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Let’s Collab with Milli Fox | Ep.63
Episode 6319th September 2023 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:38:30

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Have you ever felt the electric energy of true collaboration?

Well when it is a match made in heaven, that is exactly what it FEELS like.

I am super excited to dive into this topic with Milli Fox, a no BS Manifestation Coach and Business Mentor as well as the co-host to our Tulum Retreat 🎧🔥

Here are some of the highlights from this conversation to help you manifest more awesome collaborations:

🔗 Collaboration Sparks Connection: We all know that feeling – the moment when you connect with someone and it's like you've found your entrepreneur soulmate! It's all about igniting meaningful connections that transcend the transactional.

💫Let the Connection unfold organically.. It's more than just coming together for a common goal; it's about embracing the journey and tapping into the flow. The power of intention, curiosity, and openness is what sets the stage for collaborations that light up the entrepreneurial universe.

🌐 The Connection Revolution: We get it – in today's fast-paced world, connecting can feel vulnerable. But guess what? That vulnerability holds the key to unlocking transformative collaboration. When you step into a space where you're seen, heard, and understood, incredible shifts happen. Discover the courage to connect, the magic of being surrounded by people who get you, and the exponential growth that comes with it.

✨ More Than Meets the Eye: Collaborations are more than just a business strategy. They're about authenticity, shared values, and co-creation.. That's where the real spark ignites – in the heart-centred connections that fuel the journey forward.

If you’ve been following Milli Fox or myself on social media you may already know that we are two powerhouses who have come together for the ultimate Collab: The Tulum Biz + Mindset Retreat.. Imagine business sessions by the pool, getting your 2024 plan DONE, epic conversations, and forming connections that last a lifetime… CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE

People often ask ‘how we got here and built our businesses, all while creating epic lives we love.’ The answer: Strategic manifestation. And in our FREE 3-day Masterclass that begins today, we are going to teach you to infuse your intentions with actionable steps, embracing the journey with the perfect blend of strategy and soul to manifest the biz + life of your dreams into reality! REGISTER NOW

Don't miss out on the magic of meaningful collaborations. Let's journey together toward success, connection, and manifestation.

Tune into the episode now and don’t forget to join us for the 3-day FREE Strategic Manifestation Masterclass that is starting today! CLICK HERE TO JOIN US

About the Guest:

Milli Fox is obsessed with all things self-worth and manifestation. Think Brené Brown meets Gabby Bernstein with a sprinkle of goofy on top. Milli’s super power is her ability to clearly see women in all their divine perfection and to reflect that back to them. She has a vision for each woman she works with and helps them manifest that vision. Milli has been called to live a big, bold life of luxury in order to expand what women believe is possible for them. She aims to raise the collective consciousness and heal generational trauma (emotionally, physically and spiritually) through her coaching, programs and internet dance parties. Milli is a published author and voracious reader- who is currently writing the next NYT bestseller on Manifestation.

IG @millifox

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but mobile success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and master the position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I'm your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to another juicy episode of diaries of six figure coach podcasts. I'm so excited. Because I'm here with Milli to do and if you don't know, we already she's frickin amazing. She is a manifestation, Master. That's how I'm gonna call you now. And she's also an incredible business coach as well, which I love. And Milli and I if you haven't been following us obsessively on Instagram, because you know that you love us, then you may not know this, but I think you do that Milli and I are co hosting and he retreats in to live in November. And we have a masterclass happening, like right now. Right? Yep.

Milli Fox:

Very like, tomorrow, next day when this comes out. Suddenly, yes, yes. Okay, I'm excited to be here. I'm, like, just so happy with the amount that we've collaborated,

Theresa Lambert:

you know? Yeah, same. And this really conversation was inspired about talking about collaborations and the power of collaborations. And one of the things that I have found was that it wasn't until I actually said to myself, I want to collaborate with other cool women in the entrepreneur space, and make moves towards that, that it started to happen. Yeah, and that

Milli Fox:

was the same thing for me this past year, I just said to myself, I was like, you know, I'm open to receiving collaborations. And I didn't know what that was gonna look like. But I think that open energy, that curious energy is just, it's one of my favorite things. It's, I think, it's like one of the most powerful things that you can harness. And I had that about collaboration. And then I had, I had the pain to reach out to you about the retreat, but we have collaborated on, you know, lots of podcasts and lives and stuff before. But it, it felt so natural and right. And I think that's how it is with collaborations, like you don't have to understand the outcome necessarily, with someone, right? Like, and you don't know how you're going to connect either the connection piece, you can meet people anywhere. And I think that's where the openness comes into play, too. It's like, Hmm, I never know what's going to come of this friendship, connection, you know, whatever. But understanding that collaboration can just unfold in so many different ways. It could be for fun, it could be productive, it could be inspiring, you know, and it's a journey.

