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Are you ready to help wake up the world? – Jackie-ism
Episode 1019th July 2022 • Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons • Jackie Simmons
00:00:00 00:15:57

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This episode is all about you and the growing positivity movement. We call these Jackie-isms and today you get two of them. One about the world and finding out your role in creating a new, more positive planet. The second is all about getting what you want, even if other people are involved.Join Jackie as she busts the myths around getting what you want . . . especially from other people. (Hint: It’s not about them.) Unplug from the world and plug-in!

Be prepared to take notes and hang on, the ride gets more interesting from here.


Links mentioned in the podcast:

Click here for the 60 cent solution link.

Click here for The Positivity Club link.

About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.

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YBOP Intro/Outro:

Welcome back to your brain on positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it on.

Jackie Simmons:

Welcome. This is Your Brain On Positive. And I am absolutely positive that you are going to love this session. This session is all about, are you ready to help the world wake up?

Jackie Simmons:

Why is that an important question? Well, I hear all the time from my coaches and from my students that they want to make a difference in the world, they want to help shift the world into a more positive state. They want to help people find their own solutions and improve their lives dramatically.

Jackie Simmons:

So my clients, my coaches, they're wanting to help the world wake up to the power of positivity. That's what we want the world to wake up to. The question is, is that what you're doing is what you're doing. Part of this momentum that is building we call it the positivity movement. And if what you're doing is part of this momentum that building positivity in the planet, we want to know about it. So yes, this is your brain on positive podcast, I am Jackie Simmons, I am your host, and I'm going to be talking to you today about the power of having a positive vision, something that will pull you into a greater version of you. Because positivity, like success is an inside job.

Jackie Simmons:

Matter of fact, your whole life is an inside job projected outwards. What you see in your world, how you perceive the world, the patterns that you see in the world are all based on what is happening inside of you. So success is an inside job positivity is an inside job. What are you doing to help other people get their insides right? To get their mindset right to get their health, right? We want to know so that we could start celebrating what you're up to. You could put a comment on this podcast, you could put a comment in the Facebook group your brain on positive if you haven't been there, go there. Let us know what you are doing in the world. Why? Because if you're ready to help the world wake up, we want to talk with you before the next positivity festival. There are positivity festivals popping up, not just around the country, but around the world. It is a movement that is gaining momentum. And we're super excited to be able to be a part of it.

Jackie Simmons:

So we're hoping that

Jackie Simmons:

you will want to be a part of it. And how do you become a part of it, you just let us know that you're part of helping the world wake up to the power of positivity, that you're part of helping people rediscover the optimism they were born with. And if that is what you are doing, you are helping people rediscover their inner light and clearing the clutter that prevents it from shining. We want to know so this podcast is a really short podcast because all I want is for you to be aware that if that is your goal in life, if your goal is have a huge impact, to improve the positivity of the planet, from a personal level, from the inside out for your clients and for yourself. We want to help you shine brighter we want to help people find you. We think that we need you and all of you collectively, because this is a move men. It's not one person leading the charge. Now there are some generals. I will be bluntly honest with you, there are some amazing people that are leading the charge on the positivity movement that are the movers and shakers behind the founding of the positivity club. I'm grateful to know them. I'm delighted to be part of it. I'm not a general, working hard to be a lieutenant. It does not matter what level you play. What matters right now for the planet is that you're willing to play, that you're willing to put your brain on positive as powerfully as possible. And help everyone that you come in contact with is the same. So please let us know if this is what you're doing. There'll be some links where you can check out what I call the 60 cent solution a source of perpetual optimism, and there'll be links to check out the positivity club

Jackie Simmons:

Well, you can just come

Jackie Simmons:

to the positivity club, your brain? Well, it's your brain on positive, the Facebook group, because we talked about the club there. And you can get more information that way. Why is this important? Because we want to shine a light on you. What you're doing is important, who you are is amazing. And what you're doing is important. In the intro, it says your brain on positive, we know that your brain on positive is 31% more productive. And then if you're in sales, which we all are in some way or another, even if you're just selling your partner on where to go to dinner, or your kids on doing their homework, we're all in sales. We all have things that we desire for other people to do. And that's what selling is, whether it's becoming our clients, or picking up and taking their stuff to their own room and not leaving it in the middle of the house. We all have things we want other people to do. What I realized is that my brain had been trained to be more focused on what other people wanted me to do, then on what I wanted me to do. So taking that whole thing apart, being selling people on doing what I want them to do, well, that's not how I grew up, I grew up with being sold to with other people's expectations of me being the deciding factor. And while that's really, really, really important to the safety of childhood, and to kids growing up as an adult, that becomes problematic, especially as I realized that I'm really not a good employee. entrepreneurialism is my jam. This is where I belong, where I have the freedom where I have the ability to make the decisions.


That's problem.

