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Un[REDACTED] - Black Autumn IV Part 2 - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
18th October 2021 • SCP Un[REDACTED] • Nobody
00:00:00 00:22:26

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Celebrate Spooky Season with me! This is my favorite time of year, so I'm celebrating with an ihp marathon - Black Autumn IV: Nothing To Fear.


I'm running an episode a day and concluding the series on Halloween with FIVE NEW EPISODES! Enjoy!


Counseling Session: Hastings, Christopher:

Dr. Palmer: Agent Williams asked that I see you— Ruby, not Blake, to be clear. Said that you were having 'bouts of erratic behavior'.

[Researcher Hastings is silent.]

Dr. Palmer: Christopher?

Rsr. Hastings: You and I both know that this is as confidential as the recipe for bread. I don't want to say anything that could compromise me.

Dr. Palmer: What do you mean?

Rsr. Hastings: I'm trying for my doctorate. I have my thesis mostly written.

Dr. Palmer: I… wasn't aware. Congratulations.

Rsr. Hastings: It sucks. It sucks, it sucks, it fucking sucks. Piece of goddamn shit, goddamn fucking—

Dr. Palmer: Have you been sleeping well? Or at all?

Rsr. Hastings: I've been trying to write the damn thing for weeks, doc. I have all the data I need, all of the charts planned out, the basic layout is there. I… I don't know how to write it. And even if I do, it's going— it's going to be trash, I know it is.

Dr. Palmer: Have you tried for a Foundation doctorate before?

Rsr. Hastings: No. I have to have at least eight years in the Foundation. This is my ninth.

Dr. Palmer: Have you been getting any help with it?

Rsr. Hastings: I… I have to do this myself.

Dr. Palmer: Says who?

[Rsr. Hastings is silent.]

Dr. Palmer: I got my doctorate over thirty years ago. I had a half dozen people help me find resources and research, people who I still consider very good friends. It's okay to ask for help— god knows that Partridge would love someone else with accreditation in his department.

Rsr. Hastings: He… he would just stare down his nose at me if I asked him.

Dr. Palmer: Have you asked him?

[Rsr. Hastings is silent.]

Credit to original author


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