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A Strong Survivor's Story - Brittany Weyand
Episode 287th November 2023 • The Kingdom Truth • Yolanda Tyler
00:00:00 00:30:51

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In this wonderful, spiritually inspiring episode, Brittany shares with us how her strong faith in God helped her to win a battle of breast cancer. 

 Brittany Weyand was the only child born to her biological parents. She was somewhat a miracle baby! Her mother had two miscarriages before and two miscarriages after Brittany. Brittany was brought up in a loving Christian family. 

Although her mom and dad divorced when Brittany was 13 years old, nevertheless, her stepfather was also a God-fearing man. He adored Brittany and treated her with the utmost kindness, love, and respect. Brittany strongly believed that the Lord placed him in her life to walk her through life’s struggles. 

Brittany’s biological dad’s parents believed in the Lord and in miracles. She spent a lot of time with them on the weekends, working in the family floral business. She describes them as gentle and humble. They lived out their faith daily and always believed in encouraging people wherever they went.

Brittany met her amazing husband, Justin, about 7 years ago through her best friend. Brittany was saved and recommitted her life to the Lord four years prior, at the age of 21. Brittany is active in her church and serves in Children’s Church with the Pre-K children.

It was love at first sight for Justin. After marriage, they decided to wait for one year to start a family. Brittany was having some difficulties. They started in vitro fertilization. They lost two embryos to in vitro fertilization. It was not long before the medical professionals informed them that they would not be able to conceive.

Shortly, thereafter, one night Brittany felt excruciating pain on the right side in her chest area. It felt like someone had beat her up. She told her husband about it, but did not go to the hospital right then. The next day she went to her mom’s home to try on a bathing suit. She felt her breast and discovered an oval long shaped lump.

Upon visiting the medical professionals, and after mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies, it was discovered that Brittany had breast cancer.

When she walked out of the doctor’s office, Brittany prayed and reminded the Lord about His promises for her and her husband.

Although Brittany remained positive for the most part, nevertheless, she and her husband had to make some hard decisions.

Brittany is here to share her testimony with us!

Thank you, Brittany

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Thank you, Brittany.










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