There comes a point in everyone's life where we are faced with a choice - keep doing what we've always done, and therefore keep receiving what we've always got...
...or... take a courageous leap into the unknown and try something new.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I have followed my heart, ignored the logic my head tried to control me with, and have taken a leap - my life has been all the better for it and this last one has been the biggest yet.
Join me as I share the origins of the Fierce Woman Rising movement, through sharing my story.
It's a story of rebirth, transformation and unapologetic empowerment.
It's the story of a broken woman, rising from the ashes and stepping into the fierce version of herself she always knew she was deep at her core.
A woman on a path she knows she was always destined to walk.
Shining the light, leading the way - guiding herself, and those ready to join her, to a life of freedom, abundance, love, light, adventure, fun & laughter.
We may be all grown up now, but that doesn't mean we need to loose our sense of wonder, of excitement, of possibility... we live in a time where we don't have to settle... we don't have to choose.
We CAN have it all - health - wealth - and a reclaimed sense of self
And I'm here to show you how 🔥🔥
If this origin story resonated with you, take the next step towards your own financial freedom and personal empowerment. The Fierce Woman Rising Masterclass, is your opportunity to learn more about:
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🔥 What it is and how it works
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Welcome to fierce woman rising. The podcast that ignites your inner fire and introduces you to women whose shattered norms, rewritten rules, and embraced financial independence. I'm Claire, accountant, business mentor, coach and your guide on this transformational journey. Each week, I'll be sharing powerful interviews with women who have embraced a life of purpose and taking control of their destinies. Learn from their stories. Empower yourself, and if you feel called, join us in rewriting your own story. Financial independence, joy and abundance are not just a dream. It is your birthright. Let's rise together with fire and become the next fierce woman rising. Hello, hello. Welcome back. I am so grateful to you for being here. And as the title of this episode alludes to, I want to talk a bit more today about my origin story and where the journey that I have been on over the last few years because I'm at a point now at 42 years old, I'm at a point now where I can see that everything that has happened has happened. For a reason. Everything that has gone exceptionally well in my life has happened for a reason. Everything that has challenged me, upset me, angered me triggered me, made me really question everything I was doing has also all happened for a reason. And I'm now starting to see what all that was building for. And if you listened to the last episode of what to expect from this show, you'll know I talked about those of us who have this inner knowing that we're here for more that was always me, it was always me through through childhood through my teenage years through uni. Like I knew I was here for more and every now and again, I'd get this pool, I'd get this pool to go and do something that was completely out of the box and completely not the perceived normal route perhaps. And I just felt compelled to do it. And there were times when I'd get that pool, and I would ignore it through my life. And what I've now learnt is that, you know
Claire Markwick:it, whilst that was my head, taking over my heart taking over my natural drive and and telling me or reminding me, you know, Claire, no, you're you're a grown up. Now, you can't do stuff like that. And I would listen. And I would, I would stay in this kind of flat monotony kind of state. And every single time, I followed my heart or followed my inner voice or followed my inner knowing or follow my intuition, whatever you want to call it, every time I followed my fire, amazing things happened. And so I am now choosing to follow that inner fire and don't get me wrong, it's it's hard at times because it requires a level of self trust that many of us don't have we forgotten how to trust ourselves because we have become so ingrained in the societal norms and how we do things. And I want to reiterate again, like I am not in any way, bagging out people who have a nine to five job, choose to follow the perceived norms, I'm doing inverted air quotes. And, and live a perfectly happy, fulfilled life. I'm not bagging people who make that choice who I am talking to are people like me, who are living that life right now. Because they've told themselves that's what they've got to do. You gotta grow up. This is adulting this, this is what we do. Now. This is what life is. And this is what our parents did. This is what I grandparents did. This is what my kids will do. This is This is life, you know, get over yourself grow up. I'm talking to people who say things like that to themselves because that was me the amount of times I would say it's time to grow up Claire. It's just just Stop, just stop. You know, you've got a mortgage now you've got kids now you've got responsibilities, you know, you you have a job, you go to work, you do your job, and you come home again, the amount of pep talks that I would give myself back in the day, getting out of my car, and walking into my place of work was just insane. It was daily, daily, I'd like come on Claire, come on, you can
Claire Markwick:do this, you can do this, it's just a few hours out of your life, you can do this. And, you know, one time, one place in particular, like I could, I could hype myself up and I'd got really good at hyping myself up and I'd walk through the door, and I would literally feel myself change, I would feel my soul stay in the car, I would, I would just feel my energy drop, my vibrations, just plummeted. And it was literally in a state of survival every day in that role. Now, don't get me wrong, you know, I had some great friends at that place, and I have some amazing memories. And I don't regret a thing, I would never change a thing because like I said at the beginning, what I've now discovered is that every thing has happened for a reason. And every, every challenge, every every battle, every whatever I've had to overcome has taught me what I needed to learn about myself about the world about people that has now got me to where I am. So I am super grateful for it. But in that moment, it was something that I was very, very conscious of, but I again, I just gave myself the pep talk of this is life, you know, deal with it. And I wonder how many, how many other people out there do the exact same thing and tell themselves that, you know, this is it, this is as good as it gets. Because they don't know about other options, they don't know how to break out of that world. So, you know, that is what this show is here to inspire. And I've already recorded some fabulous conversations. And I've got many, many more lined up of particularly women who have from all different all different backgrounds, all different ages, all different stages of life, all completely different visions. Everyone is so very, very different. But everybody had that inner drive, that there was something more and and you are the person that I'm talking to in this podcast, if that is you, if you if you have to give yourself pep talks to get out of the car and go to work. If you have to drag
