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Time to 1.5 | 3 | Coalbrookdale
Episode 315th February 2022 • Threshold • Auricle Productions
00:00:00 00:48:08

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Eva Kalea:

This is threshold nonprofit, independent and

Eva Kalea:

listener funded. Support the show at

Amy Martin:

Okay, I'm looking at the Smethwick engine. I guess

Amy Martin:

it's the oldest working steam engine in the world.

Amy Martin:

I'm in a science museum called Think Tank in Birmingham,

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England, standing in front of a steam engine designed by James

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Watt in the late 1700s.

Amy Martin:

And when I say engine, if you picture the thing that you look

Amy Martin:

at when you open the hood of your car, wipe that image out of

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your mind. This is like it takes up at least three floors of this

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museum. It extends down below, and then it extends high above

Amy Martin:


Amy Martin:

It's a big, hulking piece of equipment with iron rods and

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pipes and a thick wooden beam on top, rocking back and forth like

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a seesaw. But I didn't really come here to study the

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engineering. I just wanted to meet this thing face to face and

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grapple with what it means, because the watt steam engine is

Amy Martin:

often credited with launching the Industrial Revolution, and

Amy Martin:

the Industrial Revolution launched the climate crisis.

Museum Recording:

It all started in 1763, the young Scottish

Museum Recording:

engineer James Watt realized that the steam engines then in

Museum Recording:

use could be improved by adding a separate condenser. This made

Museum Recording:

the engine far more efficient and powerful.

Amy Martin:

Welcome to Threshold. I'm Amy Martin, and

Amy Martin:

this is the third episode of our season called Time to 1.5. We're

Amy Martin:

investigating what we're doing and not doing with the time

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before temperatures rise one and a half degrees Celsius over pre

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industrial levels. And it's the last part of that sentence, pre

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industrial levels that led me here. Britain was the first

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place in the world to go through what we now call the Industrial

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Revolution, a transformation of an agricultural, rural society

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into a manufacturing powerhouse. And this is also where we get

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our first archetypal images of industrial damage, skies full of

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soot, children laboring in factories. One of the key

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concepts of the Industrial Revolution is acceleration. It

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was a massive speeding up of almost everything, urbanization,

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mechanization, transportation, production, trade, consumption,

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and all of those surges were fueled by a radical acceleration

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of the carbon cycle. The processes that began here in

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Britain in the 1700s kicked off a multi century fossil fuel

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binge, which is now knocking the climate out of whack. So the

Amy Martin:

Industrial Revolution is when we started to move fast and break

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things, including the delicate carbon balance that has

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stabilized our climate for 10,000 years or more, as we

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learned in our first episode.

Justine Paradis:

So we have already crashed through the

Justine Paradis:

warmest temperature on Earth since we left the last ice age.

Justine Paradis:

We've already gone through.

Amy Martin:

But this revolution also led to unprecedented levels

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of personal comfort and ease, if you like, getting clean water

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from a tap, flipping a switch and having the lights come on,

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heating your house, driving a car, eating food from around the

Amy Martin:

world, using a toilet or taking a hot shower, you have the

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Industrial Revolution to thank. You can also give it credit for

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antibiotics, vaccines and much longer lifespans. And all of

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this is an ongoing process, although we refer to the

Amy Martin:

Industrial Revolution with a definite article in singular

Amy Martin:

form, it's happened over and over, in place after place, and

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there are countless new industrial hubs about to emerge,

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or already on their way. Vietnam, Kenya, Indonesia. This

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revolution continues to sweep around the planet, bringing both

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prosperity and destruction in its wake. This is the central

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conundrum of our time. The Industrial Revolution sped up

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our ability to meet our needs and fulfill our desires, but it

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also sped up the ruination of our planet. So how can we stop

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doing something that feels like advancement, and how do we not

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stop doing something that's killing us? That's the dilemma

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we're grappling with in this episode and throughout this

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season, really. To get started, we're going to home in on two

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key developments in the very early days of the industrial

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revolution that set us on this paradoxical path. To see if

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there's anything in those stories that could help us set a

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new course now.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: This is the thing isn't it with the

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Industrial Revolution? It's the speed at which it takes off and

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the exponential increase in the need for everything.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Malcolm Dick: A lot of these industrial towns would be dirty

Amy Martin:

and filthy and smelly.

Francina Dominguez:

We know we're modifying the atmosphere

Francina Dominguez:

in a way that's detrimental for all living species.

Francina Dominguez:

Dr. Adelle Thomas: We need to get emissions to zero now,

Francina Dominguez:

otherwise, things are going to be much worse.

