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The Magnetic Heart of God – Cory Rosenke pt 2
Episode 13405th September 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Magnetic Heart of God

Cory Rosenke pt 2

Have you ever considered why “people do the things they do?” Including yourself?

Have you ever pondered WHY you react certain ways in certain situations?

Have you ever asked the question “WHY” and truly, honestly, wanted to seek the answer?

Our guest today spent much of his childhood asking – and seeking – the answer to questions such as these. Ultimately, he discovered something that many people, Christians included, may miss as they run the rat race of life.

Cory Rosenke spent much of his childhood in the grip of poverty, isolation and homelessness. He would spend time wandering lonely mountain slopes with his dog, a walking stick and a book. His passion for reading, not just any book, but books written by Plato, Aristotle and icons like that, sparked his imagination but drove him to read more. He studied works by Freud, Plutarch and C.S. Lewis, just to name a few.

But then, he discovered the ultimate works, that introduced him to Jesus. Amen!

Over the course of time, Cory discovered, what he calls, “The Five Cravings of the Soul,” that have applied to all of humanity through life and time. He says, “God created these cravings within us – for the purpose of drawing us towards a connection with Him.” Amen!

Cory Rosenke is now an accomplished author, theologian, pastor and speaker.  He is the author of a book that discusses these things, titled, “The Magnetic Heart of God: Understanding the Five Cravings of Your Soul.”

This is part two (and the conclusion) of a great, two part interview!

I think, before we get into your book, let’s lay a foundation first. Can you tell us HOW you discovered the proof that we, as individuals, actually have a soul?

In the beginning section of your book, you pose a unique question. So I want to bring this out first and get your opinion as we start. You share, “We live in a time of unprecedented prosperity. But yet, the collective emptiness is also unprecedented. How is this possible?”  Could you share with us your perspective on this?

In the video I watched, “The Bad News of the Gospel,” explain for us the meaning of “The Gospel explains the Storm before the Calm,” which you shared?  I thought that was really good.

You share that we seek fulfillment through “wealth, power and fame.” But what we discover, is that the inner sense of peace is missing when we think we achieve these things. Why is that?

Let’s get into the meat of the situation. You’ve identified the “5 Cravings of the Soul” as, “Security; Identity; Independence; Significance; Innocence.”  You also relate these five cravings as being demonstrated in the Garden of Eden. I believe that gives us a clear understanding of the point you are trying to make. Could you elaborate on this for us so the audience will see what you are talking about in your book?

Let’s cover the first:  Security. We all want security – to feel safe, in our life. Share a little about this need for our soul to experience a sense of security…

What about “Identity?”  As believers, we identify as being created in the image of God… but is it that easy to convince our mind and heart?

The United States of America was founded on the idea of being “Independent” from a monarchy that they believed no longer cared about them. Autonomy. Not being dependent on someone else. How does our soul view “Independence” for us today?

You share about Satan demonstrating a craving for “Significance” that went wrong (and totally backfired on him). Then, you contrast that with Jesus who achieved the ultimate in significance. Can you share these perspectives with us in relation to what OUR souls crave?

In order to get a clear picture on the characteristic of “Innocence,” you give a great illustration in your book. The difference between “not guilty” and “righteous.” Can you share with us the difference and how that relates to the characteristic of “innocence” in our soul?

Pastor Cory, this is so good. I could talk to you about this for hours. As we get ready to close, I know your book is not yet released. When is the release of your book, “The Magnetic Heart of God: Understanding the Five Cravings of Your Soul?”

Your book is available for preorder though, on Amazon, right now. Correct?

If someone wanted to reach out to you to ask a question or obtain more information – or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, in this society today, the world wants you to never offend anyone. Just to accept each and every person – and their beliefs – and leave it at that. Actually, that is what they say, but what they want US (as believers) to do – is to ACCEPT their belief systems (and keep our to ourself).

But that is not what “sharing the Gospel” is about. As Pastor Cory shares towards the end of his book, “The Magnetic Heart of God,” he says, “Preaching the Gospel without offending is not possible. Even Jesus could not do that!”  Which is why Jesus told us in John 15:20, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” This is also reinforced by Paul in his letter to Timothy where he shared, in 2 Timothy 3:12, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus WILL BE PERSECUTED.”

Those are not comforting words for many people. But, in the BIG PICTURE of things, it should be a comfort to those who truly believe.

If you are not receiving push back for the Gospel you preach – maybe you are preaching the wrong Gospel!  Are you trying to “get along to go along?”  Not making waves. Not wanting to make any one upset? Not wanting to change their eternal destiny for hell?

The choice is yours to make…

But I urge you, right now – while you are thinking about it – to drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to get in touch with Pastor Cory Rosenke. Order his book, “The Magnetic Heart of God: Understanding the Five Cravings of the Soul.” You will be blessed as you read though this book and participate in the thought provoking self-study reflections at the end of each chapter. Amen!





Book:  “The Magnetic Heart of God: Understanding the Five Cravings of the Soul” – on Amazon

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