Claire Markwick:yourself out of bed if you snooze your alarm like 6 million times before you get up and you you literally have the bare minimum amount of time to to get yourself and the kids ready in the mornings. That's who I'm talking to, you know, you're here for more. And I thought it would be really valuable to share my story first, before I share the stories of the other incredible people in this space, because I want to add some context to my journey and where I am now and how I'm able to be so so dead set. Confidence. So dead set. Sure. So dead set, trusting of myself that I am now in the right space. And, you know, logically, I actually can't, I logically can't explain that all I can do is share my story, share my journey and let you know that I am 100% Trusting my gut on this. And as I said earlier, I know that when I 100% trust my gut on things. That's that's the truly wonderful things that have happened in my life. Yeah, immigrating to Australia, from the UK, marrying my husband, having kids, it's they're the they're the big, big, big things, leaving my comfortable six figure career to start the world of entrepreneurship. They all fly flew in the face of logic for different reasons. And they are all the most truly wonderful things that happened to me. So let's go back. Let's go back to I remember a time I I was probably about, I don't know, maybe 15 years old, something like that. And around year 10 And year nine year 10. And we needed to do some we needed to do some work experience. In order to write a report. This was for Business Studies course. And I remember going to work going to my mom's work and essentially cutting cutting a long story short, the the topic of the report that I wrote was about how this business could improve
Claire Markwick:where I could see holes and what I thought this business could do to improve the performance of the business that happiness of the staff the service that went out to the clients and all that sort of thing. And it was probably at that point that I started to build this idea in my head of, I'm here to help people in some capacity, I have a, I have a superpower, I'll call it, I can look at a situation I can rise above, I can look at a situation I can absorb a lot of information, I can sort it all out. And I can spit it out in a digestible format. And that was probably the first time that I had true awareness of that as a skill of mine. And I didn't know what I was going to do with it. This was probably at about the point where I was picking subjects to go into my A levels, which is, you know, the sort of the the exams you do around 1718 In the UK, so whatever your equivalent is in the country, your listening to, which then was my pathway into uni. And I knew I wanted to go to uni because I knew I wanted to move out and experience life on my own stand on my own two feet. I had no idea what I wanted to study, I had no idea what I wanted to do beyond uni. But I knew that, you know, I knew that I understood and enjoyed business. And I knew that I wanted to help people. So I was like, Okay, I'll pick I studied Business and Economics because I thought, well, that's quite broad. That doesn't narrow me into anything. But it's gonna give me a good foundation. So I went off and I spent three years in Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University in the UK, and I had the best three years of my life I experienced so many highs, so many lows, so much stress, so much joy, so much acceleration, so much, so much heartbreak so much excitement, like it was the best three years of my life for teaching me about life. And I am so grateful that that I decided to go to uni and and have that experience. Afterwards, I still had no idea what I wanted to do. So my boyfriend at the time
Claire Markwick:and I decided, right, let's go to let's go to Australia, let's, let's go to Australia, that's sort of what everybody did after uni. I'll think now I'm in Australia, I think there's a lot of Aziz that go and travel Europe after uni. So, you know, it was a thing. So we packed up and and we came over and we had an amazing, an amazing time. And, and this was probably the first time or the first time I have conscious awareness Anyway, have a feeling a pool, really feeling a pool of feeling and emotional, energetic pool. And when we arrived in Australia, I was like, Oh, my God, like, this is home. Like, this is where I need to be. And is it that completely flew in the face of logic. It was a country halfway across the world from everything I've ever known for the whole 19 years of my life prior. All my family, all my friends, all my life, all my memories, everything. We're on the complete other side of the globe. Yet to me, this was home. And Skipping forward a few years, you know, we ended up emigrating. And that relationship ended. And I was faced with a choice. I could go back I was suddenly on my own in a country halfway across the world. I could go back to the UK, to my family, to my friends to my you know, old life, even though it was a few years on and everyone had moved on from uni. I was like, obviously I'll I'll sink, I'll get back into it. It'll be fine. Or I could stay. And I decided to stay. I decided to stay because I knew that there was something about me being in Australia and so again, flew completely in the face of logic. I stayed in this country heartbroken and and getting over sort of a six year relationship breaking up. Fast forward again. And I met I met Terry I met Terry very, very quickly after that, actually. Like very quickly, about six weeks later. Possibly, no, it wasn't it wasn't even I'd even met Terry prior to that. Anyway. I met Terry very, very quickly after that time. And we we had it was actually the anniversary of this
Claire Markwick:incident this weekend. On the long weekend of September in 2006. We had to think about this last night when we We're trying to remember back, we were saying 2016. But we're like, No, that's wrong, because that would put quiet, six years old and Chi was it wasn't even a twinkle in our eye at that point. So it must have been 2006, which made us feel incredibly old. I had I had, I had met Terry, I was living sort of 10 hours away from where he lived. And we decided, you know, what, if we're going to see if this long distance relationship thing is going to work, let's let's get together again. And let's catch up for the weekend and have some fun, and we'll see how we go. And we will forward driving on the beach and the sand dunes in Geraldton, Western Australia, and Terry took the drove drove the car up over a mound of sand, we were, you know, on the sand dunes. So we were going at a bit of speed, as you can probably imagine, and I was young 20, something trying to act really cool. So windows down, wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and the car took off. And as the car took off, I lifted up off the seat and I hit my head on the roof of the car. And then the force of that hit then obviously pushed me back down onto the seat. So I landed sort of with a thud down on the seat. And in the second after that the car then landed. So it was like a double double dunk if you like. And if you've ever driven through the bush or driven on a country road and you've driven over, you've driven over a little logger stick that's probably a you know, a couple of inches in diameter, and you've heard it go. That's the noise my back made. And Terry stopped the car instantly. And he looked at me and we both knew he was like, What's your back? And I was like, Uh huh. And instinctively, I opened the door of the car. And I went to get out. I just I wasn't feeling any pain at this point. This is all happening in the space of seconds. I wasn't feeling any pain at this point, I went to get out of
Claire Markwick:the car, I put my you know, put my foot down on the sand and my legs just crumbled. And I landed sort of flat on my stomach in the sand. And I was like, Oh, shit. And the funny thing was, I had a, I had a little Jack Russell. And he was my he was my sort of comfort puppy, after my previous relationship broke down. And we did this little thing where if you know, we were on the lounge room and I was in the lounge area and watching TV and I led on the floor on my tummy. He would he would come and he would jump on my back and he's like, give me this little back, like give me this little back massage. And then we'd have this little cuddle and it was this really cute little thing that we did, he was in the back of the car. So when he saw me lying down on the sand, he jumped out of the car and he was jumping on my back I was like get that dog off my back and probably launched him into the sand dunes the poor little dude, he didn't know what he was doing.