Amy Martin:

This village is like the definition of cute.

Amy Martin:

Charming, really, more than cute.

Amy Martin:

I'm walking through the village of Ironbridge, England, now

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about an hour away from Birmingham. There's a lovely

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church up on the hill in front of me. The River Severn is

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flowing along next to the brick sidewalk. It's all very English,

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complete with a fish and chips place and something called

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Ellie's world famous hand raised pork pies. As I come around to

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bend, I can see the structure that gives this place its name,

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a beautiful iron bridge arching over the river, the world's

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first major bridge made of cast iron. It's just one of many

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artifacts in this valley from the very early days of the

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Industrial Revolution.

Amy Martin:


Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: How are you?

Amy Martin:

I'm doing well, how are you, nice, how are you, nice

Amy Martin:

to meet you.

Amy Martin:

As I walk up onto the bridge, I meet my guide for the day, Dr

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Matt Thompson. He's the head collections curator for English

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Heritage, an organization that stewards hundreds of historical

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sites. And although a lot of stories about the birth of the

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Industrial Revolution start where I started a few minutes

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ago in big manufacturing cities like Birmingham, Matt says, If

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we really want to understand how this process kicked off, a

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better place to start is here in this verdant little valley in

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the early 1700s.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Yeah, often I think we have a very tight

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historical understanding of the Industrial Revolution in the

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aftermath 1760 to 1830s the kind of real flourishing of it,

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whereas I would argue that in reality, we're looking at a

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story that begins much, much earlier, and this place, I

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think, embodies that narrative.

Amy Martin:

It's a bright September day, and our View from

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the Bridge is much more Jane Austen than Charles Dickens.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: We're looking at a steep sided gorge, and it's

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very, very wooded. Now. It's kind of like a almost a sort of

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pastoral. It's kind of like a bucolic idyl, you know. But this

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really is the kind of heart of industry and this cradle of the

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Industrial Revolution, although it might not look like it right

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Amy Martin:

It doesn't look like it right now. So I asked Matt

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what this valley would have looked like when it was in its

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industrial heyday.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: What you would have seen in the 18th

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century, would have been a lot of masts.

Amy Martin:

Masts from the many boats moving goods up and down

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the River Severn.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: All up along here where the warehouse is, you

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know, there could be too deep, you know, kind of moored up

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there. There would have been chimneys. There was a lead

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smelter down there. Cannon being cast. There were, there were

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furnaces and foundries, there would have been smoke, there

Amy Martin:

would have been smell. The the river itself was kind of

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polluted, glassy, stained waters. It would have been a

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very, very different prospect.

Amy Martin:

The heart of all this activity was iron working.

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There's a lot of iron ore in the land nearby, and Matt says

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people in this area had been mining it and using it to make

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all kinds of products for hundreds of years, long before

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the Industrial Revolution began. But in the early 1700s a man

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named Abraham Darby arrived here with an idea for how to change

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the iron making process, and Matt says we can draw a direct

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line from his innovation to our current climate crisis. It all

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went down just a few miles away from where we're standing. So we

Amy Martin:

head to Matt's car to go check it out.

Amy Martin:

Oh, I'm on the wrong side.

Amy Martin:

He gently points out to me that I'm getting into his car on the

Amy Martin:

wrong side because we're in Britain.

Amy Martin:

And we're off.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: And this is a little side valley that we're

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going to go up now called Colebrookdale. And the whole

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area was called Colebrookdale in, you know, going back into

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sort of medieval times.

Amy Martin:

And a Dale is a valley?

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yeah.

Amy Martin:

As we drive up the valley, we pass by old buildings

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connected by small paths leading through the woods.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: This is where it all happened, like the 18th

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and 19th century. This is where the base of operations was, of

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the Colebrookdale foundry. You know, this big, innovative

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industrial complex.

Amy Martin:

Matt says this whole hillside was peppered with

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places where people worked turning raw iron into finished

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products, cannons and cannonballs, horseshoes and

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nails, pots and kettles. It was a multi step process he says.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: You start at the top with big lumpy stuff,

Amy Martin:

and it becomes more refined, right? So you raw. Kind of iron,

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as it were, ingots or pig iron, what have you at the top. And as

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you go down several different stops down the valley, you end

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up with it with a more finished product, until at the end of it,

Amy Martin:

you're at the river with a finished product and a

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warehouse, put it on a vessel and take it down the river.

