Hello folks, Earnest Mann here, wrapping up another eventful week. Today, I'm shedding light on a topic that's been on my mind and likely on the minds of many Americans, though seldom discussed on mainstream media: the migrant crisis and the challenges at our Southern border. Amidst the whirlwind of opinions and debates, I'm here to share my unfiltered thoughts, fully expecting to stir some controversy.
In a world where speaking the truth often invites backlash, I stand firm in my convictions, unswayed by accusations of being overly harsh or insensitive. The root of societal breakdown lies in the loss of reason and the vilification of truth-tellers. As someone who refuses to succumb to the haze of ignorance, I delve into the complexities of the border situation, emphasizing the need for conciseness and clarity amidst the noise.
The crux of the migrant dilemma involves three dysfunctional elements: the corruption of the Mexican Government, the complicity of the US government in sustaining a model of economic exploitation, and the struggles of the Mexican people themselves. This intricate web of issues highlights a broader narrative of exploitation, governmental malfeasance, and the dire consequences for ordinary citizens caught in the crossfire.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:02 [Music] hello folks well here it is Friday we made it through another week and I don't know about you but I've had one hell of a week I'm going to tell you not only what's on my mind but what's on the mind of many Americans although you won't hear it on the 6:00 news I'm talking of course about the so-called migrant crisis from the Invaders of our Southern border I fully realize and expect to catch a lot of hell for what I'm about to say fortunately my listeners who still possess a f functional brain
01:02 understand that I try to speak the truth and tell it like it is and although I'm almost certainly to be accused of sounding harsh of being a cold hard conservative and or racist so be it one of the very first casualties of a disintegrating Society is the truth because a disintegrating Society loses its ability to reason and anyone telling the truth is made out to be inherently evil because they refuse to conform to an ideology based on ignorance and stupidity so because I refuse to do so because my brain has not been turned to
01:50 Mush due to using marijuana or other drugs I stand Pat I stand guilty as charged I could talk for hours about the ramifications of this border situation but I tend to be a stickler for concision besides I know you're probably really busy you might be for example trying to find a job and I really hope you do that is if you still can if that position hasn't been filled by somebody that will work for Less a lot less what we basically have is three dysfunctional elements going on here there are other elements as well but I'm
02:38 going to stick to just these primary three you have the Mexican Government which is notoriously corrupt and that's putting it very mildly if you don't think it's heavily influenced by drug cartels at the least if not outright controlled at worst your naive is on a whole another level then there's the US government at least as far as its interactions with the Mexican Government is concerned is also corrupt because business absolutely loves slave labor which much like China America has enjoyed for several decades and if
03:24 you're not aware of that well maybe you should set your bong down for just a few minutes and give this a listen the third element of course is the Mexican people themselves and we're going to get to that but for the time being let's just talk about the US government and where they really are on all this so keep listening you'll either laugh cry or maybe even a bit of both you see the US government which is in fact a subsidiary of many corporations and the unbelievably wealthy individuals who own
04:06 those corporations the oligarchs basically don't want to rock the boat they've had this very comfortable and ungodly profitable scheme going on for several decades and the last thing any intelligent mobster wants to do is anything which is going to interfere with their business and as a matter of fact they are so completely committed to that Vision that they don't give a damn how many of its citizens AKA wage slaves have increasingly difficult times making ends meat and continue to spiral down into
04:49 poverty I believe the simple term they use amongst themselves to describe our situation is them at least until the next election cycle when the cycle of endless promises starts all over again now where I was oh oh yes our corrupt US Government so for many years everything was pretty much hunky dory with these governmental mob Representatives but then something changed you see when they became wealthy and powerful enough the Consortium of drug cartels just as they did and continue to do throughout South America started wanting a bigger cut of
05:40 the financial pie so they figured it was their time to make their move into America the old mob in DC have gotten well old not to mention complacent so they devised a plan that has been working quite well so far the cartels working with their own government which they basically own now devised a plan to take over America by sending millions of their own people across the border to establish a solid Mexican presence which they certainly have done establishing communities businesses professional positions schools libraries
06:28 factories you name it with absolutely no end in sight the inevitable and predictable consequence of this like a cancerous tumor growth the tentacles of their culture have become so intertwined as there is a feeling of helplessness of ever being able to reverse the process this is taking place just as a like a boowa constrictor kills its prey I just want to add at this point that I can't sit here and say with absolute certainty whether or not this was done as a plan but regardless of whether it did or didn't this is exactly what is
07:14 taking place this is what corruption does and this is exactly the way cartels operate and if you think America is immune to the power of international drug cartels or any cartels for that matter please look it up or watch a few YouTube videos you might want to put out the bong though marijuana tends to interfere with your concentration at this point if you've had the courage to hear me out I applaud you I believe it speaks volumes about a person's character to be willing to hear something out especially if it goes
07:57 against your own ethical or ideological IAL stance in life thank you I would predict that at some point in the distant future when historians are talking about how America fell how it became the United States of Mexico much like the Epic story of the fall of Rome how did it happen how did a country with supposedly the strongest military in the world allow itself to be taken over by a country with essentially no military by comparison the answer as incredible as it may sound was through osmosis drug and culture
08:46 osmosis marijuana that seemingly harmless drug that turns regular users into relaxed childlike complacent morons also had a very big role the argument over marijuana should not be about its danger as far as triggering violence unlike alcohol which often is directly associated with violence marijuana simply Mellows you out but to the point where you essentially are a semi functional imbecile if anybody old enough to have seen the movie The Big Labowski and what a cultural icon Jeffrey the dude laeli was could imagine him saying something
09:36 like this hey like why are you being so hard on the Mexicans man they're not hurting anybody they just want jobs man they just want a better life man this finally brings me to the issue of the Mexican Invaders themselves I'm sure that many of you have heard the phrase that they use that has become pretty much a catchphrase that they just want a better life I call just because you want a better life doesn't give you the right to invade our country to get it some of them call out political Asylum again I call
10:25 the Mexicans are not the Jews of the 194 40s Germany I have heard absolutely no reports of mass concentration camps or factories killing thousands and thousands of Mexicans by working them to death thousands of Mexicans are not being rounded up throughout Mexico and sent to work in death camps there are many aspects of Mexican life that are terrible for many Mexicans especially all the crimes that come come with the cartels I'm not denying that they have and continue to do many terrible things but Mexicans are not
11:08 poor helpless children they are far from stupid and in their heart of hearts they know what needs to be done but they choose not to do that they choose to invade our country Mexicans need to get rid of the corruption take back their government and their country not invade our country inevitably bringing the same dysfunctional with them that will eventually and inevitably destroy ours the bottom line is that if the Mexican Government continues to refuse to control its citizens from Crossing into our country the US government needs
11:55 to by any means necessary until next Monday or Friday this is earnest wishing you peace and good things