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Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit To Reach Your Highest Potential with Jennifer Takagi
Episode 6926th July 2022 • Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen • Heather Hester
00:00:00 00:36:59

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Jennifer Takagi is here to help women discover the power of their purpose. Through tapping into your truths, listening to your intuition, and trusting yourself, Jennifer can help you unlock your fullest potential. Her big message is to start paying attention to those intuitive hits we get, as they are messages guiding you to your purpose.

Join Heather and Jennifer as they cover how Jennifer got started on this path of helping heal others' energetic blocks, how to pay attention to your intuition, and how to heal your mind, body, and soul to reach your highest potential.


Do not miss these highlights:

03:37 - Snapshot into Jennifer’s life and what got her to where she is now.

06:53 – Paying attention to the signs and intuition hits.

09:23 – Whatever your belief system on receiving messages is, listen to them.

11:47 – Leadership Development Training and Spiritual Intuitive.

13:12 – Learning akashic records.

19:00 – Talking about skeptics.

23:09 – “The future of medicine is in frequencies”-Albert Einstein

30:00 – Asking your subconscious if body or emotion codes could work

33:31 – Listening to your intuition. You have more guidance within you than you give yourself credit for.

Work with Heather:

Solutions listed on her website:

For the Language of LGBTQIA+ E-book, visit:  

Digital Coming Out Course for Parents - Text Ally to 55444 to get Heather's "My kid just came out and I'm freaking out!" Toolkit!

About our Guest:

Jennifer Takagi is the founder of Takagi Consulting. She is a 3X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker, and trainer.

She is helping women discover the power of their purpose by tapping into their truths, honing their intuition, and trusting themselves so they can have the clarity and confidence to create the next level of success they desire. Jennifer believes that when a woman allows her soul to lead, she’ll stop struggling and find the fun, fulfillment, and financial growth she craves.




Book an appointment with Jennifer now!! 



JB Intro/Outro:

Welcome to Just breathe parenting your LGBTQ to the podcast transforming the conversation around loving and raising an LGBTQ child filled with awesome guests practical strategies and moving stories host Heather Hester always makes you feel like you're having a cozy chat. Wherever you are on this journey. Right now, in this moment in time, you are not alone. And here is Heather for this week's amazing episode.

Heather Hester:

Welcome to Just breathe, I am so happy that you are with me today, I have a another really, really fun guest to bring to you today. Jennifer is actually a great friend of mine. And we are in a coaching group together, which is how we met. And I have just been absolutely fascinated by Jennifer's path, how she's gotten to where she is now, what she's teaching what she's doing for people. And I just want to give you a little bit of a bio about her as well as some some feedback that people have had, who have actually worked with Jennifer, which I think is just lovely, in addition to myself, because I have just lots of things to say. But essentially, what Jennifer does now is she helps women discover the power of their purpose by tapping into their truths, honing their intuition, and trusting themselves so they can have the clarity and confidence to create the next level of success they desire. So what I really like about this is it really goes into so many areas of our lives, right? Like it's that big word intuition, which I love. And I talk about so much. You have just Jennifer's just tapped right into this. And I love it. It's awesome. But she's already been working with clients with what she's been doing. And I just wanted to read a couple of things that people have said about her, which I think are just beautiful. chiffon Myers says Jennifer was amazing. First off, I totally connected with her immediately. Her warm and inviting personality make it so easy to just relax and be open. Our first session, I didn't really have many questions, but she knew exactly what I needed to hear. It was amazing. The second meeting, we had a bit more direction. And again, she knew exactly what I needed to hear. And it resonated. So well. Jennifer is the real deal, and you will not be disappointed. And then we have Shana Madison, who says I am so grateful for her intuitive guidance. And I recommend talking with before an upcoming project or event if you are facing a fork in the road or need extra support. So I'm really excited just to kind of get into the the details in the talking about what you do and your path to what you do. So thank you so much for being here with me today and joining me on my shelf.

Jennifer Takagi:

Well Heather, I'm just thrilled to be here. And it's so fun to hear the kind words people say I mean, like I read those I knew they said them, but it just hits a little deeper when somebody else reads them back to you. So thank you for that. That was super cool.