Amy Martin:

The River Severn flowing along below, is a key

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character in the coal Brookdale story. It's the longest river in

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Great Britain. It starts in Wales, makes a backwards sea

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through Western England and eventually spills out into the

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ocean at Bristol, connecting this valley to the rest of the

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world. Matt says the river, the iron ore, and even the shape of

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the valley itself are part of what led to this place becoming

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so important in the history of the Industrial Revolution.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Here you can almost see the kind of valley

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the Dale as a kind of machine of itself, with component parts

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being all of these different establishments and installations

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along the along the length of it. But the whole thing works

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with water gravity and the raw materials, you know, all comes

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together quite sophisticated stuff. Really, quite

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sophisticated stuff.

Amy Martin:

We arrive at what today looks like a sort of park.

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There's a museum on one side and a large grassy area with a big

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iron fountain in the middle. The skies are blue. The hills around

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us are full of trees, and the only sound is from other

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visitors quietly walking about. But Matt says, for hundreds of

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years, this place would have been a hive of industrial

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activity, hard labor, hot smoke, the constant clatter of wagons

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coming and going. We head to the far end of the site, where a

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series of old brick walls encloses the space. The thing

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that Matt is most excited to show me is a crumbling structure

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in the middle, maybe 20 feet high, now protected under a

Amy Martin:

glass shelter. It's called a blast furnace, and this is

Amy Martin:

actually the first of several blast furnaces we're going to

Amy Martin:

meet in this season of our show. So I'm going to take a minute to

Amy Martin:

describe what they are and how they work. You can think of a

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blast furnace, sort of like a presto changeo machine, a tool

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for turning metals mined out of the earth into hot liquids,

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which can then be molded and shaped into whatever you want, a

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soup ladle, say, or a beam for a skyscraper. That process is

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called smelting. That's what happens inside a blast furnace.

Amy Martin:

It's a chemical process that happens at very high

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temperatures, and it separates metals like lead and silver and

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iron from the rocks or ores they're found in naturally.

Amy Martin:

Blast furnaces were first created almost 2000 years ago in

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China, and super sized versions of them are still widely used

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today. But until Abraham Darby came along, most blast furnaces

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ran on charcoal, and that's a totally different thing than

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coal. Coal, the stuff that we dig out of the ground. Charcoal

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is made from wood, and you need a whole lot of it to get a blast

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furnace hot enough to smelt iron. So in darby's day, making

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things out of iron meant chopping down a lot of trees.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: In the early 17th century, there's

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complaints. Writers talking about how terrible it is that

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the trees are all being cut down in Kent to feed the wheeled iron

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industry, you know. So people are really aware of this idea of

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deforestation for industrial purposes, like 400 years ago.

Amy Martin:

Enter Abraham Darby. He arrives here in coal

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Brookdale in the early 1700s aiming to make a living

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producing iron. A lot of other people are doing the same thing,

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which means there's a lot of pressure on the local woodlands,

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but Abraham has an idea. He's going to run his blast furnace

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on coal.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Probably the biggest single innovation to my

Amy Martin:

mind would be the fact that Abraham Darby the first when he

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arrives here in the very early 1700s he comes up with a

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commercially viable way of using coal in the production of iron.

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Coal from the ground.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Coal from the ground. People have been doing

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it before. People had experimented for quite some

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time, but it always been a challenge to make it

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commercially viable. Abraham Darby did manage that. He got

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the recipe right, basically.

Amy Martin:

And he did so right here in 1709, he started by

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roasting the coal, which drives off impurities and concentrates

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it into a form called coke.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: And you use coke instead of charcoal.

Amy Martin:

There's loads of advantages. First one is there's loads of

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coal in the ground here, right?

Amy Martin:

Abraham Darby didn't invent or discover coke, what he

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did was figure out how to use it in a blast furnace for

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industrial purposes.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: People knew you could make it, but what he

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did is he put that little bit extra in that just tipped it

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over. So whereas previously it was experiments, there were

Amy Martin:

always experiments. There. Whereas now there was a

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marketable product, you know, you could do it, you could do

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it. It's cheaper. It was easier. It was here. It was on site.

Amy Martin:

Matt and I walk into the shelter, protecting the

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structure, and up a set of stairs to a platform where we

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can look right down into the big gaping hole at the top.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: So you can see, you can see the furnace

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here. So this is where the magic would happen, right? This is

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where the and it is magic, isn't it? You're taking things that

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are literally dug out of the hills just over there, and then

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you turn it into something like that incredible cast iron

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fountain there, you know? So you're going from rocks to that.

