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5 Common Myths That Hold Coaches Back From Starting Their Business-Ep:143
Episode 14330th April 2023 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
00:00:00 00:20:06

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The common myths that stop coaches from starting their coaching business or taking the next step to sign clients, launch their business, and make money and an impact. Listen to these practical tips and strategies for overcoming these hurdles and creating a successful coaching business.

  • Waiting for fear to go away before taking action keeps you stuck. Fear is a companion on the journey, and the way to get over it is to take action, even one tiny step.
  • Trying to figure everything out on your own is inefficient and yields a "crazy quilt" version of a coaching business. Working with a coach or mentor and creating true connections with people who can support you is crucial.
  • Taking courses and pursuing certifications are important, but don't allow them to hold you back from starting. Remember who you are and leverage your skills, experience, and strengths.
  • Following all kinds of experts and consuming information without creating anything can be a major distraction. Focus on creating your own content and IP and working on projects that will move your business forward.
  • Coaches often worry that tech is too complicated, but the amount of tech knowledge you need to start a coaching business is probably less than you think. You don't need a fancy website or a big social media following to be a coach.
  • Having a positive and growth mindset is crucial for overcoming common hurdles and creating a successful coaching business. Believing in yourself and your ability to learn and grow is key.
  • Focusing on a specific niche or area of expertise can help you stand out and attract your ideal clients. Don't try to be everything to everyone.
  • Creating genuine connections with people, including potential clients and peers in the industry, can help you grow your coaching business and build a supportive community.
  • Perfectionism can hold you back and prevent you from taking action. Embrace imperfection and focus on progress, not perfection.
  • Consistency is key when it comes to building a successful coaching business. Taking small and consistent action steps, even when you don't feel like it, can help you make progress and achieve your goals.


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Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to she coaches, coaches, I'm your host Candy Motzek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. There, and welcome to the show. I am so glad you're here. It's spring in Vancouver. You know, I told you a couple of weeks ago, we got back from Mexico we got settled. And guess what? Now I've planted some wonderful spring flowers in my planter boxes that hang on the outside of my she shed. Now every morning when I commute to work. Now I say that word commute kind of tongue in cheek. Because honestly, I have the easiest commute in the world. I walk out my back door and down the path to my shed. And that's it. That's my commute. But I get to enjoy my flowers. And the birds are out. We've got Robins we've got host finches and chickadees and stellar Jays. And they are so much fun. I love to see them hopping around the yard and eating seed from my feeder and getting ready for next. What's next, right, it's spring, they're getting ready to nest and getting ready to raise the frog a flock. Honestly, you know, I think spring is my favorite season. The days are longer, the weather is warming up the sun is out today. And life is good. So now before I dive into this week's podcast, let me read you this review. It's titled relatable and encouraging. I love how candy always covers the topics that are most meaningful to me as a coach, her teachings and suggestions are always relatable and easy to follow. And the best thing is that she makes me feel like I can do it to

Candy Motzek:

listen, thank you so much for that review. I know it's not the easiest thing to leave a review on Apple podcasts. And I really appreciate the time that you took. So guess what? This episode is about the five big hurdles that hold new coaches back. And before we get into the content and go through those five big hurdles, I want to ask you the listener for some help. If you find this episode helpful, I would so appreciate it if you would share it with your friends, I really thankful that you helped me get the word out, and to help more coaches create a thriving coaching practice and to live the life of their dreams. So today, like I said, we're going to talk about the five hurdles, the five misunderstandings or the five myths that stop coaches from getting started and taking the next step to signing clients launching their business and making money and an impact. So hurdle number one is a misunderstanding about fear. So when I say a misunderstanding about fear, here's what I mean. They keep waiting for it to go away before they want to start. They keep waiting for the fear to go away before they take that next uncomfortable step. You know, we all hold ourselves back because of fear. And we think or rather, we just hope that the fear will just go away. But it won't. That approach is backwards. And that's how our brain likes to pretend or trick us into not taking action. Fear is going to be a companion on our journey. It won't go away. Of course at times it will be less or even invisible. But that's only after you've done that thing or you've gotten proficient at doing something. But anytime you're going to do a stretch anytime you're going to do something new, the fear is going to come and join you. So the idea of waiting for it to be gone before you start is just going to keep you stuck. The way to get over your fear is to take action. Now. You don't have to go and take a giant action. Even one tiny step can help. You only need just a few seconds of courage to get started. And then once you Get Started, you're on your way. And guess what, once you take that first tiny step, you're gonna start to feel better, and the fear will subside, and move into the background. Every time I think about fear, I think of years ago, I was down in Acapulco, and we were watching the cliff divers. Have you ever watched those cliff divers, if you haven't seen them in person, maybe you've seen them on TV or on YouTube. But what they do is they stand on this little ledge on the side of a rock cliff. And if I was to stand on there, I probably wouldn't even call it a ledge. And the only thing they need to do is dive, they have all the skill, and they're prepared. And they're poised just like you as a new coach. And the next step is to leap. And you just as they will be rewarded with a rush of energy and enthusiasm when you take that leap. So remember, waiting for the fear to be gone before you start is just keeping you stuck, that your power is encouraged. Take that small step exercise, a little bit of courage takes a leap, and you're gonna get that rush of energy and enthusiasm to hurdle number two sounds like this. I'll do it all myself, or I'll do it by myself. And I call this the lone wolf, do it yourselfers not getting any help trying to do everything all at once and all by themselves and doing all the busy work. So often, we try to figure out how to do it all on our own. It's like we're creating a quilt. I don't know if you quilt but I used to quilt for years. A quilt maker cuts the fabric accurately, they have a pattern to go by. And they put it together piece by piece. They know which piece goes where it's already planned out. So the cutting the trimming, the sowing, the pressing, there is so much work to be done. But they do it with a full plan with a strategy. But oftentimes, a coach that's trying to do it all themselves by themselves and figure it all out is not like one of those precision quilt makers. They're more like the crazy quilt approach. So if you've ever seen a crazy quilt, it's all different fabrics sewn together in all different ways. And you're going to be like a coach, when you're doing this crazy quilt thing. It's like, you get one little piece and you look at it, you think well, that's cool, but you don't quite know where it fits. And then you go and you find another little piece. Well, that's an interesting shape. But you don't know where that fits either. And so in your coaching business, it might look like this, you might buy a small program, or get a little bit of help with one thing. And okay, there's my nice piece, and then you go and you try to figure out another piece for free on YouTube, or you Google something and kind of cobble it together. Then you hire somebody to build a website that's not even reflective of you, your niche or your offer. So you end up doing all of these things cobbled together, some of them even have to do twice. And when a crazy quilt is finished, very often there are bumps and wrinkles and places where no matter what you just can't smooth it down, where there's gaps, and you just got to put a patch on there, it doesn't quite fit together. And frankly, it's inefficient. And your coaching business can be like that crazy quilt when you try to do it all yourself. It's inefficient to, you've taken so much time trying to do it, piece it together in a way that you're hoping is going to fit. It takes you time. It costs you money, it costs you energy. And it's going to be way longer before you're coaching clients and before you have a successful business. So this trying to do it all yourself is like that crazy quilt approach. You never know if you're how you're going to end up and it takes so much longer. This DIY lone wolf is isolated. They don't work with their own coach, they don't get help from anybody. They don't get a mentor. And they don't really create a lot of true connections with peers who can support the new version of who they're becoming. I've interviewed dozens of entrepreneurs for this podcast, and so many of them have shared their biggest mistake. I asked them that like what's the biggest mistake that you found? And they said their biggest mistake was trying to do all alone without community and without a coach. So work with an expert, work with your own coach, choose one approach, create one streamlined business, and you're going to create that business that gives you the freedom, it's going to be more fun, you're going to have more connections and people in your life, you're going to have more clients and more money. So that DIY lone wolf, I do it all myself, ends up taking longer and as harder and as lonely. Don't be the DI wire, go with, instead of doing it all on your own, do it with somebody. hurdle number three is this thought, I need to be certified before I can start. I talked to a lot of new coaches every day. And many of them say, so I'm just taking my coach training right now, or I'm just going to be finishing my certification in a few weeks, and then I will start. And that is a mistake. And here's why. They forget that they have a lifetime of expertise, that they're learning coaching skills, but they're not actually starting from scratch, they are starting with a long history of achievement. So taking courses, getting certified, enhancing your skills is important. It is this is the never ending road of continuous learning and improvement. And it's a great addition. But don't allow it to hold you back from starting as a new or struggling coach. Remember who you are. Remember that you've got that lifetime of skills and experience and strengths and leverage those skills, start coaching today, sign clients and make money. I know you're not the coach that you're going to be. But guess what, being a masterful coach, we need to learn. And we need to practice, the more you coach, the better you will be. So get out there and start signing clients today.



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