Everyday Enlightenment: How to Embody Spiritual Truths Without Faking It
Episode 267th June 2022 • 7 Figure Spiritual Leader • Danielle Rama Hoffman
00:00:00 00:32:42

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Feel like enlightenment is out of reach or only for yogis or monks? What if you could massively accelerate your consciousness by using your everyday life as your playground. You can experience enlightenment (being lighter) even in the most mundane of activities. Discover how.

Do not miss these highlights:

03:38 - Give your slower vibrational energy its recognition even just for a short while to allow it to move on

06:50 - Everyday enlightenment is the integrated duality of both the slower and faster vibrations

11:12 - Danielle shares an analogy of moving past the resistance and not just go through the motions. 

15:13 - It is a choice to move out of the resistance and string together those friction-free moments to a more fully realized self

21:08 - Too often people believe that this state of everyday enlightenment cannot be achieved based on where they are currently at in life, but Danielle invites you to discover how you can bring that into your life now through the Visionary Heart Collection.

28:22 - Thoth and the Council of Light share how enlightenment is in the small moments of your daily life. Everyday enlightenment involves bringing the spiritual truths into the smallest moments of both your preferred and non-preferred experiences. 

Resources Mentioned

Masterclass: Crack the 5D Time Code To Take Back Your Life - https://danielleramahoffman.com/offers/5dtime

The Visionary Heart Activation - https://danielleramahoffman.com/offers/visionary-heart/

For your free gift, visit http://DanielleRamaHoffman.com/gift for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest! 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine. 


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Danielle Rama Hoffman 00:00


Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 00:15


Hey, divine leader, welcome to this episode on everyday enlightenment, how to embody spiritual truths in your daily life without faking it. So if you've been tuning into the podcasts that have been recorded in 2022, the guides and I have been talking a lot about really the D ascension spiral, I know that there's a lot of talk about the ascension, spiral, and ascension in general. And as a part of the evolution and consciousness, the dissension the capacity to embody, to actualize, to bring to full fruition to really live, your divine nature, your spiritual nature, in your daily life is where it's at, from my perspective, and what the guides have been talking about, as well. And that there really is this right madness, to be accelerating our consciousness to be accelerating the experience of living as the divine beings that we are. So I'm really looking forward to diving deep in this episode into some how tos into some keys. And before we go into that, it's really important to set the stage of what's meant because I remember, like, way back in the day, when there was a lot of talk about the law of attraction. And, and I was noticing with some folks in the spiritual community, that they just stopped, as isn't it, they stopped stating things as it is to only be speaking positively, which is, you know, the without faking it part. So it was kind of this, okay? If, if I'm going to attract through this law of attraction, then then I can no longer say anything, that is a slower vibration, or that is wrong. And although at the heart of, of why I felt like I was seeing folks do that, that was well, meaning that your vibration doesn't lie. So what it's not only what we say, it's also our insides. It's also what we're emanating what we are embodying, just like we see with the Ascended Masters, and a lot of as well, the visuals, whether it's Yeshua or Mary Magdalene, that there is this halo, this enlightenment, there's this light that's being emanated.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 03:22


And so, you know, there's one exercise that I love in the Council of light book, if you haven't read it, it's all about manifesting the deepest desires of your soul and goes into the different rays of light. And one of the exercises in the Council of light book was to if you are in a slower vibration, to imagine that you're an actor or an actress in a play, and to really give that emotion like five seconds to live it to the fullest. So if you're angry, you're really just allowing yourself to, to, to be in that best actor of anger or sadness or so that the energy gets to move. It doesn't get like Oh, I'm not mad when you're really mad. It gets as is the gets named it gets. It gets a little bit of airtime but not a lot because that's really one of the ways to embody more of your spiritual truths and your Divine Self is to start to experience yourself beyond the filters of your slower vibrational body, mind and emotions to really be and I know if you're here, you're you're already doing this in a lot of ways. And so, as I'm setting the stage and just want to circle back to that, without faking it, me means that it's yes, you're aspiring to a higher level of consciousness, I'm aspiring to a higher level of consciousness. And there's like The Walking of the talk. It's applied in daily life. And unity consciousness, higher consciousness doesn't compromise. So it's not about deferring or being nice, or that's the other part of the not faking it, like, oh, well, being spiritual or embodying our divine mate nature means that we're perfect or that we're graceful all the time, or that we're nice all the time. And actually, in my experience, there's this, especially now and the earth star, at this time, there is this real solar feminine fire, that is, is a part of embodying our spiritual truths, where when it's time, there's a going to the mat for, for what it is that we know is authentic for us in each and every now moment. So now that I've kind of spiraled into this everyday enlightenment, from this, like, it's important to as is things your vibration doesn't lie, to to not be like, faking it in the sense of saying, everything's great, when sometimes there are slower vibrations that just need a little bit of airtime for the energy to move through.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 06:50


