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He loved me enough to be late #preaching
Episode 1515th September 2023 • The NJ Podcast • Njabulo James Nkosi
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He Loved Me Enough to Be Late

Imagine a skilled potter working with clay. At first glance, you might think the potter is taking too long, fumbling with the clay. But what we perceive as “delay” is the potter's deliberate process, molding the clay into a masterpiece. Similarly, we often interpret God’s timing as tardiness or indifference. Could it be, however, that His "lateness" is a loving act, shaping us into what we are meant to become?

"But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law." Galatians 4:4 (NKJV)

1. Mary and Martha: When God Seems Late

Scripture: John 11:1-44

"Now a man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. So the sisters sent word to Jesus, 'Lord, the one you love is sick.'"

"Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days."

Mary and Martha had faith in Jesus' ability to heal. When Lazarus fell sick, they expected Him to come immediately. But Jesus was "late," and Lazarus died. However, the "lateness" set the stage for a greater miracle: the raising of Lazarus. Sometimes God's delay is a set-up for a miracle that we couldn't even imagine.

2. The Story of Joseph: A Delayed Promise

Scripture: Genesis 50:20

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

Joseph endured betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment before his God-given dream was realized. The long journey was not a detour but a necessary pathway for the growth Joseph needed.

3. Waiting on God: Building Character

Quote: "God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait." - Unknown

Scripture: Romans 5:3-5

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

Delays and "lateness" serve as training grounds for our character. It teaches us patience, builds our faith, and cultivates a deeper relationship with God.

4. God’s Timing Is Perfect Timing

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1

"To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven."

Though His timing often seems late according to our clock, God is never late. He acts precisely when He means to, aligned perfectly with His sovereign plans.

Conclusion and Summarising Prayer:

Lord God Almighty,

We often grow impatient and worried when our prayers seem unanswered and Your help appears delayed. Remind us, Father, that Your timing is perfect. Let us find peace in knowing that Your "lateness" is a demonstration of Your love, a step in Your grand design to shape us into the beings we are meant to become.

We humbly submit ourselves to Your divine timeline, trusting that You are never truly late, but always right on time for Your glorious purposes. As we wait, fill us with Your Holy Spirit to be strong in faith and steadfast in hope.

And now, may the assurance of Your perfect timing, the love that molds us, and the faith that sustains us be with us all, now and forevermore.

In Jesus' mighty name, we pray.


May the love of God enfold you, His timing reassure you, and His plans for you bring glory to His kingdom. Go in peace, live in faith, and trust in God's perfect timing for your life. Amen.



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