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Client Success Story: How Can Your Coaching Business Transform When You Work with the Right Coach with Emily Armitage
Episode 824th April 2024 • Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business • Leanne Sia
00:00:00 00:42:38

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Hey, coaching superstar! Do you want to hear another inspiring story that proves the leap from a 9-5 job to a rockstar coaching business is really possible? You're in the right place! For the very first time, I'm sharing a client success story, and it will knock your socks off!

Meet Emily Armitage, a Business Coach & Human Design Translator, who transformed her life and business with a little help from yours truly. She went from nearly throwing in the towel to becoming a full-time rockstar coach! In this episode, Emily will spill the beans on how we turned her self-doubt into big-deal energy and rebranded her business to truly shine.

If you're craving real talk, actionable advice, and a story that proves it's all possible, then you can't miss this. It's not just about celebrating wins; it's about the nitty-gritty of what it takes to make it happen. Ready to be inspired and learn exactly how Emily made her coaching business dreams come true? Tune in now, and let's get you moving towards your own success story!

More about Emily Armitage:

Emily is a business coach, strategist, and Human Design translator obsessed with supporting women with business and big dreams. Using a potent mix of coaching, strategy + Human Design, she’s here to help you ditch the 'should's', make more money, and smash the patriarchy, one female founder at a time. She combines Human Design and business coaching because together they supercharge your business. Add bespoke business strategy into the mix and you've got yourself a laser focused framework, designed for your version of success. 

Topics covered on How Can Your Coaching Business Transform When You Work with the Right Coach:

  1. Emily's transformation from a frustrated coach on maternity leave to a full-time rockstar coach.
  2. How can finding the right coach change your coaching business's trajectory?
  3. What were Emily's biggest challenges during our time together, and how did I help her overcome them?
  4. What strategies did we use to help Emily step into her "big deal energy," and how can you apply them to your own life?
  5. Emily's advice for coaches who are thinking of working with me.
  6. What role did human design play in Emily's success, and how can it impact your coaching business?
  7. How does human design act as a practical tool for tackling business challenges?

Connect with Leanne Sia:

Connect with Emily Armitage:

Resources from this episode:


“I don't ever believe that there's anything that you invest in that's a waste.” - Emily Armitage



[00:00:23] Leanne: I am so excited that today on the podcast, you are going to meet one of my all time favorite humans who just happens to have the [00:00:30] best fringe on Instagram, Miss Emily Armitage. Emily is a former client of mine, and she's going to tell you all about working with me and the impact that it's had on her life and business.


[00:01:02] Leanne: Hell yes to all of that. Emily Armitage, welcome to the podcast. Emily Armitage, you are here on my podcast. This is a dream for me because you are my very first client success story that I'm having on the podcast. How are you doing, darling?


[00:01:23] Emily Armitage: Thanks for having me.


[00:01:45] Leanne: We booked, you booked on a discovery call or chemistry call, as I like to call them. Can you talk a little bit more about where you were at in your business at that moment in time? I was very


[00:02:08] Emily Armitage: It was just like zinging off me, like this sadness, because things weren't panning out as I wanted them to. And at that point I was still on maternity leave from my corporate job. And I decided when I got pregnant that I really wanted to make my business work. I knew I had to go back to my corporate job after the mat leave to pay for [00:02:30] the mat leave.


[00:02:48] Emily Armitage: Getting up at 5 a. m. And I'm like, I don't want to do that. Like, I feel allergic to that. I don't want to do it. I wanted my business to be able to support [00:03:00] the life that I wanted to create for me and my family. I wanted to be able to be there for my child. I wanted to be able to do like, pick up and drop off and all that kind of stuff.


[00:03:30] Emily Armitage: So I was like, right, corporate jobs got to go. I don't want to do it anymore, but I just couldn't get that traction. I couldn't, I couldn't. Get to where I needed to be. And I was so frustrated when you're a generator and you're living out your not self. There's like a tension there, like a frustration and I can only describe it, and I don't know if there's any other generators listening who would recognize this.


[00:04:10] Emily Armitage: And that's what it felt like. And I was bringing that energy into the business. I was bringing it into all areas of my life. And I was just like, right, I need some support with this. I need some help with this. I need. somebody to get me out of this funk because it's not happening and [00:04:30] you were the, totally the right person to do that, like, because one, you're a projector, which I knew I needed, and your messaging was so strong around helping people like me out of that space.


