The show celebrates its one hundredth episode.
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⏱️ Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:14 - Celebrating triple digits
00:02:43 - JP’s favorite: bologna sandwiches analogy
00:04:52 - A surprise bologna t-shirt announcement
00:05:19 - Rob reflects on favorite episodes
00:07:18 - The cross-cultural CS episode with Viviana
00:08:37 - Dillon’s highlights: mental health and good energy
00:10:09 - Rob’s “delete Slack” controversy
00:11:34 - Merch, new podcasts, and what’s coming next
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[Dillon] (0:14 - 0:41)
And I'm being lazy. Advice. What's up lifers and welcome to The Daily Standup with lifetime value where we're giving you fresh new customer success ideas every single day.
And one of these times, Rob will not talk over me. Stay tuned. You might hear it in the next 100 episodes.
It's called active listening. I've got my active listener Rob here. Rob, would you like to say hi?
[Rob] (0:42 - 0:42)
Buenos dias.
[Dillon] (0:44 - 0:49)
And we've got JP here, the giggle monster. Would you like to say hi?
[JP] (0:50 - 0:52)
Buenas noches giglios.
[Dillon] (0:53 - 0:54)
Giglios, yes.
[Rob] (0:54 - 0:55)
[Dillon] (0:55 - 1:09)
And I am your host. I am your host. My name is Dillon Young.
Boys, it's just us once again. I'm starting to think other people don't like us, but I've got a question for you. Do you know what today is?
What is it?
[JP] (1:11 - 1:13)
The anticipation is killing me.
[Dillon] (1:14 - 1:22)
It is our first triple digit episode. Woo!
[JP] (1:23 - 1:27)
The second time in my life I hit triple digits. Yeah.
[Dillon] (1:28 - 1:39)
Don't know what that means, but for everybody who's a little bit slow out there, this is our 100th episode. Thank you.
[JP] (1:39 - 1:40)
Thank you.
[Dillon] (1:40 - 2:08)
I want to say thank you to the seven people who have listened to the podcast over and over again. Three of them are in this room right now. You're going to trash our ratings, man.
Anyway, guys, first of all, I want to say thank you so much to both the two of you, but also anybody who listens. This has been so much fun. And I'm quitting.
No, I'm joking. We're going to...
[JP] (2:09 - 2:10)
I thought you were serious.
[Dillon] (2:11 - 2:43)
It's been so much fun. I feel like we're really getting to a place where we've got it down. We know what we're doing.
Takes about 100 episodes to do that. That's what they tell me. But now is a time to look back and to reflect on maybe the episode or the topic, or maybe you just tell me who you like and who you don't like.
I'm fine with that too. But reflect back on what your favorites have been from the first 100 episodes.
[JP] (2:43 - 3:01)
Who wants to go first? Yeah, I'll go first because I don't want mine to get taken. I don't want mine to get taken.
Okay. So I'm going first. So they say you never really remember what people say, but you remember how you feel.
But I remember what I said, though.
[Rob] (3:01 - 3:02)
But I remember what I said.
[JP] (3:03 - 4:24)
Yeah, yeah. I remember what I said. Can't tell who I was talking to.
No, this guest was great. This guest was great. So this is not a guest.
But I think it was early on in the podcast and just getting used to riffing, this constant thing, because we're cranking them out every single day. Fresh, baby. And so I think I had a lot of fun with bologna sandwiches on Tuesdays.
I don't know if I've ever made as good of an analogy as I did with that, because you know how many emails have clopped in my inbox with that same energy? A lot of times it's from debt collectors. Those things in my inbox, like a freaking bologna sandwich.
Somebody just slapped on there and I'm like, oh, great. You know what I mean? But I feel like, yeah, it was probably my favorite, just because it was like the guest was great.
You know, I feel like she sort of rolled with it. And it was just cool to be able to really be myself and bring what I bring to the podcast. Sir Giglios, as they call me.
Sir Giglios. Yeah, just some giggle monster. So, yeah, I would say that's my favorite, if I'm looking back right now.
What about you, Arjaz?
[Dillon] (4:25 - 4:52)
Before you go, Arjaz, there is a... From Sir Giglios to Arjaz. I can't keep up.
This is a surprise even to you, JP, but by the time this episode airs, we are going to have a bologna sandwiches on Tuesday t-shirt available in the Lifetime Value store.
[JP] (4:52 - 4:54)
Oh, my God.
[Dillon] (4:54 - 4:58)
We will get exactly one purchase and it will be from Sir Giglios himself.
[JP] (4:59 - 5:00)
That's enough for me.
[Dillon] (5:01 - 5:10)
That's enough for me. So check it out, guys. slash shop. Did you say
[JP] (5:10 - 5:12), baby.
[Dillon] (5:12 - 5:16)
It's still out there. One penny. Still out there.
One penny. All right, Arjaz, you're up.
[JP] (5:17 - 5:17)
The X-Files.
[Rob] (5:19 - 6:12)
I thought long and hard about this one. I was like, who are my favorite? Which ones stand out when I think back to the highlights of the last 100 episodes?
Because it's been a whirlwind, but it's also so jam-packed with content, too. The ones that came to mind, there were two that came to mind. I'll share them as my bronze and silver medal.
