Artwork for podcast Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast
8:08 Hunteri Heroici
Episode 81st March 2024 • Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast • Don't Be A Dick Productions
00:00:00 01:24:11

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Holy Smokey, it's Hunter Heroici! And spoon bending!

AI Show Notes


In this episode, Diana and Liz discuss their experience at the Paranormal Circus and review Season 8, Episode 8 of Supernatural. They also talk about Cassiel's decision to become a hunter and the investigation at the morgue. The episode includes a flashback involving Sam and Amelia's dad. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the confusion surrounding the FBI's involvement in a heart attack case. They also explore the concept of open relationships and the investigation into mysterious suicides. The conversation then delves into the rules of cartoons and the anomalies occurring in the town. The hosts touch on the guilt Castiel feels about his past actions and the need for real talk. They also discuss a series of bank robberies and the presence of anvils. The retirement home becomes the focus of the investigation, leading to the interrogation of a cat. The hosts uncover the connection between Fred Jones and psychokinesis. The chapter concludes with a discussion on hunting people with abilities and the anomalies in the retirement home. In this episode, the hosts discuss the fun and nostalgic elements of classic cartoons and the desire to watch them again. They also recount the mishap with the giant candle and the stolen diamonds. The conversation then shifts to the doctor's experiments and theft, leading to a discussion about living in a cartoon world. The hosts analyze the final showdown and the characters' decisions. They also provide a cast and couch segment, highlighting the actors in the episode. Finally, they express their frustration with the unnecessary relationship drama and discuss the missed opportunity of a cat interrogation scene.


  • The Paranormal Circus was an interesting and logistically impressive experience.
  • Cassiel's decision to become a hunter adds a new dynamic to the show.
  • The investigation at the morgue revealed a unique case involving a heart explosion.
  • The flashback involving Sam and Amelia's dad provided insight into Sam's past. The involvement of the FBI in a heart attack case causes confusion and raises questions.
  • Open relationships can be a personal choice and should be respected.
  • Mysterious suicides and anomalies in the town lead to an investigation.
  • The rules of cartoons and the anomalies occurring in the town follow cartoon logic.
  • Castiel feels guilt about his past actions and struggles with his place in the world.
  • A series of bank robberies involving anvils raises suspicions.
  • The retirement home becomes the focus of the investigation, leading to the interrogation of a cat.
  • Fred Jones possesses psychokinetic abilities, which are connected to the anomalies in the retirement home.
  • The hosts discuss the ethics of hunting people with abilities and the need for understanding and acceptance. Classic cartoons evoke nostalgia and a desire to revisit childhood favorites.
  • The mishap with the giant candle and the stolen diamonds adds excitement and intrigue to the storyline.
  • Living in a cartoon world allows for escapism and a break from reality.
  • The final showdown and the characters' decisions highlight the importance of facing reality and taking action.
  • The unnecessary relationship drama detracts from the overall enjoyment of the episode.
  • The missed opportunity of a cat interrogation scene leaves the hosts wanting more.



Introduction and Circus Experience


Discussion about the Paranormal Circus


Review of Season 8, Episode 8


Recap and Detective's Theory


Investigation at the Morgue


Affair and Flashback


Meeting Amelia's Dad


Confusion and FBI Involvement


Investigation and Open Relationship


Mysterious Suicides


Cartoon Rules and Anomalies


Heaven and Hell


Bank Robberies and Anvils


Black Hole Robberies


Castiel's Guilt and Real Talk


Collateral Weirdness


Retirement Home Investigation


Interrogating a Cat


Fred Jones and Psychokinesis


Fred's Room and Threats


Hunting People with Abilities


Fred's Powers and Retirement Home Anomalies


Classic Cartoons and Nostalgia


The Giant Candle Mishap


The Stolen Diamonds


The Doctor's Experiments


The Doctor's Theft


Living in a Cartoon World


The Cartoon Fight


Fred's Inner World


The Final Showdown


Facing Reality


Cass's Painful Procedure


Cass's Decision


Cast and Couch


The Mundane Flashbacks


The Unnecessary Relationship Drama


Missing Scenes: Cat Interrogation

Research Links

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Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap Podcast. I'm Diana.

Bitch (:

And I'm Liz.

Jerk (:

And this week we're going to talk season eight, episode eight. I'm going to pronounce the name wrong. Ontario, her, Oichi.

Bitch (:

Say it, say it. I was waiting to see how you pronounce it.

Bitch (:

That sounds pretty good to me. That sounds Latin. It's supposed to be Latin. He, I mean, he wrote Ichi, right? So, I mean, Latin's like, like Italian, right? So I buy it.

Jerk (:


Ontario... Hiraichi. That's how I go with it. I don't know. Yeah, that's where I was going with it.

All right. I was just like, I wrote this. I don't know how to say it.

Bitch (:

I'm going to go ahead and turn it off.

Jerk (:

Hmm. What you got going on?

Bitch (:

You know, I'm unemployed. Last week was my, my last day of work and no, I still have like Pavlovian anxiety. When I hear pings, I think I'm still just waiting for emails to come in and like.

I just also just still have a ton of stuff to do, but I have managed to make, you know, time for like one or two things. So went to the paranormal circus, which is a touring circus. They are Italian.

I kind of wanted to find one of those posters that you get at the, like having the back of the doors of airports where they talk about international trafficking. And you know, like, yes, just to make sure that everybody who was there at the circus really wanted to be there because they were young. So when

Jerk (:

Human trafficking to be clear, human trafficking.

Bitch (:

So you get there and they do like probably, I think it's at least two shows a night, probably with a matinee and the weekends and they're, they usually count the town. I think they, it looks like they do like probably like four to five nights or maybe two weeks, depending on where the city is, I guess, you know, just how, how things are set up.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So they are set up at the parking lot of rolling oaks mall Which if you were familiar with San Antonio, Texas is on the basically it's the corner 1604 and I 35 and This mall has often featured in my dreams of being where like zombie apocalypses happen So when I have like my zombie dreams a lot of times, this is the venue

Jerk (:

Oh, okay. Got it. That's the location. This is the setting. Cool.

Bitch (:

So I'm telling my friends this as we're pulling into the parking lot to go to the paranormal circus and I think so and So the way that they have this set up is that the first Basically There isn't a ton of time in between your ticket time and when the other show finishes, right so

Jerk (:

I'm sure that was very reassuring for them.

Jerk (:

Ah, quick turnover.

Bitch (:

Right. So like our tickets were for 9.30 at night. So we got there probably sometime between like nine and nine fifteen and there was a very long line that we went to stand in and then more people stood behind us because we did not get to go inside until nine thirty after. Right. So the other like other show cleared out then they had to like clean up and

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

do things, right? And then, yeah, it was, it was a pretty, like, it was a pretty big production. And so once you got inside, there were a couple of areas to buy bending things, no alcohol. So just regular, like, sodas and popcorn and

Jerk (:

Room flips hard.

Bitch (:

other circus foods like nothing major though but I had to get popcorn because I was standing outside smelling it for 20 minutes.

Jerk (:

Well, it's required then. Yeah, not optional.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and yeah, and my friends I was like, Oh, no, this is mine. Like, y'all get your own popcorn. Like, no, we're not. I'm not sharing this bucket. This is like my hand is just going in here and it's going to be disgusting and filled with my slobber. You can't have it. So then there was also then there was like a haunted house. So.

Jerk (:

Not sharing, get your own.

Bitch (:

I was like, let's do the haunted house and then go to concessions. So we don't have to spill. Cause I was like, well, it's not how to spill with a bag of popcorn that I'm going to buy. And so we go through the haunted house, which is pretty much so remember, this is just a tent in a parking lot. So they've built this haunted house inside this tent. And most of the actors in the haunted house were under 16, like pre-team.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Right.

Bitch (:

like children, like some I swear under 12, which I am going to assume are workers children that are like, I want to be in the haunted house, which I can see happening. Again, that's that poster just like, hey, just in case, like here's a do you need a lawyer? Like, just let me know.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:



Jerk (:


Bitch (:

I'll find you one. So the actors weren't really interacting with us that much, but they were like people who were like running around and like a guy with a chainsaw and then like beyond like the children that were working inside the haunted house, which is probably like a minute's worth of walking through.

probably two or three scenes. There were scantily clad girls dressed like, because it's paranormal, so they're just like paranormal girls.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

So they scantily cloud equals paranormal noted.

Bitch (:

with a lot of makeup, you know, and, and like vampire makeup and stuff, you know, and corsets and lots of masks.

Jerk (:

I mean, are we just saying, hold on, are we just saying slutty goth, slutty circus goth? Is that what we're just going for here? And I don't mean that in a mean way. I'm just saying.

Bitch (:

I'm not saying that. Yeah. There's a lot of that. There's a lot of like hot topic. We're not even hot. Like, yeah. I mean, sort of the lingerie. Yeah. But like lingerie sort of, you know, and not like a ton of clothes and lots of, like a lot of the innards, a lot of the performers, there were lots of, lots of thongs, I saw a lot of butts.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

They started, they carry goth-y steampunk things.

