lexie Maitland:


like, how do you do that all online?

Lexie Maitland:


Right. How do you make it personable?

Lexie Maitland:


So I really like to I always send video responses back to

Lexie Maitland:


my clients so they kind of see me on their computer screen

Lexie Maitland:


talking to them. So they get that personal aspect right.

Lexie Maitland:


And so I do my best to always explain every week when we're

Lexie Maitland:


checking in anything we need to address.

Lexie Maitland:


I always like to explain it in that video.

Lexie Maitland:


It's so much easier and typically more beneficial than just

Lexie Maitland:


typing out a response, right, and gaining their trust.

Lexie Maitland:


So I feel like that helps them to, you know, that helps

Lexie Maitland:


them to gain trust in me.

Lexie Maitland:


But I also think like as a coach, I have to make sure I'm

Lexie Maitland:


extremely upfront and direct right off the bat before

Lexie Maitland:


somebody wants to sign up with me with not only like what

Lexie Maitland:


my expectations are as a coach, but also telling them.

Lexie Maitland:


What to expect, because I find that if somebody knows kind

Lexie Maitland:


of what they're getting themselves into and they know

Lexie Maitland:


exactly what to expect, they're more likely to trust you

Lexie Maitland:


along the way and to fulfill the program and to do what

Lexie Maitland:


they need to do, rather than if I don't tell them upfront

Lexie Maitland:


what to expect.

Lexie Maitland:


You know, we may get halfway through the plan and they're

Lexie Maitland:


like, Oh, let's see, this is not what I signed up for or

Lexie Maitland:


this is not something I expected.

Lexie Maitland:


So, you know, if that's the case that I feel like that

Lexie Maitland:


individual is more likely not to want to continue, whereas

Lexie Maitland:


as long as I'm doing my job as a coach and kind of laying

Lexie Maitland:


the foundation from the front and continuing to reassure

Lexie Maitland:


them throughout the process, that tends to help.

Lexie Maitland:


And then, you know, of course, I'm somebody when I'm going

Lexie Maitland:


to coach and I do always tell my clients like, I am here

Lexie Maitland:


for you whenever you need me.

Lexie Maitland:


So like if somebody is having a panic attack middle of the

Lexie Maitland:


week and, you know, a five minute, ten minute, just like

Lexie Maitland:


pep talk over the phone helps them.

Lexie Maitland:


I try to make myself available for that when they need that

Lexie Maitland:


as well.

Glenn Harper:


So you're saying you're more of a therapist than you are a

Glenn Harper:


trainer, which is amazing thing, isn't it?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, actually, people tell me that all the time.

Lexie Maitland:


Of course, you know, I.

Lexie Maitland:


I know when to refer things out.

Lexie Maitland:


Like I know what to look for in clients.

Lexie Maitland:


If I'm like, Ooh, that's kind of a red flag, something that

Lexie Maitland:


I need to get more help for.

Lexie Maitland:


But I do find like I am kind of a therapist in a way as

Lexie Maitland:


well. And, you know, it's really cool because I'm not I'm

Lexie Maitland:


not a psychology major or anything.

Lexie Maitland:


I mean, I enjoy psychology, but I feel like that is

Lexie Maitland:


something that's really important for my job because, you

Lexie Maitland:


know, I have a lot of clients and a lot of not everyone is

Lexie Maitland:


the same exact with regards to what they respond best to.

Lexie Maitland:


You know, just like my coaching strategy, like some people

Lexie Maitland:


need a little bit more like soft lovey dovey reassurance,

Lexie Maitland:


whereas some people need that tough love and need for you

Lexie Maitland:


to just tell them like it is.

Lexie Maitland:


So it's all kind of about me learning the client and then

Lexie Maitland:


deciding from there what coaching style they're going to

Lexie Maitland:


thrive best on.

Glenn Harper:


I feel like at the beginning you're like, You guys either

Glenn Harper:


get the shock collar or you're going to get the milkshake

Glenn Harper:


at the end. So you've got to decide which way you want to

Glenn Harper:


go with this.

Lexie Maitland:


I guess so. That's a good way to put it.

Lexie Maitland:


I guess that's a good analogy.

Glenn Harper:


I feel like, you know, when you can, getting somebody to

Glenn Harper:


show up is probably 99% of the challenge.

Glenn Harper:


Right. Getting somebody to think that it's possible that

Glenn Harper:


they can transform themselves and once they show up,

Glenn Harper:


generally. Have you ever met anybody that has left the gym

Glenn Harper:


that has not felt better when they leave the gym than when

Glenn Harper:


they got there? It just it's 100% all the time.

Glenn Harper:


Yeah, you're going to be sore or whatever.

Glenn Harper:


But getting in there is the hard part.

Glenn Harper:


So how do you manipulate trick?

Glenn Harper:


You know, how do you how do you inclusively get those

Glenn Harper:


people in there to make them want to take that first step?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. So whenever I have somebody who's interested in online

Lexie Maitland:


coaching with me, I always set up a we always have a phone

Lexie Maitland:


call first and foremost.

Lexie Maitland:


So we'll talk on the phone or we'll do like a FaceTime or a

Lexie Maitland:


zoom or whatever. And we take that like 30 minutes and

Lexie Maitland:


that's where I like to get as much information as I need

Lexie Maitland:


from that person.

Lexie Maitland:


But also it gives them a chance to really sit down and get

Lexie Maitland:


to know me as a person and kind of it allows them to trust

Lexie Maitland:


me. And I feel like that really helps them to kind of build

Lexie Maitland:


that trust. And then once they build that trust, pretty

Lexie Maitland:


much if I tell them to do something, you know, they're

Lexie Maitland:


going to do it. And one thing that I have found is with a

Lexie Maitland:


lot of my clients, they'll tell me, they'll be like, Yeah,

Lexie Maitland:


I want to start with you and I want to start a program

Lexie Maitland:


because I know if I have the accountability and also if I

Lexie Maitland:


know I'm paying for something, I'm going to do it right.

Lexie Maitland:


So I think that is one thing that helps a lot of these

Lexie Maitland:


people to actually get fulfill their goals and go to the

Lexie Maitland:


gym and stay on top of their diet is they know they have me

Lexie Maitland:


each week for accountability and they also know, hey, I am

Lexie Maitland:


paying for this plan.

