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Podcast #269 Home "Ownership": How the Uber Rich, Such as Elon Musk and Jeff Brazos, Decide Your Property Rights, how you own Much Less, than you Think.
Episode 2692nd October 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:17:55

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Madonna's Career and the Challenges of Stardom

The Dilemma of Longevity in the Entertainment Industry

Madonna, an iconic figure in the music world, has had a career that many admire. However, the question arises: should she continue touring? I recently had a conversation with a friend who has been deeply involved in the music industry. We discussed the trajectory of Madonna's career and the challenges faced by entertainers as they age. The consensus? An entertainer should know when to step back, especially before they become a caricature of themselves.

The Transition from Stardom to New Pursuits

It's not about retiring from life but transitioning to new interests. Take Benny Goodman, the "King of Swing" from the 1930s and 40s. As rock and roll emerged in the 1950s, he saw the change in musical tastes and chose to reinvent himself as a writer. Similarly, there's a point where even legends like Madonna might consider a different path, especially when they've achieved so much and are financially secure.

The Double-Edged Sword of Fame

Fame intertwines with one's identity, making it challenging for many performers and athletes to separate from their renowned personas. This attachment can lead to struggles, especially when the limelight starts to dim. The entertainment world has its challenges, like the phenomenon of "Separation Anxiety Breakdown" (SAB). It's a state where entertainers, facing identity crises, might shut down, unable to continue their work.

In conclusion, while Madonna's recent admission to a rehab facility has raised concerns, it's essential to understand the pressures of stardom. As fans, showing genuine support and love, even suggesting that she doesn't need to tour anymore, can make a difference.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 well hey there thank you for tuning in order for tuning in again this is episode number 269 home ownership how the Uber Rich such as Elon Musk and Jeff Brazos decide your property rates how you own much less than you think wow what a week people here it is Monday and it's great to be back some of the highlights of the past week let's see I had the migrant and the Asylum Seekers crisis in New York City and uh then there was this company in Corvallis Oregon that's opened the first human robot Factory in the world

00:57 then there was Madonna's mental breakdown hmm all that is quite a bit to take in so I decided that what I really want to talk about today is something um that really concerns you and I um something you know on a you know a different level and um well I say that I mean it's affecting us directly I'm talking about our property rights or rather the lack thereof now um it might seem a surprise to you to find out when you start talking about property most people have very fixed ideas on exactly what that means or at least what it

01:52 should be but like so many things in life those very same people often become very upset when they discover that the rights that they thought they inherently had of their property are simply not the case and it really doesn't matter if you do actually own the property or are buying the property it is this primary reason a major cause for a situation that is ultimately threatening the very Foundation of society in America fake ownership a one very clear symptom of this is the level of social unrest with the next

02:41 generation of Americans I'm specifically talking about the people who you know and now they're in their 20s and 30s you see the people of this generation have been handed a very disagreeable and unworkable deal in two major ways on the one hand they're facing the current economic realities such as for the vast number of Americans obtaining home ownership is simply not possible the initial cost of having the required down payment not to mention the income requirements to qualify for the loan are astronomical

03:26 and in the vast majority of cases only that can be accomplished via two incomes it is even far more difficult if not practically impossible for the vast majority of single people to buy their first home but perhaps even more importantly is the second part of uh you know what I wanted to focus on here because it is you know it's this dysfunctional second part of the situation that I believe is even more damning than the first and it directly begs the question even if you manage to get a home who the hell really owns it anyway

04:12 I would like to go into this with a supposition the supposition is that if you own a property it is your property and as such you should be able to do with that property as you Dim will please anything other than that is ultimately nothing more than authoritarian socialist word salad designed specifically to subjugate your true property ownership rights while simultaneously not only getting you to agree to being subjugated but actually convincing you to feel good about your subjugation as well ownership ownership means just that

05:04 ownership and it you know it was the understanding and adherence of this principle that previous generations understood and respected it's part of the social contract you know and anything other than that is not Democratic pure and simple and it represents in reality the exact opposite tyranny I believe that you know many younger people today recognize this flaw in the system and because of that they do not want to buy into literally a system of property ownership which is ultimately schizophrenic on the one hand it's proclaiming all the

05:54 benefits of supposed virtues and pride of home ownership then the very next sentence giving them a long list of all the things they cannot do with their property without breaking the law which as I already said is schizophrenically contradictory so where did all this uh this start you might rightfully ask me that question and I'll simply answer it started where many ideas come from Washington D.

