In this episode, Amber is joined by Deb Rubin, a multi-passionate visionary who’s made a global impact as a healer, somatic movement guide, and founder of Shakti Embodied School. Deb's journey began in traditional paths like neuroscience and psychology but led her to a life of deep-rooted passion in yoga, dance, and somatic healing. She shares how her journey, guided by her love for the arts and healing, unfolded into a worldwide movement. From studying fusion belly dance to embodying her transformative experiences at major festivals, Deb talks about the significance of in-person connections, the power of merging diverse passions, and how building an impactful brand starts from within. If you're seeking a fresh perspective on following your unique path, staying committed to personal growth, and creating a business that aligns with your truest self, this episode is for you.
Deb Rubin. MA, is an Embodied Feminine Mentor, NeuroSomatic specialist, Master Teacher Trainer, & Internationally acclaimed facilitator & performer, who has spent the last 2 1/2 decades guiding thousands of women around the globe how to heal and unlock their body’s deepest wisdom, re-claim their feminine power, and powerfully create their iconic impact, global movement, and expansive wealth from pleasure-driven purpose. The CEO of Shakti Embodied School of Feminine Leadership, and creator of her signature BodyMind Alchemy method, her Dance Therapeutics Movement Mastery certification, & Embodied Artistry Coaching, Deb is the bridge between Body & Business, and a leading voice for the transformative power of Somatics, & body-based nervous system tools, as the missing piece in business growth.
A Wall Street Journal best selling author & internationally sought-after Embodiment Alchemist, she guides visionary leaders to unlock their bodies, overcome blocks, & rewire brain and body to step into wild wealthy woman embodiment to build their 6 & 7 figure businesses from their sensual power, and create the global impact, magnetic movement, & soul-led legacy they desire.
Amplified impact.
::For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets.
::This is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.
::I'm here to inspire you to take, take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business.
::One who stands out and thrives.
::This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.
::I'm so excited.
::Another episode and another incredible guest.
::I get to hang out with Deb Rubin and introduce you to a dear soul sister that I got to meet at a live event.
::Y'all know I'm raving on this podcast about live events and retreats and in person, like getting in the room and really getting to know other people because it's lifelong relationships that are built when you get to take the magic that you discover of someone online and like actually feel their presence in the flesh.
::And Deb, she is a body mastery somatic business dance, like intuitive guide, like healer.
::I'm just putting all of those words because that's like how I feel about her.
::She's a mentor CEO Shakti embodied school that she birthed and she too helps visionaries to master your craft, unlock your voice, build six seven figure brands.
::She just got home from India.
::She was just at as she Rises live event.
::Like, she travels the world and like shares it all over.
::I'm so excited to have you, Deb.
::Thank you for being here, having me.
::It's really good to see you.
::And I would just want to know, like, as much as the audience is going to be hearing and anyone listening, like, I want to know.
::You've been in this for a long time and I want to know your story, the evolution of how you got here and how it's unfolded and what really has, like, allowed you to sit in the seat that you've created for yourself today.
::That's such a big question.
::Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me.
::And I love how like right now, you and I being here, having this conversation is the living, breathing embodiment of everything we're both about and everything you're a stand for for your own clients as of like, get in the rooms, meet people and, and build real life relationships.
::I'm a big fan of that.
::Everything online right now.
::You know, how do we expand and grow global movements online?
::But looking back over the art of where I started and where I am.
::You know, when I started, it wasn't calculated.
::I wasn't starting from a calculated place.
::I was just literally following my bliss, following my joy and my passions.
::And I got in the rooms because I genuinely just wanted to be there.
::Does that make sense?
::And so what's so interesting for me is, you know, how I've built my.
::Like, I feel like right now in the, in the industry, this, like, build a global movement is like a buzzword.
::How do you build a movement and build a brand?
::And what I see out there in the coaching industry is the.
::Is like, you know, how to become undeniable in your art or in your craft is like, build a brand and then that's your movement.
::And for me, I'm like, no, actually, you are your brand.
::Start doing what you love.