Lexie Maitland:


I better not let things fall through the seams.

Glenn Harper:


I feel like, you know, in today's instant gratification

Glenn Harper:


world, I feel like if I made an appointment with you and

Glenn Harper:


showed up, you could transform me in, like, one session or

Glenn Harper:


less. Is that is that true, or does it take more work than

Glenn Harper:



Lexie Maitland:


Maybe not physically.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, I don't think you'd walk out looking like two

Lexie Maitland:


different, but maybe mentally we could do a lot of mental

Lexie Maitland:


like breakthroughs within that time.

Glenn Harper:


It's one this is one of those things that which we love

Glenn Harper:


about entrepreneurs and in training is a very similar thing

Glenn Harper:


is that it's hard work, it takes commitment, it takes

Glenn Harper:


passion, it takes accountability, it takes all those

Glenn Harper:


things. And one of the big things it takes is you can't you

Glenn Harper:


really it's hard to do it by yourself.

Glenn Harper:


So at some point, you know, you had your mentors, you

Glenn Harper:


mentioned your dad and your mom.

Glenn Harper:


Is there anybody else or were they the driving force that

Glenn Harper:


kind of gave you the confidence to say, I can do this?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, that's a great question.

Lexie Maitland:


So I'll bring it back to and I tell my mom this all the

Lexie Maitland:


time, so if she listens to this, she'll definitely know

Lexie Maitland:


what I'm talking about talking about.

Lexie Maitland:


But back when I was in high school, my mom was involved

Lexie Maitland:


with a I think it was like a group in Saint Louis, like a

Lexie Maitland:


very entrepreneurial, like spirited group.

Lexie Maitland:


And she was one of the speakers on their panel all the

Lexie Maitland:


time. And they actually had like a high school like group.

Lexie Maitland:


So I actually joined that and then they actually held like

Lexie Maitland:


pitch competitions a couple of times per year, and I, on a

Lexie Maitland:


whim just decided to enter one.

Lexie Maitland:


And so when I did the pitch competitions, it really pushed

Lexie Maitland:


me outside of my comfort zone.

Lexie Maitland:


I had to like publicly speak in front of all of these like

Lexie Maitland:


high level entrepreneurs in St Louis.

Lexie Maitland:


And that really gave me the confidence to actually like

Lexie Maitland:


fulfill public speaking.

Lexie Maitland:


And and I feel like that kind of pushed me outside of my

Lexie Maitland:


shell a little bit, too, because I was such an introvert in

Lexie Maitland:


high school, such an introvert.

Lexie Maitland:


But then I would say, like, other than that, of course, my

Lexie Maitland:


mom, one of my probably my biggest mentors like my, my boss

Lexie Maitland:


now for well, I work for a couple of different companies,

Lexie Maitland:


but we'll say the main one like the online nutrition and

Lexie Maitland:


training my boss there he he's been a really good mentor

Lexie Maitland:


because he actually I knew of him before I had moved to

Lexie Maitland:


Tampa. So he lives here in Tampa and he he does a lot on

Lexie Maitland:


YouTube. So he has this whole company, but he's also like

Lexie Maitland:


very big on YouTube as well.

Lexie Maitland:


And I remember in high school, literally sitting in my room

Lexie Maitland:


watching him on YouTube, like watching his videos and, you

Lexie Maitland:


know, I let alone like flash forward five years later and

Lexie Maitland:


I'm working for him, but he's been a really influential

Lexie Maitland:


mentor along the way as well.

Lexie Maitland:


And then of course, there's like there's a few other people

Lexie Maitland:


that I follow, like in this realm of things, in the whole

Lexie Maitland:


fitness kind of niche and everything.

Lexie Maitland:


I'm on YouTube, there's two people in particular and they

Lexie Maitland:


are just these huge entrepreneurs in this industry and all

Lexie Maitland:


they, although they don't know it, they've definitely

Lexie Maitland:


influenced and kind of, I guess you could say, mentored me

Lexie Maitland:


along the way because I watch their videos and instantly

Lexie Maitland:


like it makes me want to do more and it makes me want to

Lexie Maitland:


like to be better. And it also proves to me that like it is

Lexie Maitland:


possible to, to do something of their capacity.

Glenn Harper:


You know, you said one thing, I think that is really key for

Glenn Harper:


our entrepreneurs out there, and that is you have to get

Glenn Harper:


you have to be uncomfortable to then get comfortable to

Glenn Harper:


achieve anything if you sit in your safe space.

Glenn Harper:


It's just never going to happen.

Glenn Harper:


You have to get uncomfortable.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes. Yes, I 100% agree with that because I was the shyest

Lexie Maitland:


person in high school.

Lexie Maitland:


And I'm you know, I would say I'm not as shy now at all.

Lexie Maitland:


I'm more of an extroverted introvert now, like I like my

Lexie Maitland:


alone time. But I am such like I am a chatty Cathy.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, I will talk to anybody.

Lexie Maitland:


But you're so right. Like, I feel like if it weren't for me

Lexie Maitland:


getting outside of my comfort zone and like when I moved to

Lexie Maitland:


Florida five years ago, I didn't know a single person.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, there was nobody here I knew, didn't have any family,

Lexie Maitland:


didn't have any friends.

Lexie Maitland:


And essentially what I would start doing is I started just

Lexie Maitland:


going to like bodybuilding shows or if there was like an

Lexie Maitland:


event I knew of, like it was kind of like a fitness

Lexie Maitland:


oriented event. I would go to those alone and just kind of

Lexie Maitland:


walk around and it was so scary at the beginning, but

Lexie Maitland:


that's ultimately like what allowed me to meet people and

Lexie Maitland:


make connections and what's kind of given me the

Lexie Maitland:


opportunities I have today.

Glenn Harper:


So you're saying you don't just sit in the basement, go

Glenn Harper:


online and develop relationships that way.

Glenn Harper:


You have to actually go out and meet people.

Glenn Harper:


That's crazy.

Lexie Maitland:


Right? Yes.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes, I know. And it's you know, you hear growing up like

Lexie Maitland:


that, it's not always about what you know, but it's about

Lexie Maitland:


who you know. And I feel like that.