Jerk (:

Okay, got it. Interesting.

Jerk (:

Okay. Not about cheeks.

Bitch (:

There's a lot of butts, a lot of butts. And so there's a lot of things to be applauded for the setup, right? So, you know, we went through the haunted house. I got my, the bag of popcorn was awesome. There was the people who were like working, like the kind of usher like area people. One of the guys like looks like are.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

tour guide from Honduras and had like the machete light across his face. I was like, oh shit, that's a machete. And like, my friends like when I know what that scars, that's a fucking machete. Like someone smashes dude across the face. And there was a knife throwing act in the circus. So maybe.

Jerk (:

Oh shit. Okay.

Jerk (:

Oh... maybe.

Bitch (:

But what was really weird during like the knife throwing act like I saw them popping the balloons like the people who were like working there like I saw them like popping them like and I was like that's yeah so there was there were some things that maybe some techniques that could have been worked on. There was a dude who was very uh he was a contortionist and he was very good

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

the girl on a hoop was there was she was underneath a dude on a motorcycle so like there was a guy like doing acrobatic stuff on a motorcycle on a tightrope yeah

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

cable like you know type of because you know, there's motorcycle on it and then like she had Basically like a Lyra hoop that it also had that one had a bar in it So she's like doing like aerial stuff like while there's a motorcycle and then like then like they had the thing they like They like went around and that was really good There was a magician that Put a lot of effort Into what they did

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

They brought a lot of props. They made what my friend was calling a woman machine. And it was a lot of, your lot of just standard, like, you know, the old school magic shit, right? So like the woman machine is the one where like, they have the box, like there's a girl and then like.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

then like all of a sudden like another woman comes out and like it's just like a parade of whores you know so um they um but yeah so those were a lot of like the girls i'm like she's like are you 18 like do you have permission are you okay do you need a lawyer and

Jerk (:

Thanks for watching!

Jerk (:

I think we also have to remember that like 18 year olds look like fucking babies now, but they're fine. But 22 year olds look like fucking like children because we're old.

Bitch (:

I know, I know. So I cannot be the one to judge these things. Y'all could be doing this and having a great time, but also do you need help? I would like to know if you do. So.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

There was some good circus stuff. Oh, they had the wheel of a friend where you call that, but like the giant fucking wheel that like there's like one little part of the wheel and then there's a big part of the wheel and that like it goes in a circle and then the guy like goes out and he like rides it on top. And so like they have like a lot of really big props and I'm like, damn, like you have to, it's a lot to set this up. Like it was it was quite a production.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, logistically impressive.

Bitch (:

it was logistically impressive. I'm always like happy with good stage work and it was definitely a fun show.

Paranormal just really meant people were like gothie makeup and had corsets the like this the circus props like the props but you know how like it circuses or Out like arena things like they have like the people who go around up there like by like, what are we trying to sell children? We're like, you know, like here's my lineup toys or like Yeah

Jerk (:

Yeah, this dumb toy or this. Yeah, yeah. Here's this toy that's really light up. Your kid's gonna cry about it, and it's gonna break in 10 minutes, and it's very expensive.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so that was a lot of like plague doctor, Dr. Mass and like, like masquerade mass and like I just were kind of praying but I'm just like this is interesting that this is

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It just seems like a disjointed theme.

Bitch (:

I have a feeling I'm not going to say this is what happened, but that somebody said, hey, everybody is into this paranormal shit right now. Let's call this paranormal. Let's put on some fucking paranormal makeup and people will buy tickets.

Jerk (:

Put on some cool makeup.

Jerk (:

That's possible.

Bitch (:

I'm not saying that is what happened, but maybe?

Jerk (:

All right. I think that's probably a very feasible theory.

Bitch (:


So what about you?

Jerk (:

I had just been so busy for a couple weeks. I've actually had a somewhat chill few days. I'm about to get busy again. I guess my biggest thing that I would share is I got to go see a dear friend of mine do an amazing show. I think I've talked about before, but Joshua Ray Walker is a I feel and I would say arguably phenomenal singer songwriter out of Dallas and

was recently diagnosed with cancer and started chemo and can't tour, but because he's Dallas based, he was able to play at the Kessler Theater and do a wonderful solo show to honor the release of his most recent album because he couldn't tour around it, which is, you know, when you're a working musician, that's real tough. So anyways, it was really cool night, really special show and nice to see a friend doing what they love and they're good at and being able to do it.

while their health permits. So it was cool. And then, yeah, I'd say that's really like the my biggest outing other than eating some good seafood this weekend. That's like all I got. I'm like, I don't know. I'm not crazy. This past week wasn't a crazy one for me. So there we go.

Bitch (:

Well, it still sounds like a good week and good times as it is. We're in our leap year week, which is exciting. I do love the leap year. You never know what's going to happen on the extra. Tomorrow, tomorrow's extra bonus day. And I wish it wouldn't mean that my insurance would have lasted an extra bonus day. But no, but my insurance still expired on the 28th, guys. Fuck you.

Jerk (:

We are. It is.

Bitch (:

Insurance companies you pieces of shit that want to drain me of all my things, but I dig fuck you I got my eyeglasses Like I got I got that vision in there and like I ordered my contacts last night And I ordered my glasses and even though I could not figure out how to get that insurance done on that I will submit that afterwards you will

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Recovered at the time.

Bitch (:

I will get a send me 50 I gotta have time now send me the $50 you owe me bitch like Now I'm coming for I'm coming for that money. I will find that money that went into HSA is somewhere

Jerk (:

Somewhere. Oh, man.

Bitch (:

all the money that all these places... Anyways, so are you ready to talk about Hunteri Hiroshi? I just made Japanese. So, clearly that is based on Looney Tunes cartoon thing of like making fake Latin species or...

Jerk (:


He did.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

I almost had a quiz of which is like real like Latin names and which ones are made up, but it was just too obvious because this thing's like speed on Matross rapidus, you know, and hopefully like if you didn't get that, it'd be just super embarrassing for Diana. So you're welcome. I was thinking of you, but I didn't say I'm not embarrassed. I'm just not embarrassing you that way.

Jerk (:

Right. Yeah, that's.

Jerk (:

Thank you for not embarrassing me.

Jerk (:

Okay, with that way noted.

Bitch (:

So this was season 8 episode 8 1188 that's great. This first aired November 28th so we still get the 8's going on. I'm sure numerology that means something.

Jerk (:

sure it is.

Bitch (:

2012 it was directed by Paul Edwards and this was the first and only episode that he directed. The last thing he credited with was directing an episode of the new Cloak and Dagger in 2018. He does have a lengthy and prolific career both as a director and a camera operator going back to the 80s. His credits include Blade and Little Nicky and many episodes of Lost,

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Huh. That's ups.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And so this is written by Andrew Dab and this was the first time after 16 episodes that he didn't have Laughlin with him as his partner and he has a solo credit. So interesting. And if we ever put the video up with this you can see my cat foot right now.

Jerk (:

Well, we start off with our recap.

Bitch (:

Why are your paws wet?

The cat has crawled into my lap and her paws are wet. And that is always a scary, scary thought of trying to figure out how did your paws get wet? Why? Okay, all right, we will, sorry, we will be professionals or whatever. So our recap has Amelia and Cass and Naomi.

Jerk (:

Oh no. I have to start off with the...

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Mm-hmm. And Naomi. Mm-hmm. So the episode opens in Oklahoma City. We've got a dude at a picnic table and some chick comes up and meet him. This is Gary. Her name's Olivia. And obviously they're like rekindling their romance, but we start hearing this weird like heartbeat noise. And she's like, can you hear that? What is that? And he legit has a cartoon heart, like...

pumping out of his chest. Like, I don't know how else to explain it. You have to watch it. Obviously, you've seen, hopefully you've seen it if you're listening to this. It's actually really well done.

Bitch (:

But yeah, it's very cute. And this is also before we got to be legal in Oklahoma. So this is just like straight up, like we don't know why this is happening. I figured that would be a really good explanation, but no, but his heart just explodes out of his chest. It's delightful. Oh yeah, it kind of sucks for her to be her, but all the guys like to be Gary to you.

Jerk (:



Jerk (:

on her. Yeah, splatter.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So we cut to our Winchester brothers getting gas and beers, it looks like. Cause now I'm noticing, cause you told me.

Bitch (:

Just getting some roadies, because now we're just drinking and driving. That, we are just, I told you, but also like what, like we're just straight up, just like we're getting gas in here. Let's just, are we slamming a beer before we go? Like it's okay when we're out of the car? Like, I don't know.

Jerk (:

Slam and a beer.

Jerk (:

Are we sipping it while we try?

Jerk (:

I don't know. Well, Sam's on the phone with Linda Tran and she wants to talk to Dean, but Dean hangs up on her. Doesn't very nice. But basically, it's not, but it's funny.