::Start with one person, two people, 10 people, like, start on the inside.
::That's to me what growing a movement is is.
::To me, it's kind of like a flash mob, you know.
::And so part of my story is, you know, I was a yoga teacher, a dancer.
::Dance was always my hobby.
::But I thought, like, oh, I could never make a career of that.
::I thought I was going to medical school.
::So my undergrad was at Princeton, so I have a Princeton degree in psychology and pre med.
::So I thought I was going to be a doctor, was a neuroscience researcher in a lab.
::I used to do research on rat brains.
::And then I moved out to San Francisco and my life took a hard left, let's just say that.
::And so basically I decided to pivot away from western medicine.
::I went to massage therapy school, I became a yoga teacher.
::I just, I was a little bit burnt out and I wanted to just.
::I was on a healing path of my own and I wanted to explore how to work deeper with people on mind and body and soul levels.
::And I just wanted to soak it up.
::Yoga, bodywork, trainings.
::I traveled, I went to Thailand, I studied Thai massage, I meditated on mountaintops.
::I was, you know, my.
::My job as a massage therapist, a yoga teacher.
::But dance was always a hobby.
::And I remember at the time thinking like, okay, Deb, time to be a grown up, you know, and.
::And so I walked in kind of both worlds for a while and then I just took a leap.
::I invested in myself and I started to get invitations to teach and travel all over the world, and I just said yes to it.
::And then over the years, so I went to graduate school.
::My master's is in mind body medicine and somatic psychology.
::So I was working One on one with clients.
::I was teaching group classes.
::I was barely paying my rent.
::I was doing it for the love of it.
::Can anyone else relate as a.
::Yeah, yeah, right.
::And I was also a dancer.
::And then what started to happen, I think honestly getting in the rooms was the turning point.
::And it wasn't from a strategic I'm going to build my business type of a way.
::It was legitimately because I was hungry for learning.
::I wanted to be a student, I wanted to be there.
::And so I started going into the communities and the places that I wanted to be a part of.
::And simultaneously because of that, people would, you know, I'd make those in person connections and then they would have an experience with me and they would invite me to come teach in their community or their country.
::So I'm trying to, I'm trying to like put the steps together.
::But I think that, you know, before this whole craze with Instagram and social media, making those real world connections and starting to get invited to teach at really big festivals and really big events because I was sharing my work from a place of passion and teaching at, you know, big transformational festivals, Burning Man, Envision Festival in Costa Rica, Symbiosis, all these events.
::I would go to yoga Journal conferences in San Francisco.
::Not as a teacher, but I would go and meet people and network and collab and literally align and resonate with the people I did.
::And that's a playful energy that then we would want to create something together.
::So I remember finishing graduate school and it was such a process oriented program that at the end of the three years what came through is I just want to dance, you know.
::And I was starting to get invitation.
::I was like, I could sit with clients and do this deep, soulful, somatic trauma, unwinding work when I'm older.
::But I started to get some opportunities to teach all over the world and I wanted to do that.
::So I started touring and teaching dance.
::The dance style I do is fusion belly dance.
::And so for a while I was fusion belly dance teacher, performer and then I was also bodyworker, healer, get out of pain girl.
::And after a while I just kind of like merged because these multi passion, you know, I'm a multi passionate human, as many of you probably probably are.
::And I started to integrate them so that in the fusion belly dance world I became the go to person for healing, work for body, work for get out of pain for, you know.
::The lifestyle of a touring artist is physically challenging and as high level dancers we have a lot of issues in our tissues, right?
::And then in the yoga world it's like, it's, it's almost like the multi passionate aspect of me being in multiple worlds.
::The tribal fusion belly dance world, the yoga world, the somatics mind body psychology world, and now the coaching world.
::It's almost like in the yoga world what sets me apart is the fusion belly dance deeper Shakti unwinding spirally movement.
::In the fusion belly dance world, what sets me apart is the yoga depth healer.
::So this is just a stand for all of you multi passionate creatives, like do all of it, be all of it and let that be an asset for you of how you get to stand out and show your unique way.
