2 Minute Drill: NHS Attacks, CISO Stress, and AI Voice Cloning with Drex DeFord
Episode 83 •
2nd December 2024 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
Hey everyone, I'm Drex and. This is the Two Minute Drill, where I do three hot stories twice a week. It's all part of the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. The Two Minute Drill is mostly plain English, mostly non technical, a look at security and risk, so it's good for the whole team. Be sure to share it and tag folks who you think might need to see it.
Today's two minute drill is brought to you by ORDR, the Asset Inventory and Intelligence Company. Did you know that you can know everything about everything on your network? Every vulnerability, every risk, every user, everything in real time? You can. Find out more at ORDR. net slash healthcare. That's O R D R dot net slash healthcare.
Happy Friday. Hope you had a great turkey day yesterday and thanks for joining me here today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. The NHS Trust responsible for a group of hospitals in northwest England has declared a major cybersecurity incident. The nature of the incident hasn't been disclosed, but outpatient appointments have been cancelled and patients are being asked not to come to the World University Teaching Hospital unless they have a genuine emergency.
This is one of a series of incidents that have impacted the UK's health services this year. Similar to the U. S.? Politicians there intend to introduce a new cyber security and resilience bill to parliament soon. There's a story on CSO online about the challenges of being a cyber security leader. CISOs are under a lot of pressure and the job can lead to burnout and drinking and drug abuse and isolation.
The article dives into several surveys on the topic and includes some real world stories about security leaders and how they've dealt with the stress. You have one of the toughest jobs in the world. If you need help, I'm telling you to ask for it. Bringing CISOs together to try and break that feeling of being a leader in isolation is a core tenet of the 229 Project 2.
So if you'd like to find out more about what we're doing, just drop me a note. I'm Drex at ThisWeekHealth. com. This one freaks me out a little. Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to use cloned versions of their voices to translate a conversation in real time into another language. So imagine being able to sound just like you, but in a different language, your voice speaking Japanese.
ow. We'll see what happens in:
By the way, you can read all these stories and a bunch of others at ThisWeekHealth. com slash news. And if you want to see all the too many drill episodes. Those are at thisweekhealth. com slash unhack. Today's two minute drill was brought to you by ORDER. Do you really know who all your devices are talking to?
You can bring some ORDER to your enterprise. Find out more at order. net slash healthcare. That's it for today's two minute drill. Thanks for being with me. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.