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To art, essentially.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Yeah, and that is that there is a magic in

Amy Martin:

And by switching fuels from wood to coal, Darby

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that, you know.

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was able to make that magic happen faster and more

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: And it took quite a while for other people

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to adopt it. But then, of course, in the end, everybody

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did it. No one was going to make, you know, it's like, oh,

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make you know, it's like archaic using charcoal.

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Cook pots were one of the main products to come out

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of this iron works in the early days, and they're a good example

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of the process of acceleration that defines the Industrial

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Revolution. Before Darby, cook pots were usually imported from

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other parts of Europe, which made them very expensive, but

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using his new coal fueled process, Darby was soon able to

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create high quality cook pots faster and more cheaply than his

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competitors, making them affordable for a whole new group

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of people. And as more people got them, more people wanted

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them, which required more iron and more coal.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: You know, you hardly need a picture drawing.

Amy Martin:

Do you Where does that line go for use of coal in industry? You

Amy Martin:


Amy Martin:

If you do need a picture drawing, look up the

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Keeling Curve. That's the steadily upward trending line

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tracking the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere before

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we started burning fossil fuels on a mass scale, the Earth had

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about 280 parts per million CO two in the air. In 2021 we had

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around 416 parts per million. And the difference between those

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two numbers, 280 and 416 is us, our cars and air conditioners

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and furnaces and our industrial processes.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Large scale industrial use of mineral fuel.

Amy Martin:

I mean, you absolutely can put that here. That's the That's the

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Amy Martin:

Abraham darby's world might seem very far away

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now, but his technology is still with us. The process has been

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tweaked, but we are still concentrating coal into coke and

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burning it in blast furnaces, especially in the production of

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steel. And the emissions produced by Darby's furnace and

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every one of its successors are still with us too, because once

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carbon is released into the air in the form of carbon dioxide,

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it sticks around for 300 to 1000 years. There's no single moment

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when the countdown to 1.5 degrees of global heating began.

Amy Martin:

But if I was forced to choose, Coalbrookdale in 1709 would be a

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top contender, once Darby figured out how to use coal to

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smiled iron, it was a short leap to doing the same thing with

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lead and silver and tin and copper.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: Once it's caught on, then, of course,

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yeah, you know, coal becomes the fuel, and then you see an

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exponential increase, really, in the amount of use.

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And an exponential increase in the need for

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everything else in the production process.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Matt Thompson: So that's not just kind of materials and fuel.

Amy Martin:

It's also what it needs in terms of people, human resource, you

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know, human capital that goes through the roof. This is the

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things knit with with the Industrial Revolution. It's the

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speed at which it takes off, and the exponential increase in the

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need for everything in the same way as you see the shift almost

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over within a generation, you know, of people living in small

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rural settlements or market towns, and then this incredible

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explosion of cities in terrible conditions, you know. And you

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see a rural population, suddenly, within what we would

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kind of recognize as an urban environment, huge changes and

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kind of psychologically that must have had an impact. Well,

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it did have an impact.

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And it impacted this little valley too. Three

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generations of Darbys kept this furnace burning strong, and

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their success meant that this area became clogged with coal

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smoke. Matt says, One writer described it this way.

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Dr. Matt Thompson: This idea that if a man was to sort of

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fall asleep and just be transported to the to the

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furnaces around here, and then wake up, he would think he was

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waking up in hell, and that all these people working around him

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were demons, you know, because there were flames and fires

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Amy Martin:

Abraham Darby the Third ran the Iron Works in the

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late 1700s and it was his idea to build the cast iron bridge as

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a sort of advertisement for the skill and techniques developed

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here. And it worked. People came from all over the world to see

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the bridge and marvel at its beauty and strength. But not

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everyone came away with the story that the Darbies wanted

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told. A writer named Anna Seward came to visit and wrote a poem

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called Colebrook Dale. The second line is-

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Dr. Matt Thompson: -O violated Coalbrook. And in it she

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pictures industry as the Cyclops. The Cyclops was the

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assistant of Vulcan at the forge, you know. So Cyclops

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represents industry, effectively having a sort of battle with all

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the niaids and dryads, you know, kind of, you know, tree spirits,

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water spirits, fairies, all these sort of stuff of the

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natural environment. And she talks about the sort of

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sulfurious air and the glassy, oil stained waters. She sees a

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landscape that has been despoiled by by by by industry.

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You know, Cyclops wins, yeah.