Bitch (:

It is not nice, but I, God, I wish I had those balls like, oh man, just like that, blah, bye. Oh, it's so good.

Jerk (:

Well, Garth, Linda and Kevin apparently are on a safe houseboat, not just in a safe house, they're on a safe houseboat. And Kevin's struggling with the translation, but so far has not found out the info about how to close hell.

Bitch (:

I think you should take your guess right now and write it down, although I will probably forget where I wrote it down. What do you think the name of Garth's houseboat is?

Jerk (:

hand. I didn't even think of that. Hmm. I'm gonna ponder. I'll come back.

Bitch (:

Okay, you ponder and come back and maybe next on next week's episode. I will I remind you to come back and We'll say what have you guessed what his houseboat is? Okay? So cas is still with them and he's turned off angel radio

Jerk (:

Yeah, he's not because they're like, Hey, what's gets? Let's get some intel. And he's like, Nope, I block that. I don't want to direct look into heaven. I need to help people. So I'm going to become a hunter.

Bitch (:

Which is really great. We're also early on getting some real dumb Sam hair It's like really flickering of the wind here But he's just all just making like the best facial expressions was really just like bring out like the featheriness of it on the side This is this is top like me hating on Sam's hair the scene right here but I do appreciate like

Jerk (:

Very feathered.

Bitch (:

Cass's ability just to like turn like it's like the best filter ever. It's like if I could just like I want to turn off any news station that has an opinion with it and must be like do and like have that just like how do you get this algorithm to work is Cass the best AI for this? I don't know. It's some early tech that's going on here but Cass wants to be their third wheel and it's just adorable.

Jerk (:

He thinks that's a good thing because it makes things more stable. And he's already found a case. Ta-da. But.

Bitch (:

See Cass's like, throuples are cool. You wanna have a tripod.

He just said they're more stable if you have a third wheel. It's like a tricycle. He likes a thruple.

Jerk (:

I don't know.

Jerk (:

So Dean's like, fine, let's go to Oklahoma City, but you can't just go zap around. You've got to ride with us in the backseat.

Bitch (:

No shotgun forecast.

Jerk (:

Mm-mm. Nope. So they get to the morgue in Oklahoma City, and the detective says, explains that not only did this heart explode, it was ejected from the body. It got some air and was found in the sandbox.

Bitch (:

It's definitely heart shaped. It is cookie cutter like the, although I wish I'd gone down to the rabbit hole for the reason why we think that a heart was shaped like that. I'm sure it has something to do with Brome and probably the patriarchy.

Jerk (:

Mm-hmm the heart cut out his chest is yeah

Jerk (:

think that I don't know about that. But I think I think part of it, it has I think that because of the two ventricles, like the shape of a certain angle kind of has that look and it was like a super rudimentary way of drawing it. But I know, I've heard the story of why somewhere and I can't pull it out of my brain somewhere deep in there. But anyways,

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

I'm sure I have too, but...

Bitch (:

I gave, yeah, I gave up that fact for like a chicken, like, like when chicken McNuggets went on sale or something. So a better fact that, oh, like that water burger, that water burger has chicken wings now and they're really, they're really good.

Jerk (:

I'm sorry, not reasonable. I do like that. Right. I'm like, yeah, I got more interesting facts.

Jerk (:

Oh noted, okay. Well, I like that our detectives shares her theory, but their original theory was just that this was an assload of drugs that caused this. And, you know, obviously it was, can't be that. So she says, I've never seen an eight ball do that. Fair. Yeah. I like her, same.

Bitch (:

And I really, really like this detective. She is growing on me. I would watch her show.

Jerk (:

I like she's very no nonsense, but she's funny. I take I'll take that. And Cassiel's trying to like whisper to Dean about the molecules in the body. Anyways, she is the detective has to leave. And so, you know, they get to stand there for a minute and Cassiel's like, well, I don't sense I don't sense any EMF or sulfur, but I'm going to sniff this dead body and share that he had a recent bladder infection.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

This is like the best diagnostics ever!

Jerk (:

I know they're annoyed by this because this has nothing to do with what they're researching, but how fucking can we, can I just have a doctor that can go like on my shoulder? Not in a weird way. Not in a creepy way. Like not in a weird spot. Just like, like sniff, like, no, like don't smell the top of my head, please sir. Or whatever. Yeah. No pass on that. But like do like a little, like a sniff on like my shoulder and be like, here's your diagnosis. Like that.

Bitch (:

This is like the best thing. Not in a Joe Biden way. I don't want it.

Bitch (:

Yeah, you have a UTI you like you need to eat like more yogurt like or just like what do I need to do like Yeah, that's cool like whatever like Yes, yes, I would love don't this is what you should be doing every day like just like

Jerk (:

We're like, hey, it's a sinus infection. Here's a Z-pack. Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Jerk (:

So it's like, this is like next level, like angelic body scans and like body scan, like that thing that people pay for to go get like a full.

Bitch (:

Yeah, there's this thing called Dexa scan and trust me, because I look, I love like knowing what's in my body and all these things. But I've looked at various like weight loss institutes like, and like, because sometimes I'm like, Oh, do I want to do a Zempik? And then I'm like, No, I don't want to die. I'm not going to do that. But

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

there's so many like places that you have to like as you're looking for like rehab or like other like body rehab not just like drug rehab but it'll be like i'll kind of like seeing the scan things or what the first thing that like rings my bell and i'm like wait what you've got a scanner and then i'm like you may be a cult and then i like get my cross my fingers and

Bitch (:

I will tell you, um...

Jerk (:

Well, I mean, I think that angelic diagnostic sniffs could be better than a body scan. That's all I know.

Bitch (:

Misha Collins can sniff my fucking stomach and he can sniff her the fuck he wants. So yeah, this is like if you ever run out of acting jobs, that is your new thing. Okay, so moving on. So he could not smell that he was having an affair.

Jerk (:

Alright, moving on.

Jerk (:

Nope, because but Sam and Dean are able to piece together that they've got this detailed report from Olivia, the girl that was meeting him. And it was so detailed. It was very rehearsed. So obviously, and he's wearing a wedding ring and this is not his wife. So clearly they've been able to deduce detectives with the that this is an affair. And yeah. Right.

Bitch (:

I'm deduced! Yes. And maybe his wife was a witch because that is clearly what happens all of the time. Bitches be witches.

Jerk (:

But they can't just go see the widow. We've got to have a fucking flashback first.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and I just fast forwarded through this. That's all you, Diana. I'm not kidding. I can't do these Amelia flashbacks. They're all fuck off. I boycott them.

Jerk (:

Oh shit.

Jerk (:

Well, the long and short of this one is Sam's meeting Olivia, or she's Amelia's dad. And she's all stressed about it because they're moving in together. And she's like, don't talk politics. Don't talk bad about the Cowboys. And I thought that was pretty funny. Don't use the word. Don't use the words moist or irregardless. It was actually not bad. And that's where. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Valid but Those are just things those should just be general rules of life though. Anyways moving on

Jerk (:

But yeah, and so dad shows up and he's ready to grill Sam, especially the fact that he went to Stanford but is now a maintenance man. Anyways.

Bitch (:

I hate this dude. I hate him with a passion. And I think when they're like, I hate, fuck him. And I think he just also reminds me of Samuel. Like he looks like Samuel and he just acts like a dick. Fuck this dude. Fuck all of this. Wow, fucking me. Man, I have thoughts, I have feelings.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I'm not a fan of Stan. You don't Stan Stan? Oh, oh, all right. So, all right. Back in Oklahoma City, Gary's widow is very confused as to why the FBI is involved in Gary's heart incident, which is kind of reasonable. She's like, I thought he had a heart attack. What the fuck is the FBI doing here?

Bitch (:

I'm in Stan Kenny Stan

Jerk (:

But they're like, you know, it's castings like I'm going to handle this. I'll break her. And it tries to interrogate. And it's not good. So.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he is agent still. And I think we've already, I think we've already heard there's agent Nash. He's already still. Wonder who else there could be.

Jerk (:

Yeah, so we've got Nash.

Bitch (:

So Sam did swoops in. It was like, I'm not going to be a bad cop, but in works Olivia and Oh, that's progressive.

Jerk (:

I don't even want to say it.

Jerk (:

Oh yeah, so basically it ends up that they, that Gary and his wife had an arrangement. Uh, yeah. If that works for them.

Bitch (:

They have an open relationship. Good for Gary and Olivia. I have free, good for them.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And I like Dean goes freaking suburbs man. And Cass is like, so she's not a witch. And he's like, Dean says best wife ever. Okay. But I love it. Whatever. So we cut to another scene and a man is about to jump off of a building. He steps out off of the roof of a high rise and he's standing on nothing in midair.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And he freaks out and you know, this is a miracle. God wants me to live. And then he looks down and he falls and he dies.

Bitch (:

So fucked up.

Jerk (:

It is real fucked up. Real fucked up.