Claire Markwick:And that was another one of those moments. It was just it was it was absolutely an insane message from the universe. I think this is how I'm choosing to look at it now that Terry and I were destined to be together and it was it was as if the universe was saying well you look like you've had a really great weekend but we're not you know not 100% sure if this is this is going to work out you know you know the Little Mermaid and you know, you know that where she has to kiss the prince like by a certain point and Sebastian and everyone everyone is like trying to get trying to make the the universal lion so that they have this kiss by this point. It was like that that's what it felt like looking back it was like, it was like okay, we think this has gone pretty well but we need to do something else that's gonna like maybe make her stay by a bit more time that hey, let's break her back. So what what was going to be a just a long weekend hanging out having fun seeing if we seen if we clicked actually turned into Terry being my nursemaid for over a month because I was actually incredibly lucky and I fractured my my elwen lumbar vertebrae, but It fractured forward if you like it compressed forward, nothing chipped off. So there was no damage to my spinal cord. So I didn't need any surgery. Nothing had chipped off. It had just compressed. And so what was required was four weeks of complete and utter bedrest. And then years of physio and Pilates and yoga and I was told to do yoga for the rest of my life to keep my core strong because at 26 years old, I had given myself the spine of a 60 year old apparently so that's why I do so much yoga now as well. Anyway, so we had gone from having a long weekend of fun to stary suddenly being my nursemaid, and he had to do everything for me. He had to he had to help me go to the toilet. He had to help me get dressed. He had to cook all my meals. Bear in mind, you know, we'd only known each other a few, you know, we we'd
Claire Markwick:hooked up and we'd had this weekend so we were still getting to know each other as well. But suddenly he I had to trust him to completely and utterly look after me. And, you know, he had to come home from work every lunchtime and make me lunch because I couldn't get up and do anything myself. And it was a, it was a real opportunity for me even telling the story now and reflecting it was a real opportunity for me to learn, to trust to learn to surrender, to learn to release some control, because I up until that point, I had wanted absolute 110% control of my life and everything in it. And I think this was my first, this was my first bolt from the universe to go, hey, you know what, Claire, sometimes you've got to surrender. Sometimes you've got to let other people guide you or other things guide you. And I think now, it's funny, even just recalling the story. Now, I think that was the first example of that. So that's, it's really interesting. So that story came out, obviously, for a reason I have a I have a firm, I have a firm belief, I never have scripts for these episodes, I have a I have an intent of what I want to have what I want to share and what the key message that I want to bring in an episode is, but I never have a script. And I just trust that what comes out is what what is needed to come out. So take what you will, from from that story, relate with it how you will, let's let's switch gears now and, and talk about my sort of professional background, my career. So I when I came over to Australia, the little country town that we were living in, in Western Australia coded up there were a couple of roles I seem to recall available at the time. One was a graduate accountant at a local accounting firm and one was a job at the co op. As a checkout, checkout check, as I called it, and the graduate accounting job came with a rental house. So I was like, Well, no brainer, you know, I've got a business and economics degree, let's go for that. And that was
Claire Markwick:my, that was my introduction into the world of accounting. And it was quite hilarious. Because if if there were any of the modules, any of the lectures at uni that I would skip, it will be the accounting ones. You know, they were like, they were on an afternoon. It was like, I think it was a Wednesday afternoon, which was like the night the Student Union had, like, you know, student night, and the lectures would go to like six o'clock at night. And I was like, yeah, no, no, no, I'm not going to that one. So it's really quite funny that I found myself I found myself in a role as an accountant. But anyway, I found I was really good at it. The firm was the firm was amazing. It's really crazy, casual. Rural firm, my, my boss was incredible. So very, very patient and taught me so many foundational skills that I still call on today in my accounting role. So I'm super, super grateful. Super, super grateful for that time. What that meant was, I trained as a I trained as a tax accountant, I, I specialized my business economics degree into an accounting degree. So I did my CPA. And what that meant was, everywhere I moved to, I just fell into a tax accounting job, because every single town needed tax accountants. And so it was just easy for me like we could move anywhere that we wanted. And I could always find a very high paying or very well paying job that I didn't necessarily, I couldn't necessarily say it lit my soul on fire, and I loved it. But it was okay. And I was good at it, I could do it. And often I would make great friends in the firms that I was working in. And so this was one of those moments where I was like, Well, this is just adulting Claire, this is just what it is No one enjoys their jobs. And I remember having this conversation with multiple people, you know, you're not supposed to, you're not supposed to enjoy your job. You go to work to earn the money to live the life you want to enjoy. You're not supposed to enjoy your job.