06:37 C the much more important and somewhat elusive question is why well our government once actually established was intended as a representative based Republican which is why supposedly the famous words were uttered from Ben Franklin when he was being asked about what kind of government will we have and he said a republic if we can keep it now it turns out Mr Franklin's words were quite prophetic because in real terms America existed as a republic for a very short time as very quickly those Representatives did a very good job of representing

07:30 as in enriching just as they do today themselves ultimately your property rights as a citizen today are essentially known void yes they love to give great heartwarming damn speeches extolling the virtues of Liberty while simultaneously in reality going above and beyond to do everything in their power to dismantle Liberty behind the scenes and yes that absolutely means your property rights so hopefully by now you're getting a better picture of why so many Americans especially those in their 20s and 30s they seem so angry and disillusioned


09:17 Eisenhower was trying to tell the American people something very important that there are powerful people doing things behind the scenes and of course his brief statements about the military-industrial complex it's really quite chilling as well as thought provoking you can check it out yourself it's um it's on YouTube so in essence when we're talking about property rights it's um important to clarify whose property rights now now make absolutely no mistake about this there are currently two very broad sets

10:03 of social rules and laws and this of course includes property rights which are very different for the wealthy and powerful than for the rest of us the people the peons you know folks like you and I the wealthiest property rights are respected Ours by and large are not they generally speaking live on private Estates quite often with their own security private police and are not faced with unannounced police Stormtrooper style invasions and or seizures of our personal property at any hour of the damn day or night for espeons however

10:58 such is not the case we as a society have slowly been convinced to accept such behaviors as normal and should not put up with much of a complaint when a group of big Burly thugs Smash in your door of your home at 3am weapons drawn screaming for you to get down on the floor and taking your property usually your computer laptops or any firearms only to meekly apologize when it turns out they did all this to the wrong house never mind your family was terrified in some cases either elderly live-ins or elderly people still living in their own

11:49 home died of heart attacks because of this and if I may point out just one more example of authoritarian I'd like to mention the HOA or Home Owners Association as is properly known if you buy any property be it a house townhouse apartment condo I mean you name it it is subject to HOA rules which can be anything from what paint finish you you know have put on your property works of art you know anything you you name it it could be anything but uh as far as the HOA is concern uh one you could argue that most people

12:44 who buy any property in an HOA have had the rules thoroughly explained to them and generally know exactly what they're getting into before they decide to buy a property within a certain HOA well yeah that's often true yeah um yet on the other hand there are also many cases and I have personally known people that this happened to where homeowners got into trouble for the smallest infraction of the rules and simply couldn't believe that after being there for several years without incident that their HOA was being such

13:33 uncompromising dictatorial that they decided to leave now I don't want to go into real estate nor HOAs I was just trying to illustrate how One Core issue in this case artificially superseding and recognizing you know property rights by an HOA can easily enter into so many areas and aspects of a person's life causing a lot of turmoil where in fact there should be no turmoil at all now in conclusion folks I'll just say this if you know anything about me then you should know I'm really into personal

14:24 Liberty and bearing that in mind my position on personal and private property could be summarized with this short little hypothetical scenario if you owned a home and really say close proximity to your neighbors I don't know say 30 feet or less and uh you want it to start a chicken processing facility or a junkyard or your own personal nuclear power plant to power your home in your backyard and your neighbors objected to this fine I agree I agree with their objections because any one of those things could be

15:18 downright physically harmful or life-threatening to the neighbors now on the other hand in the same situation as far as space is concerned and uh let's say if I was an artist who wanted to put up a 25-foot phallus but it was being given a hard time from the lady neighbor across the street because my 25-foot phallus was offensive to her religious sensibilities I would not agree and if she continued to thrust the issue at me um I hope you're enjoying the intentional puns I would have no option but to tell her

16:11 this you know Sally I can see you're a bit angry and obviously really frustrated but have you considered that maybe God is working through me using me as a tool to physically show you the object of your frustrations and something I'd be more than happy to help you with now that's exactly what I would say folks because I believe you should always try to get along with and satisfy your neighbors until next time this is Ernest reminding you that there are no bad words only bad actions take care



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