::It's going to set you apart from other people.
::So I see it as an asset.
::And so what started to happen is just because I was in, in the dojo of life coupled with my own personal healing story of having scoliosis, having a 34 degree curve in my spine, wearing a back brace that went up to here, having the doctor say you're going to have to have surgery, you're never going to be able to dance or do gymnastics or any of that as a kid.
::And I literally straightened my own spine from 34 degrees to 17 degrees because of all of the movements that I was doing.
::So I have like my own personal feeling story of how and why I developed my signature work, which is this alchemy, it's like a fusion alchemy of how to unwind the tension and trauma from the body.
::And then I started to just create that for the dance community and for the yoga community.
::And then once you got invited to events, I would always meet people there, students would take my workshop and then they would want to invite me to their town or their country.
::So it really happened organically and it wasn't.
::And in the beginning it wasn't so much a calculated thing, it was just about showing up, offering my gifts and meeting live humans who came, who wanted to bring me to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.
::So I think it was coupling of my own personal healing journey and how I developed this signature body of work pretty much for my own need of how to unlock the body tension and trauma and then the benefits of effect, how when we unlock the body, we also unlock the mind and the nervous system.
::We could talk about that, all the nervous system regulation and it was like bringing that body of work to the fusion belly dance world, the festival world, the yoga world, all these other worlds.
::But then I started to Just become known for that thing.
::And I think that's when it started to take off.
::I really love what you, what you shared like about your story because those that are listening, that have like heard my story, it's like mirrored in so many ways and aspects.
::And what I really love is that you said that gift of being multi, passionate being the reason that you stand out, because I always say that's your superpower.
::Like, it's because you're there, this and you're this.
::It's because you have this and you have this and like the merging of those worlds and like the understanding of how they can work and merge together.
::And also just the fact that it's like you in person and the connections that you make in person, not to get something, but to just show up and give and to be a devoted student and just like this, this hungriness to like learn more for yourself.
::It's like, yeah, cool, be a brand, build a movement, but like embody all that you are.
::And that's the strategy, like, that's how it all falls in.
::It's just like, this is who I am and I'm bringing people with me.
::That's it, you know, and it's like, that's what I see you doing too is like I went from this to this to this to this, but now it's like you merge all of those things together because it's not like you lose this training or this devotion that you spent into this skill or this asset.
::It's like that comes with you.
::And so as you're like stacking these on, it's like, how have you been guided to like study somatic work and then study yoga work and then study like the dance and the way that you shared how that was just like evolving for you.
::What do you see now for yourself?
::Like having the online movement, having the in person opportunities, like, what do you see for yourself and like what you want for the women, the clients that you're working with, to like really, like, if you could give them a piece of advice to like merge the past into the now while emerging online and in person, like, what would be your vision?
::I love that.
::I think that as we evolve, I'll speak for myself.
::As I have evolved and grown and matured, my business has evolved and grown and matured, my offerings have evolved.
::The depth of what I'm able to hold space for, it's not just what I'm interested in, it's what I'm actually trained and skilled and able to hold space For I see a lot in the coaching industry that's leading with just like I did this cert or that cert or maybe somebody's grown a business, seven figure business, but they don't actually have skills or coaching methodology to guide clients through a challenging moment.
::How do you guide, what do you do if a client is struggling?
::Do you quit on them?
::Do you tell them they're uncoachable?
::Or do you know how to take a breath, lean in and that you actually have skills that you're trained in to, you know, unpack that and like find what's helped them, guide them through out of down into breakthrough.
::So there's so many aspects to this that I think as I've evolved, my practice has evolved, my business has evolved and I've expanded.
::It's a practice, it's doing the inner work, it's being committed to the journey of the inner work.
::I call it the inner artistry.
::It's having the curiosity of the artist path and bringing that to the entrepreneurial path.
::I think it's my framing of I see the entrepreneur path as a deep form of spiritual practice because it's been the thing of all the yoga, of all the spirituality of all the mountains I've sat and meditated on, all the bliss moments, peak moments of transformational festivals and dancing on stages.