Bitch (:

I mean, how bad is it through just like, I'm gonna like, I want to kill myself. Oh, I get to live God. Oops, no, he doesn't. That's that's so tragic. Like, I don't know. That's a that's a fucked up shit.

Jerk (:

Nope. Oopsies. Yeah, so, ah, it is.

Jerk (:

Mm hmm. So they're on the roof, Sam Dean and Cass with the detective. And basically the guy left the suicide note ends up. Oh, we get a little we get a little throwback here. He invested everything in Roman industries and lost it all when they crashed last year. Oh, anyways, but the detective is like, I called you all because two witnesses said that they this guy like floated for a solid 10 seconds before he fell like something out of a cartoon.

Bitch (:

Yep. Uh oh.

Jerk (:

And y'all said you wasn't to call you if I saw anything weird. So here we go. Dean's like says, sorry, he's like, oh, it's like Bugs Bunny. And Castiel says like insect rabbit hybrid. How do we kill it? Oh, that was pretty funny.

Bitch (:

That's weird.

Bitch (:

And I do, yes, I very much appreciate that Plex Bunny is an insect-rabbit hybrid. I thought that was also great. And then what is also great is Dean trying to explain cartoons to cats.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, he doesn't do a very good job, but it's funny. So at the motel, Castiel watches cartoons and he is laughing and he finally gets it. But he has taken it into this deep allegory of an analogy of God and man. And it is hilarious to him. Dean just thinks.

Bitch (:

pretty deep yeah it's very some very deep insights and yeah and Dean just ponders what they're dealing with is it a tulpa it's not a tulpa is it you know is it a god that watched too much robot chicken and then and then I just kind of decided to like whatever

chicken is your butt chicken still on like where am I missing in robot chicken this is so I like it was such a good show anyways and then we get an even better one there's some like really like good shit in here it goes in that to go is there a link between heartbreak hotel and freefalling and that's just nice

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It was an entertaining show.

Jerk (:

Hmm. Well, guess like I'm going to stay in the motel room with you. And Dean shares that he needs his four hours of sleep. And I just had to note that I remember when I did really well on four hours of sleep at night.

Bitch (:

That's why you're noting that. Not that his cast assumes that he was just going to stay in the room with Dean and watch him while he sleeps.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I crashed on the floor.

Jerk (:

Well, that part was weird when he's like, no, I don't sleep. I just watch you. So that was creepy.

Bitch (:

You know, and Dean's just like, look, things are different. Like I had Benny, and before that, maybe you could just lie in bed and watch me sleep. But you know, at your purgatory, we have some things we have to work out. You just can't assume that you're gonna stay in the same room with me, Cass.

Jerk (:

But Kaz has a police scanner in his head, so we get distracted.

Bitch (:

So... So Cass is... yeah, he has. He's gonna police scanner in his brain.

Jerk (:

Oh, because you can turn off the angel radio and turn on the police scanner.

Bitch (:


Which is really creepy. Like, so when I was trying to figure out where we were going with this week's lore or quiz or whatever, like, and I was looking up things. One of the things that kind of that went with this as Elon's neuro link.

Jerk (:

Nerlink, bleh.

Bitch (:

So we'll bring that up a little bit more later, but yeah, Neuralink, this episode is, this is where it started really making me think about that and things inside people's heads.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, apparently there's been a bank robbed and it sounds quote loony. So.

Bitch (:

It does. Leave me.

Jerk (:

We go to the bank and there is a one ton anvil in the middle of the bank area lobby. I don't know. And there is a lot of blood.

Bitch (:

What happened to all the anvils? You would get that if you watched the more girls. Anyways, so, but yeah, there is an anvil that has fallen on a security guard.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and the detective's there and she's like, do you chase the crazy or does it follow you? Which is a reasonable thing to ask now, this shit's getting weird. But basically a security guard is who's dead. He called in a robbery and then she's like, but by the way, we've actually had this like, robbery's going on for a minute. It's, we call it the black hole because they always have these painted black circles on the wall. We don't know if it's like an art thing or just a statement, but they've always got this painted black circles on a wall of the place they robbed.

Bitch (:

It's a calling card. I love a heist with a calling card. If you're going to, if you're going to be a criminal, be a cool one. And cool, cool criminals have calling cards and signatures.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I mean, yeah, if you're gonna have a...

Jerk (:


Or they're or they're so elusive, you don't know where they were there. One extreme or the other. It's my heartache.

Bitch (:

Yeah, fair. Give us a...

Jerk (:

So Dean asked Castiel to lift the anvil and so in because Cass is an angel, you see we're strong as we can and underneath the anvil and aside from all the bloody goo that was once the poor security guard is an X on the floor. And so Dean has been able to confirm that they are following cartoon rules.

Bitch (:

It's Toon Town. Oh man, like how much did I love Who Framed Roger Rabbit when I was growing up and how much did I want to go to Toon Town? I want to go to Toon Town so bad. But so in Toon Town, what do those black circles mean?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Oh my god, so much. I watched it so many times. Yes.

Jerk (:

So that's Black Commonwealth, it's a pathway. You can walk right through it.

Bitch (:

So, see you've got it. Ha ha.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I just want to scream about it's dip. That's what I'm sorry. I won't do it. Um, all right. So we go back to the motel and they are Dean's researching. Cass is actually flipping through John's journal, which is interesting dynamic.

Bitch (:

So we catch you. Ha ha ha.

Bitch (:

I also was like, this is what a hunter does. So like a hunter reads John's journal. And I think that's hilarious. And Cass is very appreciative of John's handwriting.

Jerk (:

Yeah. I guess that's true. It is.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And Dean's like still trying to like, you know, talk about, Hey Cassie, are you still having a tough time adjusting after purgatory? Cause I did. Hint hint. And maybe you should like go visit heaven. And Cass is shutting that shit down. And

Bitch (:

Like, no, we are not talking about this. I don't want to talk about heaven. And you can't keep poking me. You can't prod into this Dean. I'm not having it. And then Dean's just like, no, it's time for real talk cast real talk.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And Dean says down to talk to him, which I thought was very nice. And it cast us spill a bit about, look, I caused so much suffering on Earth when I was a bad evil with the Leviathan's, but I caused straight up devastation in heaven and I can't go back and see what I made of it. And I think I'd get myself.

Bitch (:

He killed thousands of angels. And so that's a pretty big deal. You can't just go back. You can't destroy Dallas and then come back later and be like, oh, is the state fair here? I'd really like to get a corndog. You can't do that. If you killed everybody at the state fair, you can't come back and get a corndog. You've got to understand that, Dean. But Dean just is like, but you know.

Jerk (:

Be like, hey, guys.

Jerk (:

Get a corn dog. You can't.

Jerk (:

you're an angel do what you want and he's like no it's not that way but Sam comes back and he's like oh by the way guess what this black hole guys also robbing fucking houses and one of them is right by he was robbing it right by the park where Gary's heart happened and so we got something going on especially when there's also another robbery right by where that suicide off the building took place and there's a

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

And with a detective's not like what the fuck is going on with these like burglaries? None of these things make sense. You don't rob a house and then rob an office and then rob a safe deposit in a bank. Like it... I don't understand.

Jerk (:

They couldn't find a connection, but it doesn't seem like that was very hard to find. So.

Bitch (:

it's weird as fuck! I don't know, I just think it's weird.

Jerk (:

Well, there's been other weird situations too, but nothing else where people have died. But around other robberies that have occurred, a jogger bumped his head and got a four inch lump. A kid walked into a wall and heard birds, things like that. So basically there's like a radius around all these robberies that turn into like cartoon.

Bitch (:

a bubble of weird and that just sounds like a delicious place I want to live in. I just want to be in my bubble of weird, but anything that like is around the bubble just gets like effective so it's collateral weird.

Jerk (:

Bubble of weird.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Collateral weird. I really like that too. So and all they know is that it's tied somehow to people in this retirement home. So they got to go to the retirement home and.

Bitch (:

Yeah, this is where this all things are triggering me. So, but it is wabbit season. So I mean, do you appreciate that?

Jerk (:

Well, and Dean is visibly freaked about being there. So that's a piece of dynamic too. But yeah.

Bitch (:

Dean's afraid of old people and that's not funny, but he's also just I think afraid of old folks homes, which is understandable.

Jerk (:

Well, he is, they're greeted by a doctor, the doctor there. And he says, and they're like, Hey, you know, we just need to talk to some of your residents about, you know, some grand larceny going on. So they sit down.

Bitch (:

And he's like, cool, just like go talk to like my mentally incapacitated patients like that's mine. Just like whatever officer dudes but

Jerk (:

Good luck.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So they go and they're talking about her bonds and diamonds that were stolen from her home. And she keeps calling cast Charles like her third husband. And she is.

