In the wonderful episode, Vonda Logan shares her life’s challenges and struggles, after the Lord delivers her from a crack drug addiction and alcoholism. She shares so beautifully about what it means to have a real encounter with Jesus Christ.
Vonda Logan was born and raised in Lakewood, New Jersey. She has two brothers and three sisters. Vonda is the third oldest child. Her mother had her oldest brother at the age of 16.
Vonda grew up in the projects and was raised in the streets. She was taught how to survive in the streets. As a teenager, she began drinking alcohol, stealing, partying and going out to night clubs. One night Vonda and some other friends got drunk and this was the night that her son was conceived. Vonda was 16 years old.
The home environment where Vonda grew up was very bad. Both brothers, as teenagers were drug dealers. Her mom knew about it and allowed it to take place.
After Vonda conceived and was left to raise her child and younger siblings, Vonda started smoking marijuana.
She then entered the heavy drug scene and started selling crack cocaine.
Her curiosity about the drug users got the best of her. She began to wonder what kind of effect this drug had on people that would make them sell all their possessions to get high. So then, she tried the crack cocaine and became addicted.
At the age of 19, she and her mom packed up, left New Jersey and moved to North Carolina. She was hoping that a change of environment would be good for her. It was not long before she realized her addictions followed her. Her mom’s friend brother was a drug addict and Vonda got back on crack cocaine.
After about 3 years, her mom decided to move to Texas, after meeting a man on the road. Vonda moved to Texas with her mom. Her addictive behaviors led to her facing jail and prison time.
Vonda is here to share her awesome testimony with us about God’s Delivering Power!….
Thank You, Vonda
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