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Leveraging Yourself Through Science
Episode 112th September 2024 • The Missing Secret Podcast • John Mitchell and Kelly Hatfield
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In this debut episode of The Missing Secret Podcast, John and Kelly explain the science of success. And more specifically the science of leveraging yourself. As you’ll learned in the episode, at 50 John Mitchell wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. He had been an entrepreneur for 20 years, consistently earning $200,000 – $300,000 a year. But as materialistic as this sounds, John realized that to have The Exceptional Life he always dreamed of, he had to start netting over $1 million a year.

Additionally, he realized he needed a partner in life and had to find the woman of his dreams. But at 50, how to change things? Then a pearl of wisdom came to John. Find the top book in the world on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. John then discovered that there is one book that has been read by 150 million people. It’s the top book in the world on success by a factor of 10. That book is Think and Grow Rich.

So John rushes out to buy the book and then reads the book. Then he discovered the problem. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only reveals half of the secret. Ultimately John buckled down, read the book 20 times over a two month period of time, and figured out the full secret, the missing secret, and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. Then he started applying it to a new business he started in the reverse mortgage business.

Suddenly his income started doubling and doubling and doubling. To the point where he was making 25 times the 200,000 – $300,000 a year he was making the prior 20 years. John had leveraged himself through science. He was playing the game of life at a higher level. He could do things he couldn’t do before. And he had a level of control over his life beyond what he’d ever experienced before. He became fascinated by the fact that you can take two key scientific principles and so materially impact one’s success and achievement in life.

John ultimately had enough money so he didn’t have to work. He was then asked by the former Chancellor and president at the University of Texas to teach this methodology at the school’s TOP 5 in the country business school. John then taught his 12 minute a day methodology to the athletic director at the University of Texas. Which led to becoming the mental coach for the 18 head coaches at the University of Texas. Along this journey John also taught his 12 minute a day methodology to Kelly Hatfield. Transformed her life as well. Doubled her income and impacted her quality of life big time. Reduced stress, impacted her health, and impacted her marriage.

John talks about how most people are just winging life. They don’t have an actual way of doing life. And therefore they can’t overcome the inherent problem we all face when we open our eyes each morning. We are innately wired for survival. Which causes 70% of our thoughts to be fear-based and we’re reactive rather than proactive on our important agenda. Consider your own morning routine. Are you doing anything to impact your mindset? If you are not, you’re just winging life. Because at the end of the day, the thoughts going on in your head on an ongoing basis to determine both your level of achievement as well as enjoyment of life.

John and Kelly talk about how this 12 minute a day methodology, which is applying the central concept of the top book the world on success to one’s life, gives a person a true superpower. A level of control over yourself beyond what you’ve ever experienced. Because the methodology involves feeding the succinct articulation of your life yourself each day. Exactly the person you want to be, exactly what you want to accomplish, and precisely how you’re can achieve your clearly defined goals. Once you establish that clarity, you put it on the Think It Be It Life GPS template developed by John over 20 years. It allows a person to apply science to their lives to leverage themselves.

Additionally, John has developed an AI algorithm that makes it super simple to customize this methodology to a person’s life. One just has to answer about 50 questions, press a button, and the template is customized to a person’s unique life.

At the end of this podcast, John and Kelly talk about who this podcast is for. It’s for the 2%. John talks about taking his methodology to the top expert in the world on success to see if there was anything similar to it or if there were any flaws to it. This is about five years ago. Darren Hardy said that the dirty little secret of the success and human achievement field is that most people won’t do anything to impact their success. Because more success is merely a preference. That’s 98% of people. This podcast and the methodology is clearly for the 2%. The bottom line is this. Your life is precious. You have one shot at this thing.

If you’re a person who is driven and who you are is playing at your full potential, this podcast and the methodology we will teach you will be life altering. And you’ll have a lot of fun along the way listening to John and Kelly. We make it a point to have fun as we explain how to leverage yourself through science.