Bitch (:

So she's adorable. She's fucking adorable. Her name is Sheila and she had diamonds buried in her floorboards and I appreciate that. But then we switched to a much more important thing because oh my God, the cat talks. The cat talks and the cat hates a mouse. And Cass is going to interrogate the cat. And it's fucking amazing. And it is an amazing like orange, floofy, floofy. Like I can't even, I just wanna, he leaves hair everywhere and I wanna hug him and brush him.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


He is.

Jerk (:

It's an orange floofer.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So and Sam sees a man that's kind of, I don't know, a man that is definitely zoned out an older gentleman. And. Well, the orderly, that's their comments to Sam that, you know, sometimes these people tune out and live in their own heads. Maybe the real world's just too much. And I thought that's an interesting aside.

Bitch (:

He's tuned out. Yeah. He looks like I look half the time.

Jerk (:

So now Sam's gonna have a fucking flashback because of that.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I remember when this was like 2012, like you don't even know, sir. You don't even know how much the world is.

Jerk (:

Well, now we've got Amelia serving dinner to Sam and Stan.

Bitch (:

Oh yeah, I also fast forwarded this one. And so like while you talk about this crap, I'm just gonna imagine this should have been the scene of Cass interrogating a cat, but go on.

Jerk (:

I'm talking cat. Yes, there should be much more of that. So they're having spaghetti topped with hot dogs, which is the family tradition for the first night in a new house, because I guess he was, Stan, Amelia's dad was in the army and they traveled a lot, I don't know. There's not really a connection there. They try to make that a connection and it's not. Yeah. And I guess Sam shares that John was in the Marines. And so of course now Stan's gonna make jar head jokes.

Bitch (:

because they're trashy.

Jerk (:

Like you do, by the way, that's what you do. If you're in the military, you make fun of your other branches. That's the, that is the rules. If you're not, yeah, it's one of those things. But anyway, Stan's just kind of grilled Sam while Amelia's not there. And thinks that they're just like holding on to each other, but he wants to know what Sam's running from because he looks like he's been through some shit.

Like he might've even served himself, so he's surprised. All right, moving on, back to the retirement home. Ba-boom. I can do sound effects even.

Bitch (:

Oh yeah, so Cass has been interrogating the cat and Dean has come up and he hasn't found anything.

Jerk (:

Yeah, there's no EMF, there's no hex bags, victims don't really remember even being robbed. But then Sam notices a picture on the wall that's labeled as Fred Jones and asks Dean if he remembers an old contact of dad's named Fred Jones.

Bitch (:

And Dean's just like, yeah, fuck yeah, I do. He gave me my first beer. We don't know how old he was. I think it was for the same, but whatever. So your alcoholic problems started with Fred Jones. And also he was psychokinetic, not kinetic-o, which would make him like a water softener, but psychokinetic is also, it's pretty much the same thing as telekinetic.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And we've talked about it before, but I wanted to see if there was anything on the internet where like I could find out if somebody was like, how do I like test you to see like if you're psychokinetic or telekinetic. And so I found this thing on WikiHow, where you can learn how to develop telekinesis. So I told Diana to get a spoon.

And if you're listening at home and not like driving or anything, go grab a spoon and you can do along with this. All right. So grab your spoon and we're going to, we're all going to learn to be psychic. So I didn't bring a spoon. I was going to be focusing on. So maybe like our powers together can make the spoon bend. Yeah. So, okay. But first, all right. So part one. So this is from the WikiHow, how to develop telekinesis reviewed by Jason Zuck, the intuitive

Jerk (:

Thank you.

Jerk (:

I have my spoon.

Jerk (:

I will try to harness your power too.

Bitch (:

psychic medium. It was last updated February 7th, 2024. So very recent. So part one, focusing your thoughts. Okay, so it says, believe that telekinesis is possible. You can't expect to achieve the miraculous if you approach it with a closed skeptical mind. If you tell yourself that nothing will happen, even on a subconscious level, you will prove yourself correct. Your starting point

Jerk (:

very recently.

Bitch (:

to convince yourself that it's possible to move objects with your mind. Okay, so convince yourself it's possible. Do you believe? Do you? Okay. Then it says that you're supposed to meditate daily and it tells you how to meditate, but you can just tell me that you're going to do that.

Jerk (:

I believe.

Bitch (:

And you know, just promise me and we'll handle that later. All right. It goes in about focusing on an object. I think we can skip that too. That seems pretty intuitive. Okay. So this is part two reaching out to an object. So our object doesn't use spoon, right? So concentrate on a small object and nothing else. So we're going to place the small object, the spoon in front of you. Meditate to clear your mind and get it in the zone.

Quit the racing random thoughts and see the object clearly with your mind's eye.

Do you have racing thoughts? Stop it.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Are you still having racing thoughts? Stop it. You are the spoon. The spoon is you. Be the spoon. Okay, now focus on the connection between you and the object. Once you have learned to control your thoughts, which I assume you have learned in this past 20 seconds, and visualize objects.

Jerk (:

Yes. I'm trying.

Bitch (:

Concentrate on the energy that links you and the outside world. Visualize the matter and the energy that flows through you, other objects, and the space between. See the boundaries between you and outside objects fade away, and remind yourself that you and the object are one system. Be the spoon. You are the spoon. No racing thoughts. Stop them.

Stop having racing thoughts. All right, now visualize clearly how you wanna manipulate the object. You have to imagine exactly, exactly. You cannot like imagine just kind of. You've gotta imagine exactly how you want the object to move. Decide if you want to push it, to pull it, to push it, to crush it. It's just like bop it, right?

Jerk (:

Push it real good.

Bitch (:

Now this is like Bop It. So if you want to push it, pull it, crush it, or spin it, all right? So you're going to concentrate on the object and see it moving as you intended with your mind's eye. Visualize the single motion only, not more than one. Try not to get distracted or imagine it moving in other ways. Just concentrate on one object, no matter what happens, don't be distracted.

Stop being distracted. Am I distracting you? Okay, so, all right, so we're almost there. We're in the last step, we're on the last step, okay. Focus your intention on the object. Stay centered on the object and send your intention to it as you would your arm or your leg. Remember not to let your thoughts stray. Focus on a single action. You are one.

with the object. I saw it move. So attempt to move it as you would any other part of your body. Okay. You are the spoon. Diana is going to bend the spoon. You're one. No racing thoughts. No stray thoughts. Stop them. Bend it. Is it bending? I think I see it bending. Are you just shaking it? Okay. Well.

Jerk (:

It's not, it's not bending. I think I just, my arm was getting, I was starting to do one of these.

Bitch (:

your arm is you just haven't held up anything that was like stronger than a cigarette in a while. Okay, so it does give you some exercises to build it up. Work on you're supposed to work on feeling the energy that flows through your body. So this exercise that you do, you're supposed to flex every muscle in one of your arms over your shoulder to your fist for 10 to 15 seconds. And then

you completely relax your arms and then you can like feel the energy that it looks build up and you're like i'm gonna be really tight like i have to poop and then you like let it go then you like feel like all the energy that's released and so then you can do that and refine that to like force it into an object i know they have a bunch of other things that really don't work well for an audio medium

But it says to try these exercises two to three times a day, 20 minutes of exercise. So they end up being an hour a day. But you're supposed to stop when you feel physically drained or tired or you get a headache. Just like with any exercise, you have to remember to take care of yourself and not distress yourself. Okay, I'm bending the spoon that is on Diana's nose as I am one. Oh, let me see if I can bend the spoon.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

big enough.

Bitch (:

through the recording of Riverside. Okay, ready? I'm a spoon.

Bitch (:

Oh my God, it bent. Yeah.

Jerk (:

If that shit bent, I would freak the fuck out. I would freak out. I'd be like throwing it and like running around the room. Like, what the fuck?

Bitch (:

I did look up some fast hand magic things, like some ways that I could do it, but I figured to keep it honest. But you've got to keep practicing. I want to know like an hour a day that you're working on bending the spoon, Diana. I want commitment.

Jerk (:

Oh yeah.

Jerk (:

How much of that was meditation again? Because you know that part's out the window.

Bitch (:

You had to meditate and concentrate on being one with your energy, your clench, and then just like poop it out. So just like clench.

Jerk (:

Well, the clenched, like the isolated flexing, I kind of like, oh, that's kind of neat, okay. But meditation.

Bitch (:

Well, if you think about it, like, okay, so you can there is walking meditation, you know, there's ones where you don't have to sit still, there are things where you know, like my paint by numbers, like that's my meditation right now, like no wise people like, and if I'm gonna like, you want to buy my paint by number set that will like some point I'll insert here into our podcast, like we'll go back with whatever. Seriously, like, I've got these paint by number kits and they're very relaxing.

Jerk (:

I did not know that.

