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21 - How To Create The Mindset To Create Amazing Virtual Events with Conscious Millionaire's JV Crum III
23rd August 2022 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:35:08

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Welcome back to another exciting episode of "The High Profit Event Show" with your host, Rudy Rodriguez! In today's episode, we have a very special guest, JV Crum III from Conscious Millionaire, joining us to share his expertise on creating the right mindset for organizing outstanding virtual events. Get ready to learn some game-changing strategies!

JV grew up in a small town where there were no millionaires. But he had a dream of becoming one himself. Can you believe he set this goal at the young age of five? And guess what? He made his dream come true when he was just 25 years old! He bought a big four-story house and a fancy Mercedes car. But something was missing.

JV realized that material things weren't enough to make him happy. So, he started a podcast called Conscious Millionaire, where he talked about finding meaning in life. He also started organizing virtual events to help others find their purpose too. JV discovered that living with a purpose brought him true fulfillment and success.

During our conversation, JV told me about all the things he learned. He invested over $300,000 in his own education! He attended many events and read lots of books. He even wrote his own book, which became a bestseller on Amazon. But it took a lot of hard work and persistence to achieve that success. JV reminded me that it's okay to fail and make adjustments along the way. We just have to keep trying!

In this episode, we dive deep into the mindset strategies and techniques that can propel your virtual events to new heights. JV emphasizes the importance of having the right mindset when it comes to creating amazing virtual events. He explains how a positive and empowered mindset can transform your event planning journey and increase your chances of success.

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating virtual events that leave a lasting impact. JV shares valuable insights on how to identify your ideal attendees, their needs, and desires. By truly connecting with your audience, you can design events that exceed their expectations.

During the conversation, JV shares his "Born to Make Millions" hypnotic audio. He explains how this powerful tool can help event leaders develop a money-making mindset and unlock their full potential. Prepare to be amazed by the transformative effects of this unique technique!

Don't miss out on this insightful episode! Tune in to the full conversation between Rudy Rodriguez and JV Crum III on "The High Profit Event Show" to discover how to create the mindset to create amazing virtual events. Gain a competitive edge and make your virtual events unforgettable.

Remember to share this episode with your fellow event leaders and spread the knowledge! Together, we can build a community of successful event leaders who make a lasting impact. 

Want to connect with JV?


Grab The "Born to Make Millions" Hypnosis:

JV Cell: 303-641-0401





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Rudy Rodriguez:

Hi, I'm Rudy Rodriguez and welcome to The High Profit Event Show. On today's episode, we have a very special guest, Mr. JV Crum III. Welcome, JV.

JV Crum III:

Hey, Rudy. I am so happy to be here and a big hello to everybody. If you're listening to this show, I already know something about you. You don't want to just create events. You want to create events that are profitable and make a big impact.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's right. Absolutely. You are on the right show, my friend. And a couple of things I want to highlight about JV, things I appreciate about him. One, JV actually was a self -made millionaire. He was someone that was born with a dream in a small town where he knew no one who was a millionaire.

JV Crum III:

Yeah, I was looking for that gold spoon and I had a tin spoon and I'm going, what is going on with this? I'm supposed to have that gold spoon. And at five, I did decide to become a millionaire and I got the four-story home, mercedes and everything at 25.

Rudy Rodriguez:

You went through that journey and you went on to also become the host of the number one ranked Conscious Millionaire podcast show, which is listened by millions of viewers around the world on a daily basis. And recently you went on to start doing virtual events.

JV Crum III:

I did. And you know what? At age five, I had no idea I was going to be doing virtual events. But you know what was most important about all that journey is that at 25, when I got the house, I got all the trappings. I'm most proud that it only took me three months to realize that wasn't the answer. Because I could have taken years living in that millionaire trappings world. And I went, well, this stuff is nice. I don't want to give it back. It's a lot better than what I grew up in. But there's got to be something more. And that put me off on a really a spiritual and conscious journey to find that I had a purpose. I wasn't living. And when I started living that, then all of a sudden things really started happening.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Most definitely. I know you've been on a journey for many years and decades of experience and events. As a student of them, I know you attended various events and invested over $300,000 in your own education and have taken those experiences now creating your own transformational virtual events. JV, I would love it if you can share with our audience a little bit of your experience in going through events and then what led you to wanting to host your first virtual event.