Heather Hester:

You're welcome. It is fun, isn't it to hear what people you're exactly right. It always kind of hits differently. You're like, Oh, that's so nice. Oh, my goodness. Well, you've had, I think just kind of a fascinating life path. And you've done a lot of different interesting things. And I'm wondering, I know, we probably could talk about this alone for like 90 minutes, but just give like the quick like snapshot of what you have done in your life and what kind of brought you to where you are right now.

Jennifer Takagi:

Okay, so, um, the first thing I want to say is, I was born on Monday, my first time in church was the next Sunday, I've always believed I've always believed in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, never really considered a different belief system. So growing up, you learn to pray. Luckily, I was in a very open church, very liberal Christian Disciples of Christ. And I remember kindergarten, I prayed diligently that I would be hit by a bus and die so I didn't have to go to kindergarten. Now I have no idea why I was so scared to kindergarten but I remember distinctly praying. Every time we went by the school my mom would say you have to be able to count you have to know the alphabet and your address and phone number I think, dear God in heaven, please help me hit by bus. Well apparently got different plans, because I made it through kindergarten and in high school and the whole bit. So fast forward a little bit. I got a little savvy with that plan. And I was trying out for cheerleader because I lived in North Texas and everybody's a cheerleader in North Texas. And I pray diligently Dear God, I want to make cheerleader but if I don't make cheerleader, would you please show me why I'm glad I didn't. Well, I never made cheerleader and then we would have a crazy cold snap. And I will be in the stands all bundled up and they're those little cheerleaders will be down there freezing their butts off and I go, that was my sign. Thank you.

Jennifer Takagi:

Cheerleader. So little things like this happen. And she knew you get a little older and life happens and you don't pay attention to those messages along the way. Every now and then something big would happen. And you think, oh, yeah, somebody's looking out for me. I don't know who but you know, and you just go about your life, you live your life. And one time my godmother said, you know, sometimes when God talks to you, it's really common, gentle, and it didn't make any sense. And you think, Ah, whatever. And then there are times where there's this really harsh voice just, you know, snipping at your heels. That's the devil. And I'm like, okay, cuz she doesn't go to a liberal church. She's in a very strict fundamentalist church. And so she said, One day, I was folding laundry and her house had a basement and all of a sudden, I had this message, this house could burn to the ground and you can lose it all. And I thought, well, that's really weird. Okay. Three months later, we are out of town. My 18 year old son's home alone, we get a call in the middle of the night, you're satisfied. The house is a total loss. And the neighbor's dog started barking in the middle of the night. The neighbor got up because the dog never barked. went outside and her three level you know, try little house is in flames. They bang on the door, get 18 year old son out, he comes out and they all stand there and watch the house burned to the ground just like random. And she said when I got that call, and I knew my son was okay. I just thought, yeah, I knew that was gonna happen. Like, I didn't freak out. I knew it was gonna happen. So I started paying attention, because by now I'm grown. And so I started trying to pay attention to those little things. And I was sick. And I had bronchitis and I smoked. And when you smoke and have bronchitis, you just keep smoking and you're coughing up a lung and you still smoke. So don't judge me. I've quit since then. But I was still smoking. And I will get sick. And I am just coughing up a lung smoking a cigarette drinking a glass of juice trying to decide, do I go to work? Do I stay home? And this soft, gentle voice said, stay home and take care of yourself. I was like, Oh, really. And this very harsh voice said you need to go to work you have things to do. And then got so judgy as to list everything I needed to do that day. And so back and forth. It was kind of like angel on one shoulder devil on the other. So finally after about 15 minutes, I thought, Okay, I'm gonna compromise. I'm gonna go in at noon. I'll stay home half a day. So I call my boss's Secretary Theresa. She answers the phone and I was like, hey, Jennifer. Oh my god, you sound terrible. You're not coming in? And I said, Yeah, I'm going to try to come in. I'm going to try to come in at noon and she goes, Okay. Well, that's the last time I ever talked to Teresa, because that was 715 730 in the morning, and at 9:02am The Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building was bombed. And that was my building. And everybody I sat with, including Teresa, were killed that day. 35 from my office were killed. And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was not my day. I I didn't know why I still don't know why. It wasn't my day and the people who did perish, it was theirs. And I don't know why there are questions that can never be answered. And I've been asked along the way, did you have a lot of survivor's guilt? You know, how did you get out of bed? I've never had an ounce of survivor's guilt. Because the Old Testament the Bible says God knows the number of days we'll walk the earth before we ever saw one. So I was pretty confident I was supposed to be there. And I was pretty sure I got a message from above now, was it God? Was it a guardian angel? Was it the Holy Spirit? I don't know and I don't rightly care. Whatever your beliefs to submit saw how you get messages. Take it that I mean, it's right. There's no wrong here. But I know I wasn't supposed to be there. So fast forward fast forward years go by I keep working. And I am no training.