Bitch (:

Cause it's just like pick, get paint color, put paint color here, fill in color, move to next, pick paint color, put color here. Like, but not in a factory like way, just a me a soothing, like I'm just here. I am, I am the spoon. So if you've been your spoon, call just let us know. If you would like to train diet. Yeah. If you want to train Diana on bending spoons, please slide into her DMS.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

We'll recruit you for a cult.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

You're welcome. So but not me. I got that shit down. You should have seen that. I just I broke that spoon half bitches. Like it's amazing. Like through like from like over just like I don't mean to be in the same room with spoons. Boom. Like fucking powers. Find out more. 29.95. All right. So the Sam has found Fred Jones's picture on the wall.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Through the camera.

Jerk (:

and they're going to go visit him in his room. And because they're like, oh, this could be helpful. They do stop Castiel from interrogating the cat at this point.

Bitch (:

No, where is this spinoff show? This is where you should have gone. Cat in, the cat in cast. Like it's alliterative.

Jerk (:

And it has

Jerk (:

Well, as they, and they do, as they walk away, we do get to see the cat talk. And he calls cats a dumbass.

Bitch (:

Yes, he's the perfect cat.

Jerk (:

So in Fred's room, cartoons are on TV and he is just completely zoned out on the television. So they turn it off, doesn't work, and they're trying to figure out if he's the source of the weirdness going on. So Dean hits himself in the head with a book and you get a good bonk noise and the birdie sounds. So yeah, it is loose.

Bitch (:

It's loony. I just like that it is a descriptive of things. Like, it's definitely loony.

Jerk (:

Definitely loony. And they figured out that Fred, they know that because of his, his abilities, he can reshape reality. And Castiel straight up says, should we kill him? Right as our doctor enters and escorts them out of the building for a threatening to kill one of his patients.

Bitch (:

Yeah, you know, that's probably not the best thing for the doctor to walk in on but also an appropriate This thing is an appropriate question, but is he wrong? but also the fact that they I feel like this is something that

Jerk (:

It's kind of funny.

Bitch (:

Psychokinesis at one point seemed like a big deal in the show, but like now they just had a friend that like That John had a friend that can move shit with his mind and they just like never talked about it. Like That's like it feels like that's something that you know, you would you perhaps would have you know brought up before

Jerk (:

It's really weird. It's very odd.

Jerk (:

Yeah. The the lore around it, the or the canon around it, I guess, is a little odd in the show. Seems disjointed. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it just feels like a weird thing to just like, okay, we're just like now we're all thinking about like going back to when Sam was, you know, becoming telekinetic by sucking down demon blood. And it was just like, Oh my god, I'm moving shit with my mind. They were never like, like Fred. Like that was never it was just like, Oh my god, you fucking freak, right? Like, we're in the back where they're like, Fred's a freak.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No, they're like, oh no, this is evil.

Jerk (:

See ya.

Bitch (:

You don't want to go hunting with Fred. He's one of those psychokinetic freaks. What was I saying? Like, where was like, yeah. And I feel like they were like, had like that sort of hunterism, right. Against people with abilities. And I don't, I don't know what that word would be. And, but I will figure it out what that ism is. Then I will start a foundation.

Jerk (:

That wouldn't be very nice.

Jerk (:

I don't know, that's why I say that's not very nice. It's weird.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, Kaz is going to went invisible to keep an eye on Fred and Sam and Dean plan on coming back to the retirement home later. So we cut to later and a nurse is lighting a giant novelty candle on a cake for Sheila, the little lady we heard from earlier who had the hidden diamonds. And

in the common room at the nursing, at the retirement home. And Fred's in there, but he's just changing channels on the, just flipping channels on the TV, just by tapping his finger on the arm of his wheelchair. And turns on a Woody Woodpecker cartoon where there is a giant dynamite stick.

Bitch (:

He has got really great classic cartoons. They're just running through there. Like when the fuck do I, like we don't get a chance to watch that anymore. Like if I flip in channels, it's not like, you know, here's some, you know, insert cartoon here. Like I have to go, I feel like I have to look for more cartoons. And Friday's like.

Jerk (:

Not really.

Jerk (:

I feel like I will. Well, I'll say I've got not classics, but there's about three cartoons. I feel like are always on that I'm okay with anymore. It's King SpongeBob's always on, which I don't mind. King of the Hill has been on a lot lately and Bob's Burgers. So and I love all of those. Just saying. But that's not your classics. That's not your Bugs Bunny. That's not, you know.

Bitch (:

Spongebob, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, not all the things that I... but yeah. I also don't have a regular television, so I'm like, I don't see those things on the TV that I don't watch, but anyways, so...

Jerk (:

Well, yeah, but so our giant candle is going to blow up. A giant novelty candle on Sheila's cake is going to blow up just like the dynamite stick does in the Woody Woodpecker cartoon. And there is cake splatter. And you do wonder for a minute if this is blood and you're kind of concerned. But they immediately come back and when they show us that no one died, it was just the cake splattering everywhere.

Bitch (:

Fuck, I want cake.

Bitch (:

It was just mostly cake and that is fine. I want this fucking, oh man, I just want to go like just dive into it. It'd be great. So Sam has called Sam and Tina because there has been a pastry mishap.

Jerk (:

with frosting at near supersonic speeds. But and Fred isn't there right now. But the nurse is like, wait, y'all aren't supposed to fucking be here right now. And this nurse is also not supposed to be wearing Sheila's fucking diamonds, but she is.

Bitch (:

Trust me.

Bitch (:

He's gone.

Bitch (:

She says that her boyfriend gave them to her and then I was like shit I need to put my mom's jewelry in a safe because I really just went to like oh my god This person just stole from this old lady. Oh god. No and you know Bitch you just wear it. What is wrong with you?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, she probably, she made it sound like she didn't know that they were Sheila's, but, so we go to.

Bitch (:

You're a dumbass. Like that's cat shimmy calling you a dumbass. Like what the fuck? I saw your boyfriend. Your boyfriend did not buy, no, he did not buy you those diamonds and you damn well know that whore. Like it was like the big car whore. I don't know when they came out. Like, I don't know. Oh my God, I don't know.

Jerk (:



Jerk (:


Jerk (:

This poor nurse.

Bitch (:

I don't have this much of a... I think I'm just like, I'm channeling what would happen if a woman hurt my mother, which is really what I'm afraid of right now, which is what this is what is triggering. I am triggered by the fact that people are stealing from the elderly and in a caretaker situation and it is a rising feelings.

Jerk (:

From old, yes.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I understood. I wondered that watching. So, uh, so we go to the boyfriend's apartment and they find Sheila's bonds there. And there's more jewelry. And then they're like, Oh wait, there's also him bloody on the floor. And he's like, all right, Cass is going to heal him and he's going to tell them what the fuck happened, which comes down to it's all the damn doctor. The doctor is using Fred. He is, uh, because Fred is magic.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And the cartoon shit happens. So the doctor's been doing experiments and he's been skimming stuff for years. And now he's just trying to track down the end of it. And then so they load him up, they take Fred for a drive. And there we go. And the orderly kind of called out the doctor that this is fucked. And so the doctor shot him. And after they do this last job, he's gonna kill Fred.

Bitch (:

Yeah, yeah. So the doctor has just been stealing from all of his elderly patients for years because, you know, it just, that's just a thing. Okay. And then they go to a flashback and then I fast forwarded through this.

Jerk (:

Yeah, it's they're doing dishes and stands. Shit talking about Sam to Amelia, and he wants her to just leave him, leave Sam. But she's like, I'm happy. We just record me and Sam or just be a mess together. So Stan tries to be nice and talk about the Impala to Sam. Anyways, I. I'm going to ask this.

Should I like Amelia? Because I don't like Amelia. And I don't know if I'm an asshole for not liking Amelia.

Bitch (:

I don't know.

Jerk (:

Okay. So.

Bitch (:

mean, she's, I don't know, we'll, we'll make it to the end of the episode. I will, I will, I will have, I want you to get, I want you to get through like all of the flashbacks and then I will, I will sum up more of my, my feelings about this. So we go to Sally, Sally walking down the alley and.

Jerk (:

I mean, I don't like, she's whatever.

A hot take.

Jerk (:


Well, they're so Sam Dean and Cass.

Yeah, yeah. So Dean is very excited because he gets to go through a black hole in the wall, painted on the wall. Well, yeah, I'd be excited, too. Yeah, it's fucking rad. Well, Sam and Casco looking for red and Casio can feel the power out front. So they find Fred inside a van watching a cartoon, but he's like super zoned. So.

Bitch (:

I mean, that's amazing.

Jerk (:

Cassiel decides to touch him and him and Sam go inside Fred's brain into his cartoon world.

Bitch (:

Amazing I want to be in a cartoon. I want to live in two town. I want to be here like this is Where this episode is just is fucking? Graphically amazing is just all sorts of hurray hurray. I love this. It's so super loony

Jerk (:

Super cool. Yep.

Jerk (:

Yep. And Sam introduced himself to Fred and here we go. Inside the bank, Dean is in the safe deposit room and pulls a gun on the doctor and says, what's up, doc?