::Those are peak moments personally.
::And let me know if you agree, Amber, or anyone listening.
::For me, the entrepreneurial journey of building this movement, this business, being a leader, stepping into leadership, staying in the game when it's hard and it's uncomfortable, stretching into the next level of my nervous system, capacity to hold more students and more clients, like that's a thing I don't think is talked about much in the industry about what it means to create a global movement.
::Because then your response, if you're creating a global movement, are we also training, doing the inner work, doing the up levels to be able to hold that energetically?
::Can we hold the global movement that we're creating?
::How do we lead?
::How do we hold space?
::How do we create the safety in our own nervous system?
::So I learned all that not from the coaching industry and not from the business industry.
::I learned that from my master's degree from Mind Body Medicine, from Somatics, from like it's a full circle moment where all of these modalities that used to be what I offered now become my own personal like path and way that I use daily to keep evolving it forward.
::So how is it evolved?
::So the other piece, just to land When I'm looking back on my personal journey, you know, we all have a personal journey.
::We probably all got into this for our own healing is probably why we're drawn.
::We're drawn to what we healed, and then we get to share that experience with others.
::But I kind of want to give credit to another kind of cultural phenomenon that was happening at the same time as my rise and expansion.
::And again, this was not a calculated business strategy.
::I was living in the Bay Area.
::I was.
::Spent 15 years in the Bay Area at this pivotal time that was, I consider, kind of the golden age.
::So this is like, you know, the rise of transformational festivals, the rise of Burning man culture.
::That was like a huge part of my life.
::So I was a part, not just going, but I was an invited teacher.
::I would teach and perform on the stages at these festivals.
::And so I was kind of part of the inner circle of creating the culture.
::And I really think now that that was part of my learning and the fabric of growing a movement.
::Because these big transformational festivals on the west coast of the US but now all over the world, tens of thousands of humans come, you know, 20, 30, 50, 70,000 humans, and they're experiments in community.
::And so how do we create a culture culture?
::How do we hold the space energetically?
::What are my offerings to help, you know, regulate nervous systems and create the community pulse?
::And like, how to create a container, how to facilitate groups of 200,000, not 200,200 people.
::Like, how do we start to bridge.
::How do we create experiential immersions for people?
::Not just about topics or not just this is a business strategy, but just, you know, that world.
::And from being a part of that world and offering my gifts, sure, I meet the students that come to the classes and.
::But I'm also meeting the collaborators.
::I'm meeting the creatives.
::So that's another piece here.
::When we talk about, like, get in the rooms, it's not just to, like, get clients and get new clients.
::I get in the rooms now to, like, find my people.
::Like you.
::Like how you and I met at as she Rises.
::That was not calculated.
::But we met and we had, like, an authentic connection.
::Turns out we have.
::We know similar people, we know some of the same people.
::We have a shared story.
::We genuinely resonate.
::And so getting in the rooms and collaborating and I think leading with this is something that we teach.
::I teach my clients how to do in my Shakti embodied programs for entrepreneurs, thinking about not what can I get from this experience, but how can I add value?
::Let's make it a win win.
::How can we collaborate?
::What does this situation need and how can I give?
::Because when I'm always leading with how can I give?
::First of all it's more fun, it's better energy.
::But also then it's like the business skill set comes in of like, okay, I know how to leverage every single organic opportunity I'm in into something.
::So it's kind of a both and, and I think that, that for me it's like the global movement happened all of a sudden, you know, all over the world we have thousands and thousands of women, embodied, empowered women.
::I support women to unlock their body, reconnect to their feminine power and then create their whole life.
::And their global movements, launch themselves to the global stage, create their six and seven figure impact from their body.
::So for all the multi passionate entrepreneurs out there, I think the one thing that helped me kind of tie it all together was find that common thing, the anchor or what is the arc or the through line and build the umbrella thing that houses all your stuff so that you have one powerful message.
::And then when you're aligning with people that want your message or resonate, it's like it just trickles like a flash mob.
::So what happened?