Jennifer Takagi:

This woman comes out right after lunch. She's five foot nothin and four inch heels. Probably a $2,000 tailored suit, I worked for the federal government. She was obviously a contractor. And she walks in the middle of this huge ballroom with like 100 participants. And she has Hello, my name is Heather. And this afternoon, and I thought, Oh, my word I could do better, like I think do better than that. I don't even need to know the material. But I could make a bigger impact than that. Fast forward a few more years, I was on a plane. I'm visiting with this lady. And I said, she's like, What do you do? And I was like, Well, I work for the federal government. But I think I want to retire early. And I want to be a trainer because I can do better than some of those. But she goes, Well, you know, you've just opened it up to the universe. You want to do something differently. And it's all going to happen. And doors will just keep presenting themselves until you finally say yes. And I was like, this is a Wackadoodle. Like, out there. Fast forward a couple years are my boss's boss called me and said, hey, they need you to be a navigator and travel the country. And I went yeah, no. She goes, No, yes. Really? No, no. Okay, when you work for the federal government, you really can't say no, but in the end. So I did it. I travel the country for a whole year, in and out offices, the most hostile offices, because federal employees don't want to change, right. And I do a whole change initiative. And I get back to the office on a Friday and I find out Wednesday, they're doing an entire reorganization, I can really relocate or retire. And I was like I am out of there. So all these little signs, all these little things happen along the way. Were like preparing me to retire early, which I did. So I start doing leadership development training, because that's, that's what I knew. That's what I was good at. And along the way, I met a woman who called herself a spiritual intuitive. Now, I was like, I don't know what that is. But okay, we have a call and I fell in love there. Her name is Sabrina. And I worked with her and she deals in healing childhood trauma. And I didn't even know I had any childhood trauma. But guess what I guess it did. So we're working our way through childhood trauma. And one day she said, you know, Jennifer, you could do this work. And I thought, this work. Time goes by. And you know, like, I'm a really good trainer, and I do I live in Oklahoma, and I trained for the great state of Oklahoma. I'm one of their favorite trainers. Anytime I go to a state conference, you know, I get good reviews. I'm good at this. But I can't find consistent success. It's like it comes in and goes and I get a big gig and then I get nothing. And it just has been a roller coaster. So through this spiritual journey was Sabrina, I ended up meeting another gal named Dan. And Dan says, Oh, I'm doing a program this fall this spring. And I was like, Oh yeah, I'm gonna do it. Well, I didn't know. I just say yes. I didn't know I was gonna learn to read Akashic records. And Akashic records are the messages on your soul. So think of it as a library, Florida sealing coast to coast, north, south, east and west. messages on your soul. And so I learned to tap in with your guides, and I'm very good at getting very specific answers to specific questions. Some people are like, Oh, I don't know what I want to know. And then I don't get specific answers because some practitioners they can pull stuff out. Me I do better with with structure away. I work for the federal government. I can read Akashic records. I put in this networking group I'm in. I just got the designation as sole Care Coach, how fun is that sound? And I can read Akashic records. I'm opening up some spots on my calendar for free if anybody is interested. They were gone in 30 minutes, maybe an hour. I had never offered anything to anybody. idea that anybody would take. It didn't matter what it was. It was a no. Everybody was in and I was like, Man, I thought I might have something here. So I have the first call and the first gal says, Can I write you a testimonial? What?