JV Crum III:

I guess it's kind of, now that you bring it up, I didn't realize what had actually happened, but I read a lot of books And then I wrote a book. It actually took me, and I don't know if you know this, it became the number one book on Amazon and is number one in 34 categories simultaneously. We had 50,000 downloads in three days. That sounds like a miracle, like an overnight success. But the truth is, it was my third launch in six months. So I first launched it and became number one in two categories. Then I launched it, getting paid number one in another three categories. And I'm going, okay, but I'm still not where I want to be. I kept digging and figuring out. I would love to tell you that all of a sudden, from Tampa, Florida, this guy, nobody who didn't live in Tampa had ever heard of, became so famous in just six months that I ended up with the number one book on Amazon. But the real truth is that I became so savvy in how to launch a book that in six months I figured out how to make it number one on all of Amazon's books. It was a marketing event. That was at the same time I was launching my podcast. And then the second month at one hundred and fifty thousand downloads. Then by the end of the first year, I was already having millions of downloads. So I think one of the things that's most important, and I'm in a learning curve right now with my virtual events, and we can talk about that, is that sometimes it takes two or three times trying to get the launch right to get the launch right. But I'm here to tell you, if you can be a little boy from Oklahoma and be a millionaire at twenty five, if you can end up in just six months with the number one book on Amazon, if you can end up with a with a podcast that has millions of listeners in one hundred and ninety countries, that marketing is really important to that journey and that you can keep falling down and picking yourself up and you can figure it out. Anybody can figure it out if you're really persistent.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's right. Persistent. Fall off the horse and get back on and keep going.

JV Crum III:

That's exactly right. I had one of my clients I met with today and he said, it's all about my being. I figured out the secret to my new success is being willing to fall down and pick myself back up until I get what I want.

Rudy Rodriguez:

As simple as that is, it's important, it's probably more important than anything else, more important than raw talent, more important than resources, is our desire to keep going when things don't go our way.

JV Crum III:

I learned from a man we don't get the results that we were planning on. But the thing is, oh, this is the best reframe, folks. Take this and use it however you want. It's not that you give up the result that you're going to get. You just have to adjust the time frame a little bit. Just look at, oh, I just have a time frame adjustment. I didn't adjust the result I'm going to get. Just I have a time frame adjustment.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's right. It's not if it's going to happen as a matter of when and changing your approach. If the one approach didn't work, change the approach and you just keep changing again, changing again until you figure out what's going to work.

JV Crum III:

It's like if you keep asking her out and she says, no, stop asking the same way. Maybe you brought the wrong flowers. Try something else.

Rudy Rodriguez:

So, JV, you're the mindset guy, you're the conscious millionaire, you train on mindset work. You coach people to scale from six to seven figures and seven figures to eight figures. And most of that work is a mindset that you do with people. How do we connect mindset to having success with a virtual event? And maybe you can touch on some of the things that you also learned in your recent experience.

JV Crum III:

Well, it was called Mindset to Millions, so I kind of had something going for me that I realized, truthfully, if you want to get to a million or ten million or one hundred million or a billion or one hundred billion, strategy and execution are important and it's part of what I teach. I just teach that if you start there, you started in the wrong place because it really comes down to, I go back to being that little five year old boy who couldn't get a candy bar. That was the impetus to me saying, those millionaires on television look like they could get a candy bar. I'll just become a millionaire. So it's the up-leveling of your identity that is so critical that you have to shift your identity. I'm not going to give you all of this. You ought to come to Mindset to Millions. But we did an exercise that shocked everybody. And I think one of those things that set the stage for the next part of the program is that I had them do an exercise about becoming a billionaire. I don't honestly think anybody who came to Mindset to Millions was thinking about becoming a billionaire. It wasn't their secret desire. They'd never told anybody. And yet I absolutely want to believe and do believe that someone who hears my messages will become a billionaire. I played the billionaire game as well. In fact, I have different groups I'm in and I have some high expectations like I want to sell my company for one hundred million in ten years. And I'm very open about that because I can't tell you how many people have contacted me because they want to be part of that journey. And I go, well, yeah, sure. You've got to go out there and declare it. So I had people declare how they could become a billionaire.