Let's go into a little bit more of what even enlightenment is. And, you know, I was really a little bit surprised when the guides were like, Okay, today's topic is everyday enlightenment, because I don't really use the word enlightenment. Mostly because it can seem so out there. And the everyday part of it is, is very grounding, it's it makes it more accessible. And yet, usually with the word enlightenment, there can be this kind of, well, in order to be enlightened, are alignments for the Ascended Masters, the alignments for someone that maybe is only in meditation all the time or an advanced yogi, there's this sense of enlightenment being for someone else, rather than actually enlightenment, everyday enlightenment is for us. And if we just look at the root of the word of light, sometimes the Magdalene say in love and mint, light and love that there's it's a faster vibration, there's a lightness, there's a levity, there's a a frequency that's moving at the speed of light, or there's, there's enlightenment, there's an energy of love that's very inclusive, and also moving at a high vibration. And that enlightenment is really also from my perspective, when we have integrated more of the polarity, or the duet duality of the slower vibrations with the faster vibrations, because sometimes there can be that like, Oh, I'm just gonna only hang out in the higher vibrations, and a part of the daily life and living as what Towson the Council of light. And the guides talk about in Divine Light activation, as a light being incarnate, is also really honoring your incarnate self.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 08:59


Okay, so let's kind of chunk this down a little bit. I love with the Abraham say that it's like, either you're connected to source or you're in resistance. And, to me, that can be a really fun exercise to be applying this every day enlightenment to a day to a moment to an hour, to really shine the spotlight on one thing, or dedicating the day to one thing, which is to be friction free, which is to be resistance free. And I know that's a way of of naming it in a way that's kind of the opposite, because what are we when we're resistance free? What are we when we're friction free? Well, we're in the flow. We're in a state of neutrality. So also really knowing yourself very well like what are your go to ways of resistance being a resistance? And maybe it's like, I don't wanna there's this kind of something that I see a lot I've seen over the years and I've had myself have this kind of like, I don't want to maybe there's an activity or something about the physical plane 3d life, that when something comes up, whether it's a responsibility or an activity, or something that maybe seems unfun, that one of the ways that resistance can come up is this kind of like, I don't want to, and that can take so much energy, and rather than it it being about the activity, and do you want to do it, or don't you want to do it, to really be practicing how many now moments to really embody this resistance, free energy. Now again, unity consciousness or being in the heart doesn't compromise. So I'm not saying like, when it's a real No, like a sacred No, of course, you're still saying no, but I'm talking about is more of that low grade, going through the motions. Get resisting it.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 11:27


The guides are reminded me of when I did my triathlon. And I, it was, it was, you know, it started with swimming. And so I got in the water and I was swimming, so as fast as I could, and, and then, you know, I, I went to get my bike and I put on my helmet and my shoes, and I got on the bike. And within the first few minutes, my legs were so tired, and I kept hearing like, you know, as a women's triathlon, on your left, on your left, on your left, on your left, there are all these women that were just passing me. And so I was biking, biking, biking, biking, bike biking, and my beloved husband Friedman. You know, afterwards he was saying, like, where is she what's taking so long, you know, my friends that were there supporting me. And you know, but I've just kept pushing through. And then I did the run and finished the triathlon. And it was like every 1000 1000s woman who passed the finish line, got a diamond necklace. So you know, that was like one of my reframes was like, Okay, I wasn't as fast as I had wanted, and yet that it was positioned so that I was one of the ones that got this diamond necklace. So freedom, and after the race, was pushing my bike back to the bike rack back to the car, and he noticed that my front brake was on. And, and, you know, before I had been training that week for the, for the triathlon, you know, it was in Seattle, and there's a lot of hills, and we've been going up and down the hills, and it was a new bike. And so I had been having the brake on, as we're going down those hills, and resisting some of the momentum and the speed at that speed of light. And then the brake had just gotten stuck. And I didn't realize it. So there was a slow grade resistance, the whole time that I was moving forward, like, there wasn't a point where I was like, I'm getting off this bike, I'm not doing this bike ride. I don't think I had the I don't want to come up, I was just like, Oh, I must have swam too, too hard too fast.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 13:50