Jennifer Takagi:

Yes. So bla bla bla, time goes on, I had the opportunity to study holy fire Reiki, which is energy healing energy work. And I did that it was amazing. But I was not sure how to combine those two, like Akashic records and Reiki, like, how does that work? And I was listening to an audiobook love audiobooks, and it's called the Emotion Code. And he's talking on this in this book, he's a chiropractor and develop the system of releasing trapped emotions. And I was like, Holy crap, holy. That sounds amazing. Back it up to Sabrina childhood trauma, right? I was like, Oh my gosh. So I'm going to conference I meet this gal, she goes, Oh, yeah, I do Emotion Code work all the time. So I hired her. After I did several sessions with her, it finally came together. And I was like, This is it. I can open up someone's Akashic records. Because anything you do with the spiritual realm with you with your guides, your guardian, angels, your masters and teachers and pass on loved ones. It's kind of heighten the experience. And then I can do Emotion Code and Body Code work. Emotion Code is releasing the trapped emotions that are keeping you from your very best Body Code is realigning imbalances and misalignments in your physical body is all done energetically. So that your body has an opportunity to heal. Does it replace Western medicine? Absolutely not. I believe it's a both and you don't just do one or just do the other I think that come together beautifully. Right. And then I end the session with some holy fire Reiki to kind of calm the energy, get rid of what you know, you no longer need. And I've had some extraordinary results with clients with with money walks with anxiety. I've had some people who had traumatic events that prohibit them from sleeping and in one session literally sleeping all night every night because we've released what was trapped so and 28 minutes or less. That's kind of like my journey how I ended up here. And now I still do leadership training when people ask But yeah, this is where I am now I'm in the whoo world you I'm the winner for the non whoo

Heather Hester:

that is the perfect I think that should be your tagline I love that. Well that's such a great description because I think I mean all of it. It's amazing story but that is such a great description so that I think there are a lot of people are like, I don't know, like tell me more about this. I mean I think all of us have a little bit of skepticism and our NS right but this is definitely and you have worked on a number of people with a wide ranging from being like completely open right? To being 100% skeptical like man, all right, I'm just doing this for you as a favor, right? And on every single one of those people, you have been able to make some difference, which is extraordinary and in all different ways. And on animals. I'd like to say everyone on animals I have my dogs are lining up because I need Jennifer to get rid of their anxiety because they drive me insane. So their next

Heather Hester:

currently McCann vest that has both music and the calming scent of lavender attached to it. Still not quite doing the job. So

Jennifer Takagi:

worked on your dog. So if you have not worked

Heather Hester:

on my dogs yet know their next. You've just seen them wander in and out of the room as

Jennifer Takagi:

well. And when you talk about a skeptic, I this woman did the most beautiful testimonial for me, it's on my YouTube channel. And her name's Melanie. And we were having a coffee chat because if you're in these networking things, you meet somebody and you're like, oh, I want to know more. Let's chat. She was like Akashic records. I don't know what that is like. I don't know what that is and what you're doing. She didn't say it like that. But I had to be dramatic. I was like, well, Jimmy, just open your records as ask a few questions, see what's happening. And poof, I mean, some very glaring, clear messages were given to me. I'm Claire audience. So I hear things, I hear the words, the message is three words. And she stopped me and she goes, How do I work with you? How much does it cost? When do we start? How often do we meet? And I was like, I wasn't even quite ready. At that moment. I was like, Okay, this is what I charge, this is what we're gonna do. So we had a lovely experiences together. Fast forward a few months, I called her and I was like, Hey, I wanted to touch base, and she goes, Oh, my God, I have made more money in the last 30 days than I have ever. I've never had a month that big. And I was like, Oh, my God, that she had ancestral blocks, she had money blocks, she had blocks related to her. I'm gonna say role in the family, a lot of us that are over, I'm gonna say 5050, and up 100%, for sure. And some even younger, were raised that you're supposed to take care of the household. And you can only do so much to contribute to the household, right? You can, in and of yourself have a successful business. So yeah, and I want to say the coolest, most amazing pieces of this are, it can be very, very fast. And you are not re traumatized by whatever got you to where you are.

Heather Hester:

And that's really key. I think that's a really important thing. Thank you for saying that. Because it's not a rehashing of, right. I mean, I know we've done a number of sessions together. And a lot of times it's Can you recall, and regardless of whether I can recall something from whatever stage we're looking at, it's irrelevant. I mean, it's just kind of additional additional information, right? It doesn't matter because whether I can remember it or not, it's still being cleared. And, and that's what is absolutely amazing. And I will tell you all that I have come to Jen with a pain in my hand, migraines, a pain in my back. That was my first one with my back one that weird back pain. The migraine, it's one I didn't even speak to her. We texted amazing, really, totally amazing. And it's just so interesting. Because we all know that. I mean, we're all learning and learning more and more about how mind and body work, right? How all Mind, Body Spirit are all connected. The all these things are, they're not. They don't exist on their own. Right. So too, it's really not that far fetched of an idea to think that something that you went through whether it was a mental thing or an emotional thing or a spiritual thing can affect you physically.