About the Hosts:

John Mitchell

John’s story is pretty amazing. After spending 20 years as an entrepreneur, John was 50 years old but wasn’t as successful as he thought he should be. To rectify that, he decided to find the “top book in the world” on SUCCESS and apply that book literally Word for Word to his life. That Book is Think & Grow Rich. The book says there’s a SECRET for success, but the author only gives you half the secret. John figured out the full secret and a 12 minute a day technique to apply it.

When John applied his 12 minute a day technique to his life, he saw his yearly income go to over $5 million a year, after 20 years of $200k - 300k per year. The 25 times increase happened because John LEVERAGED himself by applying science to his life.

His daily technique works because it focuses you ONLY on what moves the needle, triples your discipline, and consistently generates new business ideas every week. This happens because of 3 key aspects of the leveraging process.

John’s technique was profiled on the cover of Time Magazine. He teaches it at the University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business, which is one the TOP 5 business schools in the country. He is also the “mental coach” for the head athletic coaches at the University of Texas as well.

Reach out to John at


Kelly Hatfield

Kelly Hatfield is an entrepreneur at heart. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of the ripple effect and has built several successful companies aimed at helping others make a greater impact in their businesses and lives.

She has been in the recruiting, HR, and leadership development space for over 25 years and loves serving others. Kelly, along with her amazing business partners and teams, has built four successful businesses aimed at matching exceptional talent with top organizations and developing their leadership. Her work coaching and consulting with companies to develop their leadership teams, design recruiting and retention strategies, AND her work as host of Absolute Advantage podcast (where she talks with successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders across a variety of industries), give her a unique perspective covering the hiring experience and leadership from all angles.

As a Partner in her most recent venture, Think It Be It, Kelly has made the natural transition into the success and human achievement field, helping entrepreneurs break through to the next level in their businesses. Further expanding the impact she’s making in this world. Truly living into the power of the ripple effect.

Reach out to Kelly at


Learn more about Think It Be It at



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Kelly Hatfield:

I'm Kelly Hatfield, your life is precious, but the truth of the matter is, is that most people are playing at 10 to 20% of their potential, you know. But what if you looked at leveraging yourself through science? That's what this podcast is all about.

John Mitchell:

And I'm John Mitchell, you know, I think that's a pretty good idea. Kelly, to leverage yourself through science. An innovative idea, right? It

Kelly Hatfield:

is an innovative idea, and life changing, and I'm excited to talk about that today.

John Mitchell:

So maybe I will start by I'll tell my story. So what do you think I should start when I was a toddler? Do you think that?

Kelly Hatfield:

Let's go that far back.

John Mitchell:

Okay, so maybe a little there are some great stories about the night.

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, I'm positive there are,

John Mitchell:

Yeah, not sure I like that, but, but anyway, they may be. Some of those childhood wounds that I had are manifesting themselves right now exactly.

Kelly Hatfield:

Let's save that for later. We've got future episodes where I did not get to that.

John Mitchell:

Okay, okay, well, I'll start when I was 50. So when I was 50, I just wasn't as successful as I thought I should be, and I had two goals in my life, to make enough money so I didn't have to work, and to find the woman of my dreams. And so, you know, on the money, I always did pretty well, you know, I'd always made 200 300 grand a year. I'd been a an out nurse since I was 30. So for 20 years I was, you know, doing okay, but never close to a million a year. And as materialistic as it sounds, when I turned 50, you know, I just did the math, you know, I just saw that I had the exceptional life I really dreamed of. I had to start netting a million dollars a year. And then on the girl at 50, I'd never been married. And as you know, there was a lot of interviewing that was you know, conducted interviewing? Yes, yeah, well, my friends called it baking, but, you know, I prefer the term interviewing anyway. So at 50, I'm not as successful as I think I should be in both areas my life. And I'm like, How do I change this? And you know, probably three months after I turned 50, a pearl of wisdom comes to me, find the top book in the world on success and apply that book, literally, word for word, to my life. Well, okay, seemed like a great idea, so I do a little research. And to my surprise, I discovered there's one book that's been read by 150 million people, and it's the top book the world on success by a factor of 10. And that book is Think and Grow Rich. Well, perfect. I mean exactly what I was looking for. And so I go out and I buy the book, and I read the book, and Kelly, then I discovered the problem. The book says there's a secret for success, but the author only gives us half of the secret. It's on the reader to figure out. The other hand, well, I'm mope around for two or three weeks and and then one day, just get up and go, come on, John man, figure out the damn secret. And so I immerse myself in the book and and probably read it 20 times over a two month period of time. And finally, the secret comes to me, and I also develop a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. And so I started applying it to a new business. I was starting in the reverse mortgage field. And you know, quickly my income starts doubling and doubling and doubling to where four years later, I'm blessed to be making 25 times the 200 to 300 grand a year I was making the prior 20 years. And what was particularly cool was I could see why it was all happening. I was just playing the game of life at a higher level, and I could do things I couldn't do before, and I just had this immense control over my life that I'd never experienced before, and and I just became fascinated by the fact that you could take two key scientific principles and apply them to your life and so materially impact your success. And so, you know, and this is about 10 years ago, I ended up selling my company once I had enough money, and I thought, I'm going to share this with the world. And a couple of months after I sold my company, I meet the former Chancellor and President at the University of Texas here in Austin, and I tell you my story, and he says, Hey, you got to teach this at the University of Texas. And why don't we teach it together? And so that was pretty cool. And And today he's he's one of my closest friends. You've met, E, and then he introduces me to the athletic director at the University of Texas, who you have also met. And he says, Well, I want to learn this 12 minute a day technique, so I teach a DM, and that led to be becoming the mental coach for the 18 head coaches, and I do a weekly program for them. And now the latest is, is I have a my own class that fully teaches all of my methodology, and it's primarily for athletes. So we have 550 athletes at the University of Texas, and so my mission is to is to teach all of them the methodology, and that's what the athletic department and myself are cooperating to do. So that's sort of my story. So tell us your story. I mean, enough about me. Tell us your story.

Kelly Hatfield:

Well, when let's see here. So I'll start at kind of where I was at in my entrepreneurial journey, and what kind of prompted and how we met. And so I was at a time in my life when John and I met where I had businesses that were successful, but was super frustrated that I kept kind of hitting up against a ceiling. We were doing seven figures in revenue in both of the brands, but like, just I didn't know, like, what got me to where I was wasn't going to get me to where I wanted to go. And I knew that, like instinctually, I knew that, you know, we keep we kept hitting the ceiling, and we kept having these same conversations, and I was frustrated. I was like, Okay, I gotta figure this out. And so really, what kind of started as a mission, you know, for me to glean the additional experience and knowledge and mentorship that I needed. I started a podcast where I could interview leaders, thought leaders, successful business owners, and through that process, you know, learn and then provide assets to clients and resources to clients. But that's where John and I met. Was on the absolute advantage podcast. He came on as a guest on my show, and it was so interesting. You know, where you have one of those moments in life, you know, we've all had them, where you feel like this is something significant, where there's a shift that's about to happen. You know, if you're like, plugged in, like you're you, you're tuned into these things. And I'm pretty like, you know, I operate on my gut and instinct. And it was just one of those moments because, John, one of the things that you were talking about was, again, leveraging yourself through science. You were talking about the science and how the human mind works toward achieving goals. And I thought, oh my gosh, you know, I've never heard this before, and I'm a growth. I love personal growth. It's one of the foundations, you know, of my life, is learning. And this wasn't anything I'd heard before. And one of the challenges that I was having, I think, with getting to the next level was being consistent with the right doing the right activities, and being focused, you know, in the right areas, and then doing that consistently. And so this really resonated with me when you were sharing the science. And so that's when the two of I met, the two of us met, and you agreed to work with me on my visualization and that whole process of getting clarity. And we can dig into that in future episodes. But it absolutely was life changing. I doubled my income, you know, within the first year. It, like all of my relationships, and my most significant one with my husband, you know, obviously, was impacted in a very positive way, my health and just in general, my overall quality of life. And one thing, and I know, and I relate this to quality of life, which is stress. I that was one of the benefits of all of this that I wasn't expecting, was how much less stress there is in my life because of the order that I was creating in my brain and being having so much clarity around the direction I was moving in. So it's just been, it's a game changer. There's no question

