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Podcast# 289 Mann Thoughts: Why you should stop loving yourself.
Episode 28927th November 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:10:21

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Navigating Self-Relationships: The Key to Genuine Personal Growth

Hey, Earnest Mann here, delving into a topic close to our hearts: the relationship with ourselves. This episode explores a fundamental yet often overlooked question: How well do we really get along with ourselves? We'll dive into the pitfalls of self-deception, or as I like to call it, 'bullshitting' ourselves, and why it's crucial to confront this behavior for true self-improvement.

The Illusion of Constant Comfort and Its Role in Unhappiness

In a society where being perpetually comforted and constantly happy is the norm, we are often misled into believing that everything wrong in our lives is just a bump in the road, and never our fault. This episode challenges this conditioning and uncovers how it contributes to our collective discontent.

The Reality of Self-Introspection and Overcoming Delusions

I tackle the concept of pseudo introspection, popularized by motivational speakers and self-help gurus, and how it leads us away from genuine self-awareness. This part of the episode is a call to embrace realism, face the truths about ourselves, and sever our obsessive love affair with self-image.

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Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] good Monday everybody thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again we're going to be talking about relationships specifically the one you have with yourself and what I'm about to say may surprise you on the surface this may seem like a silly question but how well do you get along with yourself after all being disingenuous which is a fancy way of saying bullshitting is one thing if you're doing it to an other people but it's quite another if you're doing it to yourself now if you're doing this I

00:52 understand why because it's normal for people to want to feel good about themselves that's what we've been conditioned to do yet I'm suggesting that it is also in fact one of the biggest causes of our Collective unhappiness the problem is that many people in contemporary Society have been conditioned from the very beginning of their life to be perpetually comforted and constantly Happy Everything wrong going on with you easily explainable and only a bump in the road and it absolutely positively is not your fault

01:43 you are the power you are greatness personified and it's only a matter of time before you find and tap into your true self that the world will stand up and take notice of your greatness your omnipotence this is another facet of pseudo introspection popularized by criminal and very snake likee motivational speakers and word salad experts such as Jordan Peterson whose web of self-improvement deception and psycho Babble would cause spiders to become entangled in it to put this in the words of PT Barnum of baram and Bailey Circus

02:32 Fame if you can't baffle them with Brilliance befuddle them with and PT Barnum knew what he was talking about being one of the greatest legal conmen and swindlers of all time what I'm suggesting if you're sick of wasting time not just others but your own is to have the courage to actually take stock of your yourself to actually confront how much you are not that is to say I am suggesting to you that one of the very first and most beneficial things that you can do not only for yourself but for others is to sever your obsessive love

03:23 with yourself consider this example two men somewhere in America have just died they were the same age 33 and both of them died by no fault of their own they were both involved in automobile accidents now on the surface they may have had some things in common maybe they both enjoyed watching football perhaps they both really enjoyed Sci-Fi movies and they both absolutely loved Pizza however with their passing all that is pretty much irrelevant now except of course to their friends and family who remember them and remember those

04:12 things but you see there is a third concerned party here and I believe it is the concern of this third party which may or may not be in agreement with the friends and family of those two different men who died in separate auto accidents that concerned party is not someone so much that you can speak to but speaks nonetheless and what it has to say can be a very good eulogy or a very bad one the third party I'm speaking of is the objective truth of what each man did within their lives to improve life and even improve the

05:02 world now before I go any further I fully realize that what I'm about to say does not sound very nice that is because I'm an adult not a child and I fully understand that the world is not nice I don't mean to sound condescending I'm simply trying to tell you what is I am a realist and this is how I approach the world and as far as survival is concerned being a realist has served me well very well it has kept my ass alive and if you're still with me up to this point I sincerely believe it can help you

05:53 too as far as surviving and getting on the world is concerned the the Earth itself is actually quite neutral it has all manner of material to keep you healthy or to keepy help you you know recuperate from some sickness should you fall ill by the same token the other side of the coin if you will it also has a whole manner of material that if you consume it will kill you very quickly it doesn't care about your feelings or your life one way or the other the power of realism is that it binds you to reality not childish sentiment you are

06:43 supposed to be understanding and accepting the world and existence on its terms not yours being a child when you're 10 years old is fine being a child when you're 18 or older is not and people who cannot or will not accept this reality will usually suffer far more than those who do ergo it is the Way of the World As far as the two men are concerned they both may have been you know very good people and will be missed by their respective friends and family but if you were asked by some omnipotent God to make a choice between which man lives

07:34 and which man dies and you only knew that one man worked as a burger flipper at a fast food restaurant and the other was a very skilled surgeon which one would you choose which one would it be if we could just take a moment for a very brief message if you've enjoyed this please do subscribe and hit the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow and if you can offer some support please do so by going to the Kofi Link in the description below even a cup of coffee would certainly be appreciated and last but certainly not

08:23 least if you have anything no matter how ordinary or unordinary you would like to hear or discuss don't hesitate to reach out and tell me what it is that link is also in the description below I can tell you without hesitation I would choose the surgeon to live simply because the life of a surgeon is to improve and save lives which is not the case for a man who was a burger flipper and I'd be willing to say that you would feel the same if a friend or a loved one of yours was facing open heart surgery and you wanted and needed that

09:11 surgeon what I'm suggesting you consider is nothing less than being truly honest with yourself and put your current relative importance in life into the much bigger scheme of things to put your life and those AFF Ed by it in perspective ultimately I have come to understand that the greatest thing a person can do in their lives is help others by that I mean exactly what I say realistically and tangibly helping others and for most of us there is absolutely no shortage of friends or family that we can do that for but it

09:58 requires that we pull our self-important heads out of our ass and stop psychopathically obsessing over being a success and being in love with ourselves until next time this is earnest wishing your health wealth and good luck



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