Lexie Maitland:


I mean, obviously, you definitely you want to know stuff

Lexie Maitland:


yourself. But I think that's such a valuable quote because

Lexie Maitland:


it is so true. Like, you have to make those connections and

Lexie Maitland:


it, you know, it really does help to to know influential

Lexie Maitland:


people whether or not they're helping you out or not.

Lexie Maitland:


Maybe they're just mentoring you or inspiring you, but I

Lexie Maitland:


feel like that's such an important aspect.

Glenn Harper:


Yeah, always like that. It's not what you know, it's who you

Glenn Harper:


know, but it's also who knows you, right?

Glenn Harper:


And it's and nobody's going to know you if you don't get

Glenn Harper:


out there and do that. So you've been promoting yourself

Glenn Harper:


very well. Doing that is your ultimate goal.

Glenn Harper:


You are you more in a as a competitive fitness person or

Glenn Harper:


are you more being want to be on the training side and

Glenn Harper:


train other people? What is your like position you want to

Glenn Harper:


be in eventually or do you like doing both?

Glenn Harper:


Can you do both?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. So that's kind of where I'm at right now.

Lexie Maitland:


I'm doing both.

Lexie Maitland:


But I will say when I started this online coaching, I

Lexie Maitland:


started it when I was a junior in college.

Lexie Maitland:


So I started it kind of part time, right?

Lexie Maitland:


And then it grew to be full time and that's kind of what I

Lexie Maitland:


just transitioned into when I graduated.

Lexie Maitland:


So when I started, I feel like I started with all we'll

Lexie Maitland:


say, lifestyle clients, meaning just gen pop people who

Lexie Maitland:


want to feel better about themselves.

Lexie Maitland:


They have no goals of competing on a bodybuilding stage.

Lexie Maitland:


They just want to feel better about themselves.

Lexie Maitland:


And then I would say over time I started taking on more and

Lexie Maitland:


more like competitors, meaning girls that wanted to

Lexie Maitland:


exclusively eventually compete in bodybuilding on the in

Lexie Maitland:


the bikini division, which is what I've done.

Lexie Maitland:


And so now I'm kind of in that like limbo phase where I do

Lexie Maitland:


have a good chunk of both.

Lexie Maitland:


I feel like now I'm kind of more gearing towards like the

Lexie Maitland:


competitive side of things.

Lexie Maitland:


So coaching girls that are wanting to compete at the shows,

Lexie Maitland:


because that's one thing like as a coach now I really try

Lexie Maitland:


to be involved in the industry of competing of bodybuilding

Lexie Maitland:


shows. So I like to go to as many shows as I can, and that

Lexie Maitland:


way I'm kind of a familiar face and it shows my clients,

Lexie Maitland:


but also potential clients like, Hey, she actually does

Lexie Maitland:


care about this sport.

Lexie Maitland:


You know, she is going to these shows.

Lexie Maitland:


She's constantly learning and making these connections with

Lexie Maitland:


the people there, the judges, all of that.

Lexie Maitland:


So that's kind of where I'm at right now.

Julie Smith:


So I have a question back to you.

Julie Smith:


Starting this in the junior year of college, what

Julie Smith:


transpired that said, hey, I'm just going to start this

Julie Smith:


online coaching my junior year of college.

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. So so I actually before that was doing in-person

Lexie Maitland:


training at a local gym called Crunch.

Lexie Maitland:


So it's like a commercial gym down here.

Lexie Maitland:


And I was doing really well at that, but it was kind of it

Lexie Maitland:


was a bad thing because I was also taking 18 credit hours.

Lexie Maitland:


So it was just like it was way too much.

Lexie Maitland:


Like I just I had to give it up.

Lexie Maitland:


So I quit that and I think it was all.

Glenn Harper:


The time out. You never say quit, you always say pivot.

Glenn Harper:


It pivoted. Thank you.

Glenn Harper:


Very important.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes, I pivoted in a different direction.

Lexie Maitland:


And actually, it's funny, I still go to crunch that same

Lexie Maitland:


crunch all the time and see all my old coworkers.

Lexie Maitland:


But I pivoted and I actually was approached by the owner of

Lexie Maitland:


the company that I work that I work for today.

Lexie Maitland:


It's called Team Pro Physique.

Lexie Maitland:


So I was approached by Paul, the owner, and he and this

Lexie Maitland:


just comes from I had made that connection with him in the

Lexie Maitland:


past. He had seen me at events.

Lexie Maitland:


I had introduced myself.

Lexie Maitland:


He reached. Me because he was like, hey, you know, our

Lexie Maitland:


company team pro physique is really growing and you know,

Lexie Maitland:


we need just a little bit of extra help.

Lexie Maitland:


I don't really know with what, but just we just need a

Lexie Maitland:


little bit of extra help around with the company.

Lexie Maitland:


So I started just kind of helping him like doing whatever

Lexie Maitland:


he needed help with. And then he one day he told me he was

Lexie Maitland:


like, Hey, is your goal to eventually be a coach?

Lexie Maitland:


And I was like, Absolutely.

Lexie Maitland:


And he was like, okay, well, I think, you know, my wife and

Lexie Maitland:


I, we want to hire you to be one of our coaches on our

Lexie Maitland:


team. So I think we team pro physique in total today has

Lexie Maitland:


like 20 plus coaches and I'm probably I mean I think

Lexie Maitland:


there's like five of us, me being one of them that have

Lexie Maitland:


been around for like three plus years.

Lexie Maitland:


So that's when I started it.

Lexie Maitland:


So of course I was like, of course I want to do this.

Lexie Maitland:


And I was able to start it, you know, kind of part time

Lexie Maitland:


because I have control over how many clients I take at a

Lexie Maitland:


time, right? And so now I do it full time.

Lexie Maitland:


But it was really great for me to start at that point in

Lexie Maitland:


college, I feel like, because I got to start without the

Lexie Maitland:


pressure of feeling like, Oh my gosh, I need to like bring

Lexie Maitland:


in a certain amount of clients to make X amount of money to

Lexie Maitland:


pay rent and all of that. Like, I didn't really have to

Lexie Maitland:


stress about that at the time, which was really nice.

Lexie Maitland:


And I was able to get, you know, almost two years of

Lexie Maitland:


experience doing it before I really took it on full time

Lexie Maitland:


after graduating.

