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#51 Why Power Words and Vision Boards are the Ultimate Manifestation Tool w Dianne Reichenbach
Episode 5119th October 2023 • From a Full Cup • Natalie Mullin
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Today on Episode #51 Why Power Words and Vision Boards are the Ultimate Manifestation Tool w Dianne Reichenbach , I talk with life, wellness and business coach Dianne Reichenbach about how we can use power words as a quick way to get your manifestation journey started.

In this episode we discuss:

-how to create and identify your power word

-the #1 reason everyone should have a power word

-the scientific secret that makes power words and vision boards actually work

-the difference between power words and affirmations and which one is better

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From a Full Cup is a mental wellness education podcast that teaches women to prioritize their wellness and put themselves first, because you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

I'm your host Natalie Mullin , Certified Wellness Educator, Speaker, Facilitator and Teacher. Every Thursday I release a new episode, teaching women how to dream big, take action and move the needle forward in life.

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Copyright 2025 Natalie Mullin



[00:00:39] Natalie: So you won't be hearing my scheduled interviews on Thursdays, I will still do the off the cuff ones on Mondays, but just a heads up to expect a series of interviews from now until season finale in December. Okay! I hope you enjoy this episode.


[00:01:35] Natalie: So you won't be hearing my scheduled interviews on Thursdays, I will still do the off the cuff ones on Mondays, but just a heads up to expect a series of interviews from now until season finale in December. Okay! I hope you enjoy the show! I hope you enjoy this episode.


[00:02:02] Diane: Natalie. I'm so excited to be here.


[00:02:08] Diane: I am Diane Rickenback and I'm a life wellness and business coach and the founder of Connect Coaching. I'm also a vision board trainer, and I work with women who are wanting to connect with their inner voice to discover what desires they have and I partner with them to help make that happen.


[00:02:51] Diane: And I think a lot of times as coaches, we have experiences that we have personally experienced and feel that we can offer support and helping women on similar journeys. And so I'm excited to be able to do that every day with my business.


[00:03:12] Diane: So, you know, throughout my life, I found I've had those whispers. I get that gut instinct where I know it's my intuition or what I really want. Um, and, and when I've leaned into it, when I've listened to it and I've followed that, um, it's always led me. To do the things that are really fulfilling.


[00:03:49] Diane: And so that was really at the core of being a salesperson and a sales manager. I really like motivating and being positive with people. The company I worked for um, we had a mutual separation in January of this year. We both agreed that it wasn't the right fit. And so I really use that as an opportunity to do. What do I really want to do? What do I want to do next? Like, if I could do anything I wanted, what would it be?


[00:04:44] Diane: I really I have a gut instinct This is the right path and so I haven't even had any I haven't allowed any doubt or nervousness into the process. So, because I'm experiencing this myself, I really found that it's helpful in me working with my clients. You know, you may find this as well as a coach and a woman, when you've experienced certain things in your life, not to be relational, everyone's different, but I think there's a container we create or a space we create when we talk with our clients that really allows them to have a hope that there is always the possibility.


[00:05:26] Natalie: I love that you kind of listened to that inner voice and asked yourself that question. If I could do anything, what would I do? I think a lot of times people are searching for purpose and meaning and fulfillment in their lives.


[00:06:04] Natalie: look like?


[00:06:14] Diane: It's a big collage with a whole bunch of photos on it. Well, I've learned there's more effective ways of really making it a manifestation tool, but it's, it's a manifestation tool. It's a visual representation of your dreams, hopes, and desires. And so a power word is a mini version of that. So whereas my power, my vision board workshops could be a full day because they're all encompassing a power word workshop can be 90 minutes.


[00:07:01] Diane: So in a power word workshop I lead you on a journey. You want a journey of self discovery through some exercises and questions that start moving aside limiting beliefs and opening, opening up possibilities and how it's powerful is the visual aspect of it and the exercises you do really take us less from the left side of the brain.


[00:07:44] Diane: And where we connect with our intuition and through that connection, we now delve into the world of possibility and how possibility begins is connecting with that word that represents. The meaning behind what it is we want to have in our life. And so in a Power Word workshop, it's 90 minutes, as I mentioned.


