Antoine Aylwin:
:Our principal amendments to the Quebec Charter of the French language.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Hello and welcome to another episode of Perspectives.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Fasken's Business Law Podcast.
Antoine Aylwin:
:My name is Antoine Aylwin and I'm a Partner at the Montreal office.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Today I'm joined with my colleague Iara Griffith.
Iara Griffith:
:Hi Antoine.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We'll talk today about the latest changes to the charter of French language in Quebec.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We are at the time of the recording, just after the commission work, so we're pretty
Antoine Aylwin:
:much have a good idea on the final text of the law.
Antoine Aylwin:
:But it's not adopted yet.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We should be able to issue that podcast at the time where the bill will be sanctioned so
Antoine Aylwin:
:that you will have a good idea of what's going on and how you need to adapt your
Antoine Aylwin:
:business to comply with the changes.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Everybody that does business in Quebec that is involved in Quebec knows that French
Antoine Aylwin:
:language is a big component of what Quebec is, the identity of the Quebecers, and that
Antoine Aylwin:
:also French language legislation is a hot topic in Quebec.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Since the 70's, there were several waves of of debates regarding French language.
Antoine Aylwin:
:And the latest modification brings the same level of discussion where in one corner you
Antoine Aylwin:
:have people advocating that the reform is going too far and in the other corner group
Antoine Aylwin:
:that says that it doesn't go far enough.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So we'll leave you to make your own assessment of the situation after we review
Antoine Aylwin:
:the main changes and the Bill-96, as we will call it today, the latest reform of the
Antoine Aylwin:
:French language.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So let's start first by trying to delineate what's the scope of the application of this
Antoine Aylwin:
:legislation. So can you tell us who should be concerned about these changes to the
Antoine Aylwin:
:French language charter in Quebec?
Iara Griffith:
:So in the 70's, Quebec made French the official language.
Iara Griffith:
:This change went beyond government and courts.
Iara Griffith:
:French became the language of work instruction, communication, commerce and
Iara Griffith:
:business. The charter thus has important impacts for businesses doing or looking to do
Iara Griffith:
:business in Quebec's province.
Iara Griffith:
:But currently the general understanding is that the charter applies to companies doing
Iara Griffith:
:business in Quebec that have a place of business here.
Iara Griffith:
:But it doesn't give much detail as to whether it applies to federally regulated
Iara Griffith:
:businesses. And without mentioning federal businesses, Bill-96 specifies that the
Iara Griffith:
:charter will apply to any enterprise or employer carrying on activities in Quebec.
Iara Griffith:
:Now, during the detailed study of Bill-96 before the Institutions Committee, Simon
Iara Griffith:
:Jolin-Barrette, the Minister who introduced the bill specified that under this provision,
Iara Griffith:
:all businesses, whether federally regulated or not, will be subject to the charter.
Iara Griffith:
:He also stated that the Quebec government would exercise its jurisdiction to the full
Iara Griffith:
:extent. Now Bill C-13 was recently introduced at the federal level and among
Iara Griffith:
:other things, it intends to mandate the use of French in certain federally regulated
Iara Griffith:
:companies. Federal companies can opt out and choose to be subject to the Quebec charter,
Iara Griffith:
:which is more stringent.
Iara Griffith:
:So we have two opposing regimes, and if Bill C-13 is passed as currently drafted, maybe we
Iara Griffith:
:should anticipate a constitutional debate.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Just to be precise, what is a federal business or what we call a federal
Antoine Aylwin:
:undertaking in the legal context?
Iara Griffith:
:So what we mean by federally regulated businesses is that some industries are
Iara Griffith:
:regulated by the federal government because of the Constitution Act.
Iara Griffith:
:And we can think of industries like banks, airports, airlines, pipelines, telephone,
Iara Griffith:
:cable systems, radio.
Iara Griffith:
:There are quite a few.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Just to show the importance of the minister's intent regarding French language, one should
Antoine Aylwin:
:consider as well that the Bill-96 modifies the Canadian Constitution to add French as
Antoine Aylwin:
:being the official language of Quebec and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So the right to live in French in Quebec is brought to a higher level by amending the
Antoine Aylwin:
:charter. But once we've discussed this issue of principle, let's delve into the details of
Antoine Aylwin:
:the reform. And let's start with the language of work.
Antoine Aylwin:
:The first aspect of modifications in Bill-96 regards to the documentation with employees.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Can you tell us more about it with.
Iara Griffith:
:Respect to language of work and work related documentation, Bill-96 broadens the list of
Iara Griffith:
:documents that an employer is required to provide in French.