Glenn Harper:


So you're saying you kind of were having fun with this thing

Glenn Harper:


and next thing you know, it turned into like, hey, this is

Glenn Harper:


a viable business.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes. Like, I it's so weird to me to think like I mean, if

Lexie Maitland:


you would have told me four years ago that I would have

Lexie Maitland:


just like graduated it.

Lexie Maitland:


Granted, my graduation was virtual because it was like one

Lexie Maitland:


of those years. But literally the next day I woke up and I

Lexie Maitland:


just kind of picked up my work, you know?

Lexie Maitland:


And it was really cool to have that like just super easy

Lexie Maitland:


transition where I didn't have to spend three months moving

Lexie Maitland:


back home, living with my parents and not having an income

Lexie Maitland:


and all of that. So that was that was a nice transition to

Lexie Maitland:


be able to make.

Glenn Harper:


Do you you know, everybody all entrepreneurs generally have

Glenn Harper:


some kind of superpower.

Glenn Harper:


And your mom has spoke speaks of this as well.

Glenn Harper:


But do you think your superpower you know, obviously, it's

Glenn Harper:


you've got skills competitiveness, you've got your

Glenn Harper:


committed, your driven, all those things.

Glenn Harper:


But do you think in the training arena that you have, your

Glenn Harper:


superpower is more like you just had the effect where you

Glenn Harper:


can recognize potential talent and know that you can

Glenn Harper:


develop it? Or are you going to just take anybody to train

Glenn Harper:


with? Or do you want to you try to get people that are

Glenn Harper:


like, Hey, I'm going to get them to the next level because

Glenn Harper:


I can recognize it.

Glenn Harper:


I know they have it in them and I can get them there.

Glenn Harper:


Or you're trying to get or are you more looking at for

Glenn Harper:


people that are like, Hey, I'm just going to try to get

Glenn Harper:


them off the couch and be able to, you know, walk a5k Yeah.

Lexie Maitland:


So generally I find that nowadays I work with a lot of

Lexie Maitland:


people that are already established with like a fitness

Lexie Maitland:


nutrition routine. Like it's been part of their lifestyle,

Lexie Maitland:


but they're looking to take it to the next level.

Lexie Maitland:


So that's kind of what I'm working with right now.

Lexie Maitland:


And I feel like one of the things that I really seek to

Lexie Maitland:


like make my super or I guess I don't know if you would

Lexie Maitland:


call this a super power, but one of the things I really try

Lexie Maitland:


my best to do is with my clients.

Lexie Maitland:


I like to really make that personal, you know, like genuine

Lexie Maitland:


relationship with them.

Lexie Maitland:


Like I don't want them to ever feel like just a number

Lexie Maitland:


because in this industry, in the bodybuilding industry with

Lexie Maitland:


like a lot of high level coaches or like coaches who have

Lexie Maitland:


had very successful athletes, unfortunately not all, but a

Lexie Maitland:


lot of those coaches are kind of known for being very

Lexie Maitland:


giving very cookie cutter plans, not being very personable.

Lexie Maitland:


And when I say cookie cutter, I mean like giving everybody

Lexie Maitland:


the same plan.

Lexie Maitland:


So my thing is, I really want my clients to recognize and

Lexie Maitland:


realize like, hey, you're talking to a real person and I

Lexie Maitland:


have a relationship with you.

Lexie Maitland:


And like, I actually care about you as a human as well.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, of course I'm coaching my clients on the whole, on

Lexie Maitland:


the nutrition, on the training, on all of that stuff.

Lexie Maitland:


But you know, I like to know about if they want to let me

Lexie Maitland:


know about other things going on in their life, like I like

Lexie Maitland:


to know about them as a person outside of the gym to like,

Lexie Maitland:


hey, what are your interests?

Lexie Maitland:


You know, do you have a family?

Lexie Maitland:


Like, what is your job? I like to know about them just

Lexie Maitland:


beyond the scope of just their training and their diet.

Glenn Harper:


So you're you're not like that dance moms, coach.

Glenn Harper:


You don't come at people like that?

Glenn Harper:


No, no.

Glenn Harper:


Oh, that's positive.

Lexie Maitland:


I would definitely probably have zero clients if I did that.

Glenn Harper:


But, you know, it's funny, you like you said earlier, the

Glenn Harper:


you know, as an entrepreneur, you're trying to pivot and

Glenn Harper:


adjust to your clients needs and what they want.

Glenn Harper:


And certain clients need to stick and certain clients need

Glenn Harper:


a little back. Pat, and they're going to be okay.

Glenn Harper:


And I'm curious on your alpha clients that are like, hey,

Glenn Harper:


we want to get to the next level.

Glenn Harper:


Do they need the stick?

Glenn Harper:


Like, you got to get in their face and get them on it?

Glenn Harper:


Or do they need like, come on, Jessica, you can do this.

Glenn Harper:


Give me one more rep or do you got to get in their face and

Glenn Harper:


bring it? Which way do you think it is most generally?

Lexie Maitland:


So I would say I do get a handful of clients that are like

Lexie Maitland:


that. Tell me right off the get go.

Lexie Maitland:


They're like, I don't really you don't have to motivate me.

Lexie Maitland:


I just need to be told what to do and I'll do it.

Lexie Maitland:


And generally, those are the ones I don't feel like I have

Lexie Maitland:


to really, like, stay on top of right now.

Lexie Maitland:


I do have some clients every once in a while that will come

Lexie Maitland:


to me and they'll tell me what their goal is.

Lexie Maitland:


And I have to be that person that's like, Whoa, hold up.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, that is a great goal.

Lexie Maitland:


But like, let's talk realistically like that is not

Lexie Maitland:


realistic to do in the time frame we have, right?

Lexie Maitland:


Like I have a lot of people that will come to me wanting to

Lexie Maitland:


compete in a show and they're like, Yeah, I found a show.

Lexie Maitland:


It's in eight weeks. Like, What do you think?

Lexie Maitland:


And I'm like, okay, you know, like that's we can, we can

Lexie Maitland:


definitely work towards that eventually, but that is not a

Lexie Maitland:


realistic goal. So sometimes I do have those people that

Lexie Maitland:


come to me that are super gung ho on doing something in a

Lexie Maitland:


short period of time.