::In answer to your question about like how does this translate to the online world?
::Like everybody else, in March of 2020 when the world shut down, I before the pandemic, about 80% of my year was on the road.
::So my whole business was live in person, events, gatherings, I led retreats, I was doing workshops, I was teaching my signature work, a certification program, performing as a dancer.
::You know, all of a sudden all of that went away and like most of the people, you know, with that, my whole income for the rest of the year.
::So I started at zero like everybody else.
::So what did I do then?
::At zero in March of 2020, I leaned in hard with my business mentor and that community.
::And I just started with how can I be of service right now in this moment?
::I wasn't thinking how can I get clients, how can I get money?
::I literally was tuning in, using my practice is going how can I be of service right now?
::What do we need as a community?
::And I started offering donation based yoga classes and my signature methodology which is unlocking the spirals.
::And because I had built an organic in life, in real life, real people, real connections all over the world, it was a really beautiful moment where now I was staying home and I opened my computer and the world came to me.
::And so I felt like it was like a Narnia moment where I would like open up in this magical community.
::And so it was.
::I'm getting chills because it felt like this beautiful.
::Like, yeah, we didn't know how to use tech yet.
::Yeah, we didn't know about digital marketing, but we had built those real life connections and personal relationships.
::And I just kept leaning in and asking, what do you need right now?
::How can I be of service right now to this moment?
::It wasn't that I had an agenda, I didn't think of it in a vacuum.
::I was responding to the actual people who were showing up, inviting them to bring their friends, inviting them to bring their friends.
::And so I would just create the next offer, create the next offer to guide them forward.
::It was 100% built from the inside out.
::Which is why I like to use the analogy of the flash mob.
::Because it starts with one person, then two, then three, right?
::And that's this for me has been the key to growing multiple six figure business and expanding our global movement.
::It's been from the inside out.
::And that's just one of the things that I teach all my clients how to do for themselves.
::Because for me it's really important to be operating from an embodied, dropped in, sanity nervous system place and not just burn out.
::And so helping women get out of the hustle, get out of that feast or famine and really build something that has roots that you can take a break from and it still thrives and all of that.
::And so just from that knowing, I think the business skills that helped the most, and this is what I teach my clients how to do, is learning how to deliver incredible, irresistible offers and learning how to leverage into invitations.
::And that's it.
::I feel like I've built my entire multiple six figure business from the inside out using those two main things.
::And sure, social media is great and all that, but we don't own our social media.
::What if Instagram dies tomorrow?
::We don't, we don't, we lose all of those.
::So for me it just, it brings everything to a much more grounded, embodied, sustainable place.
::When we're kind of just focusing on like the actual relationships and the actual people and leaning with like, what do we, what do you guys need right now?
::How can I support you?
::And then being strategic with learning the skills and strategies to then create a container for them, create a program for them, and create the container and then create a container that includes all those other pieces that's not just about the information you share, but Belonging and sisterhood and accountability and all that stuff.
::And so I'm remembering back March 2020, you know, everything started from zero.
::I lost my entire year, what was projected for the whole year like everyone else.
::And I think I ended that year creating $250,000 in my business from zero in March from doing that and then it scaled on from there.
::So it's interesting because now I think it's a balance of like, where is this all going?
::And online is such a great resource.
::Like Amber, you're so good at, you provide such incredible resources that I've gotten so much value from like your courses, your.
::Oh my God, I'm so glad to have those.
::You know, and I, I really think it's a both and, and that as embodied feminine leaders like me on my own personal journey, I'm stretching into being the both and because I don't like to be defined or be put in a box.
::I am both an embodied feminine CEO and I'm a dancer.
::I am a scientist, I am a Wall Street Journal bestselling author and I suck at spelling.
::You know, I am a yoga student and I'm a teacher.
::And so when we can stretch into just allowing ourselves and being the both and, and how can we leverage and play with the both?
::And of all the benefits and tools from online growth, digital marketing, growing online, how does that feed in to our in person movement?
::How do we, how does the in person connection, live events, live retreats, live trainings.