Iara Griffith:
:Right now, the list currently includes offers of employment, of promotions and written
Iara Griffith:
:communications. But Bill-96 adds the following documents to the list.
Iara Griffith:
:Offers of transfer, individual employment contracts, employment application forms,
Iara Griffith:
:documents relating to conditions of employment, training materials and about
Iara Griffith:
:written communications.
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 specifies that this applies to communications even after termination of
Iara Griffith:
:employment and with all or part of staff.
Iara Griffith:
:Regarding individual employment contracts, there are two exceptions.
Iara Griffith:
:First, if it's a predetermined contract also known as; A contract of adhesion.
Iara Griffith:
:It can be drafted in another language in French if the adhering party generally the
Iara Griffith:
:employee has been provided with a French version and the parties choose this other
Iara Griffith:
:language anyway.
Iara Griffith:
:And second, if the contract was negotiated freely, then it can be drafted in another
Iara Griffith:
:language at the express wish of both parties.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So we get more details about the documentation with employees.
Antoine Aylwin:
:But I think one of the main change is when can we require another language in French
Antoine Aylwin:
:from a potential employee?
Iara Griffith:
:Right. Because currently it's possible to exceptionally require that an employee have
Iara Griffith:
:knowledge of or speak another language than French.
Iara Griffith:
:But Bill-96 brings about a new contextual approach.
Iara Griffith:
:And before imposing such a requirement, the employer will need to take all reasonable
Iara Griffith:
:means to avoid doing so.
Iara Griffith:
:So this requires the employer to assess the actual language needs associated with the
Iara Griffith:
:duties to be performed by the potential candidate.
Iara Griffith:
:The employer will need to make sure that other staff have an insufficient language
Iara Griffith:
:knowledge in regard to the performance of such duties, and the employer will need to
Iara Griffith:
:restrict as much as possible the number of positions involving duties whose performance
Iara Griffith:
:requires knowledge of another language.
Iara Griffith:
:Now, failure to respect any of these conditions will mean that the employer will
Iara Griffith:
:be presumed not having taken all reasonable means.
Iara Griffith:
:However, during the detailed study of Bill -96, an amendment was adopted, and it adds
Iara Griffith:
:that the employer's assessment of reasonable means should not be interpreted in a way that
Iara Griffith:
:would impose an unreasonable burden.
Antoine Aylwin:
:On one end. It was softened, but on the other end you have a new obligation.
Antoine Aylwin:
:When you post a new position.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What is it?
Iara Griffith:
:Exactly. So when advertising a job offer which requires knowledge of another language,
Iara Griffith:
:the employer will need to state the reasons for that requirement.
Antoine Aylwin:
:And the last modification of importance in the language of work is the prohibited
Antoine Aylwin:
:practices. Now, Bill-96 will provide new recourses for staff members in order to raise
Antoine Aylwin:
:that they were discriminated because they want to exercise their right to speak French
Antoine Aylwin:
:or their rights under the charter.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So they are new recourse.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Whether it is unionised environment or not, the employee will have recourses if he feels
Antoine Aylwin:
:that he was subject of repercussions because he didn't want to speak another language than
Antoine Aylwin:
:French. So this will empower employees or staff members to make their rights applicable
Antoine Aylwin:
:under the Charter.
Antoine Aylwin:
:For all businesses doing business in Quebec.
Antoine Aylwin:
:There's a question about do I need to register with the Office of French Language?
Antoine Aylwin:
:Can you tell us more about the changes under Bill-96?
Iara Griffith:
:So the requirement to register with the office is set forth in the section on
Iara Griffith:
:Francization of businesses.
Iara Griffith:
:So currently businesses with 50 employees and more are required to register with the
Iara Griffith:
:office and are subject to Francization rules.
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 provides that businesses with 25 to 49 employees will also be subject to the
Iara Griffith:
:Francization rules.
Iara Griffith:
:This means that they will have to generalise the use of French across all levels of their
Iara Griffith:
Antoine Aylwin:
:And they have to register, they have to do a self-assessment and the office has a power to
Antoine Aylwin:
:impose the creation of a Francization committee, which is standard for enterprises
Antoine Aylwin:
:of 100 employees or more.
Antoine Aylwin:
:But under 100, they could, after the assessment, request a committee if they feel
Antoine Aylwin:
:that there's work to be done for the French to be used in the workplace.
Antoine Aylwin:
:For those who are doing business in Quebec, one of the important theme under the charter
Antoine Aylwin:
:is the language of commerce.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What do you need to apply in your business relationships in Quebec?