Theresa Lambert:

It really is. And, you know, one thing that I love about what you said is that it's, it's like once we have the intention to collaborate, and we're open to the collaboration, but we don't make it have to look a certain way or be a certain thing, you know, obviously, we can go in and say, hey, I want to collaborate to like, speak more, I want to collaborate with you know, someone and, and like, maybe do something, but we don't always know until we meet the person or that relationship develops, that we can see where those collaborations can actually go. So it's like the connection with someone comes first. And the higher to collaborate comes first. And then there was the openness to allow it to take shape, or agreed in a certain way.

Milli Fox:

Absolutely. Because I think we hear so often as business owners collaborate, collaborate, collaborate. And I think that when we get really eager to do it, sometimes we can force and sort of trick collaborate with people we don't actually have connections with and like so Sometimes that can work out, but from my personal experience, the collaborations that work out the best are the ones with the prior connections where we have really a passion for like, the the relationship that's established, even if it's new, like, there's just something about that person that lights you up. You like what they're doing, they like what you're doing. Whereas, you know, it's not just two strangers kind of coming together for a means to an end. You know what I mean?

Theresa Lambert:

Totally, totally. And I feel like there was no collaborations but speaking, that can be more out of a connection that is like very new and it can lead to beautiful conversations. But when we're actually talking about taking collaborations further, like, what you and I now doing, like we're about to run our first masterclass together, the strategic manifestation masterclass. And if you're not already in it, get your butt in, it's like near the replay will only be available for a short amount of time, and you can still join us live the next couple of days. But, you know, we're running this masterclass, and we're hosting a retreat. And so far the process of planning how we've like dividend up work based on where you are at this week, well, you know, I'm I have this week, like, what can you build, what can I hold, like, we've been really back and forth, around making sure that we both feel supported for the process. But it also felt very natural, because we both have a similar approach, actually, to planning things. So neither of us are just like, oh, let's just, you know, we'll go completely with the flow, like we both love flow. But that flow for us comes from having a plan, being able to know what you know, the expectations we have of each other. And I think this is a basis for really powerful collaborations, too, you know, there's no connections, and the newest points off, like similarities, but then we're also two very different people. But we have a similar approach to how we get things done. And that can really help. I have found this to be super helpful. And collaborations, because it feels like, like it feels easeful, and it feels natural, rather than it being work to collaborate with someone.

Milli Fox:

Yeah, and I remember in the, like, the early days of wanting to do sort of collaborations and things like that on social and whatnot, I just didn't really understand how to approach it or who to collaborate with, you know, like, then that's where it starts to feel kind of forced. But I think what I realized was, you just have to be open to connection. That's the first point and you connect for the sake of connecting, you don't connect for the sake of oh, we're gonna collaborate, like you connect, to connect. And that's so important. Like, that's why people network period in business, right? It's because you just want to see where these connections might leave you. And it could be something completely unexpected, you know, it could lead to a personal connection could lead to a friendship, it could lead to a business partnership, it could lead to, you know, a temporary, you know, business partnership, where, like we were doing, and you never know how your energies are gonna play off each other, and what can happen. So I think that's always been my major thing and how I teach manifestation as well, as is like, don't do things as a means to an end, because I always kind of approach stuff that way, like I'm a five time Capricorn in my chart. And so I'm like very methodical about a lot of things like a leads to B. So this has been a lot of my work is undoing this transactional sort of way of looking at business and life. And so it's like, oh, we can be in the flow with this and just enjoy it for what it is and you know, you hear be present and, and all that stuff actually has so much value because you don't know how things are going to develop. So again, openness and curiosity is is what else stress.