Claire Markwick:There was always a part of that, that that just didn't sit well with me. I'm like, Well, why not? Like what why can't i Why can't I do a job that I really enjoy? Why can't I spend my time earning money doing something that I enjoy, and also enjoy the time that I'm spending with my friends, my family and spending that money? So it was always it was one of those moments where like, why can't I have both? Why do I have to choose? And so I stayed in the accounting profession for for a long time because it was easy. As I said, I could always find a job it always paid well. When Kai came along our first our first son, he was an incredibly, incredibly good baby slept like a dream slept through the night from seven weeks. So I was like, Okay, I just went back to work. He went into daycare and everything was dandy, you know, life carried on. When tal came along. It was a little bit different. And I noticed something had changed in me. And all of a sudden, it was a real struggle to go to work, even though the firm I was working for at the time, again was another incredible firm with fantastic people. And I absolutely love my time there and they were so flexible and so accommodating for me, I had no set hours, I literally was like, You know what, I can only manage two hours this week, they would pay me for two hours, if the following week, I could do 50 hours, they would pay me 50 hours like it was the most, the most amazing, flexible, amazing firm, I absolutely loved it. And I literally the only reason I left there was the fact that we moved to New South Wales. But again, it it was comfortable, it was easy. And I wasn't in a position where I had to think about what what would I do instead? What do I want instead, it was just an easy thing to just keep doing. And when we moved over here to New South Wales, I was like, Okay, this is going to be this is going to be my time where because we move for a job that Terry had said that he's going to be he's going to be
Claire Markwick:earning the money is a much cheaper area than where we were living, I didn't need to work. Initially, Tyler at this point was about 18 months old Kai was about to start kindy. So i my i can, my focus was going to be let's settle into this new area. Let's settle Kai into starting school, settle tall in and all just figure out what I want to do for this next stage of my life after that. Now, anyone who has a a, a skill or a profession, that is in demand in a small town, will know you cannot fly under the radar for very long. And I soon was being called and emailed about various positions in accounting firms in organizations offering me jobs. And I thought I was offered a job. I was offered a job, a full time commercial finance job. So for me, it was a bit different. It was out of public practice. It wasn't lodging tax returns and basses and, and working on lots of different clients. It was working for one business as their as this sort of internal accountant, management accountant, a financial analyst actually, but it was a full time job.
Claire Markwick:And I didn't want a full time job cut a long story short, I negotiated part time hours. And I started. I started there part time. And what that role taught me was what that role reminded me was what I learned at that work experience with my mom, that I had this innate ability, this superpower to absorb information, and process it in my mind and regurgitate it and spit it out in a way that people understood. So my role in that organization was essentially the bridge between the corporate finance function, which was at the head office in Sydney, and the operational part of the business, which was based in tumor in the office where I was working. And so I had to relay messages from all the accountants and corporate finance people in Sydney head office, to the operational staff on the ground and Chairman and vice versa. I had to relay messages back. And so what made me so successful in that role, I think, is that I was able to communicate to both sides in a language that they each understood, I didn't I don't believe I sprouted too much numbers jargon to, to, to the non numbers, people. And I tried to simplify the this the science and the people issues, and then production issues and talk that to the corporate side in a way that they could understand. You know, I would I would relate that back to numbers so that they can understand the issues that were going on the production side of the business anyway, the reason I'm sharing this is because it was a reminder of that skill. And in that sort of in that role I had, I sort of had this epiphany, like I'm not I'm not meant for this. I'm not meant to be here. And this was another one of those really big messages from the universe, like, clear, you're not meant to be here. You're meant to be doing something different. And by this time, I had taken on that role full time and Terry had stepped back. We decided, you know, I was being offered a significant amount of money to do this role full time and that
Claire Markwick:meant that Terry could come away from doing 12 hour night shifts. So we're like okay, let's roll with this. You'll be home with the boys, and I'll work so by this time I was the main the main income earner not the sole Income? No, because Terry's an electrician and as I say small town people soon found out there was an electrician kicking around. And you know, he'd be he'd be getting calls and can you come do this? Can you come do that? So he was building his own contracting business on the side. But he still, you know, worked part time hours and predominantly was home with the boys, which worked fabulously. I've always said Terry makes it much better House Husband and I ever make a housewife. Anywho. So this was one of those moments where I was like, Okay, I've got a really big pool here. Like, I need to do something different. But I had no idea what that different was. So I remember, like, in my lunch base, I was just Googling things. I was just like, What could I do? I was googling. Being a dietitian, I was Googling being an OT, I was Googling being a PT. I was googling. At one point I Googled, I was trying to work out how many chickens I would need to lay enough eggs to have a viable egg business. So I was I was looking, I was just searching, I was searching for anything that could give me some kind of sign as to what I should be doing. And I think, you know, the good old Facebook algorithms pick up on things like this. And I suddenly started getting a lot of life coaching ads popping up on my feet. I think they sort of saw my Google search history and like, Oh, my God, this woman needs help. So all these life coaching ads started popping up on on my on my feed, and one in particular caught my eye. And I watched the video. And I remember going home, and I was like, Okay, I want to sign up for this coaching course. And, you know, I don't remember how the conversation went. To be quite honest. But yeah, Terry, Terry was obviously supportive. We did it