Jackie Simmons:

That's a problem. If I'm in a world, in a mindset in my mental world, being set up to always respond to other people's expectations, and be kind of oblivious to setting my own view, even figuring out what it is that I desire. So if this is something that you have experienced, where you are more aware of the desires and the expectations of the people around you, then you are of your own, take heart, it's not that difficult to put yourself back in the center of your own life, the way that you were born. Because when you were born, you were in the center of your own life, you were the whole universe. And then the body, the brain, the spirit, the intuition, the emotions, started bumping up against the desires and emotions of other people. And for me, it meant that my world started kind of splitting apart. And I got disconnected from what I wanted. And I stopped having expectations of other people because I was tired of being disappointed. These were decisions I didn't make with my prefrontal cortex. Guys, I wasn't making these decisions in my 20s, I was making these decisions before the prefrontal cortex was even there, which means before I was 12, there are actually decisions that we make at a time we don't even remember. The good news is that waking up becoming aware that you have a desire, that it's okay to give yourself permission to want something, to have a preference for something.


That's the key because when

Jackie Simmons:

you give yourself permission to have a preference, to have a desire to have a vision, to have a dream to have a goal, then you are giving tacit permission to everyone around you to do the same thing that will inspire people to work with you more than any other thing you could possibly do. There is not a sales technique in the world and I used to teach sales. There is not a sales technique in the world. Oh, by the way, I actually wrote a book on sales. There's not a sales technique in the world


that is better for building your

Jackie Simmons:

business. Then you giving yourself permission to have a dream but desire, a vision and a goal. Because that energy of you being inspired by your own life by your own bigger vision of your life. You being inspired by you is what will allow other people to be inspired and your presence. There is nothing sadder than someone trying to intentionally inspire others. That's not what makes for a good teacher. It's not what makes for a good preacher. And it is not what makes for a solid business model. We have a rule in my business and among my community coaches, if you bring someone in you will be the one to bring them along. We don't teach sales, we don't do convincing. We don't believe we are the solution to every problem out there. We know that we're our vision of the world is so compelling. Our vision of what your brain on positive can create in your world is so inspiring to us.

Jackie Simmons:

That we're inspired every single

Jackie Simmons:

day. And that's could be part of why you're listening to this podcast is because you find that it's fun to hang out with people who are inspired by their lives and by their visions. inspire yourself today. Give yourself permission to have a preference, a desire, a dream and a goal. Write it down. Why? And I'm going to share because what happened today was so inspiring. I was on a call with one of my coaches. And she said imagine if there was a conscious transformational coach in every state in the country. And I realized a long time ago, when I was an Eastern healing arts practitioner, I had had that vision. I had a vision of my clients because I was in the Baltimore Washington corridor. I was an on site, shiatsu practitioner. Matter of fact, that was my business on site, shiatsu. So I was taking my shiatsu mat into people's homes and into businesses. Getting my metal shiatsu chair through Northrop Grumman security and a post 911 world is a story in and of itself. My Vantage, and my clients started moving out of the Baltimore Washington corridor and they were relocating to other states and I had this vision of staying in touch with them, and then being able to travel around the country, doing shiatsu, the way shiatsu was traditionally practiced in Japan because in Japan, shiatsu practitioners were itinerant, they traveled from village to village, and they stayed in your home. And they worked on whoever needed work, and then they moved on. Sounded like a great idea to me, I'm a bit of a gypsy at heart, and I was raised as an Army brat. So I was raised in a little bit of a gypsy lifestyle. So that was my vision. Well, then I stopped being an Eastern healing arts practitioner and went more into stress management and more into business building. And that combination of being a stress management consultant, and a business consultant landed me here in Florida. I'm no longer in the Baltimore Washington corridor. Now my home is in Sarasota, Florida. And I absolutely love it. Business brought me here. Love kept me here. My vision now, back to my vision, sorry, that was the sidebar, my vision. I'm having a client in every state so that I could travel around the country. Now, my clients are actually coaches in the certification program, as we build out this community of conscious transformation. You know, we want people who wake up to the power of positivity. And my dream now, thanks to one of my coaches is to have someone certified or in the certification training in every state, and in every country. So that I can travel Absolutely, because I love to travel, but more so so that the planet can turn its brain to positive a little more easily by resolving negative emotional history without needing to talk about it. Because that's what conscious transformation work is about. That's what I'm known for. I created that system. So power, though, that I want to talk to you about right now is the power of giving myself permission to have that vision again. That's what got me so jazzed up today. That's what has me so inspired, what is the vision you could hold of who you could be the impact you could have in the world that inspires you? And I want to know, so please put a comment on this podcast. Put a comment in the Facebook group your brain on positive. Let us hear from you about your new powerful vision of yourself. However, your journey brought you here somewhere along the line, you had a dream of what being an entrepreneur and the impact you could have on the world. If you're a coach or a healer, especially having that permission to have that power. By giving yourself a promise that you will live into that vision that will change the world. Thank you, as always, turn your brain to positive the fastest way possible. And be part of the community. Let's create a positivity movement together. Have a great day.




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