Spiritual Warfare
Jeffrey Wilson pt 1
There is a forgotten group of heroes that, basically, fly under the radar while suffering silently with things they have seen, things they have experienced and things that were expected of them and things that were done by them. But then, unable to talk about with anyone. Not even their family.
I’m talking about military veterans, mainly combat vets, special operations vets, etc. Many of the things they participated in were – and still are – classified. They cannot just go around telling anyone things they have witnessed or participated in.
This adds to their problems with re-integrating in society. Even after all these years, there are many, many veterans out there suffering. Even from back in the Vietnam war era.
Our guest today participated in some of these operations, with special ops forces and he has witnessed, first hand, some of the problems faced by our veteran heroes today.
Jeffrey Wilson has worked as an actor, firefighter, paramedic, jet pilot, and diving instructor, as well as a vascular and trauma surgeon. He served in the US Navy for fourteen years and made multiple deployments as a combat surgeon with an East Coast–based SEAL Team. The author of three award-winning supernatural thrillers, The Traiteur’s Ring, The Donors, and Fade to Black, and the acclaimed faith-based thriller War Torn.
He has partnered with another Navy veteran, Brian Andrews, who served on a fast-attack submarine and is the author of three critically acclaimed high-tech thrillers: Reset, The Infiltration Game and The Calypso.
They have partnered together to write a best-selling book series, “Tier One.” This book series is so successful, it is being developed for film and television as well. Amen!
Andrews & Wilson have multiple projects under development for film and television with major motion picture studios and producers including: Skydance, PictureStart, Walden Media, Imagine Television, Sony, Fifth Season/Endeavor Content, Hutch Parker Entertainment, and Cross Pictures. Amen!
I said all of that to bring to the topic of our discussion today, which is a Faith based series written along the same lines, titled “The Shepherds.”
This is a Christian thriller series that will make us think about what we truly believe concerning spiritual warfare and the Christian response to a crisis. This is a fictional book, but the battles depicted are not fictional. Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, Jeffrey Wilson! Jeffrey, it is such a blessing to have you with us today! I do appreciate your time.
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Jeffrey Wilson?”
First, thank you for service to this nation. As a former Cavalry officer, I just have to recognize the service of our veterans every chance I get. I appreciate all the sacrifices you and others have made that go unnoticed and unspoken in behalf of this nation. My step-son was a Navy Seal for 20+ years and, unfortunately, died in 2011 while serving as a private contractor after he retired.
I said all that because, “I get it” concerning your passion for helping our veterans. I do appreciate all that.
Now, let’s start off at the beginning. How did you and your partner, Brian Andrews meet and decide to work together writing these books and trying to turn them into movies and television films? How did all that happen?
The first book in this series is called, “Dark Intercept.” It is based on Ephesians 6 about putting on the “whole armor of God.” Can you share a little bit about this book with us?
Let me ask you this. I know when I was in the CAV, even though it was peace time, we always had our “go bags” ready. It had what we would need to survive the first several days on an emergency deployment. For our unit, it was Panama. I had friends who deployed to Grenada, etc. I know, since you worked with the SEALS, you probably had your own “Go Bag” and, as a surgeon, it probably had things inside that had nothing to do with what the SEALS had in their bags. But, that’s because we all have special areas and skill sets. That being said, there were certain items that were the same…
As Christians, we are called upon to “be ready to an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that we have.” (1 Peter 3:15). What should a Christian have ready in their “go bag” for times like that, when we may be called upon to “go” without notice?
Special Ops will go through rigorous practice sessions in preparation for a mission. What preparations can believers take to always be ready to defend our position on Faith?
You reference the story of David and Goliath in this situation. David went to see his brothers and take them some cheese and snacks. He had no idea he would make history that day. What are your thoughts on that?
Folks, the battle is real. The war is real. The Good News is, Jesus already won the war. We are simply the mop up crew. We are called to go in and Occupy until He comes. Amen!
But the enemy is also real. And he did not enjoy losing. The devil is still active in this earth (just look around). But, again, Jesus has equipped us with everything we need.
The book series “Teir One” and “Sons of Valore” are awesome! But, you definitely need to order your copy of “The Shepherds” book series and find out how to win the Spiritual Warfare battle that you are called to fight. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Glory to God!
Email: jwcwilson11@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.andrews-wilson.com/
Book Series: “The Shepherds Collection” – on Amazon
Book Series: “Tier One” – on Amazon

Book: “Sons of Valor” (Book 1) – on Amazon
Book: “Sons of Valor (Book 2) – on Amazon
Book: “Sons of Valor (Book 3) PRE ORDER – on Amazon
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