John Mitchell:

You know, that's a great point about the order. I mean, you know, the mind thrives on order, and when you create order, it reduces stress, and it,

Kelly Hatfield:

Oh my gosh. I mean, like, that was, it was so funny. And I remember, I don't know if you remember this, but I don't know, we were about a month in, because the process, although the actual method is easy, the process of getting there is challenging, because you are examining your life, you know, and you're finding that clarity. And you know, you were coaching me through that. And this, again, was several years ago, six or seven years ago, and you were coaching me through that, and saying, you know, you got to. Deeper, because most of us don't think about things that at a deep level. And I was one of those people. I'm just, you know, was more surface, and you've got to be more specific. You've got to be more specific. So I remember there was a point in those conversations, probably about a month in, where I really started to hone in on, you know, the clarity and everything, where I just felt like a weight had been lifted, and like, kind of the fog cleared, you know, a little bit for me. And so anyway, thank you so much. I'll say that now about how life changing it's been. It was the catalyst in me becoming a partner with you, in this, in this journey. And again, we all have those moments in our life that are like, just pivotal moments, and that was just sheer luck that I, that we, that we our paths crossed, and the kind of the trajectory of my life was never been the same. So thank you.

John Mitchell:

There is no such thing as, like, there, yeah, well, you know, I tell you, you know, I think your life and my life eliminates something I see all the time that most people are just winging line. They don't really have a way of doing life. They're just getting up and doing their best. And because they don't have an actual way of doing life, they have nothing pulling them forward to their desired life, and the effect of that is they recreate their past. And you know, there's two problems that we all have to overcome when we open our eyes each morning. The first one is, we're innately wired for survival, which causes 70% of our thoughts to be fear based, and we're reactive rather than proactive on our agenda. Well, that's problem number one. The second problem is that we're we're all oriented to the recent past. You know? What ends up happening is when we wake up, we think about our problems now, keep in mind, 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. So it's not like you you the moment you wake up. You know you're flooded with all your problems, because most of this is is going on unconsciously. You may be aware to some degree of your problems when you wake up, but I understand that's just the tip of the iceberg. What's going on underneath is way more significant. And so the effect of this is that so you you wake up and you start thinking about your problems, and those thoughts end up creating negative feelings, then those negative feelings create more negative thoughts, and you get in this continual negative loop with nothing pulling you forward to your desired life. And therefore you recreate the past. And so the solution is essentially the the secret of Think and Grow Rich, which is to feed to yourself the succinct articulation of your life every day you know. And what that really means is, is creating immense clarity and articulating here's exactly the person I want to be, exactly what I want to accomplish and precisely how I'm going to achieve my clearly defined goals. And so you create that clarity, we have a template that we put that on, and now we use an AI algorithm to customize it to your life. But but once, once you get that clarity on our template. Then you feed that to yourself every day. And after 21 days, the magic happens. The science kicks in, and what you're feeding yourself starts showing up automatically, without thinking. And so that's essentially it, and and so one thing I would like to add to that is that that I talk about how people are just winging life. Well, think about this. The way you do life is absolutely determined by your morning routine. Are you doing anything to impact your mindset? And 98% of people are doing nothing. Obviously, they all have a morning routine. There's something they do every morning, but very few of them do anything impact their mindset. And the ones that do again about probably, you know, it's probably around 2% you know, some people are meditating, not bad, some people are journaling, not bad. But it pales in comparison to feeding the succinct articulation of your life each day of your unique life. Life. It's way more than affirmations. And so maybe that's the key point I want to drill home. Is think about your morning routine. What's it look like? And if you're not doing anything to impact your your mindset, hey, you're winging life. You don't have a way of doing live. That's what we want to bring people on this journey and and open their eyes to that. Because I had to get my eyes open to it. And I, you know, open your eyes to it. And so it really is a game changer. Anything else you want to add to that,