So that's another way of of kind of looking at, where is it that we may just have the break on where in the form of resistance or in the form of friction, where we're committed to whatever it is that we're doing, whether it's like something we love or prefer something that we don't, there's this choice that it's that is that it's more important to be moving forward in a way that is in the flow that's in alignment that's in coherence in a state of coherence, rather than the push pull, that can often happen. So yeah, it feels like that analogy is a really good one. And to just notice, like, where is it that you may not realize yet that you've just had the break on in a chronic way. So one of the keys to from my perspective, everyday enlightenment in a way of hunkering down. Because what enlightenment is and what spiritual truths are, there are some universal ones. And then there's also, you know, what is unique to each of us. So one of the ways that I define like being or experience rather than define, being in more more now moments of, of higher vibration of an evolved, of living a higher state of consciousness of that enlightenment, or in the Egyptian bodies, the saw who the fully realized Self is stringing together more and more resistant free moments or friction free moments, and that that's a choice, that's a choice, because you can choose to move out of resistance. And that's kind of the next thing is to just as quickly as possible, just notice, if you've put on that resistance a little bit, or you've left source, you've left your center, you've left your, your, your light, your, your love, your signature energy. Yeah, and then, you know, to other keys in terms of like how to be an everyday enlightened being.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 16:34


And I know that may sound audacious to say, and yet, it's important to say, each of us have the, I don't even want to call it a capacity, yet the the state of being within us to, to evolve our consciousness, it's, it's our right, and our choice and our desire to evolve our consciousness. And it is something that is attainable. And that's one of my other main messages where you can, enlightenment can be for you lightening up, being happier, being more peaceful, being more neutral, being more engage, being more purposeful being for meaningful, like having more meaningful now moments being connected. Those moments of grace and magic, of really living from your multi dimensional self, or your Divine Self or your higher self, where there's an honoring of the personality of you as an individual of your beautiful mind. And the capacity to, to feel to have emotions is is one of the gifts I believe of being incarnate to have those body sensations, to not ignore those and yet at the same time, to to recognize that it's not just those three dimensions that you get to experience yourself from those are paid attention, just like the five seconds on the stage and the Council of light book, maybe longer. Those aren't ignored, yet. Oftentimes, there can just be some autopilot tapes, that the I don't want us or it maybe survival mechanisms or patents. So as we go into a couple more states of being of, of where to come from, so being resistance free, is an absence of, of resists resistance. And one of the two of the core ways of being that the guides have really gone into in depth in the body of works that we've brought through in my direct partnership with them, is really coming from the energy of divine to divine, from a place of equality from a place of equanimity, peer to peer Heart to Heart lightning to lightning. So that really is a different come from because one of the the side effects the positive side effects I remember One time I wrote a blog around like, the 100, top things I love about hanging out with Toth, those, and the guides, and, you know, so many of them were really around, evolving. And I feel like this is one of the the secret sauces of what we're up to with our clients. And one of the aspects that feels really good about being a part of divine transmissions community and in being in our programs, is that the guides are always seeing us in our totality. And there is this recalibration of relationships, where as we forge and form, whether it's through the divine transmissions are the channeling of the guides that I offer, or for those of you as well who choose to really have your own direct relationship with the guides, or source and or source directly. There's, there's a whole rewiring with that, there's a whole rewiring with that, it's like just like how I began the conversation around enlightenment may seem like oh, that's for somebody else who that's all they're doing, you know, you may be gone, like, I'm a mom, I have a job or I'm an entrepreneur, like, I'm not just in the temple in this lifetime. And so enlightenment is for someone that is just, that's all that they're up to.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 21:35