Jennifer Takagi:

Absolutely. And for the non blue listeners who have hung in with if we're still the people who are non woo at all, I want to say Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds we have, or had, but we're still living with the consequences of his brilliance, said, The future of medicine is in frequencies. And frequencies are energy. Everything is energy. There's scientific research saying that our physical bodies are actually made up of 94% energy. So it's all energy and it's just learning how to move and impact and use the energy I have. A woman I've worked with quite a bit. She had hip replacement, and all of a sudden, she woke up from surgery and she could not lift her right leg. She couldn't lift it she couldn't use the gas pedal to drive a car. It's been catastrophic for her so I said, Hey, let's see if this will help. And disclaimer, I am not a doctor. This is not a replacement for medical treatment. If you have physical therapist going on, keep going. This is just a both and not an either or.

Heather Hester:

Right right

Jennifer Takagi:

when we're working through her stuff. This is all your subconscious mind talking, you know and guiding. And this one muscle of the hip came up. And she goes and she's a biochemist by education and careers. She knows all about the body and how everything works together. She goes, Yeah, that's not, that's not what I would have picked. I sent my girlfriend, I wouldn't have picked it either. I don't even know what it is. But this is what is what's going on out. And the next day, she texted me and she goes, I lifted my foot and inch, she had not been able to lift her leg for two years. And in two more sessions, she can now lift it eight inches, and she can step up on a curb with that foot, which she hasn't been able to do in two years. Like once she gets up, she can walk, but you use different muscles to lift your leg than to walk. Right. So anyway, that is just been life changing for her. And I'm, I'm so grateful that I can be a catalyst for that healing because you realign what's not aligned in the body, and the body has an opportunity to heal.

Heather Hester:

It's extraordinary. So what would you do with someone who came to you with something that was more of a instead of a physical pain, like a stress, like dealing with whether it's a stress about money or a stress about a relationship? Something like that? Is that something that can be healed or guided with this type of work?

Jennifer Takagi:

Absolutely, with, with Melanie, that testimonial that she did, it didn't readily appear that it was a money block or an abundance block or something like that. But that bubbled up through the work. And we cleared that and she started making more money than she ever had. Another client said, you know, my parents, like they lost, they lost our house when I was a little kid and we lived in a tent for a while in my grandparents backyard. And they started a business and lost it. And I think I just missed have some real blocks around what abundance and wealth is because like I was raised where you can't keep it. And I was like, okay, so we go in and we're clearing these things. And memories are coming up, right, but not in a bad way. It's like matter of fact versus emotionally. Right? Because she reaches out a couple months later goes oh, by the way, did I tell you have to rework together? Um, I have decided I wanted to offer a program high end $25,000 apiece. And the next week, somebody called me out of the clear blue and said, Will you do this for me? And what would you charge? And I said $25,000. And she said, I made 100,000 In a month off for clients, because we clear what was blocking her. So abundance? Yes, I believe Absolutely. One client I was working with, and we were Oh, kind of towards the end of time. But we had a little bit and I said well, is there something else you want to work on? And she goes well, I don't feel that my husband's been supportive. Like he's trying to be supportive, but I don't think he is. And this sounds crazy. But through this work, Dr. Bradley Nelson has learned you can become allergic to anything. And she had developed pretty much an idea allergy to hanging out with her husband. And through this work, it came up. And one of the things that can happen is you become physically repulsed by your partner's cologne or perfume. And she goes, you're just not going to believe me. I said, girlfriend, I will believe in. She said, the last month I've been so disappointed in my husband because he has not been as supportive as I could as I wanted. Right. And I thought you should be I have not been able to stay at his cologne that he's worn for years. And I literally went in and said you have to get rid of it. I cannot stand that smell.