Claire Markwick:and I started, I started life coach training. And initially, I thought that it would help me sort my shit out, I thought it would help me sort my head out and would help me find some form of clarity as to what I wanted to do. What I soon discovered was, I'm really quite good at this. And I really enjoy it because it's, it uses that same skill. You know, I sit, I listen to people talking, I absorb the information, I process it in my mind, and I regurgitate it back to them, in a way they understand. And it was helping them find clarity with where they were stuck. And you know, I would come away from these sessions feeling absolutely freaking incredible. They would come away feeling absolutely incredible. And I was like, wow, you know, I'm really good at this. I really enjoy this. Maybe this is my thing. And, and I thought, well combine it with my accounting and finance experience. You know, this, this could be really cool. Remembering back to my 15 year old work experience with my mom, this is it. This is what it was all for. I'm supposed to be a business coach, I am supposed to help people in businesses. Make better businesses. I thought, you know, I was like this, is it. 37 years old. I'm like, Yep, I found it like this is this is what it's all about. And so I remember that convincing, Terry, that now is the time like I've been, I've been building my coaching on the side. So earning earning extra money on the side of my full time job. I was like, if I'm going to take this business any further, I am literally at breaking point I have to stop working. And even though I think Terry's preference would have been to cut back days, and I think in hindsight, maybe that could have been a good decision. But as I said, I don't regret any decision I made. And I believe every challenge I faced has taught me what I've needed to learn. I decided to resign. So I resigned from my six figure career from my six figure job. And I was I decided I was going to make my mark, make my
Claire Markwick:mark as a coach. And I just signed a five figure contract with an organization to work with them. So you know, sort of financially, I was like, Alright, I'm set for a few months. I'm good. What I didn't know, this was, this was July 2019. What I didn't know was what was about to happen. So let me break it down in an absolute nutshell. When I first resigned. After a couple of weeks, I became incredibly sick, incredibly sick, like the sickest I have ever ever been. And I remember having my first probably three weeks of entrepreneurship in bed thinking what the hell and so I wasn't earning any money because guess what, I just resigned from my nice comfortable job that paid me sick leave. And somehow I was like, oh shit, you know, so it was like this big massive wake up call. Got through that. Worked my first couple of months with this. With this organization, and then terrible terrible bushfires hit our region. And Terry's in the RFS, and so he was pretty much gone 24/7. And so my business went completely on hold, because we were literally in survival mode, I got up and spent every minute of every day clearing as much fire fuel as I could from from our property, keeping our boys as as calm and as comfortable as I could, and packing up valuable important things from the house and getting my car packed up, ready to evacuate, like so that was how that was how we spent sort of six weeks. Got through that. And we are now at February 2020. And I think we all know what happened come March, April 2020, the whole world went to shoot with the big C. And so all this happened within a few months of me leaving my full time job. And I remember thinking, like God, you know, like, the universe seriously, like, why are you doing this to me, like, so all that contract that I had was for face to face facilitation and so all of that got cancelled. With with COVID, obviously, and everything I had lined up was more of the same. It was more a you know, face to face consulting,
Claire Markwick:coaching, training with businesses. And so it all got canceled, it all got put on the back burner. And again, it was a it was I'm seeing now as a message to me a lesson in resilience a lesson in Have you really got what it takes clear, do you really want this? And I started, I really began to question it. I was like, I don't know, like, what do I want universe give me a sign. And
Claire Markwick:you know, the universe delivered. This is something this is something I have really discovered. You know, whatever your beliefs are, whether you are religious, whether you believe in God, whether you believe in some kind of higher being whether you talk to the universe, talk to the animals, whatever it is, I think everybody who is resonating with this story, and the idea of this podcast, the idea that we're here for more on we've just got to find our thing. Everybody in that mindset, everybody who has that way of thinking everybody in that space probably has some kind of belief that there is some higher power that that guides us. And I'm not religious, but I believe that we do have, we do have spirit guides, I do believe that we have people who look over us and look out for us and I genuinely believe that I can reach out to the universe and ask for help. And I will receive it in some form might be a very, it might be a very convoluted form that I have to can't quite work out the link in and it might take a few years to work out the link. But I have trust in that I have faith in that. And so my business, my business was able to pivot because I was open to open to anything essentially open to opportunity. And I was given an in to online small business coaching. And that was sort of my journey, I guess, into the online space. I'm like, okay, I can do this, I can do this online, I can build things online, I can work with clients online, I don't have to work with them face to face, I don't have to travel. And that really move my business forward through those COVID years. It kept me surviving through those COVID years, essentially. And, you know, I came to the end of, of, of COVID the COVID time thinking, well, this is great, you know, my business is done. All right. Terry's business had done was doing great because, you know, suddenly people were spending more time at home and working from home and schooling from home and realize they don't have enough
Claire Markwick:PowerPoints and realize their aircon is broken and realized I need this here and that there and more lights. And so, you know, he was he was incredibly busy. And so, you know, we were incredibly, incredibly privileged position that both of our businesses actually thrive, thrive through COVID and and we were doing okay, financially. There was something there was something something changed. A switch changed, a switch flicked. Something changed. I can't quite put my finger on what it is. What I am trusting that it was, is was was, you know, my spirit guide the universe, whatever whoever guiding me to the path I needed to be on noticing that, alright, she's going in the wrong direction. She's gonna write, but she's going in the wrong direction, we've got to, we've got to pull our back. And suddenly, things that I found joy in and I found satisfaction in. I wasn't feeling that anymore. I'd started doing some work in the youth space and with youth leadership, and bringing up sort of our next generation of student leaders, of business owners of entrepreneurs. And that led me up to begin with, but toward the end of last year, something changed. And fast forwarding, I remember and I have shared this in quite a few platforms quite recently, but I remember just suddenly hitting a point at the end of last year, it was like, it was like the last, the the years prior had finally caught up with me, it is like the shock of leaving a full time career a six figure income of getting sick of surviving the bushfires of COVID of pivoting my business twice. In such a short time, it was like all of that suddenly caught up with me, and hit me, just hit me head on, you know, I'd turned 40 In that time, wasn't overly emotional about that couldn't hear have a huge celebration, because it was in the middle of COVID didn't bother me at the time. But at just just after my 42nd birthday, so November last year, now actually, it was October, it was a family wedding