And in what I'm talking about is everyday enlightenment. So it's the same thing. When we partner with light beings, when we partner with ourself as a divine being, we get to see, are we putting the divine above ourselves outside of ourselves, or is there like, oh, the guides are the Ascended Masters, the light beings have more wisdom than we do like, and they're, they're so honoring and aligned and always hanging out, what they talk about is the 50 yard line. That is a relationship of a quality. And that's how it works best without any distortion. And at the same time, that that may seem like a tall order, depending how you've been relating to yourself, where there may be that less than or more than, so, if, if you're new to us, or even if you've been hanging out with us for a while, I highly, highly highly, we have a couple of ways to kind of get a taste of what we're up to. And this relates to have a highly, highly recommend our visionary heart collection. And this is the first of the 20 to Divine Light activation sequence, which is really about being a light being incarnate activating yourself as lightning incarnate. And the visionary heart really helps to restore that divine to divine and create a revolution in relationships. And it's just, it's, it's been such a game changer for me and for our clients. And if you're someone that's done it, you may even want to tune into it again. Because it's, it's a way it becomes a way of being an a practice that steepened into. So that come from coming from the energy of being divine and also divine to divine that others are as well, that you're, you're also recognizing that you are equal to others. So not more than or less than that. It's like that namaste I, I, I honor the divine within you and within me, and that is I could talk about that for a long time. But that really shifts things as well and, and then we get to be also in the every day enlightenment. Open opening up to just like I really feel and sense with the guides with us be connecting to others in their totality. I remember when I was doing the Divine Light activation live in France, in groups like one of the exercises, because sometimes groups come together because there's a common theme there's things that everyone comes together to to accomplish. And sometimes groups come together because there's unresolved energies or someone in the group reminds and facilitates an energy that may not have been fully completed from earlier in life or relationship echoes. And then the This particular group, it was quite diverse, and there was always in everyone being respectful, if there was some stuff coming up in the group, and and Toth was saying, Okay, for the rest of the time, the invitation is to really be interacting with one another, as light being to life being. And there's such a spaciousness that opens up with that there's such a, a really amazing way of when you're, you're saying, Okay, I'm going to relate to myself, as an enlightened being, you know that the Egyptian bodies is Sahoo, the fully realized Self, it already exists, like you're already enlightened, it's just being in vibrational proximity with it. And then also really holding that space, and connecting to others, as their divine selves as well. And then, so much more magic gets to happen, especially sometimes when there are relationships that get in ruts where you you, maybe there's someone and they always give you a facet of them that isn't really the one that you would love to be interacting with. It just opens up a whole other thing.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 26:27


And so, the second kind of how to be in that everyday enlightenment is also our second kind of ala carte activation from the Magdalene codes of love, which is the birthright of love, code of love. The latest version of that was all focused around five d time or five d time masterclass. And the birth rate of loves one of the 20 codes of love and our Magdalene wealth coats program. And that's another way to really experience everyday enlightenment. Because the birthright of love is that love is a birthright. And when you really have that running in your system, then there's nothing to prove there's nobody more worthy than another, just all of that duality stuff that creates resistance that creates friction, that's a distraction just falls away. So I really invite you to check out and we'll put the links here in the show notes to assist you in your everyday enlightenment, the visionary heart collection and the five d time masterclass the birthright of love Magdalene codes, and those can be ways to really be accelerating your everyday enlightenment. So I'm just going to take a moment here to tune in see if there's anything else that wants to come forward in particular that I may not have tuned into. Yet it feels like the guides will come in here just for a couple of minutes as we're wrapping up.


Thoth; Council of Light 28:22


Hello dear ones, this is Thoth, the Council of light and many beings of light and love the movie moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission. We wanted to add that enlightenment is experienced in the small moments in the moments of your daily life. It is about bringing more light into your daily activities, whether they may seem magical, or they may seem mundane, where they are ones that you experience again and again. And in addition to experiencing enlightenment in the small moments, we would also invite you to open up your idea of what are enlightening activities and what are not enlightening activities or ways of being to expand them to include all that there is because you may have had in the past. The idea of you are experiencing your enlightened self when you are in Meditation and not when you are washing your car or you are experiencing enlightenment when you are particularly peaceful and not when you are in, in a situation where there may be conflict with around you're with others daily and every day enlightenment is about bringing those spiritual truths that you know, into the smallest moments into that which is your preferred and non preferred experiences. So we would invite you as well, if you choose to really take this exercise this invitation, and that was shared to heart to notice how many now moments of resistance free, small moments, you can be stringing together not in a competitive way, yet in an explorative way. And when you begin to notice that you've had an hour without any resistance, or a whole day or a whole week, there's another pocket of consciousness that then begins to be accessible, which is experiencing more of your Divine Self. So we will complete here acknowledging you for choosing to tune in to this every day enlightenment episode, and for your contribution. For this is in response to your asking and you're calling all this light and love. And we are all.


Danielle Rama Hoffman 32:17




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