Heather Hester:

Oh my gosh.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I was like, well, sweetie, if you like that before, let's clear that out and see if you can like your husband and his cologne. Right? Um, and it's it sounds totally nuts. But it is the reality anxiety is paralyzing for people absolutely paralyzing. And to be able to have a calmness where when you lay down and go to sleep. I had a friend who her husband killed himself and she found him and she would lay down at night and as soon as she fell asleep, that was the image that showed up and then she was wide awake. You And so I said, well, let's just see if this will help. And two or three weeks pass, and we usually talk all the time, it just hadn't come up. And finally I said, Hey, have you been sleeping? She was oh my god, I haven't had that image one time. Which, I mean, that is, you know, you have to sleep to heal. Yes. And if you're not sleeping, you can't heal, whatever it is. emotional, physical, whatever, whatever

Heather Hester:

it is.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm a big sleeper. So yeah, me too. Yeah, I mean, kind of like the sky's the limit. However, we're asking your subconscious, if the body code or Emotion Code can help. And your subconscious guides us along the way.

Heather Hester:

I love that. Mm

Jennifer Takagi:

hmm. Yeah, it's magical work. I love it.

Heather Hester:

I mean, it really is. And I don't, you know, neither one of us because we both use this word. And I, I'm very careful about using the word magical. But it in the way that it's just like, it's so incredible that that it works, that it's really you just can't believe it. It's really hard to wrap your head around, I'm sure. I mean, every time you do it, I'm sure you're like, Wow. I mean, I think it's just extraordinary. And the reason I really, really wanted you to come on here and share all of these stories and all about your work is because I think this is so relatable to people who are listening to everyone who is listening, because to in one way or another, we're all trying to figure something out all the time, right. And whether it's we're just learning new information, and we're trying to like, figure out process, or we're trying to support, you know, our child in some way. And that's just heavy and that stressful. And that's hard. And we need guidance. And I just think that you are one of the most extraordinary resources that I have you ever come across. And and I mean, in addition to everything else, I don't mean to like, boil it down to being a resource, but you're much more than just a resource. But in terms of, Wow, this is amazing. This is amazing work that you do. And it's a gift to everyone who has the opportunity to meet you and to learn what you do. So I just think that everyone needs to know you. That's all. That's all I have to say on that.

Heather Hester:

No, yes. And, you know, y'all know that I share, I only share things that I truly believe in. And, and I just really, this sharing you is very, very important. And there's still a laundry list of things that I want to work with you. And there. I mean, I literally like keep thinking like, oh, I want to talk to John about this. And oh, we've got to talk about this. And so yes, lots lots and lots of stuff. So I'm just, I'm excited. But I'm wondering if there's anything that you would like to share, to kind of wrap up what we're talking about. Of course, all of your information will be in the show notes. So you all can find gems website and anything you need to know about working with her. Her new website is beautiful, by the way, it's awesome and it actually works.

Heather Hester:

But I will also have her information on my website shortly. So just FYI, be looking for it you can find in either place, but I will I will leave the floor to you to kind of close out the way you would like to close out.

Jennifer Takagi:

So the one thing I would like to say that I wish I had really tapped in sooner was to listening to my intuition. And there are various forms of muscle testing to know if something's right for you or not. One is the Lean test and you ask a question like is my name Jennifer and your body leans forward is my name Heather and your body leans back and that's like, testing it. There's some little ring tests is my name Jennifer? Yes. Is it Heather? No. Is it Jennifer? Yes and Heather? No. But what I learned on that is super simple. You don't have to have a crystal I only bought this because I thought it was pretty. You can use a necklace that has a little weight. But you can say show me a yes. And see us moving forward and back. Show me a no is going in a circle. It's kind of getting caught on my finger. Is my name Jennifer. Yes. Am I talking with Heather? Yes. Am I in Illinois? No. Am I in Oklahoma? Yes. Do I have a cat named Luigi? Yes. So Ken, and I have a necklace around here somewhere. It's usually in my office, but I think it's in my, I think I actually put it in my bedroom at some point. But it has a little weight to it. And so you just hang it down and ask questions. And when you're faced with something kind of big, and you're weighing the options, it needs to be clear cut. Yes. No, it can't be you know, should you know, am I gonna get pregnant tomorrow? Well, you know, nobody really knows. That's, you know, that's a hard one. But other very yes, no type questions. You can get confirmation on what your intuition what your gut, whatever you want to call it. Your messages are saying to you, so that's what I'll leave you with, you have more guidance within you than you give yourself credit for.

Heather Hester:

It's so true. It's so so true. And listening to that is really important. Right. So, thank you. Thank you so much for being here today and for sharing, not only what you do, but just your your beautiful voice with us. I really appreciate it.

Jennifer Takagi:

Well, thank you for having me, Heather. It was my pleasure.



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