Claire Markwick:that we went to. And it hit me like a lead balloon there. Because I saw I saw family members living a life that we wanted. And I felt so far away from us achieving it, you know, having our own having our own dream property, having multiple streams of income coming from that property from our various wacky crazy ideas that we had, you know, we've talked about so many different things. And, you know, here we were, with Terry's cousin at their beautiful, beautiful property, watching them do it and seeing what they had created. And it just, it hit me it hit me so hard as to how far away we were from that. Now financially, we were getting by we were putting money aside, we were saving, we were living a great life, we've got no debts. So you know, we're in a far better position than a lot of people. But for me, it suddenly hit me then like a brick wall smack in the face of clerk Do you realize how far away you are from this right now, if you keep going like this, you know, you'll get there. But you'll probably get there in 10 years time. And hey, guess what, in 10 years time, tiles 20 cars 23. Like they're probably not even going to come with you to the stream property that you wanted for them. And that hit me so hard. And I remember a couple of weeks after the wedding just after my birthday. Drinking, I was just at Neverland admiring beautiful view, like I do pretty much every day. And I suddenly started crying. Like I started bawling. And I it was uncontrollable. And I went out and I sat on the grass. And I was like, I can't do this anymore. I cannot do this anymore. You know, the this sort of I think this depression this weight had been coming on for a while. And that was oozing into how I was around the house. So I was really snappy and grumpy with the kids. I was
Claire Markwick:very, very snappy had no time for Terry. So we were we were bickering and arguing a lot more. I was yelling at the boys all the time. I just I would just hide myself in working. And I wasn't looking after myself. I'd put on a heap of weight and everything just came crashing down. Everything was on my shoulders. All the balls that I was juggling just fell on the floor and like scattered off all around me like I broke. I literally broke and I sat on the grass. And I bought and I bought and I bought and I cried and Terry came out and he sat next to me and he's like, what's wrong? And I was like, I just I can't I can't do this anymore. I don't I don't know what to do. I don't know what I want. I don't know if I want to be here, I don't know if I want to be with you. I don't know if I want to be, I don't know what I want. I just, I don't know what I want. And it was a really confronting time for me. Because I'd always had such control, I'd always, you know, I had my shit together, so to speak, even though I hadn't, you know, I always had this sort of vague idea. And in that moment, I had no clue as to what I wanted to do. And I was so tired. I was exhausted of doing everything. Like when you have your own business, even, even if like I, you know, I've never had a bricks and mortar business that employs staff I've only ever been self employed and have myself to think about, but even then, and you know, and I always think my lucky stars, I'm like, Well, I work from home, I work online, my overheads are very low. So if I'm not working, then it's not like I still have premises to cover rent of, or, you know, wages to cover and things like that. So I always counted myself very lucky. But in this moment, I was like, I just, I don't know what I'm going to do next, because I'm exhausted. And I can't keep doing this. And I'm at an absolute breaking point, I'm, I feel I'm being a terrible mother, I feel I'm being a terrible wife, I'm being a terrible body owner,
Claire Markwick:you know, I'd put on nearly 10 kilos, wasn't looking after myself wasn't feeling good about myself. Every and, you know, we'd had many a conversation that my energy oozes into the whole house. So when I'm down, the whole house is down. And everyone was snappy and an argumentative. And it was there was just not a nice vibe. And I didn't want that. I was like, I just want to be happy. I just want all of us to be happy. And that's all I was saying. Like, I just want us to be happy. And, and I remember Terry trying to console me in as much as he was saying, Oh, so much of this is in your head. If you if you stop and look around what we've actually got here, you know, so much of this pressure, so much of this weight, so much of this emotion that you're feeling is is just is in your head. And he was right. But it was real to me, okay, it was in my head. But it was real to me. And it was still something that I had to get through. And as much as he was right in, you know, we have a great life. We live in a beautiful house. We we have great things about us. You know, he was right. I knew deep inside that we meant for more we as a family and me personally, I've always felt that but in that moment, I was like we as a family are meant for more there is more to our story than where we're at and what reflecting back I think I was finding so upsetting in that moment was my unconscious, like, I knew that my unconscious self knew that. But my logical brain could not compute a way forward could not compute a way out. And the only thing that it could do in that moment was to break me like I had to break to act as the Hard Reset. Like, like, back in 2016. I broke my back. That was my hard reset. This was my next hard reset. And this time they broke me. The Universe broke me mentally instead of physically, which I'm grateful for. I don't think I don't think I could do that. Like it's obviously if it happened, but you know what I mean? So I was at another heartbreak. And I remember
Claire Markwick:thinking, okay, okay, I'm done with entrepreneurship. As much as it pains me to say, like, I'm done, I have to now conform, like, I need to just go and get a job and have a physical, mental, emotional financial professional reset. And I put it out to the universe. I you know, I was like, alright, well put it out to the universe also put it out to social media. I'm on the job market again. And I remember, I remember one lady on LinkedIn, asked me she's like, Oh, wow, that's exciting. What kind of job are you after? And I had no frickin idea. I was like, I don't know. Am I really asked for a job. I don't know. I just said that because that's what I thought I wanted but she'd asked the question so it made me think and anyone who has worked with me anyone who has been in my in my sphere of influence knows I bang on a lot about if you can't articulate it, you can't have it. So I knew that I would never, ever Have a find my solution if I couldn't articulate what it was that I wanted. So I, I thought about it, I laid it out there, I was like, Okay, we've now got chi home from school homeschooling, because the school system was not one that he fit into. And we'd made the decision that we weren't going to try and keep squeezing him into a box he was never meant to be in. And we wanted the freedom to be able to allow him to learn in a way that was best suited to him. So he he homeschools. At this point, at that point, he was doing distance education, but still from home, I knew I wanted to transition him to home school. So I knew whatever role I got needed to be remote, I needed to be able to do it from home. And I was like, Okay, I in an ideal world, I want it to be based in an accounting firm, because that's my foundation. That's, that's the world I know. So but I want it to be more advisory, I want it to be more coaching, because that's what I know, my superpower is. I can inspire people, I can empower people, I can give people in for the information that they