Theresa Lambert:

And I feel like this is where the biggest opportunities come from too, right? Like, it's this openness, and it's like, what I love would you say is the connection for connection sake, and I feel like, especially in the entrepreneurial space, like a lot of people, you know, don't want to for example, connect and DMS with other like with other people in their community or welcome them in, then they're like, oh, no, I don't under don't do that. And I don't need to talk to my community that way. And it's like, I don't need to connect. I'm like, Okay, well, that's cool, but like social media is social and when you're open to the connections and actually get to know the people that follow you, the people that you might end up following like, you literally do not know what can open up and I I have had the most brilliant conversations with amazing, amazing entrepreneurs. And because I'm interviewing now, like with this season to interviewing more people on my podcast, it's also been important to me to invite the right people to come on the podcast. Because having done a two podcasts, I had dissecting success. And I, that was a collaboration with my friend, Blair. And we did it for a few years. And we're on a break right now. But we interviewed a lot of people. And a lot of them just came to us because they wanted to be on the podcast. And we didn't really have like a, like, we just wanted to, basically, we will open to interview anyone who has in some way, shape or form being successful and talk to them about success. Like, that was always the intention with this podcast, but some interviews will keep boring. But a lot of them were amazing. But a lot of them were boring, too. So one of the things that was really important for me was, as I headed into 2023, was to deepen the connections. And to have people that I'm actually wanting to invite to take that next step and actually say, Let's collaborate, let's share each other's message, let's have a cool conversation about this to be the kind of people that I felt aligned with, and that also were on a certain path and entrepreneurship, because so often we just hear the stories of people who've already made it, quote, you know, and I also think that's often when we think about collaborations is like, I think people approach it again, from this means to the end, I want to collaborate with this person, because they have X amount of followers or access. So I've stopped and while it's great, and we can use some of those strategies, like speaking and, and media as a way to get our message out there and get more traffic. I think that when it comes to collaborations, it's more intimate. And you're right, the connection and just ability to see where things can go and evolve for the connection are so huge. And you and I like we've like, literally, we've been on each other's podcasts before we connected, we went to same mentorship space. And there was this existing connection there. And we've been following each other's work and like it, and then when this came up, it felt like the most normal decision to make. Yeah. Like, it wasn't like, do I really want to collaborate with this person? Is there you know, like, it was more like, This feels good. Yeah, let's do it.

Milli Fox:

Yeah, cuz I know, like, beyond beyond the podcast, you know, that we've done together, like, I don't think either of us were looking at each other, like, oh, maybe we're gonna work together. At any point. It was just like, we liked each other. We caught a vibe. You know, I feel like we maybe even had some coffee chats on Zoom, just like got to know each other's lives and stuff. And friends friendship really

Theresa Lambert:

first. Yeah. And, and I feel like that's so important on like to surround yourself with, with people to, that you have this connection with, without expecting anything out of that relationship, right, like without expecting, or attaching anything to it. And I think that's such a beautiful thing. And such a difficult thing to do when it comes to not just collaboration, but anything in business, because you're right, like most of us were like, I'm connecting with people in my community, because I want to make more sales out I'm connecting with people in my community, because I want to connect all like I'm reaching out to this person, because I want to be on that podcast. So as I'm reaching out to this person to get to know this person, and maybe there was an opportunity and of course, there was both and you know, there's a way where we're like, okay, sometimes strategic collaborations are really great. But I feel like when it comes to things beyond being on like beyond speaking, like actually collaborating on business items, it's gotta be more than

Milli Fox:

Yeah, and if we're looking at this from a strategic manifestation perspective, which is the method we're going to be talking about in this upcoming masterclass. It's like, okay, we're doing the actions of cup like, what is collab? What are the actions of collaboration, it's like DMing people reaching out commenting on their stuff, sending them a message say, hey, I really like your vibe, but like you're doing here or if it's in person, you know, I actually taking time to tap conversations with people, whatever. But it's, those are the actions, right? The actions can have wildly different results based upon the intention that is fueling them. Right? So this is what we talked about, we're going to talk about more inside of the strategic manifestation masterclasses, like, what is your intention with the action? Are you doing it mechanically, because it can be felt your energy can always be felt. And even once you get inside the collaboration, like If Teresa and I didn't have the personal connection that we have, this will be way more boring for everybody to witness, you know, like people are amped about the fact that we've come together because they see us both. And they see us like that last IG live that we did together, like we were so excited, you know, and it got so many views, because I think just from the very first five seconds of that live, it was like, Whoa, we're just amped and people can feel it. And you don't get that if you're doing a collaboration as like a transaction, you know, so totally having the intention there, from the very beginning, when you are looking to network, when you are looking to collaborate is like, Okay, this is unattached and unattached is a hard thing to, you know, accomplish. Surrender and non attachment are hard things to accomplish, when you're manifesting when you're moving towards goals. But you can do it by building trust, right and yourself, I think it's my favorite thing to talk about is self self trust. And that comes from repeated action to write like showing up with the right intention, repeated action, you build the evidence. So if you just start taking the actions and have that intention, like okay, well, yes, I do want to collaborate. So it's not like we're like denying the fact that we want to find collaborations. It's just like, I'm not directly reaching out to this person thinking I'm going to collaborate with her. It's just an exploration to begin with an openness, a curiosity. Let's see where this all goes. And not feeling that like anxiety that like this has to I have to collaborate, I have to find these collaborations, like when you can relax and chill and be like, yes, of course, the right collaborations are going to show up, of course, they're going to like land, then you're like, it's just going to unfold, and it's going to work out way better. That's the thing, the outcome will actually be more of what you want,