::Right, because the beauty of the live events, we know that never goes away.
::But what happens when you say goodbye and you have all the best intention to continue, but then you go home and life is life being and we don't.
::So that's kind of how I have put them together.
::I want them to feed each other and they're just different aspects of the diamond.
::It's like live events serve a purpose and the online is the way that I support my clients after the live event until the next live event.
::And I think that there's benefit and value to both of them.
::Yeah, I love that too.
::Just because it's like nothing can release in person.
::Nothing can, you know, replace the value of being in person and like being connected with someone and like the amplification of the online space is massive.
::Like your ability to really move people.
::And I think something that you shared too is like before COVID you were 80% in person.
::Now it's, it's an.
::And I'm in person and I'm online.
::And so you have the Ability to continue to massively reach more people and blow up your in person live events and retreats where it's like no longer do you lose so much time taking every in person gig.
::It's like you get to be really, really strategic and intentional about where you choose to go.
::Because it's in the travel and it's in the, the time outside.
::Because that's why I love like I used to be a yoga teacher but I lost so much time in my car and so now it's like the ability to be able to teach a class online and get back hours and hours in a day and how many more people can I fit in a room?
::But like that's never going to take away the power of all of us moving, breathing, sweating, praying on a mat or in a dance studio, whatever the modality is that we're using.
::And so it's like how can I use the Internet to work from home in Costa Rica?
::Well have extra time with my kids while continue to change and have impact.
::So I love that this is like, and I think this happened for a lot of people in Covet.
::It's like we got to see the potential of online.
::But I also think you, what you were sharing about the give, it's like, how can I serve?
::How can I serve?
::How can I serve?
::How can I give?
::How can I give?
::How can I give?
::And the byproduct of that is lots of money.
::But for those of us that are like you and I and I know my listeners are devoted to the impact, devoted to the passion, devoted to the.
::I changed my life.
::I mean 17 degrees to 34 degrees.
::Like what?
::Like, you know, the healing modalities that you use to do something doctors told you you couldn't.
::It's like the passion behind what we do, the desire to save, to help, to give to others what we have embodied and experienced ourselves.
::The byproduct of that is that we get paid and we don't have to be the struggling artist, we don't have to be the struggling yoga teacher.
::We have the ability now to, when we have money and we go to India, we can give it to the poor, we can give back to these countries that don't have it.
::You know, the people in India would die to have the turnout rate that we have.
::And I speak of India because I know that you just went there and when I was in India, people were upset that, you know, white people like us were bringing groups because they desire that.
::But now we can collaborate with them, we can get in the rooms and bring.
::And I know that's something that you do.
::This is impact.
::This is passion.
::This is movement.
::It's not about the money.
::It's about the connections that you make.
::And the money just amplifies all of that.
::I just think, like, you're such a wealth of wisdom as it comes to all of these modalities that you merged in, because it's like you went into these modalities out of the desire to learn for yourself.
::And from that, how can I give back?
::And, like, if anyone takes anything away from this episode, it's just like, I'm here to grow myself and then I grow my.
::And I just love you so much, Dev.
::And I would love, like, before we close our episode, like, you have built a successful business.
::You have massive impact, global impact.
::Spoken on stages.
::Like, you've done what most people listening to this podcast dream to do.
::And I know that you're here for more.
::Like, you desire more.
::Why are you here for more?
::That's a good question.
::My more has shifted.
::My deeper why has shifted.
::What I used to think I wanted, I accomplished and created, and it.
::It's shifted.
::So I'm just in a phase in my life right now where my deeper why is helping others, helping other women unlock their feminine power, their full creative potential, and create their dreams and create their health, create their wealth.
::Because what I know to be true is money is just the byproduct.
::When you have the structures in place and the systems in place in your business and you have learned the strategies, it's, you know, in what I help my clients do, it's obviously strategy.
::We need to merge the sheath of untracked.
::We need to merge the masculine and feminine.
::We can't just be all in the flow because that's a tsunami.
::So we need the structures, because it's the riverbanks.