Lexie Maitland:


And I always say like, good coaches are going to always

Lexie Maitland:


tell their clients what they need to hear, which may not

Lexie Maitland:


always be in alignment with what that client wants to hear.

Lexie Maitland:


But I also have to take into consideration that, like

Lexie Maitland:


coaching these individuals on their training, but also

Lexie Maitland:


their diet and their nutrition, like it's essentially their

Lexie Maitland:


health is in my hands.

Lexie Maitland:


So I don't take that lightly and I'm not willing to

Lexie Maitland:


jeopardize anything when it comes to their long term

Lexie Maitland:


health, even for just a short term goal.

Glenn Harper:


I definitely have a difference of opinion with my trainer

Glenn Harper:


because I seem to think that I can eat pizza and chocolate

Glenn Harper:


and drink beer and I can still have a great physique.

Glenn Harper:


And my guy says That's not possible, so we just agree to

Glenn Harper:


disagree. Is that a true statement or do you really have

Glenn Harper:


to? Is it really the workout starts with the diet?

Lexie Maitland:


Yes, honestly, I always and I've told my clients before,

Lexie Maitland:


like if I had to pick if I wanted you to be 100% on your

Lexie Maitland:


diet or your training, I would pick your diet because you

Lexie Maitland:


cannot train a bad diet.

Lexie Maitland:


And I know that because in high school, you know, I it

Lexie Maitland:


really, truly wasn't until I moved to Tampa for college

Lexie Maitland:


that I actually started paying attention to what I was

Lexie Maitland:


eating. And that's actually when I started to like visually

Lexie Maitland:


look very different. And I kept getting asked at the gym

Lexie Maitland:


like, hey, do you compete?

Lexie Maitland:


Like, do you compete? And I hadn't at the time, but just

Lexie Maitland:


point being like when I actually started paying attention

Lexie Maitland:


to my nutrition, that's when I started really making

Lexie Maitland:


changes and actually like looking different.

Glenn Harper:


So what you're saying and guess what we're saying too is as

Glenn Harper:


an entrepreneur, you've got to get outside your comfort

Glenn Harper:


zone. And ultimately it's a really a mind shift.

Glenn Harper:


And basically when you start training and a diet regimen,

Glenn Harper:


you've got to break all those bad habits.

Glenn Harper:


You know, when you become an entrepreneur, you've got to

Glenn Harper:


break through all those bad habits, what you're scared of

Glenn Harper:


and and and get through and try to achieve whatever that

Glenn Harper:


greatness that you have.

Glenn Harper:


But it's really about breaking bad habits.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes. Yes.

Lexie Maitland:


And I mean, I'm still learning so much.

Lexie Maitland:


And I mean, I'm still like growing, I feel like and trying

Lexie Maitland:


to find new ways that I can expand my reach.

Lexie Maitland:


Like for me right now, like with my SO obviously the online

Lexie Maitland:


training and nutrition is like my main source of income,

Lexie Maitland:


but I do work for like two other small companies within the

Lexie Maitland:


industry just doing part time work.

Lexie Maitland:


But like for me to get my clients, it's super important for

Lexie Maitland:


me to have a really good social media presence.

Lexie Maitland:


And that's where I do all of my marketing.

Lexie Maitland:


That's where I bring in people.

Lexie Maitland:


Like people have to find me and see value in me to inquire

Lexie Maitland:


for coaching, right?

Lexie Maitland:


So I also have a YouTube channel that I've started because

Lexie Maitland:


I know that's just another way that people can find me and

Lexie Maitland:


see value in me and then want to inquire for coaching with

Lexie Maitland:


me. So, you know, like starting YouTube, that was totally

Lexie Maitland:


outside of my comfort zone.

Lexie Maitland:


I started that last summer, but it's grown pretty quickly

Lexie Maitland:


and it's brought in a lot of client inquiries too, which

Lexie Maitland:


has been cool. So it just goes to show like I did, that it

Lexie Maitland:


was outside of my comfort zone and it's it's really paid

Lexie Maitland:



Julie Smith:


So do you think at any point in time in the future you're

Julie Smith:


going to want a team around you or you're like, Hey, it's

Julie Smith:


just me and I'm good with that.

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. So so I do have so essentially I do work for a team

Lexie Maitland:


however we like all individual.

Lexie Maitland:


So I work for team pro physique, that's the team.

Lexie Maitland:


And then we have 20 coaches, right?

Lexie Maitland:


But all of us coaches, we all have very similar methods and

Lexie Maitland:


philosophies. However, it's kind of like I am like almost

Lexie Maitland:


running my own business, except I do have that team behind

Lexie Maitland:


me, which I really like, because I do think that, you know,

Lexie Maitland:


in bodybuilding especially, it can feel like a very

Lexie Maitland:


isolating sport.

Lexie Maitland:


So I think it is nice to have like a team around you to

Lexie Maitland:


kind of share in that, that same passion, right?

Lexie Maitland:


And like my clients, you know, I try to really form a

Lexie Maitland:


community with my clients choose to like all of my clients

Lexie Maitland:


specific to me, yes, they're a part of team physique.

Lexie Maitland:


But we also have like a Facebook group, team pro physique,

Lexie Maitland:


coach Lexie We have like apparel for just my clients.

Lexie Maitland:


So I've really tried to create a community with just my

Lexie Maitland:


clients to. But having that whole team name is really nice

Lexie Maitland:


as well, just for like just for bonding purposes.

Lexie Maitland:


And also I have found that like in the bodybuilding

Lexie Maitland:


community, a lot of competitors really do like to be

Lexie Maitland:


identified with a team.

Lexie Maitland:


I don't know. I mean, just some people just just like that.

Lexie Maitland:


It makes them feel more important.

Glenn Harper:


Well, it's not fun if you do it by yourself.

Glenn Harper:


Right. That's that's a real thing.

Lexie Maitland:


And like, for me, too, I'm really bad with the whole, like,

Lexie Maitland:


like back end logistics of things.

Lexie Maitland:


So, like, it's so nice for me to be able to work for this

Lexie Maitland:


company and literally spend 100% of my time like coaching

Lexie Maitland:


and interacting with my clients and building their programs

Lexie Maitland:


and doing all of that, rather than having to stress about

Lexie Maitland:


like, you know, the payroll or the, like, the, the

Lexie Maitland:


technical like system that we use for our clients to check

Lexie Maitland:


in. Like, I don't have to worry about that stuff, which is

Lexie Maitland:


super nice because I'm not good at that stuff.