I'll drop my gold. I got to give my shout outs to the people who deserve them. But some of the ones that came to mind.
I loved Jess's episode on dismantling the QBR. Jess Cohen. Jess Cohen.
I thought that was awesome. It was so practical, and it was very application-first. I left that with a lot of really good advice.
I liked Mohamed's episode on what's next. What's the future look like? That was like, I thought he had the best way to capture this.
Everyone's talking about AI now, but he actually has this whole vision of the future.
[Dillon] (6:12 - 6:16)
I was going to say, he had something pretty crystallized there that was interesting.
[Rob] (6:18 - 7:18)
I've rarely met anyone else who's had such a well-formed, thought-out, layered opinion about what the future looks like. But when it comes to picking my favorite episode so far, favorite topic so far, too, the one that stands out to me is the one we did with Viviana, which I don't know if that's going to get published before or after this one. Yeah.
But if it publishes after that. You're really painting me in a corner here, brother. Just if it hasn't been published yet, just know we got something good coming.
Because that one, if I think about why we started this podcast, this show, as Dillon likes to say, it was all about, for me at least, it was about increasing accessibility of customer success to a bigger audience. It was about creating a platform where anyone and everyone's voices can be heard, where we're like, everyone's got a good opinion. What's the phrase?
Opinions are like assholes. You could believe that. If you want, everyone's got them and they all are great.
[Dillon] (7:20 - 7:25)
And so everybody's got them and they all are great. No, you know what? They're functional.
[JP] (7:26 - 7:37)
OK, I want to try again. Do you want to try again? Opinions are like doughnuts.
You can use it like doughnuts. Some are some are chocolate. I got more than one.
Some are plain.
[Rob] (7:37 - 7:55)
So let me just say what I like about Viviana's episode. What I like about Viviana's episode is that she brought to the table the topic of cross-cultural customer success, which, like I said, is a topic that just lives in my head rent free all day, every day, along with everything that Aaron Rodgers says and does.
[JP] (7:56 - 7:57)
Oh, my gosh.
[Rob] (7:58 - 8:25)
But the thing that I love about that is like. I think about Ayahuasca a lot. The thing that I love about that is it's accessible.
It's cross-cultural. It's validating to like the different experiences that we all have in customer success. It's super rich.
And there's also all this scientific opportunity for us to study our field in a very meaningful, statistical, social, scientific way. And I thought it was amazing. So.
That's my choice.
[JP] (8:26 - 8:36)
Jess and JP, I'm the giggle monster, so giggly. Hey, but I second that. Hey, that's Viviana.
We really did enjoy your episode.
-:All right. I have two. I have two favorite episodes similar to you coming at my neck over there and have them like they're not ranked like your bronze second first loser sort of thing.
Anyway, mine are. I think the cross-cultural stuff is super important. Having that level of awareness and how to communicate and connect with folks like it, it's a unique challenge within CS.
I think right ahead of that for me in terms of topics is always going to be mental health, which I'm sure you guys, that big surprise to you guys, but the nexus of that for me was our conversation with Matt Bennett from written, which is a mental health company. They serve the mental health space with EMR records, but also how we covered mental health in a positive way. There were some tactical tips on how folks could actually do better in their personal and professional lives to mitigate certain signals and being super aware of how they were making you feel so on and so forth on top of that.
Rob also managed to alienate probably one of our biggest sponsor prospects in Slack by saying he wants everybody to delete Slack. We should all just stop being Slack customers. Let me say that again.
Rob hates Slack.
[JP] (:Slack.
[Dillon] (:If you're listening, that's hello at You can send it with your email. Slack, I love you.
It don't matter. It don't matter, Sir Giglios. I love you Slack and Salesforce.
Don't you? Yep. All the big ones.
Oracle, you're the best. Microsoft. No, um, call me the other one for the pure energy.
It had despite what you may believe JP, I think we've had it down from the very beginning and it was Betsy Gilfillan's episode number two or three. I think it was three.
[JP] (:It was actually, okay. Okay.
[Dillon] (:She had great ideas. She has fantastic energy. I love Betsy.
She has fantastic energy and that is by far the most viewed video on YouTube for this channel so far. And I don't know if it's us or if it's her, but something about that really got the people going. Anyway, anybody want to wrap us up?
[JP] (:Hey, let me tell you something. We got merch coming out, y'all. This is, look, we've got some fire merch coming out.
I'm telling you the stuff that the three of us, the three headed monster, that's a clue we have stuff that's coming out. I think we need to make a, we need to make a, what is it?
[Dillon] (:No, I think it's a good call out though. Lifetime value continues to expand. We got new podcasts coming.
We got merch, live events happening. We're going to go to some conferences here in the fall. Stay tuned guys.
Follow us on our LinkedIn page. Go follow our, our newsletter, lifetime slash subscribe. And come find us too.
Come DM us. We'd love to talk to you guys. And with that, our time is up boys, Sir Giglios and Arjaz until next time.
[Voiceover] (:You've been listening to The Daily Standup by Lifetime Value. Please note that the views expressed in these conversations are attributed only to those individuals on this recording and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of their respective employers for all inquiries, please reach out via email to Dillon at lifetime value, Find us on YouTube at lifetime value and find us on the socials at lifetime value media.
Until next time.