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And Cyclops was just getting started. If Anna Seward

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found the changes at Coalbrookdale worthy of

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grieving, imagine what she would make of Chernobyl or just any

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ordinary industrial city today, our transformations of this

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planet are stunning. The physical stuff we have made now

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weighs more than all living biomass on Earth. It's nearly

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impossible to find places on land or sea where the noise of

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our own activity doesn't intrude. And since the

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Industrial Revolution, hundreds of species of plants and animals

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have been lost forever, with many more teetering on the

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brink. According to the International Union for

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Conservation of Nature, 13% of bird species are at risk of

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extinction today, one quarter of the world's mammals, 40% of

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amphibians. So this is another thing that has accelerated since

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the Industrial Revolution, the extinction rate. Of course, it

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would have been impossible to foresee all of this when Abraham

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Darby started burning coal in this furnace. In fact, as we

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walk away, Matt tells me early industrial processes were still

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very much governed by nature. For example, water power. It was

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essential to the smelting process in the early 1700s, so

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Darby couldn't have set up his Ironworks just anywhere. He

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needed to be close to the stream that still flows through this

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site today.

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Dr. Matt Thompson: You had to be where the water was, simple as

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Water told you where you could smelt iron. And also,

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when, Matt says, in the late spring and summer, as the

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rainfall dropped off here, it became harder and harder to keep

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the furnace going,

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Dr. Matt Thompson: They'd let it go out, and they'd maybe carry

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out repairs, reline it, do this, that and the other so over the

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summer, it would be out of blast. And that same time, a lot

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of people who might have been working in the furnace would

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perhaps be needed on the harvest, you know, so you can

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see, you know, this idea of industry actually intimately

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entwined with the environment that we see around us, including

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the weather and the seasons, you know.

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But all of that was about to change. Soon, the idea

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of timing industrial processes around the rhythms of the Earth

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would seem old fashioned and then be forgotten altogether.

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And this place would go from being called Coalbrookdale to

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Ironbridge. Instead of being defined by three natural

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features, coal, brook and dale, it's now defined by what humans

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did and made here.

Amy Martin:

We'll have more after this short break.

Erika Janik:

Hey everybody, this is Erica Janik,Janek,

Erika Janik:

Threshold's Managing Editor. Did you know that we have a

Erika Janik:

Threshold newsletter? Our newsletter is a great way to

Erika Janik:

stay connected to Threshold between seasons, find out what

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we're thinking about and what we're reading, listening to and

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watching. So subscribe to the Threshold newsletter today using

Erika Janik:

the link in the show notes or on our website,

Erika Janik:

Amy Martin:

Welcome back to Threshold. I'm Amy Martin, and

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we're in England for this episode investigating how the

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Industrial Revolution, and thus the climate crisis got started,

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and we're about to head to Birmingham to explore the story

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of the inventor James Watt. You've heard of him, even if you

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don't know it. Remember Back to the Future?

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Yes, James Watt made such an impression on the world that he

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has a unit of power named after him, the watt. In just a minute,

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we're going to talk about why he gets so much credit and maybe

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some blame for launching the Industrial Revolution. But

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first, I want to pause here and get a little meta on you. I want

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to call attention to how I'm telling this story. We started

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out with Abraham Darby and his blast furnace. Now we're moving

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to watt and his steam engine. This is a very familiar

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template. Individual genius invents new technology that

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changes our lives. The genius is almost always a man and white,

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and his invention is almost always framed in a narrative of

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progress. There are endless examples. Eli Whitney and his

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cotton gin, Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone, Elon

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Musk and his Tesla. We tell ourselves this story over and

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over. These men and their machines made our lives better.

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No further questions. It's neat and tidy. It goes down as easy

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as a fairy tale. There are reasons for this narrative, but

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there are also some very good reasons to question it. So let's

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just keep our eye on that as we explore the life of the man

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whose last name is on all of our light bulbs: James Watt.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: James Watt was born in 1736 in Greenock in

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Scotland, and he showed at an early age considerable skill in

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making things and repairing things.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick is the director of the Centre for

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West Midlands History at the University of Birmingham, and he

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says Watt didn't grow up in poverty, but he wasn't rich

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Watt seems to have been quite a sickly child,

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so a lot of his education was at home.

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Watt never studied at university, but his

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mechanical skills allowed him to get a job at one he worked at

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the University of Glasgow, about 300 miles north of Birmingham,

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and his job was to make and repair scientific instruments.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: And through that work, he was introduced to

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a model of an early steam engine, a Newcomen steam engine.