Lexie Maitland:


So it allows me to just be able to solely focus on like

Lexie Maitland:


what I'm good at, which is just the coaching aspect of

Lexie Maitland:



Glenn Harper:


That's crazy talk that you've figured out already that

Glenn Harper:


you're supposed to do what you're good at and have other

Glenn Harper:


people do what you're not good at.

Glenn Harper:


That's a it's fine that you did that early in your career.

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, it's definitely a learning experience for me too,

Lexie Maitland:


because I tend to like always want to take on as much as

Lexie Maitland:


possible. And sometimes it's hard for me to accept like,

Lexie Maitland:


Hey, I'm not good at this or or either, like, I don't have

Lexie Maitland:


time to do this. And I think I need to deviate this task to

Lexie Maitland:


somebody else in order for me to actually do my job better.

Glenn Harper:


I think the cool part too is when you win an award, then you

Glenn Harper:


can thank everybody if you have a whole team behind you, if

Glenn Harper:


it's just all you. Well, I'd like to thank myself.

Glenn Harper:


I did really great, but it's a lot better to thank a team,

Glenn Harper:


right, because everybody was crucial in your success.

Lexie Maitland:


Yes, absolutely.

Lexie Maitland:


And and, you know, that's not to say to like I have

Lexie Maitland:


definitely you know, I have some ideas and aspirations to

Lexie Maitland:


eventually take like this platform I have now with my

Lexie Maitland:


coaching and my social media and potentially like build

Lexie Maitland:


something else, not like coaching oriented, but a brand

Lexie Maitland:


that kind of goes along with this, whether it be I mean,

Lexie Maitland:


I'm just using like a clothing, like a fitness clothing

Lexie Maitland:


brand as an example.

Lexie Maitland:


It probably wouldn't be that.

Lexie Maitland:


But doing something like that or creating like a, I don't

Lexie Maitland:


know, like a little food company, like a protein bar or

Lexie Maitland:


whatever. Like now that I've really built this platform

Lexie Maitland:


with like my clients and through my coaching career, I

Lexie Maitland:


think it'd be really cool to like eventually work towards

Lexie Maitland:


doing something like that.

Glenn Harper:


Along with this, if you had a protein bar that tastes like

Glenn Harper:


fried chicken, I would be all over that.

Lexie Maitland:


Wow. You know, there are some really good ones out there.

Lexie Maitland:


And like I'm saying, honestly, I should definitely give you

Lexie Maitland:


a list because I know that the standard protein bar is

Lexie Maitland:


known for just like tasting awful, but there are some good

Lexie Maitland:


ones out there. So I've got some fan mail that's coming in

Lexie Maitland:


while we're talking and they have a couple of questions I

Lexie Maitland:


need to relate to you. So the first thing is, so when you

Lexie Maitland:


see a competitive bodybuilder, whether it's a fitness or,

Lexie Maitland:


you know, muscle, whatever that is, or aerobics, whatever

Lexie Maitland:


that might be, people say, well, oh, my gosh, what do you

Lexie Maitland:


got to do to look like that?

Lexie Maitland:


And, Hey, do you ever get it?

Lexie Maitland:


Do you always have to be 100% committed?

Lexie Maitland:


Do you ever get like a guilty pleasure?

Lexie Maitland:


Can you cheat on your diet at least like four times a day?

Lexie Maitland:


Or is it like, you know, two times a day?

Lexie Maitland:


How often can cheat on your diet and what's your guilty

Lexie Maitland:


pleasure? Okay, so I will start off with my guilty

Lexie Maitland:


pleasure. Ooh, that's a you know what's so funny?

Lexie Maitland:


Because, like, I'm weird, I don't get a lot of crazy

Lexie Maitland:


cravings because I truly enjoy that, but I eat day to day

Lexie Maitland:


and I think that's why. But I have a sweet tooth.

Lexie Maitland:


So I do really enjoy, like, little sweet things every once

Lexie Maitland:


in a while. Like, I'm not going to lie.

Lexie Maitland:


I was at my mom's house this past week, like housesitting

Lexie Maitland:


and dog sitting for her.

Lexie Maitland:


And of course, their pantry has had a lot of a lot of stuff

Lexie Maitland:


in there. And like, I was guilty of having like a handful

Lexie Maitland:


of like something I would never normally have that was

Lexie Maitland:


like, sweet. So I have a sweet tooth, but I would say it's

Lexie Maitland:


all about depending. It depends on the person's goals,

Lexie Maitland:


right? So if somebody's goal is very like, we're kind of

Lexie Maitland:


pressed for time. So if they are competing for a show and

Lexie Maitland:


we're X amount weeks out like no, there really is no room

Lexie Maitland:


for quote unquote cheating, right?

Lexie Maitland:


Whereas if somebody is a lifestyle client, I like to not

Lexie Maitland:


look at it as cheating, but like what I'll do is sometimes

Lexie Maitland:


I'll tell them, Hey, every week we're going to I'm going to

Lexie Maitland:


give you an untracked meal, meaning you can kind of use

Lexie Maitland:


that. And it's synonymous with the phrase cheat meal, so to

Lexie Maitland:


say. So I built those into people's programs if they are

Lexie Maitland:


somebody who needs them.

Lexie Maitland:


Now, I've had clients in the past that like don't need them

Lexie Maitland:


or specifically tell me I don't want a cheat meal because I

Lexie Maitland:


will like go off the rails and completely lose control.

Julie Smith:


So with like, I think you're looking at one of them.

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. Well, you know, it's so funny because I recently I've

Lexie Maitland:


had like two people tell me they're like, Lexi, I don't

Lexie Maitland:


want an entourage meal because.

Lexie Maitland:


I took it last week and I completely just went off the

Lexie Maitland:


rails. So it's all it goes back to.

Lexie Maitland:


Like what I said before, you have to kind of learn the

Lexie Maitland:


psychology of the person and what they're going to respond

Lexie Maitland:


best to. But when it comes to a competitive like

Lexie Maitland:


bodybuilding client who is actively prepping for a

Lexie Maitland:


bodybuilding show, meaning like they're dieting for the

Lexie Maitland:


show, they're maybe eight, ten weeks out, whatever it may

Lexie Maitland:


be. No, there really isn't much room for cheating.

