Artwork for podcast Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified
The Benefits of Ketone Production for Lipedema
23rd April 2021 • Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified • Lipedema Simplified
00:00:00 00:08:30

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Today, I have an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Ben Bikman from our Lipedema & Keto Worldwide Summit held in 2019. Dr. Bikman is a researcher in fat metabolism from Brigham Young University. In this excerpt, he talks about the benefits of carb restriction, eating plenty of protein, and the benefits of eating fat/ketone production for women with lipedema.

Mentioned in this episode:

A Heart to Heart Collaborative Community Event

Join our sixth annual lipedema virtual Event on March 31, April 1 & 2, 2023.

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