Antoine Aylwin:
:And there's a few modifications under this team this year under Bill-96.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Can you tell us what they are?
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 reinforces the obligation of businesses offering goods and services to
Iara Griffith:
:consumers to respect their right to be served in French.
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 also provides that businesses offering goods and services to a public other
Iara Griffith:
:than consumers will be required to inform and serve the public in French by default.
Iara Griffith:
:This is consistent with the office's interpretation that the charter not only
Iara Griffith:
:applies B2C so business to consumers, but also in business to business relationships.
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 also modifies or broadens the scope of the prominence rule.
Iara Griffith:
:So right now the charter provides that an inscription on a product can be in another
Iara Griffith:
:language but cannot be given greater prominence than the version in French.
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 adds that the inscription in another language cannot be made available in more
Iara Griffith:
:favourable terms than the version in French.
Iara Griffith:
:This is also consistent with the interpretation of the office that, for
Iara Griffith:
:instance, an inscription cannot be available in French online where it's in the box of the
Iara Griffith:
:product in English.
Antoine Aylwin:
:One of the main changes is about contracts and predetermined contracts.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Can you tell us about what is changing and will probably have big consequences on people
Antoine Aylwin:
:listening to us today.
Iara Griffith:
:Right now, a lot of people are drafting their predetermined contracts with the clause
Iara Griffith:
:saying that the parties have expressed their wish that the contract be drafted in another
Iara Griffith:
:language like English.
Iara Griffith:
:But under Bill-96, predetermined contracts will need to be drafted in French by default,
Iara Griffith:
:and the French version will need to be provided to the adhering party in order for
Iara Griffith:
:that party to express that they truly want the contract to be drafted in another
Iara Griffith:
Antoine Aylwin:
:So that people understand what is a predetermined contract, is a contract that is
Antoine Aylwin:
:drafted by a party and is asked to to another party to adhere to.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So it's very often the case in the B2C relationship where the company would have a
Antoine Aylwin:
:typical contract that they would submit to consumers and that the consumer doesn't have
Antoine Aylwin:
:the ability to negotiated the terms of the contract.
Antoine Aylwin:
:You take it or you leave it.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So these are the contracts that are aimed by these provisions.
Antoine Aylwin:
:And can you tell us more about what are the consequences if we don't follow the rules?
Antoine Aylwin:
:And it's the same that you explained to us regarding employment contracts.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So let's say you have a predetermined contract that was not provided in French at
Antoine Aylwin:
:the time of the signature and sign in another language.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What are the consequences?
Iara Griffith:
:One of the most important consequences for not complying with that requirement is the
Iara Griffith:
:nullity of the contract.
Iara Griffith:
:And in this particular situation, there's a reverse burden of proof, meaning that the
Iara Griffith:
:person who is subject to the infringing contract does not have to demonstrate an
Iara Griffith:
:injury. It must only demonstrate that the other party, the person or the the company
Iara Griffith:
:who drafted the contract, did not provide a French version.
Antoine Aylwin:
:One of the changes that will have probably more resonance in the retail industry are the
Antoine Aylwin:
:changes regarding the public signage and advertising.
Antoine Aylwin:
:The signage that we see in the streets will probably be revised under the new provision
Antoine Aylwin:
:because many of them do not comply with the new provisions.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Can you tell us what are these changes that are coming up with Bill-96?
Iara Griffith:
:Bill-96 really broadens the scope of rules applicable to public signs.
Iara Griffith:
:So on public signs and posters that are visible from outside premises, French will
Iara Griffith:
:have to be markedly predominant if the name of that business is is either in another
Iara Griffith:
:language or includes an expression taken from another language than French.
Antoine Aylwin:
:But there was an exception decided by the Court of Appeal in Quebec regarding the use
Antoine Aylwin:
:of trademark in another language that could be done in Quebec.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What's the impact of Bill-96 on that exemption?
Iara Griffith:
:Under Bill-96, trademarks are included in that.
Iara Griffith:
:They may be drawn up in another language.
Iara Griffith:
:However, French must be markedly predominant where that trademark appears in another
Iara Griffith:
Antoine Aylwin:
:So you can still use your trademark, but you will have to add a French component that
Antoine Aylwin:
:explains what is your business.
Antoine Aylwin:
:That will be twice the size of the trademark that is in another language.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Another modification in the Bill-96 is everything that has a relationship with the
Antoine Aylwin:
:administration, and this covers, in fact, all the public offices.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What are these modifications that will govern private businesses relationship with
Antoine Aylwin:
:the administration?
