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Unveiling the Nourished Life Blueprint: Transforming Chaos into Culinary Calm
Episode 1 โ€ข 17th January 2024 โ€ข Mealtime Magic & Mayhem โ€ข Tricia's Bites of Life
00:00:00 00:10:49

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**Show Notes: MMM Season 2 Episode 1 - My Mission**

๐Ÿฝ๏ธ Host: Tricia Clark

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Episode Description: Welcome to Season 2 of the Mealtime Magic and Mayhem podcast. In this episode, Tricia Clark, your cooking coach and kitchen mentor, dives deep into her mission and what's in store for this month's episodes. She discusses the transformation of meal planning and cooking into a symphony of joy, connection, and self-discovery.

๐Ÿฒ What to Expect: This month's focus is on cooking, meal planning, and mealtime as a form of self-care, exploring how it can positively impact individuals and families.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Topics Covered:

- Personalized meal planning based on unique human design and family preferences.

- Cooking as an act of self-nourishment and a catalyst for personal and familial well-being.

- Breaking down barriers and addressing limiting beliefs in meal planning and cooking.

- Shifting energy from chaos to connectivity and creativity around the dinner table.

- Creating lasting family memories through food and hospitality..

๐ŸŒŸ Upcoming Episodes:

- Next week: An interview with Blizzard Planet on finding self-love and authenticity.

- Later this month: A client, Lynette, shares her journey from mealtime stress to opening a catering business based on nourishing healthy home-cooked food.

๐Ÿ“… Action Items: Visit Tricia's website to join the Nourish Life Blueprint program for personalized culinary possibilities and self-discovery.

๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿผ How to Support the Podcast:

- Hit the follow/subscribe button.

- Leave a review to share your thoughts.

- Schedule a free personalized strategy session with Tricia to transform your mealtime routine here:

Join Tricia Clark in the next episode to savor every single bite of life. See you then!




onth's episodes in January of:

nds of exciting things lined [:

So you see, my mission is all about transforming the chaos of meal planning and cooking into a symphony of joy, connection, and honestly, self discovery. It's about crafting memories, conversations. And really strengthening and deepening those connections around the dinner table that leave a lasting impact.

But how do we get there? My friends, it is a journey. And it begins with something as simple as looking at what our beliefs are about cooking. And it's as simple as starting with meal planning. Now, I know you're like meal planning, I've heard it a million times. But, there's no cookie cutter bullshit here.

gn. Yep, you heard me right. [:

Personalities, all of those things come together and it can be such a game changer. So it's like having a secret decoder ring for your own preferences, tendencies, how to meal plan, what to stock in your pantry. We can dive so deep into all of that and it's so fun. The lightbulb moments are Just constant.

So let's talk about cooking and meal planning as self care. Cooking can be more than a chore, and I know that sounds like bullshit, and I know you're like, yeah, okay, but it can be a real form of self care. Think about it. Pouring love and attention into the meals you prepare is a beautiful act of self nourishment, right?

y that you put into the food [:

But I get it. Mealtime can seem like this overwhelming, monotonous monster. And there's beliefs and monsters and barriers lurking around every corner. And it's those thoughts I don't have time, I don't know what to cook, I'm just not good at it, nobody's going to eat it anyway. Do those all sound familiar?

I know I've heard them. Here's the secret sauce. We break down all of those barriers. Are they beliefs that came from childhood? Are they something that's come through in adulthood? Is it that you just don't know where to start or maybe you don't have the skills? So we challenge those beliefs and we create a personalized blueprint.

for you. And throughout the [:

We're crafting moments. We're tapping into creativity. We're changing up the routine. We're shifting the energy. We hear so much about addressing limiting beliefs and the energy that we put into things and how we do one thing is how we do all things. And I think we have a tendency to forget that all of those things apply to everything, including how we feed ourselves and our families.

rs and create that blueprint [:

Why though? Energy is contagious, right? So we've shifted that energy, and it's always contagious whether it's positive or negative, and so we've shifted that contagious energy from that chaotic frenzy of frustration. into every step of the process. Bringing our best selves to the table, the same we want to bring our best selves to our partnerships, to our marriage, to our friends, to our businesses, to our jobs, if we work for an employer.

ivity, of joy, and when that [:

My dear listeners, if you're ready to embark on this journey with me to embrace self care through cooking and to transform your mealtime chaos into calm, then it's time to take action. So I want you to visit my website, trishasbitesoflife. com, check out and join the Nourish Life Blueprint. It's your ticket to a world of culinary possibilities.

Because once we've broken down those barriers, and we've really cracked the code on our own unique energy and what meal planning works for us, then we start playing and experimenting with different types of cooking strategies to find out what lights you up, what does feel easy. And while you may not fall in love with cooking, like I have, I bet you will find ways to make it easier so that you can be more in that state of flow And when you're more in that state of flow, you show up differently, and the food tastes different.

So [:

They can be positive and negative. But you can see that food does. Food and hospitality create those memories that are woven through our lives. I'm here to guide you every step of the way, and together we're gonna fill your cup first before serving others. And that, my friends, is the recipe for a life well savored.

Her name is Blizzard Planet. [:

She's got her own trademark terms for it. You're not going to want to miss that episode. For a way to look inward and really find who you want to be and how you want to show up regardless of who you're cooking for or whatever it is that you're doing in your life. And then we're going to move on and later this month I have a client, Lynette, who's going to come in and talk to you about how she changed.

Everything from being somebody who didn't think she liked cooking, didn't want to cook. It was stressful and overwhelming. And now she's opened up her own, she's opened up her own table at the farmer's market and her own catering business. All based on providing families healthy, home cooked food that she's discovered nourishes her family and her soul and their souls.

ve in the community. It just [:

Thanks so much for listening. And if you enjoyed this episode, please go hit that follow button, subscribe, leave us a review. And if you're ready to change what mealtime looks like for you, breaking that cycle of chaos and having more fun in the kitchen, build some confidence and discover your love of cooking, schedule your free dish with Trish Call at the link in the show notes.

We'll chat a few minutes and you'll walk away with personalized strategies to take your mealtime routine from tired to inspired. See you next time.




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