[00:08:27] Diane: So those become the manifestation, the tangible manifestation of the work you're doing to start connecting with what it is you want. What is your power? And by the end of the session, And let me explain that the card is the final piece, but the process is really where the manifestation is starting. But at the end, you've got this powerful card with your word.


[00:09:08] Diane: What emotion does that evoke? And so at the end you've got this great card, your card. And then you have it in a visible spot. In your home and by looking at it on a repeated basis, that's where the manifestation continues and the magic can really happen.


[00:09:28] Natalie: You can kind of say to yourself over and over. I know for myself, my power word for this year is alignment. Everything I do is based on alignment. But I feel like I actually have multiple power words. My other one for this year is joy. Just everything I'm doing, I want to experience joy. And so I think, people's power words can be very personal to them.


[00:09:55] Diane: Yeah, you know, what's been interesting about this work at the academy is, is really understanding this isn't woo woo. You know, there's some urban legends. Oh, it's magic and it's this and you have to be new age and have to be create.


[00:10:28] Diane: So if you imagine a wheat field and let's say for example, your house is on one side and your work is on the other, just for simplicity sake. And every day you walk through the wheat field and by the repetition, you're creating a path. This is what happens in our brain when we repeat. So when you have the power word and you're constantly repeating it, you're actually creating repetition, and you're designing new neural pathways in your brain.


[00:11:24] Diane: We get overwhelmed with too many options. So this is a really manageable way to start retraining your brain is with the one word that's your word and the emotion attached attached to it and the intention attached to it is what makes all the difference.


[00:11:57] Natalie: opportunity and the tool to change our thoughts and thoughts, change our behavior, and behavior changes our actions, and then our actions lead us to results, just as exactly as you said. And so that's why I'm so focused on the mindset. Right. And so when we talk about wellness, so many people are focused on nutrition and food, and that's a part of it, but there is a large part of wellness that doesn't get talked about enough, which is about our mindset and the way that we're thinking about things and the identities that we're choosing to, adopt for ourselves and believe in.


[00:12:46] Natalie: And I'm curious, can you share a power word that you've personally used and the impact that it's had on your life?


[00:13:18] Diane: That is really what you're looking for. So for me, when I did the exercise, I was like, Because it's like an onion. We keep peeling away the layers and going deeper and deeper in the workshop and then you all of a sudden are like, Hey, what is the core feeling that resonates with me? And for me, it is joy, joyous.


[00:14:00] Diane: Or I was happy when that happened. How about the present? It's all about how do I feel in the present moment. And isn't that a great way? Wouldn't it be great to feel that? Now why am I waiting? So to me the power of that is when I look at that and that's why the actual manifestation of it, you know in a Tangible item it's not just ethereal to look at it every day.


[00:14:39] Natalie: Yeah, I love that. My second episode, actually, it's, it's titled from depression to joy.


[00:15:07] Natalie: And it's something, it's something grounding to have. So I think having something tangible that you can hold on to, you can see, this really helps to ground and center you, especially when you're dysregulated for whatever different reason. Life is always throwing curveballs at you. So it's nice to have something that anchors you.


[00:15:37] Diane: , I've been very privileged through this new journey to connect with a lot of women and communities and whenever women share their stories


[00:16:09] Diane: I don't have enough time. I'm not smart enough. I'll never be successful. I don't have enough money. So those to me seem to be very common. Um, what I would call a limiting belief, which we all have. You know, and a lot of this programming we have comes from, you know, how we were brought up, the circumstances we have experienced up to this point.


[00:16:59] Diane: I can choose to think differently. I don't want to make it sound like it's overnight and easy, but it is possible. And so those to me are some of the limiting beliefs. And so ways to combat them are, is writing it down and kind of getting it out of your head and saying, kind of looking at it and saying, is that actually true?


[00:17:48] Diane: When you think, say, I'm not good enough for this promotion, you could say, I deserve, I'm a hard worker and I deserve success. Or with what I do with my clients is Sometimes a client will be sort of, I don't have enough time to invest in myself. And then what if a client said, I have the ability to reorganize my time in order to focus on what's important to me.


[00:18:20] Natalie: I love that you share that Diane, because just yesterday I was working with a client working on how to reframe limiting beliefs. And, it was actually her homework and she told me, she's like, I don't know what to do.