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These engines were designed by a man named Thomas

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Newcomen, and some of their parts were actually manufactured

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by the Darbys in Coalbrookdale. They were fueled by coal and

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produced steam power, which was used to pump water out of the

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bottoms of coal pits so the miners could keep digging.

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Previously that water had to be hauled out by hand, so these

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engines were a big leap forward, but they were also really

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expensive to run because they consumed massive amounts of

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coal. James Watt was asked to repair a model the Newcomen

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engine at his job at the university, and after studying

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it, he went on what has become a famous walk through a park in

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Glasgow in May 1765. That's when he had an idea for a significant

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improvement in the engine's design.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: He developed what was called a separate

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condenser, in essence, that was a device that prevented the

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machine cooling down between the beats of the steam engine as it

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moved up and down. And what got really interested in this.

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He made a prototype and discovered his design was

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three times more efficient than newcomens. For every ton of coal

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burned in Watts engine, you could do three times as much

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work. To be clear, Watt wasn't trying to burn less coal because

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of environmental concerns. He was just trying to make a

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machine that worked more efficiently, and he succeeded.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Now that brought what into the notice of

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other people.

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Including members of something called the Lunar

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Which was a group of individuals who met on

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the first Monday after the full moon- hence the name Lunar

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Society- in each other's homes.

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This was the Birmingham version of something

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that was happening in many European cities at the time- the

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salon. The physician Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles,

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was a member, as was Joseph Priestley, a religious dissenter

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and discoverer of oxygen and nine other gasses. The Lunar

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Society was a group of inventors and manufacturers, thinkers and

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political writers with a keen interest in the natural world

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and the important topics of the day. They had visits and

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correspondence with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and

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Anna Seward, who wrote the poem about Coalbrookdale.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: They were people who were brought up, if

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you like, and what we call the Enlightenment, and they absorbed

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many progressive ideas, including the belief that you

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could improve the world by investing in it and exploiting

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its resources and manufacturing products. They believed that

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things were getting better.

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And by testing out ideas on each other and helping

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each other make connections, Malcolm says the lunar society

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played a significant role in the birth of the Industrial

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Revolution. We're actually talking at the home of one of

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their most dynamic members, Matthew Boulton.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: so we're at Soho House, which is one of the

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few surviving 18th century buildings in Birmingham.

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Boulton was the son of a prosperous Birmingham

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manufacturing family, and he frequently hosted the Lunar

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Society here. And Malcolm says the surviving records from Soho

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House show that Matthew Boulton knew how to throw a party.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: They drank port, they drank wine. In fact,

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Soho House is an extensive cellar, and you can imagine it

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being filled with all kinds of goodies.

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I visited Soho House on a warm, bright afternoon, but

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as Malcolm and I talked, I was picturing a moonlit night, 250

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years ago, with members of the Lunar Society wandering around

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these grounds, philosophizing and maybe discussing the quirky

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Scotsman named James Watt, who had a clever new design for a

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steam engine.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Watt and Bolton got to know each other.

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Bolton was able to offer watt a partnership.

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Watt had an abundance of ideas and technical

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skills, but to unleash his full potential, he needed things he

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didn't have. Money, manufacturing, space, skilled

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workers, customers for his products. He needed capital and

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a front man, and he found those things in Matthew Boulton. Watt

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moved down to Birmingham from Scotland, joined the Lunar

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Society, and soon the partnership of Bolton and watt

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was up and running.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Boulton was the extrovert. He was good at

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dealing with politicians and aristocrats and selling goods.

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That was not what was good at what was a different

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personality. We might say today that he had manic depression. He

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had moods that went up and down. We often read in his letters

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about him not being able to do anything. He gets very

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depressed. Certainly, he was devoted to his first wife who

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who died, and that's another reason why he moved down from

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Scotland, because, you know, I think the atmosphere was too

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difficult for him, and the Lunar Society provided support, and

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not only from Boulton, but also from Erasmus Darwin, who was a

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superb doctor in terms of dealing with anxious patients.

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So was he Watt's doctor?

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: He was Watt's doctor.

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So here's James Watt, poised on the precipice of

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becoming a world famous inventor, one of the prototypes

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for the genius sparks progress narrative, but he didn't get

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here alone. In fact, we may never have heard of Watt if it

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weren't for the people who were propping him up, promoting his

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endeavors, drawing him out of his workshop and his melancholy

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and into the world. That's not to take anything away from Watt,

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it's just to recognize that he needed people who believed in

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him and supported him, because we all do. Whatever progress

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humanity can claim has always been a group project.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: We shouldn't forget the role of the women in

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the families. Watt had two wives. His first wife was

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extremely important, I think, in getting him through some initial

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difficulties. His second wife was extremely well organized and

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provided an environment sort of stability where he could get on

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with his work without being distracted by having to wash the

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dishes or make food or sweep the floors or manage the servants

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more importantly.