Bitch (:

And also when Sam is trying to get Fred to recognize him and you know, it's this idea of people with brain injuries, Alzheimer's or whatever Fred has, like not being able to associate time. And he's just like, it's been a couple years in your John Scrawny boy, which is always think is cute. That was like this moose of, of paddalecky is like his origin story is a Scrawny little boy, but.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

That's crony kid.

Bitch (:

I think that was really super sweet. And, and when we cut back to this point after what's up doc, um, Fred is very upset about losing his mind as it should be. And.

Jerk (:

very concerned. Yeah.

So and so that's why he kind of doesn't. That's why he spends time in his head and not out in the real world because he's scared to interact with the world, because he's losing his mind. Back at the bank.

Bitch (:

which is one of the reasons like I have been afraid to like we're in the future now right like so VR is becoming a thing like people just have the VR sets and I'm like I don't I'm not particularly happy with you know the current present state of the world I'm like I don't think I want to go into a fake world because I don't

Jerk (:

That's where, like, there's a lot, there's like a whole like tome of dystopian fiction about that. We don't need to go there. Pass, I'll live in the real world, thank you. I know, yeah.

Bitch (:

I know, I know, I know. And so, but that exists now. That is, that is a thing now. And, but I just, you know, I've, as I've been contemplating what I do with my time now, there's like, oh, do I get a video? And I don't have video game sets and things here because I don't need that temptation of I can fuck off on my own with my phone and my iPad. I don't need to add.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

You don't need like a whole other project to do.

Bitch (:

I don't need more, I don't need to add more things for me to fuck off with, right? But I like, I fear like that, like Fred here, he goes into, I think it's just very, and now like, this is pre-Virtual Reality, right? Like, where we kind of existed then, not really, right? Not the way that we are now. And, but like, but like Fred has this opportunity to do this and like, even like when my grandmother was like, she had her like dementia, like,

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Yeah, but no, not quality. Not quality.

Bitch (:

where she went in her mind was so for the most part nice for her. Right. So I just feel there's so much like alignment with not only just the brain parts but just like the meta world in general. Right. Literally the meta world. But yeah I also just really want to be in front of it.

Jerk (:

Well, Fred says the cartoons make him feel happy and safe, but back in the bank, the doctors like, Hey, Dean, why don't you take half of this money and let me go? I'm not really stealing from the old people. I wouldn't do that. I'm stealing from their kids because their kids are jerks and don't visit them.

Bitch (:

Ah, triggering, triggering. Ah, okay.

Jerk (:

But Dean's like, fuck that, no way. And Dean tries to shoot, and we get a really cool cartoon bang flag out of his gun.

Bitch (:

Thank God it's a cartoon bang fag, which is just awesome first off, but this is a person. He's a doctor. Like he's not really...

Jerk (:

But he's a doctor who has kidnapped and abusing an old man and using him to commit crimes and has killed people like the security guard.

Bitch (:

but by supernatural.

Bitch (:

But still, he's still a human being. They're like, it should be based on general supernatural rules. He is a human being. You should let the justice system, like, I'm not sure how a justice system would handle this, but yeah. So maybe, but it's still, I don't know. I don't, I don't know what's the right answer, but I do. I love that. I do really like the gun.

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's true.

Jerk (:

All they wouldn't know is to do with it. So.

Jerk (:

The banger. Yeah. So Dean ends up tackling and we get a freeze. And this is where we get our tight, our very Bugs Bunny slash classic cartoon. We get the title. Wiley Coyote. You're right. You're right. Ray Runder. Yeah.

Bitch (:

More Wile E. Coyote Roadrunners. And the only reason, like I want to say Bugs Bunny too, but the only reason I know about is because I looked and so there was only like one or two times it was Bugs Bunny and for the most time it was Roadrunner and Coyote.

Jerk (:

You're right.

Jerk (:

And it's got the Latin label of the Hentris Heroicus. And then.

Bitch (:

And also, I'm this is the only time you're gonna hear Liz talk about sports ball, but what you know, the coyote is a spurs mascot. And so like, I feel like we've had like, I feel an affinity with the coyote just because like, growing up with him. I also know like, there's also like the mascot who like got like heat stroke inside that he's like in a coma. Like, so, but I've known like I've hung out with coyotes.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Like the animals or mascots.

Bitch (:

the people of Spurs, the Spurs coyotes. So like I feel an affinity for them. So I don't know, but anyways. So then there's a frying pan incident. Oh, oh, so yeah.

Jerk (:

Well, hold on. First, we've got the Dr. Mahoney is labeled as the grotesque villainous, which I thought was good. Yes. So yeah, we have a whole cartoon fight exchange with the frying pan. It gets a great imprint, the cast iron imprint of Dean's face. And we get some good cuckoo noises. And I like.

Bitch (:

grotesque villainous.

Bitch (:

I wonder if anybody like took that one like home. Like where does that prop go?

Jerk (:

I like that the doctor calls Dean out and he's like, you brought a gun to a gag fight. Which I thought was pretty funny.

Bitch (:

and also can be very dirty.

Jerk (:

Ooh, well, but Dean has a big old marker and draws a big old X on the ground and our spray paint can spray paint and he draws an X on the ground and an anvil falls, but it misses the doctor barely.

Bitch (:

It's a spray paint. He's got a can of spray paint.

Bitch (:

because X marks the spot and that is how you get an anvil to fall. So then like Sam gets to monologue to Fred back in Fred's head.

Jerk (:

back in, back in Fred's head, back in Fred's head. Uh, and he's, Sam's just given a hardcore pep talk and Fred's like, no, it's too hard to go live out in the world and take control. And Sam's like, but you have to, you can't stay in here forever. It's just not good. And you can't pretend the outside doesn't exist. And you've got to face things and all this. And Castiel is listening pretty close to, which I think is kind of interesting of notes.

And you're running all this right. Whatever you're running from is going to catch up to you. You got to wake up and keep you, you know, blah, blah. This is going to destroy you. It's going to destroy you.

Bitch (:

There's a whole bunch of bullshit that you can't run from your problems and you can't live in a dream world. But in this case, it's fair. And it's, you know, look, man, you've got a problem. You can't be in your head. This ain't safe. You fucking people up and you're like, uh, you know, so then Cass comes over and he is like, I got this. And then just like poof whiteness. And.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So.

Bitch (:

We go to real, real time land and cartoon rules are done.

Jerk (:

Yeah, cartoon rules have ended. The doctor tries to go through this black hole exit and bounces off the wall. And Dean's someone turned off the tube. And the doctor pulls a doctor, my honey pulls a gun on Dean, but doesn't matter because Sam and Cass and Fred are there. And Fred yells, no, I'm never going to hurt anyone again. And he. Or you're never going to. Yeah, you're not going to. Sorry.

Bitch (:

No, you're not like that, not that mean. No, I didn't say that because it's important because of what he does.

Jerk (:

Yes, you're not gonna hurt anyone again.

Well, yeah, so he uses his telekinesis to make the doctor turn his gun on himself and shoot himself.

Bitch (:

Yikes. That's that's fucking dark, dark. And yeah, I just I don't know what to do with that. I'm like, fuck like this. And again, But I mean, Dean was gonna you're fine with Dean shooting him earlier. So he's still a person like I know he's like

Jerk (:

Well, things took a dark turn. Dark turn. Very dark turn.

Jerk (:

I don't know. I'm like, did that just happen? Did this just happen? This just happened.

Jerk (:

saying fine with it I felt like he attacked Dean also and then he tried to run.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I don't know. Anyways, like all of this is still yikes. So but Fred has like gotten control of his faculties. Like he is he's healed.

Jerk (:

He's like, yeah, he's like, I'm good right now, but...

Bitch (:

Yeah, and he's afraid of what happens in the future, but I'm just like, fuck you have a fucking angel. Like, why is Kassad being like, nah, dude, you're good. Like, I have a goddamn angel of the Lord. Like, I booped you. Like, that shit, like, this is guaranteed. Like, it's not gonna, like, I don't know, it's not a fucking wall in your head, whatever. And, but he had like...

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, Cass is like, I'm gonna do this really painful procedure instead, and I'm not sure if it's gonna work, but let's go for it.

Bitch (:

Wait, I don't understand. Like you just healed like a bullet wound, but you can't like fix whatever neurons are, you can't fix fucking Alzheimer's. Is that what you're saying? This is where the angel power stops of fixing fucking Alzheimer's.

Jerk (:

I don't know what this procedure is. I don't know what happened.

Jerk (:

I don't know, it's real weird. And I don't know exactly understand even what he did to him, but he did something. Cause at the retirement home, Fred's there real zoned out. I think I like a little bottomized him is what I believe.

Bitch (:

I feel like he went through like, and he's just like, now he's just listening to Oh, it's a joy.

Jerk (:

Thanks. Yeah, in his head forever. I guess. I don't know. They don't really say. I'm just guessing.

Bitch (:

It looks real nice, but he put him back as a prisoner in his own body like what the Fucking kill him and send him to heaven I mean that sounds terrible, but what better than this?