Theresa Lambert:

which is amazing. And I know we're diving into this the next three days, you know, around strategic manifestation and what that means to us and what that is for us. But really, it's, it's being able to find this union between your mind and your heart, right. And when we let our mind like Just our mind, be the only thing that drives it and be completely outcome focused. And step by step focus, we attach all that, but we're not having that feeling behind it, we're not having the deep the depth behind it, right. It's not really comes from a pure, intentional place. It comes from this transactional place, it won't work. But when we don't have the tools or a plan or strategy that allows us to say, hey, here's the actions you can take right now that can feel good to help you move towards making the connections that can ultimately lead to collaboration. It feels very different because we can stay more detached, right? Because we're no longer overthinking it, because we're making it very easy for our mind to say yeah, like I feel collaborations would be powerful. I want to feel more connected on my journey. I want to put myself in a room with other entrepreneurs, which I'm so excited with the incredible entrepreneurs that are coming to to learn because when we put like when we come into a room together into a space together and Vidya share and CO create something so magical happens, but there were steps that are required for us to take to get ourselves there, right to make it happen. And I think we get so hung up on on the on this transactional piece that we forget the feeling, and then the journey becomes this grind. And when the journey becomes a grind, manifestation just doesn't happen. Right? But when we're able to kind of break it down simply and say, Hey, here's what I really want. This is what I value. Here's how I'm going to show up for This, like, this feels really good already, even though nothing has come from that yet. And then we give our mind simple tools and plans and strategies to cope. So it can remain calm, all of the sudden, we're in this groove and in this flow, and then boom, just like that, this happens, and we move with excitement. And you can feel that it's not a full collaboration where it's like,

Milli Fox:

like, it's not like that, that was a classic, like, we're like, Let's go talk for five minutes.

Theresa Lambert:

We're still excited.

Milli Fox:

That's the thing is, like, we lacked so much patience in today's society, right? Like, you know, this took time for us to get here, some sometimes it can be like, boom, boom, bam, you know, we're coming at ya with a collaboration. And that's, that's great, too. But what I'm saying is, like, for me, in the beginning of my business, you know, I would try to collaborate, but I didn't have the depth of connections, you know, that I have now and even not even like, just with the actual act of collaborating, but even just with the feeling of being supported in my business, because when you have a lot more connections, and you have people who see what you do, and understand what you do, and support what you do, and like what you do, and they're excited about what you do, on like a colleague level, that really builds a lot of safety and confidence and comfort, and makes you feel quite grounded in what you're doing. And I think that actually really helps with impostor syndrome as well. And then because you feel recognized by your peers, and that takes time, you know, it takes time, because it's the relationships are to be nurtured. Right, they're to be fed and nurtured and, you know, taken care of, and you can't rush that process, even if it's like really exciting, you know, any new relationship can be like, super exciting friendship, or whatever it is. But knowing like, Hey, I'm building momentum in my business here, through these connections, and that momentum comes from continually showing up taking actions, building connections, you know, being visible, stating your intentions, knowing your values, all of it.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, and I feel like what you said, around, you know, building these connections that are really meaningful, that it takes time, but also the importance of that as entrepreneurs because we can feel quite isolated at times. And, you know, certainly we can, you know, join our retreat, like the Tulum retreat, and if you want to come, like we run out, like, we're gonna spend time with you, it's gonna be incredible, you know, but you're all you can join, you know, a mastermind but also on an ongoing basis, it's so important to be surrounded by people who get you and who get you on this entrepreneur journey. And also like when really it is not about anything transactional but simply about being surrounded by people who are on a similar journey than you and door safety 100% But there's also something to be said about being surrounded by people who just understand and you don't always have to explain where you're coming from. And I feel like for me, and I don't know how this was for you, Milli, but going through divorce and having that experience last year was just like sneezing away on the other side of zoom here. But like going through a divorce and feeling disconnected and in my closest relationship like having like a long term relationship and marriage and enough 16 years and not connection, you know, not being there. That was for me like love someone but I really was like, Okay, I want to really deepen connections with people in my life and I want to really honor and, and dedicate time and be devoted to building connections with people that are on a similar path with me. Because the conversation for me it changed my life changed. I had so many like, slap in the face puking lessons around money and Business and my capacity and I decided to pack up my shit and like, the place I lived for a long time and essentially, like stalled again. And like now I'm rebuilding a life into. And I'm surrounded by entrepreneurs, like literally. And it's made such a difference. But I really needed these connections more than ever. And I ended up finding incredible, like Soul nurturing friendships that have opened up all sorts of incredible opportunities since but it took time to get there and really honoring the connection for the connection.

