Hi everyone, I am back with an episode on group income protection to talk through this brilliant product and how it can help companies and employees alike. Group income protection can cover income, national insurance contributions, pensions and provide access to medical professionals really early on if you are ill. In fact there are times where these service work so well that people completely recover and are back to work before the deferred period is over.
The key takeaways:
- How free cover level limits work for group income protection
- The definition of a group income protection claim can potentially change over time
- A case study of group income protection for a firm with 15 employees
I will be back next time with Matt Rann and we will be talking about hepatits and protection insurance.
Remember, if you are listening to this as part of your work, you can claim a CPD certificate on our website, thanks to our sponsors Octo Members.
If you want to know more about how to arrange protection insurance, take a look at my 13 hour CPD Protection Insurance in Practice course here and 1 hour CPD Protection Competency Exam here.