Lexie Maitland:


I mean, if they cheat, that's only going to impact how they

Lexie Maitland:


eventually look on stage.

Glenn Harper:


I feel like if I scheduled three training sessions a day

Glenn Harper:


with you, I could have then three cheat meals a week based

Glenn Harper:


on what you're saying. And that would be really cool.

Glenn Harper:


But no, you're the this really is a trick question because

Glenn Harper:


for whatever reason, people it's really hard to stay

Glenn Harper:


committed 100% all the time to achieve your goal.

Glenn Harper:


And especially when the everything you see on TV,

Glenn Harper:


everything you read in social media, it's always food,

Glenn Harper:


food, food. Sit around, watch this.

Glenn Harper:


Don't be act. It's unbelievable how hard it is to stay on

Glenn Harper:


point. And I think you're right.

Glenn Harper:


If once you get one taste of that salty, sweet, whatever

Glenn Harper:


that might be, that it triggers it.

Glenn Harper:


I mean, it's over. I mean, how do you get back on track?

Glenn Harper:


So I agree that when you're committed like you are and like

Glenn Harper:


your clients are, if they're trying to get to the next

Glenn Harper:


level, they probably don't think of like that.

Glenn Harper:


They probably don't. It's not even an issue.

Lexie Maitland:


But yeah, and it's like honestly to the less you eat that

Lexie Maitland:


stuff, like the less you eat the chips or the cookies or

Lexie Maitland:


the cake or whatever it may be, the less you crave it.

Lexie Maitland:


Like that is such a real thing.

Lexie Maitland:


I remember being back in high school and I literally could

Lexie Maitland:


not go like more than a day without having some type of

Lexie Maitland:


candy. It was crazy.

Lexie Maitland:


Now I don't even like eat candy and I don't really think

Lexie Maitland:


twice about it. So it it is one of those things like the

Lexie Maitland:


less you eat something, unless you expose yourself to those

Lexie Maitland:


things, you're going to eventually just start to forget

Lexie Maitland:


about it and not crave it as much.

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, I.

Glenn Harper:


Don't know if that's true or not, but I'll agree to

Glenn Harper:


disagree. I'm kidding. I know they say it's true.

Glenn Harper:


I've never gotten that far along.

Glenn Harper:


And here's another question. You just came in off the off

Glenn Harper:


the lines here. So when you're doing this, the competition

Glenn Harper:


thing, is it better to do the spray tan or real tan?

Lexie Maitland:


Oh, great question.

Lexie Maitland:


Spray tan all the way because.

Julie Smith:



Lexie Maitland:


Yeah. So for shows, you definitely want to get a spray tan

Lexie Maitland:


because if you've ever gone to a bodybuilding show, the the

Lexie Maitland:


tan that we wear on stage, it is not just something you can

Lexie Maitland:


get from laying out in the sun or going to the local

Lexie Maitland:


tanning bed. It is an extreme tan like it's it's not a tan.

Lexie Maitland:


I would just want to like throw on to like a walk around

Lexie Maitland:


with like it's very dark.

Lexie Maitland:


And the reason being the reason it's so dark, if people are

Lexie Maitland:


wondering, is because when you get on stage and you get

Lexie Maitland:


under those stage lights, the darkness of the tan really

Lexie Maitland:


helps to kind of allow your muscles to pop out more and

Lexie Maitland:


make your muscles more visible.

Lexie Maitland:


So for example, I competed in three shows back in 2021, and

Lexie Maitland:


the second show I competed in, I was actually critiqued

Lexie Maitland:


that my tan was too light.

Lexie Maitland:


And what it did is it kind of it washed out my muscles a

Lexie Maitland:


little bit, whereas the next show my tan was darker and you

Lexie Maitland:


could actually see my muscle definition more so always

Lexie Maitland:


doing the spray tan.

Lexie Maitland:


It's, it's, it's a very extreme spray tan.

Lexie Maitland:


But after show day, you get to like wash it off.

Lexie Maitland:


Mine usually sticks around for, like, weeks.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, it'll fade, of course, but I always look orange for

Lexie Maitland:


like that next week afterwards.

Julie Smith:


So I know Glenn's next question.

Julie Smith:


Can he just get the extreme spray tan to show off his

Julie Smith:



Lexie Maitland:


Oh, my gosh. You do not want the extreme spray.

Lexie Maitland:


What? I always have to.

Lexie Maitland:


So thankfully, the gym I go to the gym, I personally like

Lexie Maitland:


do my own workouts out.

Lexie Maitland:


There's a lot of bodybuilders there, so they understand.

Lexie Maitland:


But I find that like when I'm just walking around with like

Lexie Maitland:


the excess of my spray tan on, people are like, what?

Lexie Maitland:


Because you get it from the neck down to you, don't spray

Lexie Maitland:


your face. So it looks really weird.

Lexie Maitland:


Like you walk around, you have like a white face with the

Lexie Maitland:


spray tan on when also on show day.

Lexie Maitland:


The reason you don't spray your face for girls is because

Lexie Maitland:


our makeup artist will contour and match our tan to our

Lexie Maitland:


face. But it's so funny.

Lexie Maitland:


Like the week after a show, I walk around and my face is

Lexie Maitland:


essentially white, but the rest of my body is like orange.

Lexie Maitland:


It's not a great look.

Julie Smith:


I feel like next week I'm going to come into the office and

Julie Smith:


Glen's face is going to be white and he's going to know.

Julie Smith:


I think I look buff.

Glenn Harper:


I think I'll put the tan on my face because I got these

Glenn Harper:


great jaw muscles because I talk so much, I got to show

Glenn Harper:


those off a little bit.

Lexie Maitland:


Great thinking.

Glenn Harper:


So here's a here's another tidbit for the entrepreneurs

Glenn Harper:


listening to this. And, you know.

Glenn Harper:


Everybody has a timetable or a bandwidth or a where they're

Glenn Harper:


at their peak. Right.