Milli Fox:

Yeah, and I also wanted to mention to like the, the importance of courage here. Because connecting can be quite vulnerable, right? Like a lot of people, like you said, they're scared to reach out in the dead DMS or they're scared to propose a collaboration or whatever, like, when I, when I approached you for the retreat, I was like, yeah, she's probably not going to be into this idea, maybe she's going to be this idea. You know, like, that's a big thing to collaborate with somebody on, you know, she probably going to want to do it by herself. She's like, you know, but, but I was like, you know, what, like, what's going to what's, what do I lose? By doing that, by just throwing it out there say saying hi to the person or whatever, like, it's that moment of scary, and then it's the, the benefits, the rewards are, you know, they just stack on top of each other. So use then you start to, it's a cycle between, like, courage and connection, right? It's like the connection feeds your courage to, to be able to go and make those bolder moves. And that's what I found about community. Like this beautiful sisterhood, sort of entrepreneurship sisterhood community that I've, I've built over the last couple of years, myself as well, like you were saying, I've never felt so supported and confident to then like, go and just do the things you know. So it's not even just about collaborating, it's also about being able to make bigger moves in your business, because you feel that, like, the connection is so key, and I talked about this and manifesting to like, your connection to, I talked about like three levels of identity, your your source identity, so your, your connection to everyone and everything. That is the greatest source of confidence that you can have. So connecting with other people reminds you of that power that you have, because like I'm never alone, you know, and that that goes way beyond, you know, collaborating to expose yourself to somebody else's warm audience, you know, when I mean like,

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, but that is a thing, right? That is the thing. And I feel like this is a cool thing that we're diving into this masterclass. And I would encourage like, if you haven't signed up already, come join us for the strategic manifestation masterclass, I'm dropping a link in the show notes, so you can join us. But I feel like this is so critical for everyone to understand, yeah, is how connected we feel to everything that's within us, right, the feeling of the feeling, and the feeling of all the things that happen in our life, right. Like, if we are able to develop a sense of self and a sense of trust and as an identity, that we can feel grounded and safe in and supported in and empowered within, then we can express that outward in a different way. And it changes the way we show up for the things that we say that we want.

Milli Fox:

Honestly, it almost reminds me of like children having like a secure attachment at home. You know what I mean? Like, the secure attachment, because they know that they can go back to lean on their parents at home or their family at home. So then they're more apt or willing to go out and explore the world and to feel safe doing it. Whereas it's very similar with business and entrepreneurship. It's like you need to create that safe, grounded secure attachment within your like, you know, friendships, your your circle, your what whether you're in a mastermind, you know, you meet a group of people at a retreat, that you end up having a Voxer chat with and staying in touch with for years after the fact. Like, you never know what that can lead to for you. And it could end up being, like life changing. Like for me, I was in a mastermind for six months, and I still am in the chat box or chat with those ladies, like, actually two years later, like, we still give updates to each other, we still support each other we, we pop in and like that group specifically gave me something that I'd never had before. And that was that safety among a group of women who understood me saw me, supported me encouraged me. And that is really invaluable.