Claire Markwick:need to move themselves beyond the current challenges that they're facing to move them in beyond their current thinking, excuse me to move them beyond their current reality. I was like, that is my superpower. That's what I can do. So I was like, Okay, I want to remote role based in an accounting firm. That is not all compliance, and I need to have an element of business advisory and coaching. And while we're at it, let's make it part time. Because I haven't been an employee for a very long time. I don't know how I'm gonna go. Let's make it part time. And again, this made no logical sense of like, you know, how, how am I going to find a job like this? How is this going to earn me enough money. And then I remembered a lady who I was doing my coaching training with back in the day, had started this thing online. And I knew she was doing something other than simply coaching. Because I knew that she was earning signals, she's suddenly gone from, you know, earning the sort of money I was earning coaching to looking like she was earning a lot of money. She was traveling a lot. She was buying, buy new clothes, buy new shoes, I remember seeing a post which she bought a new car. And I was like, and she was just glowing. She was buzzing money she doing. And she tried to show me a couple of times. I remember over the sort of 12 months prior. And I discovered that it was some form of like online marketing that I just computed in my head, Oh, it must be network marketing or some kind of scam like that. No, I don't want to part of that. So I didn't find out any information at the time. I just made assumptions based on the limited information that I thought I knew about what that sort of direct sales kind of business was all about anyhoo in this moment of my despair that I'm sitting there, I'm like, Okay, now, I have an opportunity here and I remember reaching out to Sally, I was like, hey, you know that thing that you've tried to show me a couple of times? It's like I am
Claire Markwick:I am literally broken right now I am at breaking point. I would love to see what it is. And she very graciously
Claire Markwick:after having been fobbed off a couple of times previously by me quite bluntly, she very graciously held space for me and introduced me to a master class. And I watched this was a lot this happened to be a live a live class that was on I made I made the time I sat down and I watched it because I was like you know what? I don't want to feel this broken anymore. And so I don't know what this is. But if there is a potential that it could be a thing that stops me feeling this broken, then I'm going to give it an hour 90 minutes of my time and I'm going to watch it and I remember starting to watch it and the beginning I was like oh here we go you know it's you know, I've watched many a masterclass like this in my in my coaching, training and things like that. And then the lady got talking and it was one of those it was one of those like bolt in the heart or more bolt in the gut moments of Oh, okay. Well, this is where I need to be, this is where I need to be, this is what I need to be doing. And I was talking to someone just the other day, I probably switched off from consciously listening to that class quite early on. And my brain was just off, it was like, oh my god, this is what everything has been for, like literally everything this is what every everything you've learned, every challenge everything you've overcome every every pivot of your business, every evolution of yourself every everything you have gone through was to get you here. And to explain that logically to Terry, to my parents, to you know, other people around me, I just couldn't and and I still think that there are people in my inner circle that think I'm on some kind of midlife crisis, crazy stage right now. But it's not my job to convince those people it's not my job to to make them comfortable with my decisions, I'm comfortable with my decision and the space that I am now in where are we We're at the 25th of September 2023. So we're probably nine months 10 months beyond my broken point. I
Claire Markwick:have not felt how I feel right now for a very, very long time, for a very long time. The thing that I realized I was missing the most was hope. I had lost hope I had lost the ability to see beyond my current circumstances and feel hope to see possibility to see opportunity. And I hadn't realized I had gotten myself to that depth until I popped out the other side. And it was like oh my god. And this is this has been a far longer I'm watching the timer tick over very close to an hour this has been a far longer conversation than I had thought it might be. But it was obviously a full story that needed to come out. And even in telling it in one hit like this it's allowing me to process things and allowing me to make sense of things and I think that so many of us go through life on autopilot we we get up we do the thing we get the kids ready we get ourselves ready we go do our thing, whether that be in our business or in our job or whatever it is. We pick the kids up we do dinner we do bedtime routine, we sit in do whatever we do in the evening, we go to bed and it's rinse and repeat and we get on this hamster wheel and every now and again we'll stop and we'll have a weekend away or a holiday and we're like oh this is great. And we recharge a little bit and that allows us to keep going again and for me it took those big breaks you know physically breaking my back and mentally breaking down like it was my I totally believe it was my my my guide breaking me from that cycle because I didn't have the power to break myself from it. And so I want this show this episode I want to you know you know a bit more about me you know a bit more about my by my background and how I have gotten to where I am now i There is no way if you'd have told me if you'd have told me even last year this time last year Claire you're going to be you're going to be growing a team in a direct sales company don't be stupid I'm not doing that. Yet here I am. I have looked at over the years I have
Claire Markwick:looked at and poo pooed so many online opportunities in the network marketing space because I just I saw too much regulation I saw over you know how I could be and what I could say and how I could say it. I saw too much control I saw too much work and not enough reward. So then I was looking into alright or what else could I do? And you know we've put money into bitcoin platforms and lost that money. You know, it's money on a screen sure jumping up in value every day but you try and get your hands on that cash can pewter says no. Because that whole scheme relies on on money going into it any long, you know, long story short, we don't talk about that. I've looked at print on demand sales, I've looked at creating my own courses, I've looked at so many things that, that take this, working from home earning money online on the side of a job space, but none of them lit me up, none of them. None. They were all like, I could do it. You know, it worked in my head. But this when I watched this masterclass, I felt it in my heart. And that's how I knew because, as I said, right at the beginning, every single time I have followed my heart, I followed my gut, I followed my instincts, it has been the best decision I have ever made. So I felt that same feeling, I felt when, on that drunken night in the in the UK, we decided to move to Australia, I felt that same feeling in my heart that I felt when when I was like, I need to be with this man, I've only known for six weeks for the rest of my life. And by the way, he also broke my back, I felt that same feeling of that same feeling in my heart of when we decided, You know what, it's time to have family, it's time to have a son to have a baby like that same feeling of energy bubbling up inside, I felt with this business. And I cannot compute that. In logic, I cannot explain that to you in logic, it's a feeling and every conversation I am having with the men and the women who I meet in this space, it is