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So, with watt working away undisturbed on his

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designs, and Bolton providing the money and the marketing

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savvy, word began to spread, there was a new steam engine

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that did everything the Newcomen engine could do, and more, but

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using a lot less fuel. Soon everyone wanted one.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: You got hundreds of machines being

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produced for all kinds of purposes, initially the textile

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industry, the spinning and then weaving used it.

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People started setting up steam engines in all

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kinds of places. They've never been tried. Died before

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Used in agriculture for threshing corn,

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for example.

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And then they were used in mills to grind the grain

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into flour.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Steam engines become very common to pump

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sewage away.

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Imagine how transformative that was.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: They have a remarkable range of applications

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And perhaps the most remarkable thing of all was the

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way Watt's engine broke the bonds tying industry to nature,

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or at least that's what it seemed to do. As Matt Thompson

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described in Coalbrookdale, early industrial processes were

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governed by natural processes. They were embedded in specific

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landscapes. Abraham Darby, the first could only run his blast

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furnace if that particular stream was flowing. But Watt's

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steam engine could be run anytime, night or day, summer or

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winter, as long as you had coal. This was a radical new concept.

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Power became portable and constant, and industrial

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processes began to detach from the rhythms and requirements of

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the Earth. People began to imagine that they could sever

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themselves from the rules of nature. But there was a catch.

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Watt's innovation, combined with Darby's and many others, kicked

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off a mass migration of carbon from under the ground to up in

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the air. Planet warming gasses that had been locked away in the

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Earth's crust are now circulating in our atmosphere,

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knocking the climate that sustains us out of balance. So

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we actually never did break free from the laws of nature. We've

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just been temporarily ignoring them.

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In the mid 1770s with the American colonies revolting

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against the British Crown, Boulton and watt started selling

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their new steam engines later. Parts for some of those engines

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were manufactured by the darbys in Coalbrookdale, and this is a

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classic feature of the Industrial Revolution. Different

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innovations intersect and help each other to grow one of the

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great ironies of Watt's story is that his steam engine burned

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less coal than its predecessor, but that very efficiency made it

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wildly popular, which led to a huge increase in coal use. When

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Watt died in 1819, more coal was being burned than ever before.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: Well exactly it contributes to what we call

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pollution. Pre industrial revolution, cities were

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polluted, but you've got it on a larger scale, and you've got

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coal being used in manufacturing, and you've got

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all sort of chemicals being produced from different

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processes as well, pouring into the atmosphere. So a lot of

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these industrial towns would be dirty and filthy and smelly.

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The air in many places became so polluted that

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it produced acid rain. Malcolm says the stone walls of some

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beautiful old cathedrals started to get worn away by the toxic

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air. And although there were definitely more things for

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people to buy at a price, more people could afford, the process

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of making those things wasn't pretty.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: If we went into a 19th century town or

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factory, we would see dirt, smoke, a lot of people being

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injured, probably a lot of people looking sick, women who

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would be doing a lot of sort of semi skilled and lowly paid

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work. We'd probably be quite horrified to see the reality of

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that, you do have recreated factories, but obviously they

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don't create everything. They can't necessarily create the

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sort of atmosphere, the smells or the injuries people had, or

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people coming in with infectious diseases, or the brutality that

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might exist, as far as punishments were concerned.

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If we want to get a glimpse of the horrors of

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industrial labor in the absence of protections for workers and

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the environment, we don't actually have to try to imagine

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England in the 18th and 19th centuries. All we need to do is

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look up factory conditions in China or Cambodia right now,

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instead of learning from the grim history of early industrial

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Britain, we seem to keep repeating it.

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And this takes us back to the notion that the Industrial

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Revolution was all about progress led by individual

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geniuses and their machines. The full story has always been way

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too messy to fit into that nice, clean narrative. Take the city

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of Birmingham, sometimes described as the first modern

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industrial city.

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Dr. Malcolm Dick: So Birmingham was really an important place.

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There were links between Birmingham and the wider world.

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It was already a global city in the 18th century. Its trade

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extended not just to Europe, but to North America, the Caribbean,

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Africa. There were links with the slave trade.