JV Crum III:

And all of a sudden, when you're thinking about becoming a billionaire, the mindset of that, the mindset of becoming and making your first million or your next million seems simple, which is the point that sometimes we expand out to things that, oh, my gosh, how how would I be the first person to get to Mars and I'll just go in my own rocket? Well, when you start pondering questions of that scale, then the things that you're planning on that seem big scale just yesterday, all of a sudden seem accomplishable. When they're accomplishable in your mind, they're accomplishable outside of you. You can actually have them happen because you can create them, because you can see the possibility, which is another part of the mindset that you have to have a shift in identity, but also a shift in what you think is possible for you.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love what you say that people go in and they start making the shift of thinking like a billionaire and all of a sudden, when you think like a billionaire, thinking about how you're making your next million, it seems like a very simple task.

JV Crum III:

A lot of people experience that. I was doing a training today, and we did the entire training on becoming a billionaire. I'm watching people's faces light up because these are people from the Mindset to Millions that have bought an 18 month training. And it was fun, because I'm watching them literally begin to believe that they could be the one who became a billionaire. Then when we stepped it down to now, let's talk about you being a millionaire, it was like, oh, now I see how to get there. These were people that did not see how to get there a week ago. So if you can see how to get there, you can get there. Because now you can believe that belief is one part of it. But the identity of saying, who do I need to become to make my first million or my 10th million? And all of a sudden, the lights start going off? Oh, I need to ask more people. Sometimes it's that simple of a shift. But until the shift comes, you don't go ask more people. You don't ask for the sale.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love that question, JV, who do I need to become so that I make my first million or first 10 million? And like, what do you need to become as a human being? And then everything coming from that, that's a million dollar question right there. Who do I need to become?

JV Crum III:

Then I took the need, because people go, oh, I need to do that. And I go, okay, well, now let's replace that with must and commitment. Because when I work with my clients, my private clients start at about $50,000. The reason I tell you that is that most people go, well, what kind of goals do they have? And I go, they don't have any goals, because I don't let them have goals. I only let them have results they are committed to achieving. That's why they get there. If I let them have goals, if you think about it, just last year, the last 12 months, most people do not get to even a fourth of the goals they set, because all day long, they're setting goals. And by the end of the day, they've already violated probably 10 of them. But commitments, think about losing weight, right? Oh, I want to lose 10, or 20, or 40, or whatever it is, right? Usually, if you check back a year later, they're about the same place they were. But if they're committed to it, usually, when you check back, they achieved it. And that's the mindset, right there. So I think the mindset of having a successful event was, for me, and I think we accomplished this in spades, is that I wanted people to have an amazing experience that transformed them. I probably iterated the content four or five full times. As a result, I have content that's pretty good for the next one. I'll make some shifts, but it's pretty much there, 80%, 90% there. I think that your mindset as a virtual event provider is a lot of people's only mindset. We were obviously focused on that as well. How do we get sales, right?

JV Crum III:

Because part of business is you've got to have revenue, so you can grow the business and impact more people and put some of the revenue called profits in your pocket and support your life. But I think too many people only focus on what's going to be the numbers and how do I convert them and when do I say what? All of that's critical. But if you didn't actually change them, there isn't going to be any real word of mouth. I think most of the people who came are going to tell somebody for the next one that they will help us in that regard. But more than the word of mouth, they changed. They transformed. So you have to get clear about what your own mindset is, your own outcome, I had a mindset of transformation. I think I accomplished that. We had a lot of learning. I found, I would say the biggest thing I learned, because you and I were talking about this before, was that I actually had a very large number of, I mean, certainly for a first event of joint venture partners, affiliate partners who signed up. But I didn't have what I would have expected to have of conversions for people buying the event from that. And the number one thing that I've learned and has happened just in the week since the event is that I didn't have my avatar as finely tuned as it needed to be. If I were going to give anybody advice from what I just learned, I'd say, be really 100% fine tuned on your avatar as detailed as possible. While I would say that I had done a good job of that, I had done a poor job of vetting who the affiliate's avatar was.

JV Crum III:

And so there was a mismatch. I had a lot of people show up for the webinar that sold into this that weren't in any way a match for what I was selling. That was a very big learning curve for me, is that if you're going to use affiliates, you've got to also spend time really vetting them for a match for your avatar, or you're just going to have them sending out emails and people coming to a webinar, but that they're not the right people for your event.

Rudy Rodriguez:

JV, that's a major point. I've heard that as a theme on the show for many people is getting clear on who you're speaking to, as well as niching down, getting clear and specific as to what specific problems that you're solving for who you're solving them for. And when we step over, when we go over that step, it causes a ripple effect of other challenges down the road, which I think we learned from.

