Show Notes for Interview with Pastor Ed Michael – Part Two
On today’s program, I want to introduce to you a good friend of mine…we’ve met at a Pastor Prayer gathering, here in Dundalk, MD and he is the Lead Pastor at “Eastern Assembly of God” in Dundalk, MD…that is Pastor Ed Michael…Pastor – welcome to the program!
I want to give a brief introduction for Pastor Ed – he is a graduate of the “Faith School of Theology” and North Central University…he has a heart for MISSIONS…he loves to give encouragement to the church and to lead short term mission teams. He is married and has four children… AND, Pastor Ed is a part of our Evangelism Radio broadcast team as well…praise God! He can be heard on “Evangelism Radio” every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7-730am ET. In addition to all of that, his son Jared is now entering his venue of full time ministry as well…so Pastor – congratulations on “passing the flame” to the next generation as well. Glory to God!
The Vision of the church is summed up as LIVE; LOVE; LEAD – can you tell our listeners what that means and how you inspire your congregation to do those three things?
Now, you have small group ministries; childrens ministries; women’s ministry; men’s ministry; Celebrate Recovery ministry; other outreaches – in addition to Missions trips…WOW! How do you handle all of those facets of ministry?
Tell us about your most memorable Missions Trip…
Tell us about your most harrowing or dangerous experience on a missions trip…
Let’s talk about church growth for a moment. Your church is one of the larger ones in Dundalk, MD…how do you go about church growth? Can that be used to help smaller churches as well?
We briefly discussed all of the ministries your church is involved in – tell us about leadership…what is your leadership style and how did it evolve over the years?
Let’s talk about Character in ministry…what do you look for in your ministry leaders?
If someone from your congregation came up and said, “Pastor, I think the Lord is calling me into ministry…” What would your response be to that person and why?
What was the #1 thing that held you back after accepting the call into ministry?
What was the best piece of advice you received concerning your call into ministry?
Besides the Bible, what book are you reading right now?
“Why do some people receive miracles while others go without?”
“Why are there poor people who believe in God and rich people who do not believe?”
“How did you handle strife in your ministry?”
-“How would you handle someone in your ministry that was caught stealing ministry funds?”
-“How would you handle a senior ministry staff member being caught in adultery?
-“How would you explain these things to the church?”
“If Jesus paid the price for all sins for all time (past, present and future), why can’t we just live like we want if we have asked Him to forgive us?”
“Why does the pastor keep talking about tithes all of the time?”
“Where does all the money go that the church gets every week?”
Last Question: If you woke up tomorrow morning and realized your entire life was a dream…but yet you were able to keep all the experiences and complete memory of everything that happened, what would you do, how would you go about doing it and why?
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