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Britain had been involved in the slave trade

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since the 1500s but as with everything else, the Industrial

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Revolution accelerated the speed and scale of slavery and its

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brutality. Malcolm says, guns made in Birmingham were sold to

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people who were enslaving other human beings in Africa.

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Ironware, made in this part of England, maybe even in

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Coalbrookdale, was also sold to enslavers. Think shackles and

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chains, but that's really just the surface layer here. The

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industrialization of Britain and later the United States was

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utterly intertwined with slavery. Take the iconic British

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textile trade as just one example. By 1860 almost 90% of

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the cotton textiles coming out of British factories were made

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with cotton grown and picked by enslaved people in the US.

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Sugar, tobacco and other early industries were also made

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profitable through slavery. So from the very beginning, the

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Industrial Revolution was never only about progress. It brought

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both increased comfort and increased misery simultaneously.

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As we built, we destroyed. As we advanced, we also regressed.

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Things got better and worse, and everything in between all at

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once, and they still are. The transition from combustion

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engines to electrical vehicles is happening, and that's a big

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win for the climate, but some of the cobalt used in those

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electric vehicles is being mined by people, including children,

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who are working in horrible conditions in the Democratic

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Republic of Congo. Clearly, we need to get more electric

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vehicles on the road as quickly as possible, but if human rights

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are being abused in order to make that happen, can we call it

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Amy Martin:

This is the poisoned apple at the heart of the fairy tale of

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endless advancement. It celebrates achievement but

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doesn't reckon with the costs. It's a story in which some

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people get to prosper while ignoring how their increased

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comfort depends on the suffering of other people and the

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destruction of other places. Not only is this unjust, it's

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unsustainable, because eventually there are no other

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people or other places. There's just us, here, together. So I

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think what the climate crisis is showing us is that we need a new

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definition of progress rooted in the understanding that our

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advancement is completely bound up with the health of the Earth

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and each other. I'm back in Coalbrookdale walking alone

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through the forest that's just behind Abraham Darby's blast

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This place, this quiet, little natural area, this is as much a

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part of the Industrial Revolution as the furnace that's

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just behind me.

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Everything around me here helped to birth the Industrial

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Revolution, the woods, the stream, the iron ore, the coal,

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the river. We tend to edit nature out of this story and

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focus almost exclusively on our own ingenuity. But actually,

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everything our species has accomplished has been a

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collaboration with the natural world, and our continued

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survival depends on our ability to keep that collaboration

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Amy Martin:

I think it's worth paying attention to the fact that the

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so called Industrial Revolution was really an industrial

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evolution, and like all forms of evolution, it emerged out of

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prior forms. And I guess maybe where I'm going, or where I'm

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arriving is, I think that's actually hopeful. I don't know

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it feels to me then like there's much more potential for it to

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continue to evolve as our human needs and awarenesses evolve.

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To solve the climate crisis, we don't only need different forms

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of energy. We need different stories, different guiding

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myths. We need to revise our concept of what it means for us

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to advance

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Now there's an awareness that we have the potential to do great

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damage. And I think that awareness can matter. If we want

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it to.

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What if, instead of trying to break the planet's rules, we

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applied our intelligence toward understanding them and figuring

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out how to live well within them together. What if we spent the

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next 300 years defining progress as something that improves human

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lives and contributes to the health of the planet? I don'tI

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don't know what that world would look like, but I hope someday

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somebody gets to find out.

Justine Paradis:

I'm Justine calling from Concord, New

Justine Paradis:

Hampshire. Reporting for this season of Threshold was funded

Justine Paradis:

by the Park Foundation, the High Stakes Foundation, the Pleiades

Justine Paradis:

Foundation, NewsMatch, the Llewellyn Foundation, Montana

Justine Paradis:

Public Radio and listeners this work depends on people who

Justine Paradis:

believe in it and choose to support it. People like you.

Justine Paradis:

Join our community at

Amy Martin:

This episode of Threshold was produced and

Amy Martin:

reported by me, Amy Martin, with help from Nick Mott and Erica

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Janik. The music for this season of our show is by Todd

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Sickafoose. The rest of the Threshold team is Eva Kalea,

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Taliah Farnsworth, Shola Lawal, Casyi Simpson and Deneen Weiske.

Amy Martin:

Thanks to Sarah Sneath, Sally Deng, Maggy Contreras, Hana

Amy Martin:

Carey, Dan Carreno, Luca Borghese, Julia Barry, Kara

Amy Martin:

Cromwell, Katie deFusco, Caroline Kurtz and Gabby

Amy Martin:

Piamonte. Special thanks to Adam Reed and David Nye.



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