[00:04:57] Emily Armitage: I'd had various iterations of my business. [00:05:00] I started coaching in 2019 is when I qualified, but 2020 is when I was like, right, let's do this.


[00:05:07] Leanne: you qualified before me.


[00:05:28] Emily Armitage: And then that kind of [00:05:30] like tailed off a bit and I was like, Oh, okay. So I pivoted to being a money coach because money and women and the stories we hold about that. It's really important to me. It's really, really important on a deeply personal level. I was in a toxic relationship from the ages of 16 to 22, and now you'd call it coercive control, but I didn't have the words for that then.


[00:06:18] Emily Armitage: I was really passionate about that. So I was like, right, I'll be a money coach. Cause. This is where I've been. And that didn't really work because I couldn't communicate it well [00:06:30] enough. And people kept asking me if I was a financial advisor, which I definitely wasn't. And it just all felt quite tricky and complicated.


[00:06:58] Emily Armitage: Like what? [00:07:00] So I was like, right, I need to find out about this. So I went whoosh down the rabbit hole, got really interested in it. I didn't really do anything with it. And then I got to this point where I got pregnant and I was like, right, money coaching is not really doing the thing. I love coating. What does my chart say?


[00:07:44] Emily Armitage: Don't do things by halves here. So I was in that place but I was also feeling really stuck like I was like I need somebody to help me out of this and that's when I came to you. But that's been sort of the progression of my business before you.


[00:08:03] Emily Armitage: Yeah, yeah, I worked with, I've worked with a couple of coaches one to one and then I'd been in like group programs with a one to one aspect and they were all brilliant. They were exactly what I needed at the time. I don't ever believe that there's anything that you invest in that's a waste.


[00:08:25] Emily Armitage: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's definitely, regardless of what it is, [00:08:30] it's what you need at the time. So whatever you get out of it, even if that, like a lesson, like, I wouldn't do it this way or I wouldn't do it that way kind of thing, it's still all worth it. It's definitely, nothing's ever wasted. But yeah, I worked with a couple of people beforehand and, That was useful, but I think coming to you, the timing was so right for where my headspace was at in terms of implementation.


[00:09:15] Leanne: I remember that chemistry call with you, Emily, and you were absolutely right that.


[00:09:43] Leanne: That made you think, no, I'm actually gonna invest in Leanne and I'm fucking going for it.


[00:10:12] Emily Armitage: She's talking to that person. I can't see this person, but she's talking to them. Like, what is that? And it was what felt like that disconnect was kind of The catalyst, I guess, because I was like, well, there's something here. [00:10:30] Sometimes you need somebody else to see something in you that you can't see yourself, right?


[00:10:37] Emily Armitage: And you do that so brilliantly. It was that that was kind of like, right, I've got to explore what's here because She can see it and I'm doing myself a real disservice if I ignore that.


[00:11:09] Leanne: They're like literally, and I'm pointing in one direction with my head here, they're all focused on everything that's going to go wrong. Instead of turning the other way and seeing what could actually go right. And I think on that call with you, I gave you a little glimpse of what could possibly happen if we work together.


[00:11:34] Leanne: It did! I love that it did. Tell me more about that.


[00:11:50] Emily Armitage: Like I think that's what happens really. It does. When we have those chemistry calls like nine times out of ten, you've already pre decided. and like your energy and your [00:12:00] warmth and how you were and all that sort of stuff but also like the no taking no shit as well which i definitely need because i will i will throw out like blockers like well i can't do it because of this and this and this and it's like i need somebody to be like Right, get this out of your system, do your little bit, now what?


[00:12:31] Leanne: I love that I pissed you off a little bit. That obviously stirred up some energy, didn't it?


[00:12:40] Emily Armitage: Like I use our relationship, our connection as an example of how different human design strategies and authorities like can guide you because you're a projector and your strategy is to show up and put your stuff out in the world and kind of wait for that [00:13:00] invitation from somebody else to come in. And I'm a generator.


[00:13:22] Emily Armitage: Yeah. And they can feel quite, oh, we've just got to sit here and wait for stuff to happen, but that's not the case. Like you as a [00:13:30] projector, showing up, showing your value, putting that out in the world. Me as a generator, seeing that, responding to it, what does that make me do? Does it light me up? What's my gut saying?


[00:13:59] Leanne: And we have [00:14:00] been the dream team, haven't we? Yeah. You've been my dream client, Emily, in that everything that I have Giving you as a task or an action or a belief or a thought you've taken on and you've taken action, wham, bam, bam, it's done. And what was mega is that, was it in three or four weeks of working together, you'd actually made back your investment in me?


