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The Power of Podcasting: Where Passion Meets Strategy | 001
Episode 111th October 2024 • Podcast Playbook • AmplifYou
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In this premiere episode, Braden dives into the magic of podcasting—how it goes beyond just talking into a microphone and becomes a vehicle for aligning your passions with your business goals. Listen as he shares how years of helping people find their career path evolved into guiding entrepreneurs to create podcasts that genuinely reflect their mission. With personal stories and real-world examples, you’ll hear how podcasting can lead to success both in business and in life. You don’t need to have everything figured out, but if you’ve got curiosity and a drive to create something meaningful, this episode will show you the way.

Don't miss:

  1. How to align your podcast with both personal passions and business strategy.
  2. Why podcasting can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs.
  3. The key steps to launching a podcast that resonates with your target audience.
  4. How sharing your curiosity can build a community and foster business growth.
  5. Practical advice on turning ideas into action, even when you're unsure where to start.

Take Action Now! Download Your Free Copy of the Podcast Playbook:

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Braden Ricketts:

We are here at episode one, and as a podcast strategist, I have to follow my own advice and start you with an origin story. Let's take it back, way back, way way back. Don't get bored yet. Promise. We're going to talk about some fun things. So I grew up as an absolute fan of music, but with zero, and I mean zero talent. So I realized that I wanted to help musicians. There was an artist that I really loved. His name was chaos. He's a Canadian. He's a rapper, but he talked about spiritual things, and I thought that was fascinating, and I thought more people should hear it. One day, he was in town doing a record signing, and I thought, Oh, I'm gonna go get a record site, and I'm gonna ask him some questions. I got there early, so I was shopping around the racks looking for some new music, when I spotted the man himself. He was also shopping. So I approached and I said, Hey, I've just a huge fan not just of your music, but of the message you're sharing with your music. And I would love to know what was the origin of this information. How did you come about? And he shared with me a book. It was a Christian, a murti book. And the idea was, we are all here to pursue our own version of religion and spirituality, and that's not the point of the story. But I just thought it was so inspiring for me in that moment that I thought, wow, more people need to hear about these conversations. More people need to know that there is a message out there that they can find. So when all in on the music industry and I started working for an artist management company couple of years of booking flights and getting 4am calls because a taxi didn't arrive on time. And, you know, developing PTSD from a Blackberry that never stopped beeping in the middle of the night, I realized musicians aren't the only ones who have a message to share. Everybody has a message they've just chosen to share it through their medium of creativity. And I decided that point that I wanted to help people discover what is your medium of creativity, and how do you share your passion? How do you share your voice, and how are you vibrating a frequency of love out there into the world? So as an employment counselor, I was able to support people in creating those plans, those paths, those ideas that were in the back of their mind and creating steps that get them there so that they can live the life that excites the most. Because if people are living an exciting life, the people around them are living better lives. From years and years of employment counseling, I moved into supporting entrepreneurs all the way to as young as seven years old, I started a charity that helped entrepreneur kids develop a business idea and take it to market. It was very cute. And I've also supported youth across the nation learn their first online work experience and how to transition that into self employment. And then finally, working with our podcast company, you know, as an entrepreneur coach, I discovered through my sister's expertise as an online business coach that there is a platform that is so unique it has a million different possibilities for you, podcasting is a fantastic platform, because this is a one sense platform. Your listeners are you're in their ears, but that's it. They can take you on a walk and listen to you. They can do dishes, they can fold laundry. They can drive the kids to school and still listen to your content. Every other form of media requires a multiple sense, like a video you need to watch, hold the device, listen, that's three senses. So podcasting is less intrusive. Doesn't take people away from what they're doing, allows your message to get out there and not distract people. Not only that, but when you record a podcast, you're creating long form content. Long form content gives you so many possibilities. Because a full podcast interview, a full episode, you can take that and turn into a transcript. The transcript can turn into a blog post, or if you do a series of really great episodes, those transcripts can turn into a book. If you're recording your podcast with a video component. I mean, video podcasts are now starting to get popular, so if you're not recording a video, you're missing an opportunity. Those videos can be chopped up into little bite sized clips, manageable bite sized clips that get people to your show. So if you're saying something smart in a 30 to 62nd moment, those can go on Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, Facebook, they all have short form video content channels now. So you can also take screenshots. We do images for our podcast. So we update cover art and we put your guest image. On there, or we'll put a quote, something you said. So now you've you're hitting Pinterest and you're hitting the photo side of Instagram, not just the real side. Essentially, what I'm getting at is podcast is a content generating powerhouse from 160 minute recording a week. You have weeks of social media content, so you don't have to be out there learning new Tiktok dance moves. You can sit here talk about the thing you're most passionate about. Fill your social media channels with content that brings the ideal clients back to you and your brand. So welcome to a podcast playbook. We're here to help you turn your passion into profit and create a business that you love waking up to work in every single day.




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