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Email Copywriting Transitions [Email Marketing & Storytelling]
22nd August 2022 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:13:13

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There’s so much storytelling in email marketing that just misses the mark…

Here’s how I see it…

Novice copywriters see the “gurus” they follow telling a bunch of stories.

Some are really well-told, interesting stories.

Some are even CINEMATIC!

And they perceive that what this guru is doing is working (whether that’s actually true or not).

Further, they perceive that what this guru is doing is “best practices” (whether that’s actually true or not).

And yet further still, this guru reinforces the prospect’s perception, because it’s in the guru’s financial interest to say, “Everything I do is the best ever for everyone and it works so amazing and you should tithe to me 10% of all the dollars you make to worship study at my feet.”

So novice copywriter ATTEMPTS to copy the guru by trying to tell the bestest, most exciting story they can.

Then they get to the point where the story is done and they actually need to transition into asking the reader to take action.

… Making the completely unrelated story relate to their CTA or offer.


“How do I transition from THAT STORY into my CTA?” novice copywriter wonders to themselves…

(This is doubly worse if this is for a client, as now they’re sweating about client approval, too.)

Which brings me to today’s Mailbox Monday question, about…

How to transition in your storytelling marketing emails to actually get the prospect to click.

The answer is in today’s episode, aptly titled…

Email Copywriting Transitions [Email Marketing & Storytelling].

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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