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Future of Agriculture 140: Hemp Opportunities and Realities Part 1 with Zev Paiss
13th February 2019 • Future of Agriculture • Tim Hammerich
00:00:00 00:29:38

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Zev Paiss is a Managing Partner at Farmers Support Group, a company dedicated to helping hemp farmers as well as laying down the foundations for a U.S. hemp supply chain. Their goal is to guarantee buyers for every hemp seed planted. Zev’s extensive business acumen allows him to provide the group with consultation, supply chain development, and investor relations services. He also manages the company’s sustainability development projects.


Zev joins me today to discuss the hemp industry, its current state, and what the future holds for it. He shares his background, why he became passionate about hemp farming, and his current projects. He explains the massive economic potential of the hemp industry and why companies in various sectors should take a look. He also describes some of the problems farmers encounter when growing hemp as well as some of his proposed solutions.



“As the market demands different products, processors are continuing what they can do and figuring out how to scale up.” - Zev Paiss




This Week on The Future of Agriculture Podcast:


  • How Zev got started working in the hemp industry.
  • The state of the hemp industry today and what the future may hold.
  • Companies and businesses getting into the hemp industry.
  • Storing hemp products before they are processed.
  • The two emerging subsets on the CBD side of processing.
  • The necessary conditions and considerations to grow hemp.
  • Common problems farmers experience when growing hemp from the first time.



Key Takeaways:


  • The challenge with industrial hemp is you don't want that THC of going above 0.3%




Connect with Zev Paiss:









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