[00:14:47] Emily Armitage: And so we set up a system to do that and then I got a client and I was like, wow, what do you mean? Like, it was just total shock.


[00:15:02] Emily Armitage: like, what, what do you mean it works? Like, our boxes from that time must be just hilarious because I'm like, totally in disbelief.


[00:15:39] Emily Armitage: Yeah. Yeah. And it's about collecting new evidence. Like there's new evidence in the bank that I can then, when the inner critic going loud, I can be like, yeah, but hang on. What about this pile over here? Yeah. All right. That pile you've had from a million years ago, but what about this one now? And it doesn't shut it up totally.


[00:16:05] Leanne: I think we don't now believe everything that it says. We know it's fake news, don't we? Could we just talk a little bit more about, obviously, my human design, your human design.


[00:16:19] Emily Armitage: Yes and no. So, I know that projectors and generators work really, really well together and I I need that kind of [00:16:30] projector steer, although I have a lot of projector energy in my own chart. So although my generator, there's a lot of projector stuff going on there.


[00:16:53] Leanne: Did you already know I was a projector or was that something that I told you later on?


[00:17:01] Leanne: so interesting.


[00:17:04] Leanne: I love that. I love that. How quickly, Emily, did you start to see a change in how you were shown up in your business? Something I talk about a lot, and you will be very acquainted with this, is this big deal energy.


[00:17:24] Emily Armitage: I don't know because you made me do stuff that [00:17:30] was stepping into that space before I was ready for it, which is totally how it needed to happen. I think it's been so incremental. of feeling my way into it and feeling my way into that space.


[00:18:00] Leanne: Yeah,


[00:18:09] Emily Armitage: But if I'm thinking about that person who was on that chemistry call with you, totally different person, totally different energy, totally different vibe. Like, can you imagine, we were on a co working call last night, right? And I did a little human design segment. Can you imagine that person from that chemistry call doing what I did last night?


[00:18:30] Emily Armitage: No way. No way.


[00:18:34] Emily Armitage: Yeah, so it's, but it has been such an incremental thing because of the evidence building and stepping into that stretchy stuff. That's what pushes you forward. And then suddenly you go, Oh, okay, this stuff I thought was scary. Masterclasses.


[00:19:05] Emily Armitage: Yeah. So I know I need one to one support. Like for me, not everybody does, but for me, it's such a non negotiable.


[00:19:31] Leanne: Yeah. When I was a coach for moms, I keep saying moms because I work with a lot of American clients, With moms and mums, I didn't offer Voxer and I kind of wish that I did because when you offer Voxer coaching and you're speaking to people in between bi weekly sessions, that is where you can actually get traction because it's in those moments when you're sat at your desk thinking, I don't know what the fuck to post, or someone's just made a shitty comment, [00:20:00] or I just can't come up with any ideas for this lead magnet, or What am I going to see in this masterclass?


[00:20:30] Leanne: I was like, wow, now I'm kind of cooking on gas here because I've got someone that I can talk to whenever I need to help me just keep moving the needle on my business. So darling, what's been your biggest holy fuck moment, do you think? And am I noticing?


[00:20:51] Emily Armitage: When I came to you, I was like, I don't want to do this job anymore. Like it's It's sucking my soul, like it's destroying me. I don't want [00:21:00] that life. It's one thing saying that, and it's one thing knowing that, but then to actually do it is a totally other thing. And being able to share that, handing that notice in with you, like I remember taking the screenshots and sending you them and sending the reply that I got back, and it was just like, whoa, like I've done it.


[00:21:34] Leanne: You literally decided that you were going to, I don't know if you believed that it could happen, but you decided that you were going to try and make it happen and you went all in on being right.


[00:22:04] Leanne: Oh, thanks. You give permission to other people to do the same.


[00:22:35] Emily Armitage: She's done it. Maybe I can too. So that's interesting that you say that.


[00:22:51] Emily Armitage: my god, yes. Yes, my branding was so boring. It was the boringest thing in [00:23:00] the world.


[00:23:05] Leanne: It's not boring anymore. And I think, because what I do with my VIP clients is that you come to me with some ideas of branding that you like. I always say, you don't need to know why you like it. I just want you to share with me things that you like, and then I'll create a brand kit for you and offer it to you.


[00:23:28] Emily Armitage: I don't know if I was so [00:23:30] surprised. I think I was like, oh, like immediately I like this. Like that was an immediate response. It was a massive departure from what I had been putting out there previously.