Glenn Harper:


And if you don't get the proper advice, if you don't get

Glenn Harper:


the proper shortcut and you have to figure that out on your

Glenn Harper:


own and stumble through it, you're going to miss your

Glenn Harper:


window and what you just said about learning these tidbits.

Glenn Harper:


And you can apply this to any business out there, whatever

Glenn Harper:


you're trying to do.

Glenn Harper:


Somebody who's trying to train to become one of these elite

Glenn Harper:


competitors, just knowing, hey, this is how you do the tan

Glenn Harper:


thing. Hey, this is the best thing you can eat with your

Glenn Harper:


body type that's going to get you there quicker.

Glenn Harper:


You now can prolong the competitive window and give that

Glenn Harper:


person more opportunities and more hits to having a chance

Glenn Harper:


to be the best they can be versus they're screwing around,

Glenn Harper:


meandering through the desert, can't figure it out, and all

Glenn Harper:


of a sudden they figure it out and they have one more

Glenn Harper:


competition left, and then they got to be out because now

Glenn Harper:


they're too old. I mean, that is a really a big thing why

Glenn Harper:


somebody want to hire any type of expert to help somebody

Glenn Harper:


in their field. Would you agree?

Lexie Maitland:


Absolutely. Yeah.

Lexie Maitland:


I think like by hiring me, I tell my clients, like, let me

Lexie Maitland:


take away the stress of you having to scramble around and

Lexie Maitland:


wonder, like, what should I be doing?

Lexie Maitland:


What's best? Am I doing enough?

Lexie Maitland:


Am I not doing enough?

Lexie Maitland:


So I think, like I like to take that stress off of them,

Lexie Maitland:


but also teach them along the way.

Lexie Maitland:


Like I love educating and teaching people along the way.

Lexie Maitland:


Like, I am definitely not somebody that's just like do this

Lexie Maitland:


because I said so. Like I'm always like, okay, this is what

Lexie Maitland:


we're going to do. This is why we're going to do it.

Lexie Maitland:


So, yeah, I totally agree with that.

Glenn Harper:


One final question.

Glenn Harper:


So is there somebody out there obviously besides me that

Glenn Harper:


was your dream coaching person that you'd be like, Wow, if

Glenn Harper:


I could get that person in a gym and get them on a

Glenn Harper:


nutrition regiment, they would be lights out.

Glenn Harper:


Is there somebody that you are just questing for that say,

Glenn Harper:


man, if I could just get in that person's head?

Lexie Maitland:


Um, that's a good question.

Lexie Maitland:


I can't think of any specific names for people I would

Lexie Maitland:


potentially want to work like work with to get them to the

Lexie Maitland:


next level. I do have a few clients right now, though, that

Lexie Maitland:


I will say. I mean, I won't put their names out there, but

Lexie Maitland:


I'm like, Oh, we're going to like they're going to be

Lexie Maitland:


really good. Like I'm getting actually to go to a couple of

Lexie Maitland:


their shows here in the summer, so I'm so excited about

Lexie Maitland:


that. But like if they're, I guess kind of like on the flip

Lexie Maitland:


side of things, if there was somebody that I would like, I

Lexie Maitland:


mean, like to train with or like go spend a day with just

Lexie Maitland:


to like improve my overall like just entrepreneurship

Lexie Maitland:


mindset or whatnot.

Lexie Maitland:


It would be this guy named Cristian Guzman.

Lexie Maitland:


And for anybody listening, like you should go and look him

Lexie Maitland:


up because he actually essentially started off kind of, I

Lexie Maitland:


think somewhat doing like what I'm doing now.

Lexie Maitland:


He started off on YouTube and he has grown a huge empire

Lexie Maitland:


out and he lives in Houston, Texas, Sugarland.

Lexie Maitland:


And he has this whole like huge gym but also clothing

Lexie Maitland:


brand. And he has just all these crazy brands, but he has

Lexie Maitland:


built this huge empire.

Lexie Maitland:


So he's probably someone I would want to go spend the day

Lexie Maitland:


with if I were to kind of like flip that question, too.

Glenn Harper:


So it's going to be probably not in the near future where

Glenn Harper:


you're going to try to surpass that guy.

Glenn Harper:


So that'd be exciting.

Lexie Maitland:


I hope so. I'm actually going out to Houston, Texas, at the

Lexie Maitland:


end of this month to attend one of his events.

Lexie Maitland:


So I am so excited because he's like, he's my ultimate like

Lexie Maitland:


idol and go, look, I instantly watch his videos and it just

Lexie Maitland:


makes me want to like do more and be more in it, like,

Lexie Maitland:


motivates me to, like, take myself further.

Glenn Harper:


There's another tidbit for you.

Glenn Harper:


Entrepreneur is continually educating yourself continually

Glenn Harper:


to learn more. Continue to get out of the box that you're

Glenn Harper:


in and keep exploring options.

Glenn Harper:


Well, we appreciate you being on the show today.

Glenn Harper:


Is would you like to give a little plug of how people can

Glenn Harper:


get a hold of you and watch you?

Glenn Harper:


Is that appropriate?

Lexie Maitland:


Yeah, of course.

Lexie Maitland:


So for me, I would say the best way to reach me, I'm really

Lexie Maitland:


active on Instagram.

Lexie Maitland:


So Instagram, it's my username is just Lexi.

Lexie Maitland:


Lexi and then mate and my t essentially if you go there, I

Lexie Maitland:


have a link tree in my bio that will direct you to like my

Lexie Maitland:


YouTube channel.

Lexie Maitland:


And also if you are interested in like sending in an

Lexie Maitland:


inquiry for coaching, you can find that link there.

Lexie Maitland:


So yeah, Instagram is the best way probably to reach me.

Lexie Maitland:


And then you can also just search my first and last name on

Lexie Maitland:


YouTube and that's how you'll find the YouTube channel.

Glenn Harper:


Fantastic. I really appreciate you spending time with us and

Glenn Harper:


on the entrepreneurs listening to this.

Glenn Harper:


I hope you pulled out some nuggets and those are some a lot

Glenn Harper:


of good ones there. And get out of your own way.

Glenn Harper:


Education, shortcuts, discipline, commitment, all those

Glenn Harper:


things are wonderful.

Glenn Harper:


Glenn Harper signing off.

Glenn Harper:


Julie Smith: And Julie Smith.



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