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TAP 180. How to prospect when listing numbers are down. An interview with Scott Lachmund
Episode 18026th November 2020 • Top Agents Playbook • Ray Wood
00:00:00 00:37:00

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As a listener to the show, I have a special complimentary offer for you at

A special welcome this week to new Bestagagents members

  • Varinder Sharma from Kellyville in NSW
  • Shannon and Samatha Smith from Queensland's Gold Coast
  • Dean Bozunovic from Frankston in Vic
  • and Silvya Saric from Wodonga Bestagents on the Murray River in Wodonga Victoria

I'm excited to have the opportunity to work with you guys and the results you're already achieving are impressive.

If you're familiar with my work and real estate success strategies, you’ll know I’m a big fan of what I call the real estate funnel and if you're looking to add better systems into your business, I'm going to make you a complimentary offer in a moment to help you make it happen.

In marketing, a funnel is the system and strategy that attracts new paying clients into your business. The good news is that once a funnel is set up, it will work hard for you 24 hours a day producing leads, listings, sales and (this is what I love most about a good funnel) consistent success.

And the really great news is that anyone can do it.

You don’t need to be a national brand or super successful agent. It doesn’t matter where you are, whether your market is hot or cold or how long you’ve been in real estate.

Let me ask you a question:

Have you ever suffered the humiliating frustration of the good month-bad month income YoYo?

One month you’re flying high and thinking about a new kitchen, updating your car or skiing in Italy. But the next month, you don’t quite feel that dopamine hit when you log in to your online banking to discover you’ve got too much month at the end of the money.

And you had no idea that tax bill was payable so soon.

If that’s you then that’s okay, because that’s been all of us at one time or another.

And it’s almost like you need to experience the good month-bad month YoYo to know you don’t want it to happen again and you’re very motivated to work out how.

Let me share a simple but vitally important fact I often return to with some of my coaching clients: (and the keyword here is FACT) You can’t expect different results when you keep doing the same thing.

This can also happen when you decide to lift your numbers. Say you’ve done the same amount in GCI give or take for the last 3 years and you want to move things up. There’s no way it can happen if you’re rinsing and repeating the same strategies you used for those previous years.

Businesses grow. So do people.

So back to my funnel.

Let me share the three essential stages that drive a good real estate funnel and of course, it goes without saying, the better each stage is serviced and enhanced, the better it will perform.

The first stage and the top of your funnel is Attraction. Just how are you attracting your future clients, how many are you pouring in and how often? This is the most overlooked yet essential stage of your funnel. At Bestagents, we like top say the magic is in the numbers and this is exactly what we're referring to.

What lead magnets are you employing to drive traffic to the top of your funnel and what is motivating or attracting these people to you? In the online marketing world they call this your offer or offer stack.

...and your lead magnet needs to clearly show, it's something of value your potential new contact will want.

It’s the offer that causes attraction. What’s yours and how many do you actively employ?

The second stage of your funnel is Nurturing.

Real estate is a service. We generate a fee for that service by offering a solution to a problem.

Now that your new contact is swirling around in your funnel, what are you doing to move them on into the narrow bit? Why are they staying? Why do they want to stay? What is it about you and your real estate business that compels them to hang around and not opt out from your messages? How are you helping them solve their problem?

I believe the number one reason agents lose a listing is lack of trust. They may like you but do they trust you? So what strategies are you employing to clearly illustrate and deliver proof that you are not only the best agent to solve their problem, They can trust you.

That’s nurturing.

The third stage is Conversion.

When the time comes for your contact to sell or buy, you’re relying heavily on the relationship experience you’ve delivered since that beautiful day they first found themselves in your amazing funnel.

You get the call. They’re ready to list their property for sale and they want to see you tomorrow at 4pm to find out what you think their home is worth and your fees to see how you compare. Yep. You’re going to pitch.

This is showtime. This is where your hard work and system pays off. This is where you stand to win the listing, make the sale and receive your well-deserved fee for service. This my friend, is Conversion.

…and think about that fee for service for just a sec. Is it $5 grand. Is it 10 or more. How much are you prepared to do to win the prize and what does your conversion process look like?

Does your physical pre-listing kit dovetail perfectly into your actual listing presentation? Is your online pre-listing kit and questionnaire sent within minutes of the listing appointment being made?

And is trust reinforced solidly with both?

This is conversion and given that you’ve attracted and nurtured so well to get to this point, I believe it deserves every effort you can muster to win the business at this final stage.

Your funnel isn’t a part of your business, it is your business. Many agents I speak with tell me they have a listing problem but they don’t. They have a funnel problem.

So here’s the deal: I’d be delighted to help you with your funnel and help you get to where you want to go. In fact, I’ll give you a number of ideas you can install straight away into the Attracting, Nurturing and Conversion stages of your funnel to make sure you start getting results without delay. That’s my offer and my personal promise.

All you need to do go to a simple website I’ve set up and tell me a bit about yourself, your challenges and opportunities and we’ll set up a time to speak with a Zoom call.

There’s no charge and it’s my pleasure to help.

To connect and get the ball rolling and move towards that place you’re looking for, go to and tell me what’s happening. Nobody sees this information but me and it will help me deliver the best ideas you can start using straight away with little or no investment.

The website again is

So speaking of building your real estate funnel, I think you’re going to like today’s guest.

If you’re a long time listener, you’ll be familiar with one of the show’s biggest fans, and regular guest, Queensland super-agent Scott Lachmund.

…and if listings are hard to find in your neck of the woods right now, Scott has a number of strategies that will not just help you with new ways to connect with people, you’ll discover first hand, Scott’s amazingly simple yet very powerful scripts when you reach out.

I guess I don’t need to try and convince you that it works because I know it does.

But this is cool and tells you a bit about the guy: the more successful Scott becomes, and his last few years have been nothing short of meteoric, the more he wants to help his fellow agents reach their goals.

I think you’re going to love this one.

Scott on Facebook

Check out Scott's community website and video interviews




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