Jerk (:

It's so weird.


Jerk (:

It sounds, yeah, sounds better than zoned out in a retirement home listening to Oh, DeJoy on repeat, which I like DeJoy like, but nothing on repeat.

Bitch (:

I do like Ode to Joy, but clearly he's gonna be himself. Like, he is like not, like you took away his faculties again. Like, his, I don't know. So that has happened. And then like Dean's just like, you Cass, you're gonna have shotgun now that you destroyed this old man and like put him in a wheelchair. Good for you, you get to ride shotgun.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, and they're about to leave him.

Jerk (:

But I think...

Jerk (:

But Cass is going to get zapped to Naomi's office again.

Bitch (:

Bloop, he's in heaven.

Jerk (:

And she's like, I won't allow it. He's like, I want to face the pain I caused in heaven. And she's like, nope, sorry, you don't get to come to heaven unless I ring my bell. And then she's like, what do you want to do? And then he zaps back to Earth.

And yeah, Cass is like, I think I'm just going to stay here and watch Fred for a few days. I don't know what I'm going to do after that.

Bitch (:

Yeah, but I can't run anymore. And then fuck you. It's in the flashback. Andrew making fun of my name. Fuck you.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Well, anyways, it's just. The Stan and Stan and Sam and Amelia are kind of getting along now. Blah, blah, blah. But then there's a phone call and Amelia answers and we find out that her husband's not dead after all.

Bitch (:

Mm-hmm. Yep. And they go from that back to Sam and Dean leaving Cass with Fred and out of joy playing. And they just sit there and they stare at a blank wall and they look so nice. They have no obligations. There's nothing like they have to get done before courts come after them for shit. And it just looks so nice and peaceful. And again.

Jerk (:

What the fuck?

Bitch (:

As Les goes, why does going to sitting in a retirement home or sanitarium seem so quiet and nice? But it does.

Bitch (:

Look at the wall. You sit there, look at the wall. It's so nice. All right, so let's go into some cast and couch. Yeah?

Jerk (:

Sure. Yeah. Fred Jones was played by Mike Farrell, and he's been in episodes of Things Back to the Monkeys. I Dream of Jeannie Bonanza, Coach Murder, she wrote Law and Order SVU. He was a long running major character on Days of Our Lives in the 60s named Scott Banning. He was the voice of Jonathan Kent in almost all of the 2000 Superman and Justice League cartoons.

And he was in a few episodes more recently of NCIS and Desperate Housewives.

Bitch (:

Nice of us.

Jerk (:

Our detective glass who we liked so much was Catherine Lowe Hagquist. She's been in episodes of X-Files, Elward, Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Bates Motel, Van Helsing's, iZombie, Riverdale and Nancy Drew a couple of times. She was Tina in Alien vs Predator Requiem. She was a reporter in Tron Legacy. She's done quite a few Hallmark Christmas movies, had small roles in Elysium and Godzilla in the 2000s.

She is Dr. Green in 50 Shades Freed, and we do see her in multiple episodes of Supernatural.

Our Dr. Mahoney is played by Greg Webb. He's been in a couple episodes of shows like Once Upon a Time in Nashville and a couple of times in Supernatural.

Bitch (:

Is that a new show? What's about a time in Nashville?

Jerk (:

It should be. What's my time in Nashville? What's my time and Nashville? Stan Thompson is played by Brian Markinson. He's been in episodes of Law and Order, Star Trek Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager and Star Trek Deep Space Nine, X-Files, NCIS, a couple of episodes of Hellcats, a couple of Fargo's, a couple of I Zombie. He's on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and a few episodes of Charm.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

He's also in Apollo 13 and the Robin Williams movie RV, as well as shooter, the film shooter and in Godzilla. He is also a reoccurring character named Dr. Rosen in Mad Men and Everett, which is a reoccurring character in The Magicians. Our nurse's boyfriend was played by Bryce Hodgson.

and one of his most notable roles, he's Don in iZombies in like over 50 episodes. And then our nurse, Lisa Chandler, interesting the majority of her work is actually stunt work. So that was pretty cool. So there we go. That's what I got.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, okay, so tell me your thoughts before I...

Jerk (:

Well, minus the darkness. That you were really good at that you were really good at pointing out that I may have overlooked because of how fun the episode was. It was a really fucking fun episode. I mean, the flashbacks were dumb. I didn't like the Stan shit. It's stupid and annoying. But the episode, the concept was. Phenomenal. I thought.

Bitch (:

of the end, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah. So why are you ruining it with these fucking flashbacks? They're pointless. And that's saying they're pointless. Like, it's completely like that storyline. Like, I'm sorry, I know, I want to give you more time. It just makes me like, it's passionate. I'm passionate about this. But

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

The episode was so fun. Why the fuck are you ruining it with this goddamn one tree hill bullshit relationship of Sam and his non supernatural power of having that it's a non supernatural story. It is straight and like when Dean and Lisa had their stuff like they were

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

I feel like that was the same, but it wasn't, right? Like, so we both, we now we like, now we both.

Jerk (:

Well, she knew about, hold on, she knew about his supernatural shit. And Amelia doesn't, it's a secret from Amelia. So I think that's a component, because that means that Amelia doesn't know shit about Sam really at the end of the day.

Bitch (:

Fair, right? So like...

Bitch (:

That is compounded, like...

Bitch (:

That is fair also like he is a captain giant like as much as you can sugarcoat like I had You lost a husband to clearly now is not dead because this is a fucking soap opera shit and but

Jerk (:

just gonna say that that's not a frequent occurrence in like months later in the military just so anybody if anybody's confused

Bitch (:

What? You mean that somebody is gonna like give them like, we're gonna tell you this guy is dead and not doing it in my aid like well, we really should like. No, it's not. So this is it is. No, it's just very it's a.

Jerk (:

That's not how it works. I mean, that's not even like, and that's not even a secret. Like, I mean, like, not like I have some deep intel from my brief, not my, not brief, but my time doing HR in the army. It's not how it works.

Bitch (:

to me we're talking we're talking about a show where a man leo where an anvil was dropped on somebody's head okay so uh

Jerk (:

That's true. I know, but this is the non-supernatural portion of the show. That's why it's extra annoying.

Bitch (:

Well, that's why I'm just like, why? Like, why are you putting, I don't feel it's necessary, right? Like, I think like it's distracting. Like I get, we can say like, Sam had a love interest while Jean was in Purgatory. Cool. But in like, I don't, I, I don't think we need this. I think like, I don't think we need like, Sam is trying to please like this dad that doesn't like.

Jerk (:

I don't think we need this level of detail. We don't need this detail. I don't see what the point of this was.

Bitch (:

wants to give him shit and like so now Sam feels like shit about his life because he's a drifter like who doesn't have a job and is committing credit card fraud so why would somebody feel like that's not a good match for his daughter I don't know like why would I'm not sure why that would ring any alarm bells in his head that you like dropped out of school and haven't had a job for a few years like why doesn't he love you I don't

Jerk (:

Oh yeah.

Jerk (:

Surprise. Weird.

Jerk (:

Why won't he be your daddy too?

Bitch (:

I don't know. I don't understand that. But it's just it's so mundane, right? Like I've, I watch this show for escapism and will for guys to take their shirts off and fight. But also like, you know, it's about monsters. And it's you know, we, and monsters are used as metaphors for other things, right. And so

Jerk (:

Thanks for watching!

Bitch (:

you have relationships you tell them through those stories like we're getting like the Benny story. Let's do. Obviously that is. I'm sorry.

Jerk (:

Right, no, I, yeah, that's relevant to the rest of the storyline, obviously, because he's a character in that. Whereas this is like a past tense, like not, that's giving backstory for someone that's there in the present. I don't understand the point of this. Obviously, obviously Sam left her. Obviously, Sam's not telling Dean about her other than that she existed. So why are we harping on this if they're not gonna be, if it's not gonna be part of the storyline when she didn't even know that supernatural shit existed? I don't get it. And we definitely don't need her fucking dad. But go ahead.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it's like...

Bitch (:

We don't need her dad, yeah, we don't need her dad judging him. We don't need like... I don't know.

Jerk (:

It's just weird. And on such a fun episode, we could have had so many more cartoon scenes. I want more cartoon crimes.

Bitch (:

Exactly. We could have had a whole scene where Cat talked to a cat.

There is like, yeah, there was a deleted scene that had to, there was, there were some deleted scenes and then there were the cat interrogation, which I don't know, like go back, like I feel like this is what AI was made for. All right, so somebody, you know, AI generate me the cat interrogation scene. Make it happen, poof. I know, in the future, I think I need to save that and that will happen. So I'm just like working with the future.

Jerk (:

Well, that too, that too. We lost to Mystic Cat Interrogations and missed out.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Patent interrogation is in go. All right, so we're watching that in the future. I hope everybody enjoys it. And with that, cheers, Dirk.

Jerk (:

Cheers, bitch.




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