[00:23:49] Emily Armitage: Yeah, yeah. Vanilla, bland, boring. I was hiding behind it, but also I was hiding. I was hiding myself like I was hiding who I was because I [00:24:00] know I can be a bit spicy. I know I'm in a quiet taste. I know that I can annoy people. And part of me was very much like, I do not want to be judged. Like I cannot deal with that.


[00:24:35] Emily Armitage: People can tell like the energy you carry through, people can tell you're not being you and that puts them off because they're like, well, what's she hiding? So yeah, I think because the branding you put together was such a departure from what it was previously, it was kind of, um, like, let's jump and go for it because it's so different.


[00:25:20] Leanne: definitely. And what I created for you is the branding that I knew Emily in like one year would have, whereas you created [00:25:30] branding for Emily in the present moment.


[00:26:01] Leanne: And I feel like that branding up level for you was the moment where you gave yourself permission to be like, Yes, this is me. I'm good at this. Do you want to work with me? It gave you the confidence to do that?


[00:26:25] Emily Armitage: It had to be like, well, this is bold, so I'm gonna have to be bold as well [00:26:30] because otherwise it doesn't match. There's no congruence there, like it doesn't make any sense if I'm not. So it was a real, it was a real tool to get me to step out of the um, box I've been hiding in.


[00:26:47] Leanne: At the beginning. Yeah. You're in this uncomfortable comfort zone because it's scary putting yourself out there as a woman. As a coach because we're so focused on what other people think inherently when [00:27:00] we're thinking what other people think even though we don't know what other people think unless we're a mind reader.


[00:27:12] Emily Armitage: We never think that. No, because humans have a negativity bias, don't we? So like, it's always We totally do. And that's why things like emails with negative words in the headline get more opens because we're like, ooh, don't


[00:27:27] Emily Armitage: So yeah, we're an odd species, aren't we? [00:27:30]


[00:27:35] Emily Armitage: most impactful. I think the whole, the whole thing, the whole thing has been impactful. Like, I couldn't separate anything out and be like, that strand was the most impactful. It's like, the whole shebang.


[00:27:57] Leanne: Oh, okay. You don't have to choose. Okay,


[00:28:00] Leanne: Can we touch on Masterclassgate, please? We've got to go there, darling. Let's talk about masterclasses. What did you say to me in the beginning about masterclasses?


[00:28:29] Emily Armitage: But [00:28:30] that was my default. Like I was like, I'm not using it as a tool as to provide value for anybody to get people to know me better. I'm not, I refuse. I'm not doing that. Why was that darling? I'd had some very icky experiences running masterclasses myself. I'd had. Like the tech side of stuff going wrong, which freaked me out.


[00:29:17] Emily Armitage: So yeah, that was what was behind it.


[00:29:49] Leanne: Yeah, it's a bit of a 180, innit?


[00:30:13] Emily Armitage: I was like, I'm not doing it in a live version of this, people can just buy it. But then I did Power Up as a live one, just as an experiment, like, New Year, people are going to want this at this time. And it was a totally different experience, so I got different evidence. And I [00:30:30] was able to then use that evidence and go, right, okay.


[00:30:40] Leanne: did people show their faces? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I know you'd had people come on masterclasses before and people hadn't shown their faces. Is that right?


[00:30:53] Emily Armitage: I need something to respond to. And if you're a black screen, I can't respond to it. Um, so that, [00:31:00] that really put me off as well, but I found a little hack around that in my Zoom settings. I set it so everybody's camera is automatically on. You can turn it off if you want, I don't mind, but the option isn't there at the first instance.


[00:31:38] Emily Armitage: It's like, well, this one wasn't, so the next one might not


[00:31:50] Emily Armitage: cause knowing that, knowing that I need that evidence. Knowing how my inner critic works, like, I'm like, right, this is how I get around you.


[00:32:03] Leanne: Emily, obviously you're a human design and business coach. What advice would you give to other coaches who were maybe where you were feeling like their business isn't working? Like how could they look at their human design to bring some clarity and traction into their business?


[00:32:43] Emily Armitage: Okay. So I'm a generator. So things that light me up, I know are for me, focus on that direction for whatever it is for you. So like projectors it's different, manifestors it's different. There's something called your authority, which is how you make decisions. [00:33:00] I have a, a sacral authority, which means I get like a gut response to something.