JV Crum III:

Exactly. And so one of the things that it's going to be another, I just call these things experiments, because it makes it less stressful. It's like, we're experimenting, some variables are going to work, some aren't going to work. I was pre-med, I'm like in the chemistry lab again, I'll iterate a little bit of this. Well, I don't know, that didn't quite get the formula I was looking for. I'm going to explore, okay, so let's do 50% from joint venture partnerships, from affiliates. But one, let's go back and look at whose groups bought and who has the kind of avatar that we have now, because now we're much more, just in a week, much more fine-tuned. And then look at other ways, including Facebook ads, so there's going to be some of that, because now we know so much more clearly who we want, we can have an ad that's very specific in terms of its population that it's going after. But also looking at other ways that I can fill the next event, including maybe I'll do a five-day challenge. I'm looking at a lot of options and realizing I need to have multiple ways. I only had one way, and that was affiliate to webinar, but I need to have multiple ways, and some of them need to be just directly paid. But here's the fun thing, without trying to go through all of our numbers, what I can tell you is that I now know what the average click made in terms of sales to the event, and then we can analyze sales at the event. So we can go, oh, well, this is what we're really getting back per click. Now, and I wasn't in that position, I don't think it was a mistake not to do Facebook the first time, because I looked at it and I said, it's blind, we have no idea what we're looking at.

JV Crum III:

But now we have numbers, and we can go, okay, so now we know we have this kind of conversion, what can we spend to get that conversion, and then compare it to what we actually are paying out, because in my case, I paid out 60%, because I wanted people to be attracted. I think that was a good decision. But when you're paying out 60% of a $500 to $1,000 ticket, all of a sudden, you've got money to pay for some ads that are going to send the right people. And it's going to cost you a lot, lot less to get that person at the webinar and close them to come to the event because you got the right person on the webinar. So that was a big learning experience as well.

Rudy Rodriguez:

We call it the per head average, it is basically the value to the business for everybody that attends your event, and you can reverse engineer that and figure out your marketing plan.

JV Crum III:

Right. Before we didn't have any numbers to reverse engineer. Now we do. And I'm a numbers guy, I'm trained as a tax attorney. So I'm going, okay, let's dig into the numbers. Let's find the cost of acquisition and we will be very clear about that in a couple of weeks. Then let's look at what are the ways that we can actually spend much less per cost of acquisition, because we know who we're looking for. I couldn't have done that on the first event, because I didn't have any numbers to go by. I was running blind.

Rudy Rodriguez:

What I'm hearing here is the importance of capturing the numbers, studying the numbers, knowing the number, and making decisions based off of numbers versus just going from the gut and even being a little maybe conservative on the ad spend until we have some numbers. So you're not just making blind marketing.

JV Crum III:

We're not talking, I'm going to go a whole $5 a day. No, no, Rudy, we'll spend like $1.50 a day, folks. This is a joke in case you don't know. I agree that now, and I intentionally, I want you to think through this, because if you're listening, you're either doing virtual events, or you want to do them. I want you to learn as much as you can from what I learned the first time. So the second time we're doing the same event, but we're waiting four months intentionally. So we get to play with more marketing ideas, and see what works and get started on it earlier. Because now we know that we already have a webinar, we can tweak it so that we can do a second version of it. But the real issue is to play with different marketing approaches and find out what works and what starts producing results.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Most definitely. And so JV, again, coming back to that, you're the mindset guy, and you made a point of like, hey, more important than than the sales and the numbers, we need to make sure that people had a transformation, that they had experience, because then they're going to go tell other people, that word of mouth. I'd be curious if you wouldn't mind sharing just a little, maybe peek behind the curtain, maybe some of the things that you actually facilitated for your attendees, such that they had that identity shift, and they actually left there. I'm different, I'm a different man, I'm a different woman, and I'm ready to take the next step in my journey.

JV Crum III:

So I organized everything. And, immediately, I want to say it works so well, the content works so well, that it only took me a couple of what, five days after the event, and I've already decided to write a book based on the content to have out within six months, called Conscious Millionaire, Your Seven Money Mindset. So in organizing the material, about a month before Mindset to Millions, we already had people sold into it, we already had the title. I was still working on the material. I was having some trouble with the webinar closing. So I hired someone, you know, to look at the webinar and help me completely redo it. In that set of dialogues, he said, oh, part of your problem is that what you're selling that will happen at the event is too fuzzy. It's not clear in terms of results. It sounds like too much work. And I started playing around with that. It was through our conversation, I can't even tell you who said what. But through a period of a couple of weeks of conversations, I went, oh, well, this is a mindset. And this is a mindset. And this is before I got through, I had seven money mindsets. I said, oh, that makes total sense to organize. So it wasn't that I changed. And this is a learning lesson too. It wasn't that I changed what I was going to teach. I changed how I framed it. And people latched on to that seven money mindsets like crazy. When we organize the whole three days, the first day we're talking about three of them, and then we're giving them an identity exercise.