::And the way I see it is those structures, those systems clear, simple, sexy.
::Strategy, enrollments, sales, learning.
::Healing my money shit is a whole other thing.
::Healing my fear of sales, right?
::These are the structures, the business structures that we get to put in place so that our shakti, our feminine energy, all flows in one direction into, you know, the ocean.
::And so the more for me is.
::It's interesting that you're asking that, Amber, because I have created a global movement, like thousands and thousands, thousands, all over the world, like, done it.
::What's more, the more is the kind of the ease and the teaching others how to do it.
::Because I must stand for women to feel empowered in their bodies and their feminine energy and their whole life.
::And I think that the area that a lot of yoga teachers, dancers, artists, healers, they might feel so empowered in their body from their practice, but the area that maybe they're not so empowered in is their finances.
::And I'm over here going like, okay, let's get you empowered in your finances.
::Because money is just an energy.
::And I believe that when money flows through the hands of women, it heals the world.
::Because we're nurturers, we're mothers, we're, you know, we lead from the heart.
::And so in my embodied artistry programs, my Shakti embodied coaching and mentorship, we teach our clients really how to become wealth circulators and how to really create their businesses as an extension of their artistry and really reframe that.
::Your business is the channel of abundance.
::But it's not just like, what can I get?
::It's like, how can that the money coming in and flows out?
::Because most of the women I work with, and I'm guessing most of your clients and people tuning in, there's a lifestyle piece like, why do we want more money?
::Well, because we want to live in Costa Rica and be barefoot, right?
::It's like we have a lifestyle piece of and a desire to share our heart and our work with the world.
::So I believe money is just the byproduct.
::And what I absolutely know to be true is if you have the heart and the belief and the passion, you can learn the structures and the systems and the strategy.
::And for me, investing in coaching and mentorship was for business, right?
::I had done all the yoga, all the dance, all the healing work, healing my resistances and my blocks towards even the word business, that's like a whole other episode.
::But really investing to get that support, to put those structures in place so that it's all more balanced.
::And then it just like becomes who you are, how you live your life.
::There's no separation between, here's how I run, here's me in my business mode, and here's me off the clock.
::This is just who we be as embodied feminine leaders, where our business gets to be just the vehicle and the channel for our creativity, our abundance, our magnetism, how we give our gifts and how we can receive the bounty from that.
::And then that, to me, is what embodied feminine leadership, sexy six and seven figure CEO.
::When people talk about wealth embodiment, that's the kind of staff that, you know, I work with my clients about is like, how do we actually imprint that into our cells and our tissues.
::How do we up level our inner operating system?
::How do we become the living, breathing embodiment of our brand?
::Not because it's a brand, but it's because it's like just who we be, that we're just like orbiting through our life.
::And then when you walk into a room from that place, when you step on a stage, when you meet new people, anywhere you go becomes an opportunity to leverage, to grow your, to get your message out there.
::And you never know like word of mouth.
::I think right now with everything happening in the world and the digital, like digital strategies are great and there's something special about the beauty of just going back to are we open and you know, available for who we might meet in the supermarket?
::I've met clients in the, in a pool in Costa Rica.
::Somebody was staying at the same place in the airport.
::Like you can like the way to like get new clients doesn't have to be this pressure, pressure filled way.
::It's like when we are embodied, really tuned in, unlocked.
::When we're the open channel and we know how to have those conversations, we know how to leverage an opportunity, leverage a stage into monetizing off of the back end.
::Then I get to say yes to the opportunities because I want to be there, not because they're paying me X number of dollars, you know.
::And I'm so that's a big one.
::Can I just say for dancers and performers about the industry of like, you know, not being paid well on stage or whatever because the way I just, my whole lens, the way I see it, an invitation and I tap into, is this tied into my deeper why is this going to move my vision forward?
::Is this going to fill me up?
::Am I burnt out?
::And this is going to totally recharge me and re inspire me and refill the cup.
::So I'm going to come back to all my clients and pour into them with like an overflow.
