Artwork for podcast 7-Year-Old Parenting Tools
Mixed Messages About Cannabis for Your 7-Year-Old
16th January 2024 • 7-Year-Old Parenting Tools • Center for Health and Safety Culture
00:00:00 00:21:13

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Now is the right time to deepen your awareness of the messages your child receives about cannabis, the impacts on your child, and how you can construct the messages you send going forward to support healthy choices. Peer pressure to try cannabis does not usually start until ages 15-19. Yet, children still receive messages and view modeling throughout their childhood that will have a clear impact on whether or not they’ll be able to make healthy decisions about cannabis in years to come. As a parent or those in a parenting role, what you model and the messages you send in your child’s younger years about cannabis can set them up for success and healthy choices. 




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