Claire Markwick:exactly the same for them, it is exactly the same. And that is the power that is the energy that I am going to be sharing through through this podcast. Because there are people who need to hear the stories, there are people listening to this, who need to see an example of someone whose life has changed, who might be in the same spot that they are now. And they will hear this story of this particular person that will spark something in them. And they will feel they will feel that energy burst inside. And they will need this as their vehicle. And it is my job to share this with people I feel. And I am so incredibly, incredibly grateful for finding this opportunity. So what is it you're doing? What the hell is it clay, you haven't even said what it is. So what I do is high ticket affiliate marketing. So I partner with a company, a 50 year old company that produces products. And when those people invest in those products, I earn a commission. So you know, you might be saying Well, that's exactly like you know, Tupperware or Avon back in the day. Thermomix Yeah, it is. But the Commission's are massive. I am currently I'm currently earning between 1095 and $2,855 per transaction per sale. And
Claire Markwick:I don't even I don't make those sales. My job is inspiring my job is is showing, here's a door, here's a door that you can choose to walk through if you want to come ask me if you want to walk through the door. And I will give you instructions on how to open the door and how to take a peek inside and decide whether you want to step through. That's That's my job. It then moves over to it then moves over to an online platform that that that goes through the whole rest of the process. And I don't I don't do any of that I just support the person to walk through the door. And so that is my that is what I love because it's the bit that I love. It's the bit of my coaching business that I loved is the inspiration is the empowerment. It's the it's the showing you the way, that's the bit I'm good at that's the bit that that is my superpower. And the fact that I can do this now on the side of my dream job because let me just go back and backtrack. You know, that dream job that I that I that I dreamt up that I spoke out to the universe i then received within a couple of weeks and I am absolutely loving being back in a team that gives a shit about each other and gives a shit about their clients and has a vision and is proactive and so in Both in every facet of my life, I am now helping people in the capacity that I feel I'm best able to help people and serve people. And so professionally, I am so happy right now. But that little entrepreneurial part of me that that knows I'm here for more, is also satisfied. Because I'm building I'm building this affiliate marketing business on the side as well. And it's my right now it's our fun fund, you know, it's it's a Health Savings bolstering fund in the future, could it could it replace my income? Could it replace Terry's income? Could it set the boys up for life? Absolutely. And I'm all here for that. But but that's in the future. And I know that's there. But I'm enjoying life. Now, in this moment. And this change of
Claire Markwick:mindset, this change of thinking, this change of bank account balance is allowing us to travel up to Queensland, it's allowing us to open our eyes to new adventures as a family new a new whole new stage of life. And I'm feeling hope, again, I'm feeling excitement, I'm feeling possibility. And that, to me is life changing. So when I say this, business has completely changed my life, that's what I mean, it has completely changed my outlook, my thinking, my belief in myself my belief in a hopeful future. Not to mention the products themselves have actually helped me physically and as much as all of that all of that comfort weight has now gone and I'm feeling fitter, more vibrant, more energetic younger than I have. Since I've had the boys I said to Terry, just the other day, guys, you realize like I'm at a weight now that I haven't been since I've had chi, you know, so that's just absolutely insane to me. So I think I'm going to wrap up there, it's going to be like a hour and 10 minute episode by the time I'm finished, but I thought it was really important to share my background and my origins for those that don't, that don't know it and come into this podcast and and even there's things I probably shared there that I that I haven't shared, even if you've been following me for a long time. And if maybe listen to some of my other podcasts on my other shows, but I felt it an important thing and personally, it was something that I that I feel I needed to to get out and release and and move on from because I am now in a completely different stage of life. I'm in a completely different mindset. I feel like I have elevated myself to a point where I am now ready to serve others. So I am building a team of fierce women rising and I am creating a movement I'm building a movement of women who are ready to break out I am building a movement of women who are ready to explore the opportunity of doing something differently. So if you're feeling that fire in
Claire Markwick:your belly from listening to any of this story or any of the episodes to come in this podcast, then I invite you to reach out my contact details are in the show notes of this episode. You can contact me just Claire Markwick on Facebook, Claire underscore Markwick on Instagram, reach out and and DM me, you know you don't even have to if you don't even know what to say just DM me the word masterclass. And what I will do is I've recorded my own masterclass now, introducing the fierce woman rising movement introducing me and my team and why we've each chosen to use this this affiliate marketing opportunity as our vehicle to move our lives and our families forward. And in that class, we go into exactly how it all works, what it is, how it works and how you can start looking through the door you know, there's no commitments it's not telling you to step through the door and that's it you know as soon as you've been sent the masterclass that's it you're sucked into our world that's not how it works with with the Commission's as they are, I don't need to pester I don't need to harass every man, woman, child and their dog. You know, I want people in my movement who have the self drive, have the self responsibility have the have the power within them to make decisions for yourself. You don't need me to convince you so this is just my simple invitation. If you're if you're filling the pool to explore what I've chosen to do as an option for yourself, reach out send me a DM click the link in the show notes of this episode or reach out to me on socials. Just get the word masterclass if you don't know what to say, and I will I will send you some information on how you can find out some more about what I'm doing. Potentially, too. too. All right. I'm gonna sign off. And thank you so much if you've stayed with me this whole time, and I look forward to sharing my very first interview with you all very, very soon. Take care. Bye bye