Theresa Lambert:

Actually. Oh, my God, I Yeah, but like everything you're saying, I'm like, yeah, 100% 100%, because I also feel like we crave spaces where we can be fully seen and understood and not fixed. You know, I think one of the really beautiful things too, about being supported by other entrepreneurs is as much as we're all like, savvy and problem solving. Like, you know, like, there's always someone who has a tool or something that could support you, but the ability that I have found surrounding myself with people that are on a similar journey than me, also other coaches and, and mentors was that it's really, it feels really safe to me to be with a group of people, where I can share something, and people don't jump to want to fix it. But just listen and say, Hey, I hear you, you know, when you're going through something rough with maybe a client or in your business, or things are changing, and you're sort of like, you know, figuring it out, like to be able to say that in a space and have other people like, yeah, like I hear you, you know, I feel your own this. And you know, thanks for sharing this, I've had that thought recently, like, these are the things where it's like, we can have conversations about things that are happening so authentically and at the core, right without feeling any shame or guilt or judgment or feel about like, what they might think about us if we say that right, like, and I think that when you're so isolated, sometimes in entrepreneurship as a solopreneur, it can be hard to be on this journey alone. And so collaborations, and groups of people coming together can lead to really, really incredible things. And it all starts by declaring, yeah, I want more collaborations, and then doing some of the things that allowed to move you towards them. So they can actually become something like this, right? Like you and I actually collaborating and like when you were like, you want to do a retreat together. I was like, oh my god, like best idea ever. Because I love your work. I know what you do. It's very different to like, you know, like, I don't teach on manifestation. As much as what I do helps you manifest things. This is not my focus, like I'm a strategist. And the reason why I do it is because I want your mind be calm, and I want your feeling freaking awesome. While you're building your business, and that will help you manifest things faster, but I don't talk or teach on manifestation because that is not it's just not what I'm guided to do. Yep. But then make like an amazing match because of it. So it was like, yes,

Milli Fox:

let Yeah. It felt it really felt right for sure. So that it can so just it comes back from courage. So what to courage. So whether that means reaching out, whether that means speaking up more at, you know, whatever you're involved in, like even if you're in like a group program, or you're in a master class, or you go to a retreat, it's like be visible. First of all, take the chance, take the leap say yes to the thing, and allow that like embrace the vulnerability of it and go for it. And you never know what's gonna come of it, but you have to take the chance you have to take the risk.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that take a chance so I'm gonna dare you to take a chance and come join us in a strategic manifestation masterclass because that's where it starts. It's like one yes, that can lead you to beautiful things like collaborations like

Milli Fox:

yeah, like even just say at this strategic manifestation masterclass, you could show up and like, ask questions while you're at the masterclass and somebody else might be inspired by your questions get to know like on your page like what you do like that's what you have to show up that's why you have to show up to you can say yes but you actually have to like be present to in what you say yes to

Theresa Lambert:

which again takes courage right courage and then follow through to be in integrity with say like doing what you say you're gonna do. Yeah. Oh my god so much to say about that Well Milli, I know you and I can like chat for days and like I cannot wait to just have so many conversations with you and the brilliant people that are inside this mouth like laws and in November in November that's coming up. But let's wrap it up. Is there anything else you want to share? I'll say well, I

Milli Fox:

just want to make sure you're putting the rich feet details in the show notes.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. The Retreat details will be in the show notes to strategic manifestation Master Class will be in the shownotes goods Milli's contact show notes you can find us all that I really love that Milli I'm so happy to be on this wild collaboration journey with you right now and to be working towards a common you know, goal together which is creating a freaking amazing experience for the join us

Milli Fox:

gonna be the best both the masterclass gonna be epic but the in the retreat is just going to be the actually like the best retreat ever.

Theresa Lambert:

Like literally like every time I think about it, I like my face is like lights up and I think like I'm like I imagined myself being this like big like smiley emoji that's like

Milli Fox:

yeah, like just doing business sessions and in bikinis by the pool.

Theresa Lambert:

Yes, it's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be amazing. So all the details that's gonna be the million I gotta have some more conversations and we're going to share as well about the retreat more on this podcast. So if you want to know more, head to the Lincoln bio come to the masterclass bucket, just come to the master class and also sign up for the retreat because we know you want to come to to learn with us. And Milli. I love collaborating with you. You're amazing. And I'm so grateful to have you in my life. And I can't wait to see where this journey leads both of us. So thanks.

Milli Fox:

Yay. I'm so glad to be here.

Theresa Lambert:

You're welcome. Bye. This is a wrap. We'll see you all soon.

Theresa Lambert:

That's a wrap for another episode of The diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I am your host Theresa Lambert and I want you to know that if I can do it, so can you do you want to get your hands on more tools, strategies and insights to help you become a six figure coach? Come join my online community on Instagram at Theresa Lambert coaching dropped into my DMs to say hi and don't forget to follow and subscribe to get notified when the next episode drops. Gratitude always for each and every single one of you. Here's your showing up bossing up and making it happen.




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