JV Crum III:

Then we're coming back and talking about identity and circling back to one of them, we talked about the first day and weaving them together and out of those mindsets, one of them is the thing that I most enjoy training. If I could only train someone in one thing, it would be in flow. Because I have studied flow for 35 years, and I've honed a formula that I've taught so many people I can say it's fail proof. If somebody uses this formula, they will be in flow. And all of a sudden, synchronicity and results start showing up and clients start showing up and money opportunities start showing up. It happens to everyone, not just some people. And that became kind of, if you listen to the feedback, and I'm doing testimonials, I'm recording those right now. That became the hero of the whole three days. People went crazy about flow. And I went, oh, so there's also something about this mindset, which happily is connecting with people. Last night, I did a bonus training on flow because so many people were enamored by flow. Iin doing the testimonials, people are going, oh, now I'm living in the flow. And I didn't know how to do it before. It just happens sometimes. So also listening to the feedback that comes out of an event, in terms of what people wanted. I'm asking him several questions. I'll give you three of the questions, because you're welcome to use them. The first one came from you, Rudy, what was most valuable, and that's become our testimonial, 30 to 60 seconds. Then I asked them, what would you like more of?

JV Crum III:

And the only thing so far has been flow. What didn't we cover that you would have liked to have covered? And so far, that's been zero, their expectations were more than met, they can't even think of anything they'd like. So then I asked a fourth question, which is giving us some interesting material. What would you like to see the topic of another three day event, imagining, okay, you had a healthy percentage who chose to move forward. But we want to get those other people back to have another experience, not just Mindset to Millions again, but maybe there's a two day topic, I do. And then those people will want to start taking the journey. I think if you look at this how I'm looking at it, that the first virtual event, I made a decision last year, I wanted to shift my business model. The reason I wanted to shift things about my business model, so I could play bigger and impact people, as I said, oh, if I'm going to get to this level, this looks like a good model for doing right. So let's do events, put people into long term training. But if you look at it from the mindset of what's this all about, to me, it's about a journey that people are opting into, they're starting it. And so I treat all the people who came to the first one as they started a journey. Now, my job is to give them opportunities to continue that journey in a way that's right for them. Also, that means some of them need two or three exposures before they want to take a longer term journey.

JV Crum III:

If you look at it as a journey, I think that takes away the negative aspects some people think of about selling. It's like, no, you're inviting people into a journey. And this is what it costs to produce that journey. And I gotta have some profit leftover from producing it. But you're selling people into a journey, not a product. I think that's a big difference in terms of your mindset of what you're actually accomplishing here.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's a big point, JV, I want to highlight the fact that you're not selling a product, people don't buy a coaching program. They're buying perceived results they think that coaching program or mastermind is going to give them and they have to be able to identify with that journey that's going to get in there like they have to believe like, okay, that that journey can work for me. And I can do that and I believe that JV can be my guide.

JV Crum III:

That's a very critical part because if you come away and you go, oh, we did numbers, you all did a lot of number testing and people, whereas we were practically attending, they wanted me to be their guide. So then it was, are they ready to start the journey or not? And I have to say, and you didn't ask me to say this, Rudy, so this is purely off the cuff. But I worked with you all as a sales team and one of the things that was very important, I vetted four different sales teams, not saying bad things about the others. But the thing that was so important to me was that we had a similarity of values about ethics, that this was about creating opportunities for people not twisting people's arms. And because I sat into so many of the sales consultations with people, that's exactly what was going on. I think everybody who's chosen to move forward is going to be thrilled 12 months from now that they did, because they made a decision that was authentic. They're not going to regret it. That's a critical piece of this whole, just on a pure mechanical part, you’ve got to have marketing. In my case, it's got to be conscious, it's got to be about how you impact the world and get rich doing it, because that's what a conscious millionaire really at its heart is about. But you all really had a lot of integrity and you've done so many things right. That it's a combination of bonding with people and them having a good experience at the event, but then having a good experience with you all that I think that the two put together is why we actually, for the number of people that we had, we've had very good results.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I appreciate that compliment, JV.