::Like there's so many benefits when we get out of that limited thinking framework of, you know, thinking about it just about the money or where it just becomes like saying yes to those opportunities.
::And it's also happened that I've done events for free, I've performed for free and I've enrolled a $15,000 client off the back end of it.
::That's a great gig.
::A $15,000 gig, great for one evening, right.
::So I think there's like a shift in a paradigm of like how we do business and how can we just like become the living Embodiment of our message.
::Almost like a lighthouse or a magnet that everywhere we are out in the world, then we're like, we're just radiating and your right aligned clients are going to be magnetized to you and then just having conversations and when you resonate with someone, it's like, you're amazing.
::How can we make magic, you know, versus like what can I get from you?
::Or how does that make sense?
::So yeah, yeah.
::And I love it so much because like everything that you're saying, it's like this is the definition of more.
::How more me can I be?
::How more embodied can I be?
::How more connected to myself and others can I be?
::How more embodied in the richness of life can I be?
::And that just allows more to come when you be.
::Which is like what I love what you said.
::So thank you Deb for just sharing.
::I'm like, I could listen to you all day.
::I just feel like I hear myself and you in so many different ways.
::Layers, textures.
::It's like like attracts like.
::And that's the power of getting in the room.
::Just to go and be a student, to stay a forever student of the work that you do.
::And then that allows you to hold massive space and your capacity to grow more expands as you hold more space for yourself.
::So those listening, how can they run?
::Stay connected with you, find you on the interwebs and be a part of the movement that you're building.
::Thank you.
::The easiest ways on Instagram you can find me at Belly lady.
::Like belly down belly, your belly lady.
::Or you can just Google me, Deb Rubin and you'll find me everywhere I webs.
::I can give you all my websites, but it's just easier.
::Message me on Instagram because I really would love to meet, I like to meet people in person.
::So Instagram and then you can also connect.
::We have a private Facebook Facebook group of rising leaders, embodied feminine leaders creating movements.
::And that's a free community.
::And then we have.
::You know it.
::When you said about the more Amber, like what does more mean to you at this point in the journey?
::Because we've scaled our, you know, multiple, multiple, multiple, six figure business right now.
::The more is how can I create?
::I want.
::It's really important to me that we've created a school and a path.
::This is a path that you get to plug in wherever you are.
::It's not just like a high ticket, only high ticket because to me, movement, dance, yoga, I want it to be available and accessible to everybody.
::So we have tons of ways for you to plug in.
::If you just want the body unlocking my signature fascia, unwinding dance work, you can plug into that.
::If you want the mindset work, the nervous system resetting, the getting over the mindset blocks, imposter syndrome, self sabotage, you can plug into that.
::And for those of you that really want to go all in because you know you're here for more and you want to actually create a business and create a whole lifestyle as an embodied feminine leader, as an artist, we have ways to plug in for that.
::So that's kind of what more means to me, is how can I, how can I help more people and have options that are accessible to wherever people feel that they want to plug in?
::Because one thing I know too about the nervous system, right?
::Science, it's the science of it.
::80% of the communication between our body and our brain starts in our body, so only 20% is head to body.
::So everything we do, everything I'm about, is all about in and in through the body.
::The transformation to healing through the body mindset is a full body experience.
::But it's important to meet people where they are because some people have never done transformation, transformational work.
::Some people, it might be scary to go to an event for the first time, right?
::And so how can we, how can I support people to just take like the first bite, try it on, see how it feels, take the next bite and then a year later maybe you're all in for the deep dive.
::But yeah, so you can message me on Instagram or follow me on Instagram at Belly lady.
::And then from there that'll show you all of our free communities, high ticket programs, mentorship, free Facebook group, everything.
::Yay, Ron.
::Follow Deb.
::I'm going to link her Instagram Facebook group, all the things in the show notes super easy for you to click and find.
::And be sure that you screenshot this episode, tag both of us and let us know your biggest takeaway.
::You know how much we value connection and to know that you're listening and what really landed in your body.
::So thank you so much, Deb.
::I'll talk to you in the next episode.
::Thank you so much.