Kelly Hatfield:

You know, I think really too, that it is just, it's a superpower, you know. It really gears you the edge, you know. And I think even more so too, in today's day and age where we have so many distractions and it's so easy to be pulled in different directions, like, this is your North Star, yeah, keeps you on track and focus, and because we're so distracted and pulled in so many directions, this allows you, again, to recalibrate. It gets your autopilot, you know, working for you rather than against you, because people do have morning routines, and they do do things in the morning to impact their mindset. It just doesn't serve them. If part of your morning routine is scrolling on your phone, then you're doing the exact opposite, you know, of what you need to be doing to impact your mindset in a way that's going to move you forward, instead of recreating that past that you were talking about earlier. So this truly is an absolute superpower. John, you've got a shirt on right now, for those that are listening, that says the exception. And that is really why the exception be the exception, you know? And that is really what this methodology does, is like I do. I feel like the exception. When I'm in the room, I feel like I am the exception, if that makes any sense.

John Mitchell:

And you know, you mentioned that you have an edge, you know, I'll tell you, my life experience has taught me that if you don't have an edge of some kind, you're getting the average life I mean, I sort of proved that, you know, once, once I had this 12 minute day methodology, boy, that was my advantage. That was my edge and and, you know, you talk about it being a superpower, I'll give you an example of of how that played out for me, because I feel the same way. And this happened a couple of years, two years ago, three years ago, maybe one of our clients came to San Antonio who lived up in Portland, and so he invited ginger and myself to have dinner with him in San Antonio, which is about an hour away from Austin. And so it's Christmas time, and the ginge is out and about. I'm out and about, and I tell her to meet me at Starbucks at two o'clock, and then we'll jump in one car and drive to San Antonio. Well, I get there a little early, and I decided to have a brownie. You know, what the heck it's Christmas. Let's celebrate a little and so I started eating the brownie. Well, in my daily visualization, I articulated to myself, I'm that I'm aware of everything I put in my mouth. Well, I was aware of it, but, and I was also aware that that it didn't taste very good, but that didn't stop me from from finishing it and and so the gin shows up. We jump in my car ride to San Antonio, and I go, babe, you know, I'm, I'm don't feel very good. I've lost my appetite. And so Kelly, when we got back home that night, I go in my template and change one word, one word to instead of, I'm aware of everything I put my mouth. I evaluate everything I put my mouth. And so the next night, we go and have Mexican food with with ginger sun and I order tacos. Well, the tacos are very good, except this time I slide those tacos away, because I'm evaluating everything I put in my mouth. And the amazing thing is that happened automatically. And you know, I remember laying in bed that night just thinking, wow, if that's not a superpower, where you can get yourself to do the right things automatically without thinking clearly, that is a superpower. Don't you pay?

Kelly Hatfield:

Oh my gosh, 100%

John Mitchell:

And you know, I tell you, it's I think that maybe what I feel like I've brought to the world is the practical application of the top book in the world on success thinking Grow Rich. Because as great as that book is, you. And 150 million people would attest to it. It doesn't give you a practical way to do it. And you know, that's why we call our podcast the missing secret podcast, because I'm created a book that's coming out called the missing secret of the legendary book, thinking we're rich and so, you know, that's what I feel like I bring to the success world. Is the practical. Here's how to do it, way to do life, to live at your your full potential. And you know, one other thing I would mention to you. So, as I mentioned in my story, I work with the head coaches at the University of Texas. And so I'm going to interview the athletic director crystal continent, who goes by at CDC, and you know, I remember where you've met him and had a lot of fun with him, but brilliant guy. And then, you know, just this, you the audience may find this interesting, the University of Texas is the biggest brand in college sports, takes in more money than anybody else, and over the last three years, two of the three years, the University of Texas has won top athletic program in the country based on wins and losses considering all sports. And so we're totally proud of that, and CDC is, is the one that's really responsible for it. He won athletic director of the year this year. But we're gonna have a visit today or tomorrow, actually, and we've been talking about discipline, and then how, at the end of the day, discipline is, is what creates success in your life, because you again, it's it goes back to your daily actions. The cumulative effect of your daily actions determine your success in each area of your life. So you got to take the right actions so that you you achieve things. Well, that's where discipline comes in. And you know what's what's interesting is there is some great research out of Harvard now which supports and confirms that 95% of your daily thoughts and actions are unconscious. And the significance of that relative to discipline is, think about this, if 95% of your daily actions are unconscious, that means 95% of discipline is unconscious. And the conventional wisdom to this point has been, let's influence discipline with the conscious mind. Well, that doesn't work, you know, and as maybe this is worthwhile explaining how the human mind works. Conscious mind sets the intention based on logic, and the subconscious mind is controlling your daily actions that are associated with those intentions to make them come true. And you know, the classic example is losing weight. Well, conscious mind sets the intention to lose weight based on logic of the health benefits. But the reason people aren't losing weight is not from lack of intention, is lack of getting themselves to be able to, you know, exercise properly and eat properly. And as that relates to to discipline. The conventional wisdom has been, well, let's press the conscious mind to have the discipline. Well, that just doesn't work, because the the actions are controlled by the subconscious mind, and the only way, the only thing that influences the subconscious mind is repetition. So you can say to the subconscious mind all day long, the health benefits of exercising and eating better. The subconscious mind doesn't get any of because, again, it's only that repetition. And so this is, to me, Game Changing research in the area of discipline, and this is exactly what we've been teaching for, you know, 10 years. And so, yeah, I'm glad Harvard is coming up. This being

Kelly Hatfield:

Totally! Now, this is exactly what I, you know, was mentioning earlier about being consistent and taking the right action, you know. So just again, that that discipline and feeding yourself, you know, overriding that autopilot that we have that doesn't necessarily serve us, and it's why you just explained exactly why maybe you make the decision that, man, I want to lose weight. Let's again, stick along that theme right a minute. It's why you do it. You do the things that you want to do for a week or two, you know, or maybe for less than a week or a couple of days, and then all of a sudden, something throws you off, a change in routine. It's raining. There's something along those lines. And then you go back to that sub, to operating in that subconscious, that autopilot. So. That when I was explaining kind of where I was at in business, it was the same thing it was I was doing. I'd made a decision, okay, we're gonna do XYZ, whatever XYZ is, and then we would do that consistently for a window of time. And then again, something would get us off track, and we would go back to kind of the way we were doing things before the way I was doing things before. And I mean, that's the perfect example of kind of seeing that in real time. I think anybody listening can associate with that and be like, yeah, there's many things I've tried to improve and new habits. I've tried to develop new behavior. I've tried to change or add new behaviors. And it doesn't stick. John just explained to you exactly why that is, well,

John Mitchell:

You know, explain to them your great story about when you first started learning this, how the people pleaser and you wanted to answer everybody's questions. Would you tell that story? Because it's a great example.

Kelly Hatfield:

Yep, and I'll give, let me give just a little bit of context which speaks to the clarity that I mentioned earlier, that you get as you go through this process. Because one of the things I discovered about myself through that process of clarity was that I was actually holding back my businesses because I was stay I had become the problem solver in my business, because I started the business, you know, just my business partner and I was just two of us. We were wearing all the hats, you know, until we were ready to start hiring. So I had become that kind of go to person. And so when the team members would come to me with problems, challenges, anything along those lines, I would just say, Okay, do this, this, this. And just, you know, solve the problem and take care of it for them. You know, well, what that was doing was keeping me in the day to day of the business where I wasn't able to focus on the things that moved the needle. I wasn't able to focus on strategy, because I had immersed myself in the day to day tasks of business. So once I had discovered that and got that clarity, it was clear that I needed to change a behavior, which was, you know, solving problems for people, because really, too that was holding my team back from growing. And so in my visualization, in my GPS, life operating system there, I included one of the sentences I included, that is, when somebody comes to me with a challenge or a problem or question, I immediately ask three questions before I will give my input. And so how that started then is, you know, initially, so I had that intention. I've got it on my template. I'm feeding myself that repetition every day, that when somebody comes into my office with a challenge problem or a question, I ask a question three, but I start with asking one question to kick it off. And so at first, you know, like the first week, they would be halfway back down the hallway out of my office, I just solved the problem, and I'd be right, you know, but I was recognizing that I had done that, whereas before, there wasn't that recognition. Then by week two, you know, they're standing in my doorway, I start to, you know, answer the question, and I catch myself and say, Well, what do you think you should do in this situation, or how do you think we should solve the problem? And then, you know, by week three, you know, and then it just kind of moves from there, but by week three, like I was really getting it, like in most cases, when somebody walked into my office. And now that's that has expanded to other areas of my life, where it's just kind of, I ask a question, when somebody asks me to solve a problem challenge, or I ask them, and then what's happened as a result of that is that my team is empowered. You know, I'm watching in real time them solve the problem, and I can see, okay, they're on track. I like how they're thinking this through, and now, I mean, I gained back probably 10 to 15 hours a week by empowering my employees and employing this one method and changing this one behavior in myself as a leader, impacted my business tremendously. And so anyway, that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the things that I implemented, but that was a major game changer for me and my business

John Mitchell:

Well you know, it illuminates exactly how the subconscious mind works. You know, when you start feeding the succinct articulation of your life, and you know, one of the things you were were feeding yourself, with regards to your career, was to ask three questions. Well, you know, the moment you start feeding it, it doesn't completely turn the the subconscious mind around the in fact, the subconscious mind will reject it initially and it that's why, consistently, it takes three weeks to really fully condition the subconscious mind. But when it does, it's like a light goes on and the subconscious mind then starts the starts accepting the programming and makes the right actions happen automatically. And you know. Thing I might explain is the key to this whole thing is the template. Now, this template that I created is 20 years in development and so and it's interesting, I've had the top sports psychologists in the world add to it. From my work with the University of Texas, I've had the middle coach for Alabama, had something. I had Michael gervaiser in Seattle with you, Kelly, when we went up and saw the Seahawks facility, he gave me a great concept to add to it. And so, you know, and the latest iteration of the template is, I've created an AI algorithm to make it super easy for people to customize it to their life. All they got to do is answer approximately 50 questions and then press a button, and then it's customized to their unique line. And this, as you would see on this template, there's five key areas of your life, and you have the ideal you on the front, front part of it, you know in yourself, your health, your romantic relationship, your spirituality and your career, then the same five areas of your Life on the back with the improvements in each area, plus you're defining your top three goals every quarter. You're essentially living your life quarter by quarter. And you know one goal for your health, one for your career, one for your marriage. And you'll define what the goal is, the why, three or four key behaviors. And then we have an app in the App Store to track your key behavior. So it's, it's pretty slick, but that's the latest iteration of this. And and one other thing, well, well here maybe the other iteration is now you can listen to your visualization instead of read it. There's a pretty slick app that we have that that allows you to hear it in your own voice, and even you could even hear it in Snoop Dogg's voice, believe it or not, I love it, or Gwyneth Paltrow voice. I mean, it's, it's totally, totally cool. But maybe share with people who this is really for,

Kelly Hatfield:

You know? I think this is for, well, I think, you know, we kind of go back and forth on this. Through the evolution of the idea, we've learned a lot of things about really who this is for, right? And I think number one category, it's really for those that are very, very driven, where success is not just a preference. It is, you know, an absolute must. It is they are committed to success, versus it just being something that they're interested in, right? So there's that faction. And then I also think, you know, if you listen to John's story, if you listen to my story, this also was at pivotal points in our life, or kind of inflection points where there was some pain and we weren't happy with we were ready to move to the next level, but there was some frustration around making that happen. So we were in that discovery mode and in that seeking mode. And so I think that it really, you know, again, you know, it's for the driven, because both John and I are driven. But there was also that other element, where there was some painting associated and we were ready to make a change. Does that make sense? Absolutely,

John Mitchell:

Well, you know, I think that the best example of who it's for is, is the story about meeting the top expert in the world on success, which, you know, happened about, oh, probably five years ago or six years ago. And the idea was, came to me that I'm going to, if I'm going to devote my life to this, I'm going to go see the top expert in the world and see if there's anything similar, see if there's any flaws to it. And so I decided that Darren Hardy is the top expert in the world on success, so I write him a big check, get the ginge, and we fly out there to California and go to La Jolla, California, and spend three days with him. And so the moment comes where we're sitting down privately with him, and I show him the template and explain the concepts and and he looks at and goes, Wow. This is, this is good. Many looks at it closer. He goes, Wow. This is really good. He says, John, people aren't going to spend 12 minutes a day on this. And I'm like, Darren, what the heck do you mean that I could spend 12 minutes a day on this? I mean, you know, at 25x my income it, we had Time Magazine did a cover story on the science behind it. And people are applying the central concept of the top book of the world on success to their life. I mean, what do you mean that I could spend 12 minutes a day on it? And, you know. Darren says, he sort of smiles and goes, you know, John, the very little secret of the success and human achievement field is that most people won't do anything to impact their success, because more success is merely a preference, merely a preference. And he says that's 98% of people. And, you know, I'm like, Well, how can, yo, we live in a success oriented culture, everybody wants to be more successful. But over the intervening five or six years, he was so, right, it's merely a preference. Oh, they'll have, you know, it's interesting talk about feeding the succinct articulation of your life, but most people won't do it. And I think, like you alluded to, we think long and hard about who this is for, and I've come to realize it's for people that are both deep and driven and deep means you're inclined to step back from your life and analyze your life and figure out what's working, what's not working. That's not most people, most people are just shallowly going through life, and I've now come to realize that think it be it in this 12 minute a day methodology is for people that are at the intersection of success, spirituality and peak performance, and maybe even More spirituality. Because you know what I see? I see that that reading the succinct articulation of my my life, to myself each day, seeds in that your identity so incredibly strongly that and it creates order, just like you said. And that's the joy I have today with my 36 students this semester at the University of Texas. You know, I got 36 lives that I can recreate. And, you know, I just showed them a video where, you know, social media causes people to lose their identity. Well, you know, this is, you know, way, way tougher if you're 20 years old when you're trying to form your identity. And so I, I've now, we're, you know, well into the semester, and they're eating it up. They're like, wow, I can recreate my life. You can. I can, I can, you know, create all the attributes I want, eliminate the things that I don't like about myself exactly, you know, because we're gonna, we're gonna condition the subconscious mind to create that. And you're gonna create your your life out of intention, instead of having it created haphazardly. And so i don't know i I'm thrilled to do it, but that's the same thing that happens that you're 50 years old doing this. So that's who I think it's for. And you know, the other thing I will say about our show is that typically it's going to be about 25 minutes, 20 minutes, so that this one may be a little longer, just because we want to explain it in a little more detail, but, and it's also going to be on YouTube, so we all can, you know, that's going to be fun. And so anything else you want to add to that?

Kelly Hatfield:

I don't think so. I'm just excited to dig in. I love you know that this is the kind of the next iteration, and this is the missing secret, you know, we've, you know, transitioned from our prior podcast. Think it be it into the missing secret, and that you're, you've got a book, you know, that is a running in alignment with this, and we'll be talking about that. It's a real this podcast will be an excellent support for the book and for all of the other tools that John just mentioned with the AI algorithm, the app, and, you know, the different, the different apps that are available to support this methodology. So I'm just excited. I'm excited to dig in and and you know, for future episodes

John Mitchell:

Well, and you know, I'll leave you with this. It's exactly what Kelly started with. Your life is precious, and my suggestion is step back tonight, when you got your your head on the pillow, just think about your life and how precious it is. And what is your morning routine? Are you doing anything to impact your mindset, because at the end of the day, the thoughts that are going on in your head determine your success and your enjoyment of life. So if you don't think you should be impacting your mindset with your morning routine, you are mistaken, just like Kelly and I were mistaken. But. It. We're getting you the alternative. So we'll see on the next episode.




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