[00:33:32] Leanne: I get goosebumps. We've had them on the call together so many times, haven't we? Our goosebump moments are like, right, this is gold. We need to write this down because if I'm getting goosebumps, if you're getting goosebumps, this is something we need to implement. Yeah.


[00:33:59] Emily Armitage: What [00:34:00] am I responding to? Or what am I, like, feeling those goosebumps about? And moving that direction. So it's a really great way of helping you get out of something without second guessing yourself, because you can really trust that response and also following your strategy. So I know we talked about that a little bit earlier in our like, how we found each other, but like following whatever your strategy is.


[00:34:43] Emily Armitage: And obviously there's so much in there. There's so much nuance and paradoxes and channels and gates and all those good things. But if you're sort of just HD curious, you're interested and you're wanting kind of. A simple input that can [00:35:00] really, really help you today follow those things.


[00:35:11] Leanne: So I know that the masterclass that you did the other day was all about how you can use your human design to help structure your Business, your life. What other ways can human design make your life easier, better or like just bring more positivity? Can you just give us some [00:35:30] highlights?


[00:35:33] Emily Armitage: Yeah, as a business owner. Yeah. As a business owner. Okay. So there's so much in there. That can help make life easier because basically your human design chart is your energetic blueprint. It's how you, how you naturally work, how you're inclined to do things or not. And there are tensions in there. So it's about understanding all of it as a whole and then harnessing the magic of each of those tensions, if you [00:36:00] like, to make things work for you.


[00:36:23] Emily Armitage: Whatever content planning that works for you. So instead of like shoehorning all this [00:36:30] stuff you see online, like I should be doing this, I should be doing that. And then it feeling all crap and meh and heavy. We're actually building it out around who you are and why things feel difficult. It's a real expander and a real enabler because you can see your blind spots.


[00:37:21] Emily Armitage: It's just all that, all that good stuff, all in, all in there.


[00:37:47] Leanne: But what you do is you simplify it for people. And I love that about you because there's so many people that are very high level human design. It's almost like they're gatekeeping, whereas you're like, no, this can apply to everyone. [00:38:00] This can actually help you hack your life and business if you do this thing.


[00:38:12] Emily Armitage: Yeah, yeah. Cause that's what it should be like. It's such a powerful tool and I use it in a way where we focus on what your challenges are first. So what's the challenge? How can human design help? Whereas I think sometimes it's like, this is all your human design, now fit it in where your gaps are.


[00:38:51] Emily Armitage: Yeah, exactly. We don't want that at all.


[00:39:00] Emily Armitage: Do it. That's it. That's the advice. No, I'd say I'd say from a human design point of view, follow your, your authority, see what your authority is saying about working with Leanne.


[00:39:20] Leanne: the experience. Definitely, and I, I will say that to prospective clients. Speak to my other, you've, you can see on my Instagram who I've worked with before, ask them, [00:39:30] because client results are so important, right?


[00:39:33] Emily Armitage: definitely. And yeah, just do it, because you've made such a difference to my life, like, I would not be where I am if I hadn't taken the leap and worked with you, like, I just wouldn't be. Oh, babes.


[00:39:53] Leanne: You guys are a huge part of my life. Like we talk to each other almost every day and I'm so [00:40:00] grateful that you, you listened to your intuition and you said yes to me because look where it led. Amazing things have happened. How can we work with you? How can we find out more about you? How can we find out more about human design?


[00:40:17] Emily Armitage: All the things. Okay. So you can work for me in lots of different ways. I work with people one to one. I'm running a hybrid version of my one to one program where you've got group sessions and one to one, which is very [00:40:30] exciting. That's a new thing. Perfect combo.


[00:41:10] Emily Armitage: So her website is myhumandesign. com. You do need to know your date of birth, your place of birth and your time of birth. It's like astrology with knobs on, so you do need to know those three key pieces. If you don't know, there are ways of working it out. Get in touch with me and I'll help you.


[00:41:29] Leanne: What about these [00:41:30] masterclasses? How can we find them? Because I know that you've ran quite a few and they are fucking brilliant.


[00:41:50] Leanne: All of the links will be in the show notes, so check those out. Emily, you are fucking incredible. You are a powerhouse and I'm so pleased that the woman that I [00:42:00] saw on that chemistry call is sitting in front of me. Yep, she is. She's not sad anymore. She's not sad. I love you, darling. Lots of love and thank you so much for listening.


[00:42:31] Leanne: Just drop me a DM and we will rendezvous.




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