Iara Griffith:
:The requirements are drafted towards the civil administration in the law or in Bill
Iara Griffith:
:-96, but they will have an impact on businesses because businesses will be
Iara Griffith:
:required to communicate with the government in French and contracts with the government
Iara Griffith:
:will need to be drafted in French.
Iara Griffith:
:We know that the government often uses its own templates, but this will have a
Iara Griffith:
:significant impact nonetheless.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Because we're talking about permits, subsidies, authorisation, financial grants or
Antoine Aylwin:
:assistance. So everything that is requested from the government will have to be in
Antoine Aylwin:
:French. As a matter of fact, yes, exactly.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Again, what are the consequences if you have an obligation to contract with the government
Antoine Aylwin:
:in French and you fail to do so for any reason?
Iara Griffith:
:If a business fails to comply with such requirements, the contract can be annulled or
Iara Griffith:
:the government will have to refuse to do business or to grant the requested permits.
Iara Griffith:
:A subsidy, the grant or the the document that was requested.
Antoine Aylwin:
:And in fact, there will be kind of a blacklist kept by the office of French
Antoine Aylwin:
:Language. So if you fail to comply with the requirements for Francization, for example,
Antoine Aylwin:
:you won't be able to enter into a contract, whether it's a it's a call for tenders or a
Antoine Aylwin:
:private contract with the government.
Antoine Aylwin:
:You won't be able to enter a contract if you're on that blacklist as well.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Regarding compliance with the bill, we saw that, you know, there's an increase in the
Antoine Aylwin:
:obligation of organisations regarding the use of French.
Antoine Aylwin:
:What does Bill-96 provide to the office in order to make sure that businesses are
Antoine Aylwin:
Iara Griffith:
:It provides teeth.
Antoine Aylwin:
Iara Griffith:
:Right now the office can sort of only give a little slap on the wrist.
Iara Griffith:
:It can send a business, a formal notice and the business can compel it to comply.
Iara Griffith:
:And if the breach remains uncovered, the office can refer the matter to relevant
Iara Griffith:
:authority, which can institute a penal lawsuit.
Iara Griffith:
:Under Bill-96, the office will be granted the power to make orders so it can order a
Iara Griffith:
:company to comply, and it will also be able to apply for an injunction.
Iara Griffith:
:An injunction could mean that a company is forced to comply with the law, that it's
Iara Griffith:
:products be removed from stores, or that its public signs be destroyed.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Okay Iara. We discuss a lot of topics today regarding Bill-96, which is only a part of
Antoine Aylwin:
:Bill-96, by the way, The question that probably people listening to us have in mind
Antoine Aylwin:
:right now is when these provisions are coming into force.
Iara Griffith:
:Indeed. And to make things simple, the government has decided that Bill-96 will come
Iara Griffith:
:into force on ten different dates.
Iara Griffith:
:But note that most of his provisions will come into force on the date of assent, which
Iara Griffith:
:is right now.
Iara Griffith:
:And most of the provisions that we discussed today are in force right now.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So it's time to make sure that everybody knows what their obligations are, what they
Antoine Aylwin:
:have to change into in their recruitment, in their contracting and their public signage
Antoine Aylwin:
:and their need for registration.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We're able to help. That's the good news.
Antoine Aylwin:
:So do not hesitate to contact anybody of the team, read our publications and do the
Antoine Aylwin:
:self-assessment tool that we put online.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We also have a guide that provides more information on the main changes that we
Antoine Aylwin:
:discussed today. I hope we succeeded in giving you more information and in making you
Antoine Aylwin:
:aware of the stakes that Bill-96 raises.
Antoine Aylwin:
:It will be a pleasure to accompany you in your compliance efforts and see what
Antoine Aylwin:
:adjustments are necessary to integrate the upcoming requirements.
Antoine Aylwin:
:Thank you, Iara, for your contribution.
Iara Griffith:
:Thank you, Antoine.
Antoine Aylwin:
:And thank you for our listeners for tuning in to learn more about the topic.
Antoine Aylwin:
:We encourage you, as I said, to consult our resources on our website, to subscribe to our
Antoine Aylwin:
:distribution list, to receive our newsletters and invitations, to attend
Antoine Aylwin:
:conferences and training sessions on this subject.
Antoine Aylwin:
:You can also subscribe to our Perspectives podcast, which features various current legal
Antoine Aylwin:
:topics for the Quebec business community.