JV Crum III:

It was unsolicited. It's important for you all to know that.

Rudy Rodriguez:

The mindset, we're on the topic of the mindset that we have is enrolled, not sold, enrolled for their reasons. If we get to the conversation, and we asked them, in your opinion, how do you believe how do you feel, that you're going to benefit over the next several months, if you were to participate in this program, and if they can articulate a clear reason with conviction, then we've done our job. If they can't, we've done them a disservice, and we haven't properly enrolled them for their reasons. And it's really important because from a practical perspective, not only are you going to have a more enthusiastic participant, but you're also going to have a lot less likely issues with chargebacks and refunds and missed expectations and all these things that can be a pain in the butt. Sometimes when people try to squeeze the way, say the round thing into the square thing.

JV Crum III:

Yes, I talk about the difference between flow and taking out a hammer and just pounding that round peg until it doesn't have a choice, but then just totally be all messed up. Now it's partly inside and that's a mess. It was interesting. Today, we were doing an initial meeting and I asked people, after we went through a fairly lengthy exercise, about 75 minutes, I said tell me some things that you need in order to be a billionaire, and then in order to be a millionaire. Several people brought up, oh, I've got to negotiate better. The light went off and they went, well, I happen to be a fabulous negotiator and not only am I an attorney, but at 23, I was negotiating multi million dollar contracts with billion dollar companies. As I told them, those attorneys on the other side, which is sharks, there was no other word, and I had to learn how to deal with them. So I said, each month, we're going to have three meetings, but we're going to have a topic meeting. I said, do you all want me to just teach you all how to be great negotiators? And everybody's going, yes, yes. And I said, okay, so we'll do a topic on negotiating. I said, and you see, to become a conscious business, you still have to know how to do business. You may want to change the world but if you don't know how to negotiate, you're going to have a hard time doing that. So I think that that is part of listening. So even though they're already sold, they already paid their money, I'm upping their expectation by saying, oh, I happen to be that. That's one of my strong points. I'll just teach you how to negotiate. I have a whole formula, I'll just teach you the formula, and then you can go out and negotiate.

JV Crum III:

I think to always be adding value has got to be the focus of everything you're doing at the event, after the event, preparing for the next event. And again, having that mindset that what's happening here is a journey. And people, you need to continually invite them to come take the journey of their lifetime, come take their journey of building their business, whatever it is that you happen to do at your virtual events, but take the journey and get there in a way that's going to transform them into the person that the truth is they've been sitting around for years, wanting and dreaming to become.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Amen. I love that, JV. We wrap up here in the last couple minutes, I love to just ask you briefly, what's the best way listeners can reach you? What's the number one way?

JV Crum III:

So I'll give away something. How's that? I do hypnotic audios. This is a hypnotic audio. It's about six minutes long. I suggest you listen to it twice a day for 30 days. You will be enchanted to do that, by the way. And because it's called ‘Born to Make Millions’, and so it's to make money, but born to make millions. Or you can just go to the website and I know the kind of people you're going to attract. So here's my cell, you want to have a conversation about your business, text me, and we'll go from there. It's 303-641-0401. That's 303-641-0401. And like you, Rudy, because I've texted you at certain times, and it says, oh, turned off. My phone automatically turns off at nine and doesn't wake up again till six. So you just text me any old time. I won't get it during the night. I'll just sleep through and I'll see it tomorrow morning.

Rudy Rodriguez:

JV, it's so generous of you. Thanks for being so open with connecting with our listeners and just being a resource to the marketplace on mindset and continuing to share your expertise. We look forward to playing together at the next virtual event. With that being said, for our listeners who are tuning in, if you found value from today's episode, be sure to share this episode with someone that you think will benefit from it, share it on social media and be sure to subscribe to this podcast if you haven't already subscribed. Thank you again, JV, for being a wonderful guest today. Really appreciate you, sir.

JV Crum III:

And... May I make one final suggestion? Please, when you're sharing this, think about who are those million closest friends that you want to share it with. When you start thinking that big, and you start sharing it that big, imagine how many new connections you'll actually be making with that million. So it has a big outcome.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Love it. That's my takeaway from today's episode. Have a big outcome. Think like a billionaire. Thank you, JV. Appreciate you, sir.




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