[00:18:49] Natalie: help you even see the possibilities of how can you shift your perspective? How can you change your thinking? How can you position a challenge in such a way that you can also see the opportunity in it. And I think it's so important to write it down.


[00:19:23] Natalie: And coaching is all about forward momentum. It's always about how do we move forward, how do we take those small steps to make those bigger changes. So I love that. And do you think that both power words and affirmations should be used? I know you mentioned affirmations. Do you think that they should be used together or do you think it should just be one or just the other


[00:20:08] Diane: Words of affirmation, again, are, I think it's like anything we do, the repetition and the emotion behind it. And I think the important thing with words of affirmation is to be always in the present moment. I am. I am strong and empowered. I am confident. I am beautiful. I am I am because that resonates your brain doesn't know the difference between now like it really doesn't like your brain believes what you tell it.


[00:20:59] Diane: Like, I'm there already, even though maybe in the present you don't feel it. But it's just shifting through repetition. So I say doing both is important.


[00:21:19] Natalie: And so one thing I like to suggest to my clients, if they're in that situation, is to say, I am becoming so that it's a little bit softer. You are giving yourself grace to accept that you're not quite there yet. And then once you get comfortable saying that, then you can kind of adopt the I am. So just in case there's any listeners who just truly feel like they can't say the I am.


[00:22:09] Natalie: And so for myself as a wellness coach, I see the nuanced experiences that other entrepreneurs go through. And it can be a lot. And sometimes people feel like they're alone, but it's not true. And even with women professionals and executives. It's the same thing. There's a lot of times people feel siloed and that they're only going through a certain situation by themselves.


[00:22:40] Diane: So I would say right now, what I've experienced on my journey as a relatively new entrepreneur, I mean, I have a very extensive business background, but as my own business is, there's a lot of information, which is great. But I found I had to manage how much information I took in, because it would be very easy just to get in the momentum of constant learning and never actually actioning.


[00:23:33] Diane: Um, and so by sitting in that knowing I mentioned to you earlier, which resonates in my stomach, I say, I get a gut instinct about, okay, yeah, this network seems to be the right connection and be like minded. That resource, I think, would be a great tool for my coaching business. That resonates with who I am authentically, so I'm just now going to action these things, and I'm going to say, I'll participate in this, but I don't need to participate in that right now.


[00:24:17] Diane: But I finally learned for myself. When you are, when something is telling you to be still or something is telling you to not action something for the moment, trust that's true and then realize that there's power in taking that time because that's where the creativity and recharging occurs and some great ideas or just your wellness will come out of that.


[00:24:52] Diane: Just trust that you're where you need to be and it's okay. Don't compare. I've always looked to people as inspiration or a source of supporting guidance, but not from a comparison point of view, know that your journey is unique and special and they're great people to help you along the way, but also trust yourself through that process.


[00:25:39] Natalie: We can say, I don't want anything more. I'm not going to step past this. Right? Like those are boundaries that we set for ourselves to protect ourselves, to protect our time and our energy. And I'm very, very passionate about protecting my time, protecting my energy, protecting my peace. These are core values for me, core actions that I take.


[00:26:23] Natalie: And then we know where to focus our attention to get the results that we want.


[00:26:30] Natalie: so well said out in the atmosphere. You never know, maybe one day, but Diane, this has been such a great conversation. And I want you to please tell the listeners more about what you offer.


[00:26:48] Diane: Sure. So I do offer one on one coaching, so that really gives you an opportunity to delve into really discovering what it is you want to do in any aspect of your life and you can partner to create clarity, um, and space to make those those visions happen.


[00:27:31] Diane: So in a lot of cases, I'll work with clients where we create the vision, they create the vision on the vision board. And then the next step is let's partner on one on ones where we can now put some goals in place to make that happen because manifestation is definitely at work here, but manifestation comes through the actions we take as well.


[00:28:20] Natalie: Awesome. Thank you so much, Diane, for being on the show and you've shared so much wisdom and insights, and I know that the listeners are truly going to enjoy hearing from you and, uh, folks, thanks for tuning in and until next time, continue to serve yourself, your loved ones, and your communities from a full cup.




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