The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we do church. Converge church planting leaders Lee Stephenson and Danny Parmelee discuss a new strategy for launching churches.
1:22 Danny talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed his thinking about online campuses.
3:22 Danny discusses what he sees as potential pitfalls when it comes to just operating as a virtual church.
4:21 Lee asks, as a virtual church, "How do we get people to take that next step relationally with people that are going to spur them on in the faith?"
5:29 Lee shares more questions to consider: What does church discipline look like in a virtual church world? How do you do worship? How do you do communion? How do you do children’s ministry?
6:08 Lee and Danny talk about opportunities that exist when it comes to virtual church planting.
8:04 Lee points out the need to be good stewards of resources when considering funding a virtual church plant.
10:02 Danny discusses the skills a virtual church planter will need to be successful.
11:18 Danny thinks we’re going to see a lot more co-vocational pastors.
12:06 Lee encourages you to reach out to Converge or Converge MidAmerica if you’re interested in virtual church planting.